
listen to the pronunciation of siyasallaştırmak
التركية - الإنجليزية
To give something political characteristics; to turn into a political issue
{f} make political, cause to be political; deal with politics, be involved in politics (also politicise)
To make someone politically active or aware
give a political character to; "politicize the discussion"
To discuss politics
give a political character to; "politicize the discussion
po·liti·cize politicizes politicizing politicized in BRIT, also use politicise If you politicize someone or something, you make them more interested in politics or more involved with politics. ideas which might politicize the labouring classes and cause them to question the status quo Some feminists had attempted to politicize personal life. + politicized po·liti·cized The data that's being used to fault American education is highly politicized. + politicization po·liti·ci·za·tion There has been increasing politicization of the civil service
{s} political

I have no time to engage in political activity. - Siyasal etkinlikte bulunmak için zamanım yok.

Feminists believe in the political, social, and economic equality of all genders. - Feministler tüm cinsiyetlerin siyasal, sosyal ve ekonomik eşitliğine inanırlar.

political siyasi, politik

To many Americans, a two-party political system seems natural. - Birçok Amerikalı için, iki partili siyasal sistem doğal görünüyor.

I have no time to engage in political activity. - Siyasal etkinlikte bulunmak için zamanım yok.

التركية - التركية

تعريف siyasallaştırmak في التركية التركية القاموس.

Politika ile ilgili, siyasi, politik