the body of civilian employees of any level of government, not subject to political appointment and removal, normally hired and promoted largely on the basis of competitive examination
He's got a steady job in civil service.
In parliamentary forms of government, the branches of government that are not military, legislative or judicial, but work to apply its laws and regulations
a generic term referring to the body of men and women employed by the government to carry out public services It embraces all branches, subdivisions, and instrumentalities of the government, including national and local officials and employees, both appointive and elective, and other personnel in government-owned and/or -controlled corporations
{i} governmental authorities and institutions and the services they offer (besides the military, judicial and legislative branches)
The merit system provided by M G L c 31 and the rules used for filling vacant positions covered by civil service in state and municipal government
encompasses all offices and employments in the service of the State or any of its civil divisions, except offices and employments in the Division of Military and Naval Affairs The Civil Service is divided into the unclassified and classified service