تعريف simgesi في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.
- (Bilgisayar) symbol
- To symbolize
- A modulation symbol is the interval of time during which the modulated parameter of the radio waveform is held (approximately) constant For a system with one symbol per bit, such as GSM and related systems, the symbol duration is the same as one bit duration For GSM and relatives, the frequency is held approximately constant for one bit interval
- A globally unique string Symbol is the class of constant object which has a single instance to represent each possible value Symbols are displayed with a # prefix For example, #textSymbol will always be the same, identical object from wherever it is referenced, but 'textSymbol' may have any number of separate Strings representing it
- an image that stands for a partially unknown psychological reality (whereas a sign (same as a symptom; semiotic) stands for something already known)--tendencies whose goal is unknown All symbols contain, assimilate, or transform (canalize) psychological energy (libido) and nonpersonal instinctual forces into different forms by converting an unconscious or instinctual process into a representation with which the ego can work and be fed by, thereby offering a steeper energy gradient than the natural instinctual one They also unify opposites (because a true symbol is partly unconscious) on the level of the third thing or reconciling symbol, contain the rational and irrational, contain nonpersonal forces (dogmatic symbols do this particularly well), and transfer libido from being bound to the object to availability for the subject--a tremendous step forward Symbol-making led to culture In short, symbols make possible conscious assimilation of unconscious or instinctual forces
- A category of type in which the characters are special symbols rather than alphanumeric characters
- A visible sign or representation of an idea; anything which suggests an idea or quality, or another thing, as by resemblance or by convention; an emblem; a representation; a type; a figure; as, the lion is the symbol of courage; the lamb is the symbol of meekness or patience
- {i} something that stands for or represents something else; printed or written character that is commonly used to designate something (as in mathematics or music)
- an object which represents something other than its self
- Description 1YTB One Year Treasury Bill Yield 2YTB Two Year Treasury Bill Yield 3YTB Three Year Treasury Note Yield 5YTB Five Year Treasury Note Yield 10YTB Ten Year Treasury Bond Yield 30YTB Thirty Year Treasury Bond Yield 6mTB Six Month Treasury Bill Yield 11Di 11th District Cost-of-Funds Rate Prim Prime Interest Rate 1mLIBOR 1 month LIBOR 6mLIBOR 6 month LIBOR 12mLIBOR 12 month LIBOR --> Interest - Consideration in the form of money paid for the use of money, usually expressed as an annual percentage Also, a right, share, or title in property
- something visible that by association or convention represents something else that is invisible; "the eagle is a symbol of the United States" an arbitrary sign (written or printed) that has acquired a conventional significance
- Any object, typically material, which is meant to represent another (usually abstract) even if there is no meaningful relationship
- A word or phrase (often a thing, like Poe's gold bug) that stands for or refers to something else, often an idea, concept or quality A symbol allows the reader to see related and nonliteral meanings at play in the text How a symbol functions depends on some common understanding between the reader and the text; if a reader doesn't recognize how a symbol is being used, it is unlikely that symbol will be used in any interpretation A text can be read symbolically, as well as figuratively, literally, etc See Metaphor
- That which is thrown into a common fund; hence, an appointed or accustomed duty
- A summary of a dogmatic statement of faith
- An abstract or compendium of faith or doctrine; a creed, or a summary of the articles of religion
- The smallest signaling element used by the Data Link Layer (DLL) The symbol set consists of 16 data symbols and 8 control symbols
- The 5-digit identifier code assigned to each mutual fund by NASDAQ This code is used to identify the correct fund in all transactions This symbol may only loosely resemble the newspaper listing--these tend to be phonetic abbreviations of fund names
- A stylized visual of a real object regarded as representing something Symbols representing hazards (e g , WHMIS symbols) and processes (e g , flow chart symbols) are commonly used in workplaces Other types of symbols are typically used at work, school or home, such as iconic (e g , , ), typographical (e g , $, &, ?) and math/scientific (e g , +, =, >) (See Icon)
- any verbal detail that has a range of meanings beyond and usually larger than itself Public symbols live in the general consciousness; the flag, the cross, Uncle Sam, etc Writers devise private symbols for a particular work Usually the reader is first introduced to the symbol in its literal meaning Then, gradually, the additional meanings grow apparent
- simge
- sign
- Simge
- (isim) Symbol
The dove symbolizes peace.
- Güvercin barışı simgeler.
In several European countries, the current currency is the euro. Its symbol is €. One euro is worth about two Turkish lira.
- Birtakım Avrupa ülkelerinde geçerli para birimi avrodur. Simgesi € şeklindedir. Bir avro yaklaşık iki Türk lirası değerindedir.
- simge
- token
Tom bought an eternity ring for Mary, as a token of his undying love for her.
- Tom ona duyduğu ölümsüz aşkın bir simgesi olarak Mary'ye bir sonsuzluk yüzüğü satın aldı.
- simgesi olmak
- symbolise
- simgesi olmak
- personify
- simgesi olmak
- symbolize
- simgesi olmak
- characterize
- simgesi olmak
- be symbolic of
- simgesi olmak
- to personify
- simgesi olmak
- typify
- simge
- specimen
- simge
- icon
This bridge has become our national icon.
- Bu köprü bizim milli simgemiz oldu.
You need to double-click on the application's icon to open the application.
- Uygulamayı açmak için uygulamanın simgesine çift tıklamalısın.
- simge
- {i} embodiment
- simge
- emblem
This deed became one of the most emblematic milestones of the Revolution.
- Bu başarı, devrimin en simgesel kilometre taşlarından biri oldu.
- kent simgesi
- landmark
- kuyumcu tartısının simgesi
- t
- nitrojen (simgesi n)
- nitrogen
- simge
- personification
- simge
- (Matematik) notation
- simge
- (Bilgisayar) sym
This symbol stands for strength and integrity.
- Bu sembol, direnç ve bütünlüğü simgeliyor.
The hammer and sickle symbolizes communism.
- Çekiç ve orak komünizmi simgeler.
- simge
- representment
- simge
- image
The view of the Earth from the Moon is one of the iconic images of the 20th century.
- Dünyanın Ay'dan görünümü, 20. yüzyılın simgesel görüntülerinden biridir.
- simge
- representation
- simge
- logo
- simge
- attribute
- simge
- exemplar
- simge
- byword
- simge
- soul
- fermiyum elementinin simgesi
- fermiyum element symbol
- hahnyum elementinin simgesi
- hahnyum element symbol
- lantan elementinin simgesi
- lanthanum element symbol
- trityum elementinin simgesi
- tritium element symbol
- ara verme simgesi
- breakpoint symbol
- arma simgesi
- motto
- aşkın simgesi
- pledge of love
- aşkın simgesi
- pledge
- bağımsızlık simgesi şapka
- phrygian cap
- başlangıç simgesi
- sentinel
- belge simgesi
- (Bilgisayar) document icon
- bereket simgesi sayılan meyve vb. dolu boynuz
- cornucopia
- berilyum (kimyasal simgesi be)
- (Kimya) beryllium
- bitiş simgesi
- terminal symbol
- bitiş simgesi
- sentinel
- bizmut (kimyasal simgesi bi)
- (Kimya) bismuth
- bolluk simgesi
- horn
- burç simgesi
- sign of the zodiac
- denetim simgesi
- check symbol
- eksi işareti simgesi
- (Bilgisayar) negative sign symbol
- eksi simgesi
- (Bilgisayar) minus symbol
- hakimiyet simgesi
- fasces
- helyum (simgesi ile)
- (Kimya) helium
- indiyum (simgesi in)
- indium
- iyilik simgesi
- dove
- kalite simgesi
- (Tekstil) quality mark
- kenar simgesi
- (Dilbilim) boundary symbol
- kesim noktası simgesi
- (Bilgisayar,Teknik) breakpoint symbol
- kilometre (simgesi km)
- kilometer
- köylünün simgesi
- hodge
- lityum (simgesi li)
- (Kimya) lithium
- log simgesi
- (Matematik) log symbol
- molibden (simgesi mo)
- (Kimya) molybdenum
- neptün'ün simgesi zıpkın
- trident
- newton (simgesi n)
- (Fizik) newton
- not defteri simgesi
- (Bilgisayar) notepadicon
- polonyum (simgesi po)
- (Kimya) polonium
- program simgesi
- (Bilgisayar) program icon
- rodyum (simgesi rh)
- (Kimya) rhodium
- sekme simgesi
- (Bilgisayar) tab symbol
- simge
- symbol, emblem, attribute, byword, personification sembol
- simge
- ensign
- simge
- type
- simge
- epitome
- simge
- icon , symbol
- simge
- blazon
- tarih simgesi
- (Bilgisayar) date icon
- tire simgesi
- (Bilgisayar) hyphen icon
- uygulama simgesi
- application icon
- weber (simgesi wb)
- (Fizik) weber
- windows simgesi
- (Bilgisayar) windows icon
- yunus simgesi
- (Turizm) dolphin symbol
- zafer simgesi
- palm
- çek simgesi
- (Bilgisayar,Teknik) check symbol