– A combination of signs and/or symptoms that form a distinct clinical picture indicative of a particular disorder
You can refer to an undesirable condition that is characterized by a particular type of activity or behaviour as a syndrome. It's a bit like the exam syndrome where you write down everything you know regardless of what has been asked. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome severe acute respiratory syndrome battered woman syndrome carpal tunnel syndrome chronic fatigue syndrome Cushing syndrome Down syndrome fetal alcohol syndrome Gulf War syndrome irritable bowel syndrome Klinefelter syndrome Korsakoff syndrome Marfan syndrome polycystic ovary syndrome Stein Leventhal syndrome premenstrual syndrome respiratory distress syndrome Reye syndrome sudden infant death syndrome Tourette syndrome toxic shock syndrome Turner syndrome
refers to a constellation of signs (what the examiner sees) and symptoms (what the patient reports) that recur regularly in clinical populations
A group of symptoms and/or deformities that occur together in a recognizable pattern, defining a specific disease or condition
Generally, a number of characteristics, features, events or behaviours that seem to go with each other or are believed to be coordinated or interrelated in some way More specifically, in medicine and clinical psychology, a cluster of characteristics or symptoms which tend to occur together and be indicative of a specific disorder or abnormality
a collection of traits, health problems, and/or birth defects in an individual which usually has a single underlying cause
A set of signs or series of events occurring together that often point to a single disease or condition as the cause [113]
A characteristic pattern of anomalies resulting from one underlying cause (e g Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, Meckel syndrome, DeLange syndrome etc )
A syndrome is a medical condition that is characterized by a particular group of signs and symptoms. Irritable bowel syndrome seems to affect more women than men see also Down's syndrome, premenstrual syndrome
A combination of symptoms that occur together and is indicative of a specific condition or disease
Group of signs and symptoms that together are known or presumed to characterize a disorder