
listen to the pronunciation of select
الإنجليزية - التركية

Seçmek için sadece üç seçeneğin var. - You have only three options to select.

{f} ayırmak
(Bilgisayar) seçin

Bir resim açın ve bir resim düzeni seçin. Bir resim açmak için Aça tıklatın. Programdan çıkmak için Çıkışı tıklatın. Resim Düzeni özelliği herhangi bir düzende göstermenize olanak tanır. - Open an image and select an image layout. Click Open for opening an image. Click Quit for quitting the program. Image Layout feature allows you to view in any layout.

Lütfen Image Viewer arayüzü için bir dil seçin. - Please select a language for the Image Viewer interface.

ayırt etmek
seçip ayırmak

Lütfen Image Viewer arayüzü için bir dil seçin. - Please select a language for the Image Viewer interface.

Seçilmiş olanlar kapsamlı tıbbi ve psikolojik testlerle yüzleşmek zorunda kalacak. - Those selected will have to face extensive medical and psychological tests.


Seçmek için sadece üç seçeneğin var. - You have only three options to select.

Şu anda, cümlelerini yanlış yere giriyorsun. Sayfanın tepesinde katkıda bulun ve sonra cümleler ilave edin'i seçmelisin. - At the moment, you are entering your sentences in the wrong place. You should select Contribute at the top of the page and then Add sentences.

{s} iyi anlayan
{f} ayıklamak
{s} kalburüstü
{s} zevkli
{s} seçilmiş

Konferans, özel seçilmiş bir kilisede düzenlenecek. - The conference will be held in a specially selected church.

Bunlar seçilmiş şeftaliler. - These are select peaches.

intihap etmek
{s} seçmece
{s} güzide
{s} seçmesini bilen

Elit askerler hemen hemen her zaman özel güçler arasından seçilir. - Elite soldiers are almost always selected among the special forces.


Seçilmiş olanlar kapsamlı tıbbi ve psikolojik testlerle yüzleşmek zorunda kalacak. - Those selected will have to face extensive medical and psychological tests.

Konferans, özel seçilmiş bir kilisede düzenlenecek. - The conference will be held in a specially selected church.

{i} seçici
select a
(Bilgisayar) bir seçin
select a file
(Bilgisayar) bir dosya seçin
select a sound
(Bilgisayar) bir ses seçin
select all
(Bilgisayar) seç tümünü
select an item
(Bilgisayar) öğe seçin
select area
(Bilgisayar) alan seç
select button
(Tekstil) seçme butonu
select column
(Bilgisayar) sütun seç
select device
(Bilgisayar) aygıt seç
select driver
(Bilgisayar) sürücü seç
select files
(Bilgisayar) dosya belirle
select folder
(Bilgisayar) klasör seç
select folders
(Bilgisayar) klasör seç
select from
(Bilgisayar) seçilecek yer
select from
(Bilgisayar) seç
select levels
(Bilgisayar) düzeyleri seç
select members
(Bilgisayar) üyeleri seç
select months
(Bilgisayar) ayları seç
select none
(Bilgisayar) hiçbirini seçme
select objects
(Bilgisayar) nesneleri seçin
select objects
(Bilgisayar) nesneleri seç
select one
(Bilgisayar) birini seçin
select one
(Bilgisayar) birini seç
select one
(Bilgisayar) seçim yapın
select record
(Bilgisayar) kayıt seç
select row
(Bilgisayar) satır seç
select scanner
(Bilgisayar) tarayıcı seç
select table
(Bilgisayar) tabloyu seç
tümünü seç
select 3 cards
(Bilgisayar) 3 kart seç
select a chart
(Bilgisayar) grafiği seçin
select a field
(Bilgisayar) alan seçin
select a help
(Bilgisayar) yardım seçin
select a jury
(Kanun) jüri seçmek
select a label
(Bilgisayar) etiket seç
select a name
(Bilgisayar) ad seçin
select a side
(Bilgisayar) kenar seç
select a view
(Bilgisayar) görünüm seçin
select an icon
(Bilgisayar) bir simge seç
select button
seçme düğmesi
select ca
(Bilgisayar) sertifika yetkilisi seçin
select caption
(Bilgisayar) başlık seç
select cd
(Bilgisayar) cd seç
select cell
(Bilgisayar) hücreyi seç
select cell
(Bilgisayar) hücre seç
select cells
(Bilgisayar) hücreleri seç
select chart
(Bilgisayar) seç grafik
select chart
Grafiği Seç
select code
(Bilgisayar) kod seç
select dc
(Bilgisayar) etki alanı denetleyicisi seç
select disc
(Bilgisayar) film diski seç
select disc
(Bilgisayar) disk seç
select disc
(Bilgisayar) diski seç
select disk
(Bilgisayar) disk seç
select disks
(Bilgisayar) diskleri seç
select dll
(Bilgisayar) dll seç
select domain
(Bilgisayar) etki alanı seç
select drives
(Bilgisayar) sürücüleri seç
select end
(Bilgisayar) seç son
select fields
(Bilgisayar) alanları seç
select file to send
(Bilgisayar) gönderilecek dosyayı seçin
select files to send
(Bilgisayar) gönderilecek dosyaları seç
select format
(Bilgisayar) biçim seç
select game
(Bilgisayar) oyun seç
select game
(Bilgisayar) oyunu seç
select image
(Bilgisayar) görüntü seç
select label
(Bilgisayar) etiket seç
select last cell
Son Hücrei Seç
select line
(Bilgisayar) çizgi seç
select local
(Bilgisayar) yerel seç
select logo
(Bilgisayar) amblem seç
select map
(Bilgisayar) harita seç
select media
(Bilgisayar) ortam seç
select module
(Bilgisayar) modül seç
select movie
(Bilgisayar) film seç
select name
(Bilgisayar) ad seç
select names
(Bilgisayar) adları seç
select number
(Bilgisayar) sayı seç
select other
(Bilgisayar) başka seç
select package
(Bilgisayar) paket seç
select page
(Bilgisayar) sayfa seç
select players
(Bilgisayar) oyuncu sayısını seç
select plot area
Çizim Alanını Seç
select printer
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı seç
select query
(Bilgisayar) seçme sorgusu
select query
(Bilgisayar) sorgu seç
select range
(Bilgisayar) aralık seç
select report
(Bilgisayar) rapor seç
select same
(Bilgisayar) aynısını seç
select scopes
(Bilgisayar) kapsam seç
select script
(Bilgisayar) komut seç
select series
(Bilgisayar) serileri seç
select series
(Bilgisayar) seri seç
select sheet
(Bilgisayar) tablo seç
select sheet
(Bilgisayar) sayfa seç
select slice
(Bilgisayar) dilim seç
select sound
(Bilgisayar) ses seç
select system
(Bilgisayar) sistem seç
select table
tablo seç
select tablo
tablo seç
select this
(Bilgisayar) the microsoft network
select time
(Bilgisayar) süre seç
select topic
(Bilgisayar) seçili başlık
select url
(Bilgisayar) url seç
select users
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcıları seç
select value
(Bilgisayar) değer seç
select word
(Bilgisayar) sözcük seç
(Bilgisayar) sertifika yetkilisi seçin
{i} doğal ayıklanma

Bizim rastgele seçim olası bir kazanan olarak sizi seçti. - Our random selection has chosen you as a possible winner!

Annem benim şanslı numaralarımdansa loto makinesinin keyfi seçimini tercih eder. - My mother prefers the arbitrary selection of the lottery machines over my lucky numbers.

chip select signal
(Bilgisayar) yonga seçme sinyali
country select
(Bilgisayar) ülke seçimi
precision select
(Bilgisayar) hassas seçim
select one
(Bilgisayar) seçim yapın:
(Bilgisayar) seçilenler
(Bilgisayar) seçiliyor
seçme parçalar
(Bilgisayar) seçili kısım
(Biyoloji) ayıklanma

2014 Eurovision Şarkı Yarışması için Conchita Wurst'un seçilmesi Avusturya'da tartışmalara yol açtı. - Conchita Wurst's selection for the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 sparked controversy in Austria.

Annem benim şanslı numaralarımdansa loto makinesinin keyfi seçimini tercih eder. - My mother prefers the arbitrary selection of the lottery machines over my lucky numbers.

(Bilgisayar) seçilen
(Bilgisayar) seçili kısım seçim
(Bilgisayar) içinde ortala
site select
(Bilgisayar) site seç
site select
(Bilgisayar) bölge seç
auto select
kendinden seçme
bank select
sıra seçimi
drag select
sürükleyerek seç
match select
uyum seçimi
{f} seç

Başkan çoğunluğun oyu ile seçilecek. - The president shall be selected by majority vote.

Seçilmiş olanlar kapsamlı tıbbi ve psikolojik testlerle yüzleşmek zorunda kalacak. - Those selected will have to face extensive medical and psychological tests.

{f} seç

Tom, dans için müzik seçimi konusunda iyi bir iş çıkardı. - Tom did a pretty good job of selecting music for the dance.

seçme şey
choice, select
Seçeneğini tercih
proceed to select
auto select
Otomatik seçme
auto select
özdevimli seçme
chip select
(Bilgisayar) yonga seçme
chip select signal
yonga secme sinyali
circuit switch select line; combat survivor evader locator
(Askeri) devre anahtarı seçim hattı; muharebe arama / kurtarma tespit cihazı
command select ejection system
(Askeri) OTOMATİK TERCİHLİ FIRLATMA SİSTEMİ: Koltuklarda bulunan tüm kişilerin otomatik olarak fırlatılması için otomatik fırlatma sistemi kontrolünün bir mürettebat istasyonundan diğerine, tercihli olarak transfer edilebildiği bir sistem
drag select
sürükleyerek seçme
heading select feature
(Askeri) yön seçme özelliği
heading select feature
(Askeri) YÖN SEÇME ÖZELLİĞİ: Bir uçağın otomatik olarak kontrol edilen yön veya yönlerini seçmeye veya önceden seçmeye imkan veren bir uçuş kontrol sistemi özelliği
help select
(Bilgisayar) yardım seç
hover to select
(Bilgisayar) seçmek için vurgula
match select
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) uyuşum seçimi
media select
(Bilgisayar) ortam seçme
media select cd
(Bilgisayar) ortam seçimi cd
media select tv
(Bilgisayar) ortam seçimi tv
mono out select
(Bilgisayar) mono çıkış seçimi
normal select
Normal Seçme
normal select
(Bilgisayar) normal seçim
program select button
Program Seçme Düğmesi

Elit askerler hemen hemen her zaman özel güçler arasından seçilir. - Elite soldiers are almost always selected among the special forces.

sağlam veya kuvvetlileri yaşatıp zayıfları imha eden tabiat kanunu
{i} seleksiyon

Bu türler, doğal seleksiyonun bir sonucu olarak hastalığa karşı direnç geliştirmiştir. - This species has evolved resistance to the disease as a result of natural selection.

ayrılma seçme seçilme
Seçim / Seçili kısım seçim
{i} seçmeler
(Avcılık) atış modu seçicisi
(Elektrik, Elektronik) ayırıcı anahtar
(Askeri) SELEKTÖR: Otomatik telefon sisteminde, bağlantı yapmak için çalışan elemanlardan biri
{i} ayırıcı
{i} selektör
surround select
(Bilgisayar) surround seçimi
synth select
(Bilgisayar) brleş seç
workbook select
(Bilgisayar) çalışmakitabını seç
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Privileged, specially selected

Only a select few were allowed to the premiere.

To choose one or more elements of a set, especially a set of options

The program computes all the students grades, then selects a random sample for human verification.

Of high quality; top-notch

This is a select cut of beef.

{v} to choose in preference, pick, cull
{a} well chosen, picked, culled, choice
To choose a specific choice among various options
A SQL statement (command) that specifies data retrieval operations for rows of data in a relational database DAMA web site at www dmreview com
Taken from a number by preferance; picked out as more valuable or exellent than others; of special value or exellence; nicely chosen; selected; choice
To click on an object or a choice in a dialog to make it the object of your clicks or keystrokes
In order to work with an object, you must first select or activate it One way to select an object is by clicking it with the mouse
To add highlighting or some other visual cue to an object so that it can be operated or enabled Selection does not imply the initiation of an action but rather a change of state, such as highlighting an item in a list, or toggling a check box on
Do you want to edit (insert, delete, copy, cut )? You must first "select," i e , highlight, block
A right reserved to management by § 7106(a)(2)(C) to make selections for appointments from any appropriate source The right to select includes discretion to determine what knowledges, skills and abilities are necessary for successful performance in the position to be filled, as well as to determine which candidates possess these qualifications Consequently, a proposal requiring management to fill vacancies in a RIF situation only with affected employees who meet minimum18 standards excessively interferes with the right to select 23 FLRA No l, #1
To choose a number of something among various options
selected or chosen for special qualifications; "the blue-ribbon event of the season"
{f} choose, pick out
A select group is a small group of some of the best people or things of their kind. a select group of French cheeses
The method of highlighting an item with the mouse or keystrokes so that a subsequent action can be carried out on it
To click or press the appropriate mouse button on a menu option, a button, or similar item within an application To select text, press and hold the left mouse button, drag the cursor across the text, and release the mouse button
a query in which only some of the tuples in the source relation appear in the output
If you select a file or a piece of text on a computer screen, you click on it so that it is marked in a different colour, usually in order for you to give the computer an instruction relating to that file or piece of text. I selected a file and pressed the Delete key
To mark an item so that a subsequent action can be carried out on that item You can usually select an item by clicking it with a mouse or pressing a key After selecting an item, you choose the action that you want to affect the item
To choose and take from a number; to take by preference from among others; to pick out; to cull; as, to select the best authors for perusal
If you describe something as select, you mean it has many desirable features, but is available only to people who have a lot of money or who belong to a high social class. Christian Lacroix is throwing a very lavish and very select party. = exclusive. to choose something or someone by thinking carefully about which is the best, most suitable etc = choose, pick pick
pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives; "Take any one of these cards"; "Choose a good husband for your daughter"; "She selected a pair of shoes from among the dozen the salesgirl had shown her"
of superior grade; "choice wines"; "prime beef"; "prize carnations"; "quality paper"; "select peaches"
To choose an object to be acted upon or an action to be performed
A single left mouse click on the object noted
The best of something. What you would choose if you could. This is a select cut of beef
To, mechanically, randomly, or by applying a set of rules, identify zero, one or many of something from a larger set
Selection List The SELECT element indicates the contents will be a list of values The values of this list are represented by one or more OPTION elements A common implementation is a drop-down list box
Selecting means to highlight an object To select an icon in Windows 95, click it once If you have Windows 98, you can choose to operate in Classic Style, with the same mouse behavior as Windows 95, or in Web Style In Web Style, all icons are underlined and act like links on the Web To select an icon in Web Style, simply move the mouse pointer over it (for more details, see To Click or to Double-click)
{s} chosen, picked out; choice, superior, prime; discriminating, choosy, picky
If you select something, you choose it from a number of things of the same kind. Voters are selecting candidates for both US Senate seats and for 52 congressional seats The movie is being shown in selected cities. = choose
Selection is a process for extracting a subset of records that match certain criteria You can select of subset of records, for instance, for Treasury Regulations that deal with certain issues, or decisions that deal with conservation easements Any of the above "Searches" can be done as a Select - which means you actually create a subset of your database containing only those records that match the criteria
Use the mouse to move the arrow to point to the term or record you want to highlight, then click with the left mouse button
If you wish to copy/cut/paste/move more than one diagram element at a time, you should select these items In contrast to activation, which involves clicking on an element with your left mouse button to place a red frame around it, selection marks the element or group of elements in blue One way of selecting items is to hold down the Shift key, then click with your left mouse button on each item you want selected
If you are using a mouse, SELECT means move the mouse until the cursor is on top of a hyperlink The cursor changes from an arrow into a pointing finger Click the left mouse button to make your selection If you are using the keyboard, SELECT means using the tab key or arrow keys to move the highlight to a hyperlink Press the enter key to make your selection
One of eight relational algebra operators - used to create queries - the result table lists all attributes given in the select portion of the query Example: SELECT CUST_NUM CUST_NAME FROM CUST_TABLE WHERE CUST_NUM > 1000 would list as output the customer number and name for all records in the customer table that had a customer number over 1000
Within a form, creates a drop down box from which to select The information in the selection box is stored in the VARIABLE for use by the system The value can be automatiically prefill
To fetch rows from one or more database tables using a query (the SQL statement SELECT)
To designate which object will receive the next action Selecting is usually done by clicking or dragging with the mouse cursor to highlight the object See also choose
To position the cursor over an icon then click the (left) mouse button Once an icon is selected, it is the object of whatever operation you select from a menu
select agent
A pathogen or biological toxin which has been declared to have the potential to pose a severe threat to public health and safety
select agents
plural form of select agent
select committee
A committee established by the presiding officer of a house composed of members of that house for a designated purpose
select committee
on International Development - see Foreign Affairs Committee
select committee
A select committee is a committee of members of a parliament which is set up to investigate and report on a particular matter. a small group of politicians and advisers from various parties that has been chosen to examine a particular subject
select committee
  A legislative committee established for a limited period that may be created by either house and may include members of one or both houses to study a specific subject area
select committee
a parliamentary committee appointed for some special purpose
select committee
one of the types of committees used by Congress Select committees are usually temporary committees established by one of the houses of Congress to investigate or study a problem (see special committee)
select committee
A special committee established by resolution of the Senate or House that is created for a specific purpose such as investigation or study; often established because the existing standing committees do not address the issues under consideration A select committee may be temporary or permanent The Senate often uses the term Special instead of Select when establishing this type of committee
select committee
legislative committee; special committee
select vestry
small quanity of people chosen in large and densely populated English parishes to represent and handle and administrate the parish's interests for one year
Simple past tense and past participle of select
A musical piece

For my next selection, I'll play Happy Birthday in F-sharp minor.

The process or act of selecting

The large number of good candidates made selection difficult.

An administrator responsible for selecting which players will play for a side
{n} the act of choosing, a choice made
{n} choiceness, a particular value
{n} one who selects, one who chooses out
that have been selected or chosen
{s} chosen, picked out
A channel or group of channels that responds to manual control is said to be selected
chosen in preference to another
With this attribute included, the will be selected by default in the list
Clicking on a point of a polygon to highlight that polygon and make it ready for manipulation Also, the selection of an item on a menu or requestor
Selecting a buffer means making it the current (q v ) buffer Selecting
Clicking and dragging the cursor across the desired text for the purposes of editing it in some way-- deleting, saving, copying, etc This will turn the text a different color, which is also known as "highlighting "
highlighting something so that Windows knows that you want to do something with it, such as copy, print, open, rename, and so on The easiest way to select something is to click it with your mouse or drag your mouse across it
Select an item in the TOC by clicking on its name The item's name will appear in the status box Once a notebook item is selected, you can add an appropriate type of unit to it, or perform other actions on or with it, by selecting actions from the control's pull-down menus
Selecting a buffer means making it the current (q v ) buffer See section ・゙・ ・チ・ラ・ ・ミ・テ・ユ・。、ホサネ、、ハ
Selecting is the act of highlighting and/or defining for your computer what part of a text, image, or window you want your computer to perform some function like typing, copying or deleting
Involves searching for and extracting data which matches the search See 'Searching'
Selecting a buffer means making it the current (q v ) buffer See section 16 Using Multiple Buffers
A way of making a certain object in the scene active so that all subsequent actions are performed on it You can select an object by just clicking on it More than one object can be active at the same time
Selecting a buffer means making it the current (q v ) buffer @xref{Buffers,Selecting}
Selecting a buffer means making it the current (q v ) buffer See section Using Multiple Buffers
The process in polled BSC, that lets a particular station know that the next transmission is directed to it
Selecting is highlighting an object or data in order to perform a command or operation
Selecting a buffer means making it the current (q v ) buffer See Buffers
Selecting a buffer means making it the current (q v ) buffer See Selecting
present participle of select
Selecting a buffer means making it the current (q v ) buffer See section 13 Using Multiple Buffers
Selecting a buffer means making it the current (q v ) buffer See section Selecting
a software feature you use to highlight text in order to change it in some way
let you analyze subsets of observations Selection commands do not alter the current WA; only selected cases are included into analysis, until the selection is turned off, either explicitely because a new selection has been specified or implicitely because the selection does no longer make any sense satisfying some specific conditions For more details refer to the section on selection commands and groups
Stem The process of reconstructing the readings of the archetype and any necessary hyparchetypes The second step in traditional stemmatics Selection at the archetypal level involves the application of internal evidence
Something selected
{i} choice, instance of choosing; assortment, collection of items available to choose; option; state of being chosen
In our case, we are using the characteristics of the recombinant plasmid (resistance to kanamycin and ampicillin) to find only those bacteria which contain that type of plasmid By plating cells on media containing both antibiotics, we are selecting cells which meet these criteria This type of selection is an artificial selection, imposed by the plates we make Artificial selection is used by plant and animal breeders who want to develop strains of organisms with certain traits Selection is a common tool of geneticists
Process of segregating or selecting specific records from a list according to specific criteria
The object or action that is selected Menus are composed of selection items DialogBoxes contain components, each of which represents a selection
That which is selected; a collection of things chosen; as, a choice selection of books
A selection is an area of an image that can contain image modifications to a precise region A selected area can be modified without affecting other areas of an image
the person or thing chosen or selected; "he was my pick for mayor"
Windowing systems allow an application program to specify selections whose values are text A program can also read the selections that other programs have set up This is the principal way of transferring text between window applications Emacs has commands to work with the primary (q v ) selection and the secondary (q v ) selection, and also with the clipboard (q v )
(Sampling) Bias - Spectrum Bias: The sample population chosen is not representative of the population at risk An appropriate spectrum of patients were not included in the study (e g patients with advanced disease were compared with healthy nondiseased patients
The original audio source signal that is selected in the host application before invoking SFX Machine Various host programs may refer to a selection as a region, a track, a clip, etc SFX Machine may or may not pay any attention to the original audio signal, depending on which items are selected in the Source pop-up menus
A "selection" is a set of elements identified for a particular operation The user selection identifies a set of elements for certain types of user interaction (e g , cut, copy, and paste operations) The user selection may be established by the user (e g , by a pointing device or the keyboard) or via an accessibility Application Programmatic Interface (API) A view may have several selections, but only one user selection
Process which favors one feature of organisms in a population over another feature found in the population This occurs through differential reproduction -- those with the favored feature produce more offspring than those with the other feature, such that they become a greater percentage of the population in the next generation
Selection is the act of selecting one or more people or things from a group. Darwin's principles of natural selection Dr. Sullivan's selection to head the Department of Health was greeted with satisfaction
The choosing by an underwriter of risks acceptable to an insurer (G)
The selected region of the document, usually indicated in a view by a highlight and usually used as the target for operations such as replacing and deleting text and copying to the clipboard
An area of an image that is isolated so it can be modified while the rest of the image is protected The moving marquee that denotes the boundary of a selection can be moved independently of its pixel content
The X window system allows an application program to specify named selections whose values are text A program can also read the selections that other programs have set up This is the principal way of transferring text between window applications Emacs has commands to work with the primary (q v ) selection and the secondary (q v ) selection
A variety of items taken from a larger collection
The specification of one or more items from a list in a component
(1) A subset of a dataset or a dataspace, up to the entire dataset or dataspace (2) The elements of an array or dataset that are marked for I/O
A choice between available options based on consideration of fitness within the current environmental context, i e externalised adaptation
The selection of goods in a shop is the particular range of goods that it has available and from which you can choose what you want. It offers the widest selection of antiques of every description in a one day market. = range. In biology, the preferential survival and reproduction or preferential elimination of individuals with certain genotypes, by means of natural or artificial controlling factors. The theory of evolution by natural selection was proposed by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in 1858. Artificial selection differs from natural selection in that inherited variations in a species are manipulated by humans through controlled breeding in order to create qualities economically or aesthetically desirable to humans, rather than useful to the organism in its natural environment
The process of selecting the best available person for a sales job
A feature in Photoshop that permits the end-user to highlight an image area and create a mask When a selection is saved, it becomes a channel
an assortment of things from which a choice can be made; "the store carried a large selection of shoes
an assortment of things from which a choice can be made; "the store carried a large selection of shoes"
a natural process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment
a passage selected from a larger work; "he presented excerpts from William James' philosophical writings"
A selection of people or things is a set of them that have been selected from a larger group. this selection of popular songs
the act of choosing or selecting; "your choice of colors was unfortunate"; "you can take your pick"
natural selection is the differential contribution of offspring to the next generation by various genetic types belonging to the same populations Artificial selection is the intentional manipulation by man of the fitness of individuals in a population to produce a desired evolutionary response [GBA]
The process of determining the relative share allotted individuals of different genotypes in the propagation of a population; the selective effect of a gene can be defined by the probability that carriers of the gene will reproduce
The process of choosing the books and other materials to be bought by a library
The cell or cells that will receive the actions of keys and commands The selection is surrounded by a wide dark border
The act of selecting, or the state of being selected; choice, by preference
plural of selection
are one or more user selections from the list, or blank if the selection list window is closed and no selections are made Type: Character
contains the user's selections, or a blank if no fileref was selected  Multiple selections are separated by blanks  By default, selections is 200 bytes long  To accommodate values longer than 200 bytes, explicitly declare selections with a longer length  Type: Character
contains one or more user selections from the list, or a blank if no selection is made  Multiple selections are separated by blanks  By default, selections is 200 bytes long  To accommodate values longer than 200 bytes, explicitly declare selections with a longer length  Type: Character
The property of being select
{i} choiceness, superiority, excellence
The quality or state of being select
One who selects
A selector selects part of an item For example, function left is a selector for ordered pairs It returns the left-hand member of the pair See T11
a switch that is used to select among alternatives
A pointer, pointing device, or selection cursor
A type of timer See timer, chapter Selector
Part of a rule indicating the element(s) to which the style should be applied
A mechanism for designating the following: Part of a data object (an array element or section, a substring, a derived type, or a structure component) The set of values for which a CASE block is executed
A method which extracts information about the attributes of an object, usually prefixed with 'get'
(n ) a syntactic mechanims for designating: a part of of a data object It may designate a substring, an array element, an array section, or a structure component
a person who chooses or selects out
Staff entrusted with selecting library materials in a particular subject area; selectors work with bibliographers in the development of the library collections SEE ALSO Bibliographer; Collection development; Collection Services Department
The name for a particular action or message
The case-sensitive address of a specific item on a Gopher server See also Gopher
In a cascading style sheet style-definition (or style rule), the HTML element linked to a particular set of style properties and values
The formal name for a getter method
An operator which 'selects' a value of some domain Each logical representation of a scalar type has an associated selector which allows values of the domain to be constructed based on the values for the components, or properties, of the representation Selectors in the DAE must be host-implemented operators
someone or something which selects or chooses different options
A string of characters used to specify a menu item to a Gopher server Analagous to a URL
In a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), one of the two parts of a style rule It defines the markup element to which the style rule is applied
In the Objective-C language, the name of a method when it’s used in a source-code message to an object, or the unique identifier that replaces the name when the source code is compiled Compiled selectors are of type SEL
In the Objective-C language, the name of a method when it's used in a source-code message to an object, or the unique identifier that replaces the name when the source code is compiled Compiled selectors are of type SEL
In a cascading style sheet style definition (or style rule), the HTML element linked to a particular set of style properties and values
A selector is someone whose job is to choose which people will be in a particular sports team or will take part in a particular sports contest. the England cricket selectors
The identifier (octet string) used by an OSI entity to distinguish among multiple SAPs at which it provides services to the layer above See port
A parameter used on WHEN access control records The selector provides criteria upon which VM: Webgateway evaluates a request for data
The identifier that an OSI entity uses to distinguish which SAP will provides services to the layer above See also port
{i} one who selects, one who chooses, one who picks
Chooses from a number of others of similar kind
Near perfect dinnerware pieces as indicated in a process of selection in which imperfect pieces are removed from the group
In softwood, lumber which has been graded strictly for its appearance In hardwood, lumber which is one grade below first and second
near-perfect dinnerware pieces as indicated in a process of selection in which imperfect pieces are removed from the group
third-person singular of select