Fideler genç bitkilerdir.
- Seedlings are young plants.
Tom sebze bahçesine minik domates fidelerini dikkatlice dikti.
- Tom carefully transplanted the tiny tomato seedlings into his vegetable patch.
Haşhaş tohumlu çörekler onun gözdesidir, ama onun yaban mersinine razı olmak zorunda olduğu günler vardır.
- Poppy seed muffins are her favorites, but there are days when she must settle for blueberry.
Johnny 46 yıl boyunca elma tohumlarını ekmeye devam etti.
- Johnny kept planting apple seeds for 46 years.
Çekirdeksiz karpuz var mı?
- Do seedless watermelons exist?
Çekirdeksiz karpuzlar var mı?
- Are there seedless watermelons?
Fideler genç bitkilerdir.
- Seedlings are young plants.
Tom sebze bahçesine minik domates fidelerini dikkatlice dikti.
- Tom carefully transplanted the tiny tomato seedlings into his vegetable patch.
Çiftçiler baharda tohum ekerler.
- Farmers sow seeds in the spring.
Bu hardal tohumunun bir kilosu ne kadar?
- How much for a kilo of this mustard seed?
Çocuklar çeşitli şekil ve renklerde tohum toplarlar.
- The children collect seeds of various shapes and colours.
a tree smaller than a sapling.
Next him king Leyr in happie peace long raind, / But had no issue male him to succeed, / But three faire daughters, which were well vptraind, / In all that seemed fit for kingly seed .
If you plant a seed in the spring, you may have a pleasant surprise in the autumn.
The qualifying match determines the seed position one will have in the final competition.
The latest seed has attracted a lot of users in our online community.
Don’t eat your seed corn.
The tennis player seeded into the quarters.
The programmer seeded fresh, uncorrupted data into the database before running unit tests.
I seeded my lawn with bluegrass.