
listen to the pronunciation of screening
الإنجليزية - التركية

Onun sağlık taraması olumsuz sonuçlar göstermedi. - Her health screening showed no negative results.

elekle eleme
(Ticaret) elekten geçirme
(Matbaacılık, Basımcılık) tramlama
(Ticaret) seçme
{f} göster

Bugün iyi bir film gösterimi var. - There's a good movie screening today.

Onun sağlık taraması olumsuz sonuçlar göstermedi. - Her health screening showed no negative results.

{i} sahneleme

Sahneleme ne zaman başlıyor? - When does the screening start?

(isim) kitap ve saireyi filme alma
{f} perdele
Örtme, perdeleme
(isim) perdeleme, örtme, kamufle etme
(isim) film oynatma, ekranda gösterme
(isim) kalburdan geçirme, eleme, eleme yapma
Araştırma, tarama
(Askeri) ÖRTME, PERDELEME: Bak. "screen"
{f} perdele: prep.perdeleyerek

Bugün iyi bir film gösterimi var. - There's a good movie screening today.

{i} tarama

Aramalarımı taramaya başladım. - I've started screening my calls.

Onun sağlık taraması olumsuz sonuçlar göstermedi. - Her health screening showed no negative results.

{i} sahnelem

Sahneleme ne zaman başlıyor? - When does the screening start?

(Matbaacılık, Basımcılık) tram
{i} ekran

Bu oyunun amacı ekrandaki bütün bombaları patlatmaktır. - The aim of this game is to explode all the bombs on the screen.

Ben bütün gün bilgisayar ekranı önünde otururum, bu yüzden elektro-manyetik dalgalar tarafından oldukça şiddetli şekilde bombardıman edilirim. - I sit in front of a computer screen all day, so I get pretty heavily bombarded by electro-magnetic waves.

screening elevation
(Askeri) yükseliş açısı
screening factor
(Televizyon) ekranlama faktörü
screening off
(Havacılık) perdeleme
screening constant
perdeleme sabiti
screening plant
eleme tesisi
screening agent
(Askeri) kimyasal sis maddesi
screening agent
(Askeri) KİMYASAL SİS MADDESİ: Bak. "screening smoke"
screening agent
(Kimya) görüntüleme etmeni
screening and filtering test
ekranlama ve filtre deneyi
screening and washing plant
eleme-yıkama tesisi
screening cell
(Madencilik) eleme gözcüğü
screening coefficient
(Madencilik) eleme katsayısı
screening constants
ekranlama sabiti
screening conveyor
(Madencilik) eler taşıyıcı
screening conveyor
(Madencilik) eler konveyör
screening device
elek tertibatı
screening elevation
(Askeri) YÜKSELİŞ AÇISI: Bir radar anteni ile radarı maskeleyen tepe noktası arasındaki yükseliş açısı
screening force
(Askeri) ÖRTME KUVVETİ: Mekanize birlik, kıta veya bir uçak teşkili gibi bir kuvveti düşman gözetlemesinden koruyan örtme kuvveti. Bak. "covering force"
screening force
(Askeri) örtme kuvveti
screening hypothesis
(Ticaret) eleme hipotezi
screening inspection
(Ticaret) yüzde yüz kontrol
screening inspection
(Ticaret) eleme muayenesi
screening inspection
(Ticaret) baraj kontrolü
screening inspection
(Ticaret) eleme kontrolü
screening machine
elek makinesi
screening machine
eleme makinesi
screening panels
(Gıda) seçme görüşmeleri
screening panels
(Gıda) eleme panelleri
screening physical examination
(Askeri) sıhhi eleme muayenesi
screening physical examination
(Askeri) ELEME MUAYENESİ: İnsan vücudunun anormal veya arızalı olmasından şüphe edilen kısımlarının kısa bir müşahede, genel sıhhi muayene ve gerekli röntgen ve diğer laboratuar incelemelerini tatbik suretiyle muayenesi. Buna kısaca (screening) de denir
screening plant
elek tesisi
screening plant
(Nükleer Bilimler) elekleme tesisi
screening procedure
(Politika, Siyaset) izleme prosedürü
screening procedures
(Avrupa Birliği) tarama işlemi
screening sheet
elek levhası
screening smoke
(Askeri) perdeleme sisi
screening smoke
gizleme sisi
screening smoke
(Askeri) GİZLEME SİSİ, PERDELEME SİSİ: Yandığı, su ile temas ettiği veya moleküllerine ayrıldığı zaman yoğun bir duman meydana getiren kimya maddesi. Gizleme sisi; düşman gözetlemesine engel olmak ve ateş tesirini azaltmak maksadıyla kullanılır. Buna (screening agent) da denir
screening surface
(Madencilik) eleme yüzeyi
screening table
inceleme tablosu
screening test
(Dilbilim) tarama sınavı
{i} beyaz perde
{i} paravan

Bir papaz bir paravanın üstüne bir rahibin resmini ustaca çizdi. - A priest skillfully drew a picture of a priest on a folding screen.

{i} siper
{i} elek

Ben bütün gün bilgisayar ekranı önünde otururum, bu yüzden elektro-manyetik dalgalar tarafından oldukça şiddetli şekilde bombardıman edilirim. - I sit in front of a computer screen all day, so I get pretty heavily bombarded by electro-magnetic waves.

{i} perde, örtü: A screen of pines runs along the north side of the field. Çamlar
{i} pano
(Askeri) RADYASYON KORUMA MALZEMESİ: 1. Nükleer parçalanmaya müsait ve radyoaktif malzemenin imal, yüklenip boşaltılması veya nakil sırasında meydana gelecek radyasyondan personeli korumak maksadıyla kullanılan münasip kalınlıkta ve fiziksel özelliklere sahip malzeme. 2. Personeli veya malzemeyi nükleer patlamanın etkilerinden korumaya yönelik engeller
{i} ekra

Tom ekranda ne oynarsa oynasın, muhteşem görünüyor. - No matter what he plays on the screen, Tom looks great.

Benim ekranda yazdığım kelimeleri görebilirsin, ama benim klavye üzerine döktüğüm gözyaşlarını göremezsin. - You see the words that I typed on the screen, but you don't see the tears that I shed over the keyboard.

elemeden geçirmek
film endüstrisi
koruma saçı
madeni yağ süzgeci
tel süzgeç
yuvarlak delikli elek
gözenekli yüzey
sinema perdesi
elekten/kalburdan geçirmek
(Denizbilim) çit
(Sinema) göstermek (filmi)
ekran elek
(Spor) perdelemek
filtre eleği
siper etmek
(Askeri) radyasyon koruma maddesi
(Otomotiv) blendaj
(Bilgisayar) ekranlama
koruyucu kalkan
(Kimya) perdeleme
electric screening
elektriksel perdeleme
gösterime sokmak
tahta perde
sinema endüstrisi
(film) göstermek
{f} göster

Bugün iyi bir film gösterimi var. - There's a good movie screening today.

Onun sağlık taraması olumsuz sonuçlar göstermedi. - Her health screening showed no negative results.

sınamadan geçirmek
(sınalgı/vb.) ekran
(from ile) korumak
koruyucu kılıf
{i} kalkanlama
{f} kalkanla
Washing Crushing and Screening Plant
(İnşaat) Kırma Eleme Tesisi
breast screening
Göğüs kanserinin erken teşhisi için yapılan çalışmaların tümü
drug screening
Uyuşturucu madde taraması
(Kâğıt selüloz sektörü, Kâğıt makinesi) Basınçlı elek
security screening
Havaalanlarında güvenlik noktasında yapılan arama işlemi
(Spor) (Sporda) perdeleme
{i} korum
wet screening
ıslak eleme
centralized screening
(Askeri) MERKEZİ ELEME/İNCELEME MUAYENESİ (HV. ): Taşınabilir fazla ordu mallarına ait bilgilerin Savunma Lojistik Hizmetleri veya Genel Hizmetler bölge büroları tarafından kuvvet komutanlıkları ile birlikte incelenmesi
drug screening
(Eczacılık,Tıp) ilaç taraması
electrical screening
elektriksel zirhlama
electrical screening
elektriksel zırhlama
magnetic screening
manyetik ekranlama
{f} eleme yapmak
{f} korumak
{f} örtmek
{f} filme almak (kitap vb.)
{f} kamufle etmek
(Askeri) ÖRTME KUVVETİ, PERDE, EMNİYET ESKORTU: 1. Bir ana kuvvet veya konvoyu koruyan gemi, uçak ve/veya denizaltılardan oluşan bir kuvvet. 2. Kartografide, şekil bölgelerini hasıl etmek için gerek mekanik gerekse fotografik olarak örtü ile birlikte kullanılabilecek bir çizgili veya diğer muntazaman şekle havi bulunan cam veya plastik bir film şeridi. 3. Gözetleme, kamuflaj veya gizlemede, gizlenecek veya kamufle edilecek cisim ile sensör arasında görünen, gözetleme sensörlerine şeffaf olmayan herhangi bir tabii ya da suni madde. Ayrıca bakınız: "concealment". 4. Ana görevi bilgileri rapor etmek, tanıtmak, gözlemek olan ve yalnız kendi emniyeti için savaşan güvenlik unsuru. 5. İstek belgesini incelemek: Bir isteğin mahalli kaynaklardan temin edilen maddelerle karşılanıp karşılanamayacağını ve talep edilen şeylere ve dereceye kadar ihtiyaç olduğunu tespit etmek maksadıyla, istek belgesini incelemek. 6. Blende etmek, Maskelemek: Bir radar cihazındaki arzu edilmeyen eko veya eko karışımlarını ortadan kaldırmak. Bu iş, radarı, derin olmayan bir sütreye yerleştirmek suretiyle yapılır. 7. Ekran: Bak. "radar screen"
(Askeri) Paravana, bölme, taramak
(fiil) perde ile ayırmak, korumak, saklamak, gizlemek, örtmek, kamufle etmek, kalburdan geçirmek, elemek, eleme yapmak, oynatmak (film), ekranda göstermek, filme almak (kitap vb.)
{f} ekranda göstermek
(Tıp) Muayene (tetkik) etmek
{f} elemek
{f} gizlemek
muhafaza etmek
düşmana karşı siper vazifesi gören bölük
(Tıp) Bakınız: Screening
{f} perde ile ayırmak
önüne perde çekmek
{f} perdele
{f} kalburdan geçirmek
{f} oynatmak (film)
(Hukuk) tarama

Onun sağlık taraması olumsuz sonuçlar göstermedi. - Her health screening showed no negative results.

Aramalarımı taramaya başladım. - I've started screening my calls.

(Hukuk) eleme
elek artığı
{f} kalkanla: prep.kalkanlayarak
(Nükleer Bilimler) zırhlama
stochastic screening
(Matbaacılık, Basımcılık) stokastik tramlama
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Present participle of screen
Material removed by such a process
The showing of a film
The examination and treatment of a material to detect and remove unwanted fractions
Mesh material that is used to screen (as in a "screen door")

I'll have to buy some screening and fix the doors before mosquito season starts.

The process of checking or filtering

The airports are slow now because the pre-boarding screening is so inefficient.

Use of screens to remove coarse floating and suspended solids from sewage Secondary treatment The removal or reduction of contaminants and BOD of effluent from primary wastewater treatment
The process whereby the desired film circuit patterns and configurations are transferred to the surface of the substrate during manufacture, by forcing a material through the open areas of the screen using the wiping action of a soft squeegee
A method for detecting disease or body dysfunction before an individual would normally seek medical care Screening tests are usually administered to individuals without current symptoms, but who may be at high risk for certain adverse health outcomes The fundamental purpose of screening is early diagnosis and treatment of the individual and thus has a clinical focus See http: //www osha-slc gov/SLTC/medicalsurveillance/
The process by which a client is determined to be appropriate and eligible for admission to a particular program or service
Evaluation of a patient's qualifications for participation in a clinical trial
* Testing of a large number of individuals designed to identify those with a particular genetic trait, characteristic, or biological condition >p> Security* The security of a system is the extent of protection against some unwanted occurrence such as the invasion of privacy, theft, and the corruption of information or physical damage
Screening is a health service in which members of a defined population, who do not necessarily perceive they are at risk of a disease or its complications, are asked a question or offered a test, to identify those individuals who are more likely to be helped that harmed by further tests or treatment
the display of a motion picture
routine examination of a part of the body that is not showing signs of disease to attempt to detect the presence of that disease
Screening refers to class of service and hardware used by a particular originating member (synonymous with Originating Mark)
(1) a short, commonly used term to indicate screen printing – the act, not the result; (2) the conversion of continuous tone copy to halftone
testing objects or persons in order to identify those with particular characteristics
Patterning, search of libraries for molecules or clones with a certain required property
checking for disease when there are no symptoms
The process of avoiding or minimising electromagnetic interference by use of electromagnetic reflective and absorptive materials, suitably structured or positioned to reduce interaction between the source of potential interference and the circuit being protected
Any of several methods for testing large numbers of compounds to discover those that may have pharmacological effects on a drug target
The method by which managed care organizations limit access to health care for unnecessary reasons In most HMOs, a phone call to the physician or his or her medical office staff is required before an office visit can be arranged "Gatekeepers" and concurrent review are other methods of screening patients
Following the closing date, applications are reviewed to determine who will be invited for an interview
fabric of metal or plastic mesh
The process of using screens or digital methods to create representations of continuous tone images in the form of dots in varying densities
The presumptive identification of unrecognized disease or defect by the application of tests, examinations or other procedures, which can be applied rapidly Screening tests sort out apparently well persons who probably have a disease from those who probably do not A screening test is not intended to be diagnostics Mass screening means the screening of a whole population
{i} act of covering or camouflaging; act of filtering or sorting; concealment; division, act of partitioning; projection (of a film)
use of screens to remove coarse floating and suspended solids from sewage
Testing of a large number of individuals designed to identify those with a particular genetic trait, characteristic, or biological condition
The method by which managed care organizations limit access to health care for unnecessary reasons In most HMO's, a phone call to the physician or his or her medical office staff is required before an office visit can be arranged "Gatekeepers" and concurrent review are other methods of screening patients
the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of it; "the cover concealed their guns from enemy aircraft"
– A brief, individual evaluation of each entering kindergarten student to identify those who may need further evaluation for special education services It is not an intelligence, achievement or readiness test All kindergarten students must be screened, by law, by the end of October Parents are notified if there are any concerns
Testing blood samples or blood donations for the presence of disease Before blood donations are accepted, they are screened for HBV, HCV, HIV and other bloodborne pathogens
The process for determining whether your child should be referred for evaluation for the Early On program
looking for evidence of a particular disease such as cancer in persons with no symptoms of disease
testing objects or persons in order to identify those with particular characteristics fabric of metal or plastic mesh the display of a motion picture
screening length
Distance from the source of a smoke screen to the point downwind where the background begins to become recognizable
screening room
A room in which films are shown on a large screen for a small private audience
screening smoke
Smoke clouds used by the military for blinding, covering and deception
screening factor
filtering factor, factor used to separate material (or people, etc.)
screening process
procedure of narrowing down, filtering process
call screening
The process of evaluating the characteristics of a telephone call before a conversation. Some methods may include:
A stencil upon a framed mesh through which paint is forced onto printed-on material; the frame with the mesh itself
To filter by passing through a screen

Mary screened the beans to remove the clumps of gravel.

To fit with a screen

We need to screen this porch. These bugs are driving me crazy.

In mining and quarries, a frame supporting a mesh of bars or wires used to classify fragments of stone by size, allowing the passage of fragments whose a diameter is smaller than the distance between the bars or wires
To remove information, or censor intellectual material from viewing

The news report was screened because it accused the politician of wrongdoing.

An offensive tactic in which a player stands so as to block a defender from reaching a teammate
To present publicly (on the screen)

The news report will be screened at 11:00 tonight.

A collection of less-valuable vessels that travel with a more valuable one for the latter's protection
{n} a thing that conceals or saves, a riddle
{v} to shelter, hide, conceal, sift, riddle
call screening
Allows you to listen-in as a message is being recorded so you can then decide whether to take the call
call screening
The Cisco Unity function of recording the name of a caller and playing it for the subscriber, who can choose whether to take the call
call screening
(CLASS service) - Affords subscribers the ability to block specified calls
call screening
Allows you to listen to a callers voice before picking up the call This may be useful for people with a speech impairment who prefer speaking to people they know Close Window
call screening
The process of collecting information from the caller including name, phone number, location, and specific request for service, then routing the call to first-level support See dispatch and first-level support
call screening
Allows the consumer to hear who is calling before deciding if they want to answer the call
call screening
Facility on some answering machines that allows the user to hear who's calling so they can decide whether to answer in person or not
genetic screening
analyzing a group of people to determine genetic susceptibility to a particular disease; "genetic screening of infants for phenylketonuria
genetic screening
The process of analyzing DNA samples to detect the presence of a gene or genes associated with an inherited disorder
initial screening
preliminary selection of candidates, initial evaluation
protective covering consisting of a metallic netting mounted in a frame and covering windows or doors (especially for protection against insects)
The viewing area of a movie, or moving picture or slide presentation
The protective netting which protects the audience from flying objects
The informational viewing area of electronic output devices; the result of the output
To provide with a shelter or means of concealment; to separate or cut off from inconvenience, injury, or danger; to shelter; to protect; to protect by hiding; to conceal; as, fruits screened from cold winds by a forest or hill
A halftone screen on film used in conjunction with photographic film or paper to produce a halftone image from continuous tone art
What the picture is projected onto The screen is more important when it comes to front projectors, when the screen must be bought separately
The TV-type thing that shows you what's going on in your computer Also called a monitor, CRT, and VDU Some screens can display many colors; others can do only one, usually green Some screens can display many colors; others can do only one, usually green Some screens can display pictures (graphics); others can do only characters
a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something; "they crouched behind the screen"; "under cover of darkness"
protect, hide, or conceal from danger or harm
An erection of white canvas or wood placed on the boundary opposite a batsman to enable him to see ball better
A screen is a flat vertical surface on which pictures or words are shown. Television sets and computers have screens, and films are shown on a screen in cinemas. see also big screen, small screen, widescreen
To analyze various stocks in search of stocks which meet predetermined criteria For example, a simple value screen would sort all stocks by their price to book ratio and pick the stocks with the smalles ratios as candidates for the value portfolio
The image on the left illustrates a normal layer mode and the image on the right shows the same two layers in screen mode
examine in order to test suitability; "screen these samples"; "screen the job applicants"
To screen for a disease means to examine people to make sure that they do not have it. a quick saliva test that would screen for people at risk of tooth decay. + screening screen·ing Britain has an enviable record on breast screening for cancer
to reproduce a shaded area in a printed piece Also, a photographic tool for making halftone images from a continuous tone photo or illustration
1 A device to shield or separate one part of an apparatus from other parts, or to separate the effects of one part on others
A material woven from fine wires intended to block animals or large particles from passing while allowing gasses, liquids and finer particles to pass
upon which an image, as a picture, is thrown by a magic lantern, solar microscope, etc
test or examine for the presence of disease or infection; "screen the blood for the HIV virus
A physical divider intended to block an area from view
To take a position between the goaltender and a teammate who controls the puck
(1) (Printing screen) an assembly of stretched screen printing fabric on a frame with stencil attached, ready for printing; (2) (Halftone Screen) a transparent glass sheet marked with cross-hatched design to be placed before the camera film when photographing continuous tone art to produce dot structure of the design in the negative Another type is produced photographically on film with vignette dots The latter is placed in contact with the negative film
A long, coarse riddle or sieve, sometimes a revolving perforated cylinder, used to separate the coarser from the finer parts, as of coal, sand, gravel, and the like
examine methodically; "screen the suitcases"
something that keeps things out or hinders sight; "they had just moved in and had not put up blinds yet"
A pattern of dots used to reproduce color or grayscale continuous-tone images Screens are produced by photographing the original artwork through an actual screen of fine lines The fineness of the screen can vary from 65 lines to 150 or more lines per inch Sixty-five- to eighty-five-line screens are used for printing on newsprint Better paper can accommodate finer line screens See also AM screening, FM screening, and halftone
Usually a reference to a printed screen resolution (See also “halftone” and “LPI”)
(1) A printing process in which a squeegee forces paint or ink through a screen which is decorated with stenciled designs onto the paper (2) The surface onto which an image of a slide or television picture is shown
{f} cover with a curtain; filter, sift; hide, conceal; separate, divide; protect, shield; project a film, show a movie
the process of breaking down a photographic image into dots for printing; originally named from a patterned glass screen inserted between the illustration and the light source on a camera, and now used to describe the process and also the size of the dots created (hence the quality of the reproduction)
Generic term that refers to the objects created using the screen editor Screens usually contain collections of widgets At runtime, a screen can be opened as a form or as a window
When an organization screens people who apply to join it, it investigates them to make sure that they are not likely to cause problems. They will screen all their candidates. screening procedures for the regiment
screen manager with VT100 emulation
display on the surface of the large end of a cathode-ray tube on which is electronically created
If something is screened by another thing, it is behind it and hidden by it. Most of the road behind the hotel was screened by a block of flats
A surface, as that afforded by a curtain, sheet, wall, etc
To pass, as coal, gravel, ashes, etc
To screen people or luggage means to check them using special equipment to make sure they are not carrying a weapon or a bomb. The airline had been screening baggage on X-ray machines
prevent from entering; "block out the strong sunlight"
If the application is organized as s series of screens or windows, tell in which screen or window we begin the test
{i} part of a television or computer monitor where the picture is displayed; surface onto which films are projected; partition, divider; mesh for covering the openings of windows and doors; sieve, strainer; shelter, defense; camouflage, cover
Anything that separates or cuts off inconvenience, injury, or danger; that which shelters or conceals from view; a shield or protection; as, a fire screen
protective covering consisting of a metallic netting mounted in a frame and covering windows or doors (especially for protection against insects) a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something; "they crouched behind the screen"; "under cover of darkness"
A server may provide several independent ``screens'', which typically have physically independent monitors This would be the expected configuration when there is only a single keyboard and pointer shared among the screens A Screen structure contains the information about that screen and is linked to the Display structure
partition consisting of a decorative frame or panel that serves to divide a space
test or examine for the presence of disease or infection; "screen the blood for the HIV virus"
A dwarf wall or partition carried up to a certain height for separation and protection, as in a church, to separate the aisle from the choir, or the like
A server can provide several independent screens, which typically have physically independent monitors This would be the expected configuration when there is only a single keyboard and pointer shared among the screens A Screen structure contains the information about that screen and is linked to the Display structure
separate with a riddle, as grain from chaff
a strainer for separating lumps from powdered material or grading particles
the surface of the CRT upon which the visible pattern is produced; the display area
a white or silvered surface where pictures can be projected for viewing
A stencil printing process using a silk, organdy, plastic or steel screen with pervious printing areas and impervious nonprinting areas
partition consisting of a decorative frame or panel that serves to divide a space display on the surface of the large end of a cathode-ray tube on which is electronically created a white or silvered surface where pictures can be projected for viewing examine methodically; "screen the suitcases"
If you screen your telephone calls, calls made to you are connected to an answering machine or are answered by someone else, so that you can choose whether or not to speak to the people phoning you. I employ a secretary to screen my calls
One of a set of sieves, designated by the size of the openings, used to classify and sort powder to particle size
project onto a screen for viewing; "screen a film"
You can refer to film or television as the screen. Many viewers have strong opinions about violence on the screen She was the ideal American teenager, both on and off screen
A screen is a vertical panel which can be moved around. It is used to keep cold air away from part of a room, or to create a smaller area within a room. They put a screen in front of me so I couldn't see what was going on
a door that is a screen to keep insects from entering a building through the open door; "he heard the screen slam as she left"
Information displayed on a computer screen at any one time, which might include animation or extra information which may be displayed upon selection One or more screen(s) grouped together comprise a module Screens deal with items
Also referred to as a halftone screen A halftone screen is used in the printing process to break up a continuous-tone image into dots for reproduction as halftone image Typically, line screens are designated by the number of ruled lines they contain: from 50 lines per inch to 500 lines per inch The greater the number of lines per inch (the more resolution), the sharper and finer the printed halftone dot In traditional printing on a press, the selection of the screen is dictated by the paper, press, and the nature of the copy
(1) Use of an outside list (based on credit, income, deliverability, ZIP code selection) to suppress records on a list to be mailed; (2) halftone process in platemaking that reduces the density of color in an illustration
through a screen in order to separate the coarse from the fine, or the worthless from the valuable; to sift
When a film or a television programme is screened, it is shown in the cinema or broadcast on television. The series is likely to be screened in January TV firms were later banned from screening any pictures of the demo. + screening screenings screen·ing The film-makers will be present at the screenings to introduce their works
The amount of a document or documents that one can see on a monitor's screen without scrolling Unless a screen contains more than one frame, it also will have only one, or part of one, page See Frames
The refuse left after screening sand, coal, ashes, etc
{i} waste material that has been separated from the useable material
Glazing phase in which the glaze is enriched with different decorative patterns
Printing process using special inks being pressed through a fine meshed fabric which has been prepared by a photo process to let the ink pass through in predetermined patterns of lettering and graphics
[n] a printing method where ink is pressed through framed silk fabric



    التركية النطق



    /ˈskrēnəɴɢ/ /ˈskriːnɪŋ/