
listen to the pronunciation of saubermachend
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف saubermachend في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

{i} temizlik

Onlar evde yemek pişirdi ve temizlik yaptı. - They did the cooking and cleaning in the house.

Karım temizlik konusunda takıntılı. - My wife is obsessed with cleaning.


Bulaşıkları temizledikten sonra, ben onları durularım. - After cleaning the dishes, I rinse them.

Hepimiz odayı temizlemekle meşguldük. - All of us were busy cleaning the room.

{i} kuru temizleyiciye gönderilen giysi v.b
{f} temizle: prep.temizleyerek
{i} temizleme

Şimdi buradaysan, temizlemeye yardım edebilirsin. - Now that you are here, you can help do the cleaning.

Tom banyoyu temizlemekten çıktı. - Tom got out of cleaning the bathroom.

{i} ayıklama
{i} kuru temizleme

Lütfen kuru temizlemeden elbiselerimi alıver. - Please pick up my dry cleaning.

Tom eve giderken kuru temizlemeyi aldı. - Tom picked up the dry cleaning on his way home.

ألمانية - الإنجليزية
Present participle of clean
A situation in which something is cleaned
Process to check data for adherence to standards, internal consistency, referential integrity, valid domain, and to replace/repair incorrect data with correct data To "clean" a data file is to check for wild codes and inconsistent responses (see consistency check); to verify that the file has the correct and expected number of records, cases, and cards or records per case; and to correct errors found
The removal of organic or inorganic matter from surfaces on which infectious agents may find favorable conditions for survival and multiplication, by scrubbing, scraping, and washing with hot water, using soap or suitable detergent
To "clean" a data file is to check for wild codes and inconsistent responses (see Consistency Check); to verify that the file has the correct and expected number of records, cases, and cards or records per case; and to correct errors found
The afterbirth of cows, ewes, etc
Cleaning the piece of equipment, inside and out, ensures a clean environment for the person working on it later on, and will give a better impression to the customer when it is returned to them This is very often carried out in a room specifically designed for this purpose, but in some circumstances the piece of equipment be cleaned on the workbench where it being repaired There are several things that must be bourne in mind when cleaning equipment
The term for a list update which removes undeliverable addresses from a file
Physical removal of visible organic material from surfaces
Cleaning is locating, identifying, containing, removing and disposing of unwanted substances (pollutants) from the environment It is our most powerful means of managing our immediate surrounding and protecting our health
An operation involving the removal of flux residues and other contaminants from the surface of a PCB assembly
the process of job of making a house, office etc clean
Any procedure that removes corrosion, unattractive toning, etc such as dipping or rubbing with abrasive materials
The elimination or suppression, in stands not past the sapling stage, of weeds, vines, sod-forming grasses, and undesired woody species
The removal of grease or other foreign material from a surface
any process that removes foreign substances, corrosion or toning, e g application of solvents, dipping, and rubbing with abrasive materials or substances
a release treatment made in a stand not past the sapling stage to free the favoured trees from less desirable species of the same age that overtop them or are likely to do so
All H cards contain different data, but the hacks people wish to install are exactly the same If the hack was simply put on each card individually, some would not work, others would, and some still would destroy the functionality of the card This is why it is crucial to "clean" the card before installing a hack BasicH will clean a card The card's information is reviewed, and any information that is not "clean" will be deleted or changed
{i} washing, removing dirt
the act of making something clean; "he gave his shoes a good cleaning