sapkın gözlem

listen to the pronunciation of sapkın gözlem
التركية - الإنجليزية
(Bilgisayar,Jeoloji) outlier
A value in a statistical sample which does not fit a pattern that describes most other data points; specifically, a value that lies 1.5 IQR beyond the upper or lower quartile
A person or thing away from others or outside its proper place
A part of a formation separated from the rest of the formation by erosion
- A POPULATION that occurs outside the main RANGE of the SPECIES
One who does not live where his office, or business, or estate, is
An area or group of rocks that are surrounded by rocks of an older age
A comparative term describing a patient whose stay in the hospital is unusually long or whose costs for hospital care are unusually high compared to other patients with the same diagnosis or condition The Medicare program uses DRGs as categories to identify outliers Under Medicare, additional payments are made for outliers meeting certain conditions
– Term typically used in utilization review to describe a provider who uses too many or too few services
A part of a rock or stratum lying without, or beyond, the main body, from which it has been separated by denudation
{i} person or thing that lies outside of or away from; person who lives some distance from his place of work; section of rock separated from the main formation by erosion (Geology)
A patient who varies significantly from other patients in the same DRG (such as a longer or shorter length of stay, death, leaving against medical advice, etc ) Also, a person whose performance varies significantly from established normative standards (e g , a physician whose utilization patterns are notably abnormal)
An additional payment made to hospitals for certain clients under age 21 for exceptionally long or expensive hospital stays
An extreme point that stands out from the rest of the distribution
A patient record with an unusually high or low value, given the DRG There are two ways that a record can become an outlier First, the facility may identify a record as an outlier when submitting its patient data Second, severity analysis software may determine that the reported value is significantly greater or less than the norm, given the DRG
A node whose exclusion from its containing peer group would significantly improve the accuracy and simplicity of the aggregation of the remainder of the peer group topology
departure from an average, usually defined as at least two standard deviations from the mean; in managed care systems these are frequently consumers for whom expenditures are more than the average, lengths of stay in inpatient care is greater than is typical for persons with a similar condition or consumers who are given exceptional treatment subject to peer review and organization review
a hospital admission requiring either substantially more expense or a much longer length of stay than average Under DRG reimbursement, outliers are given exceptional treatment (subject to peer review and organization review)
a person who lives away from his place of work
A standing stone set apart from the main formation of a stone circle, sometimes in an astronomically significant direction (for example midsummer's sunrise) Sometimes they mark the "entrance" to a stone circle Examples are the Heel Stone at Stonehenge and the King Stone at the Rollright Stones