
listen to the pronunciation of rocket
الإنجليزية - التركية

Bizim roket yapılıyor. - Our rocket is being built.

Tom yeni yaptığı roket sobada birkaç yumurta kaynattı. - Tom boiled some eggs on the rocket stove that he had just built.

(düzey/miktar/vb.) hızla ve aniden artmak
{f} fırla

Bu gece bir Ay roketi fırlatılmış olacak. - A moon rocket will be launched tonight.

Onlar bir roket fırlatacaklar. - They are going to send up a rocket.


Füze teknolojisi, İkinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında gelişti. - Rocket technology improved during World War Two.

havai fişek füzesi
havaya doğru dik uçmak
{i} papara
{f} roket ile göndermek
i., bot. roka, Eruca sativa
roket,v.fırla: n.roket
(Askeri) ROKET: Uçuş sırasında yönü ve yolu kontrol edilemeyen, kendinden itmeli bir araç
Eruca sativa
roket atmak
hızla ve aniden artmak
{f} füze fırlatmak
hızlı ve dikine uçmak
{i} azar
rocket bomb tepkili bomba
{i} roka
havai fişek
rocket engine
(Askeri) sıvı yakıtlı roket motoru
rocket gun
rocket bobbin
roket bobin
rocket bomb
tepkili bomba
rocket bomb
füze bombası
rocket engine
roket motoru
rocket firing
roket ateşleme
rocket fuel
roket yakıtı
rocket launcher
roket fırlatıcısı
rocket launching
roket fırlatma
rocket projector
rocket salad
rocket assisted takeoff
roketli kalkış
rocket assisted takeoff gear
roketli kalkış düzeni
rocket forward
yüksek hızda ilerlemek
rocket science
(deyim) (Nükte, espri) Yapması/anlaşılması zor olan şey

I tought it was funny that Chris asked me to help him change the light bulb. After all, its not rocket science.

rocket airplane
(Askeri) ROKET UÇAĞI: Esas veya tek tahrik gücü olarak, roketle tahrikten faydalanan bir uçak
rocket airplane
(Havacılık) roketli uçak
rocket ammunition
(Askeri) ROKET MÜHİMMATI: Bir uçak veya sabit ya da seyyar bir platformdan ateşlenen, nispeten küçük boyda, roket güçlü mermiler
rocket ammunition
(Askeri) roket mühimmatı
rocket artillery
(Askeri) ROKET TOPÇUSU: Mermileri roket gücü ile sevkedilen; fakat güdümü, yalnız fırlatma sırasındaki çekiş miktarı ve rampadan ayrılış istikameti ile sağlanan topçu. ROCKET ASSISTED TAKE-OFF UNIT: ROKET YARDIMLI KALKIŞ CİHAZI: Bir uçağın, özellikle kalkışına yardım etmek üzere ve bir roket aracının rampadan ayrılışında ilk kademe olarak kullanılan bir roket motoru veya motor grubu (cluster)
rocket artillery
(Askeri) roket topçusu
rocket bomb
roket bombası
rocket bomb
(Askeri) ROKET BOMBA, KOMUTALI BOMBA: Bak. "robot bomb"
rocket booster
besleme roketi
rocket driven
(Havacılık) roketle itilen
rocket driven
(Havacılık) roketle hareketli
rocket driven
(Havacılık) roketle çalışan
rocket engine
(Askeri) SIVI YAKITLI ROKET MOTORU: Bir roket tahrik cihazı. Çalışması bakımından katı yakıtlı roket motoruna (rocket motor) oranla daha. muğlaktır. Detaylı pompa sistemi, basınç bölmeleri, yakıt boruları, elektrik bağlantıları vb... nedeniyle sıvı yakıtlı motor, katı yakıtlı motordan (engine) daha zengin özelliklere sahiptir
rocket engines
roket türbinleri
rocket head
(Askeri) ROKET BAŞI: Bir roket motoru ile tahrik olunan mermi. Bu mermi, patlayıcı maddeler veya kimyasal maddeler ile doldurulmuş ya da tesirsiz bir mermi olabilir. Bazen, aletleri taşımak için de kullanılır
rocket head
(Askeri) roket başı
rocket igniter
(Askeri) roket ateşleme tertibatı
rocket igniter
(Askeri) ROKET ATEŞLEME TERTİBATI: Genellikle, içinde kara barut bulunan ve bir roketin sevk barutunu tutuşturmak için kullanılan tertibat. Ayrıca bakınız: "igniter"
rocket industry
(Askeri) roket sanayii
rocket jet
roket motoru
rocket launcher
roket rampası
rocket launcher
rocket launcher
(Askeri) ROKETATAR, ROKET ATIŞ RAMPASI: Roketleri atmak için kullanılan namlu, boru, ray veya platform şeklinde düzenek
rocket launching site
roket fırlatma alanı
rocket lightning
(Meteoroloji) roket şimşek
rocket missile
(Askeri) roketli mermi
rocket missile
(Askeri) ROKETLİ FÜZE; ROKET FÜZESİ: Roket tahrik gücünden faydalanan bir füze
rocket missile
(Askeri) roketli bomba
rocket motor
(Askeri) KATI ROKET MOTORU: Roket sevk barutunun bulunduğu ve sevk gücünü sağlamak üzere içinde yandığı bölme
rocket motor
(Askeri) katı roket motoru
rocket motor pipe
(Askeri) roket motor borusu
rocket projectile
(Askeri) roket mermisi
rocket projector
(Askeri) ROKET ATMA CİHAZI: Bir roketi yöneltmekte ve atmakta kullanılan cihaz. Genellikle, roket atma cihazları römork üzerine yerleştirilir. Bu cihazlar şimdi kullanılmamaktadır
rocket projector
(Askeri) roket atma cihazı
rocket propulsion
(Askeri) ROKET İTME GÜCÜ: Reaksiyonla oluşan itme gücü. Burada, bir meme içinden geçerek genişlemiş sıcak gazlarıi oluşturan yakıt ve yakıcı madde, yakıt moturunun içine yerleştirilmiştir. Bunun, jet itme gücünden başlıca farkı; jet itme gücünde yakıcı madde olarak havanın, roket itme gücünde ise nitrik asit veya buna benzer bir maddenin kullanılmasıdır. Ayrıca bakınız: "jet propulsion" ve "propulsion"
rocket sentinel
(Askeri) işaret fişeği gözcüsü
rocket sentinel
(Askeri) İŞARET FİŞEĞİ GÖZCÜSÜ: Bir topçu mevziinde, işaret fişeklerini gözetlemek, tanımak ve haber vermekle görevli nöbetçi
rocket sled
(Askeri) roket kızağı
rocket sled
(Askeri) ROKET KIZAĞI: Ray veya raylar üzerinde hareket eden ve bir roket motoru ile yüksek hızlarda ivdirilen bir kızak. Bu kızak; Hava Kuvvetleri tarafından G-toleransının belirlenmesinde ve mecburi inişten sağ kurtulma tekniğinin geliştirilmesinde kullanılır
rocket sounding
(Meteoroloji) roketle sonda
rocket tail stabilizer
(Askeri) roket kuyruk dengeleyicisi
rocket tail wing
(Askeri) roket kuyruk kanadı
rocket target
(Askeri) ROKET HEDEFİ: Hava savunması geliştirme eğitiminde kullanılan yüksek hızlı hava hedefi. Roket hedefi, seyyar bir roketatardan atılır ve kendi içinde oluşan gazların kuvveti ile sevk olunur
rocket target
(Askeri) roket hedefi
rocket thrust
(Askeri) roket çekişi
rocket thrust
(Askeri) ROKET ÇEKİŞİ: Bir roket motorunun, genellikle, libre ile ifade edilen çekişi. Roket çekişi, motor tarafından harekete getirilen statik ağırlığı göstermek üzere, herbiri libre olarak ayarlanmış gerilme sayaçları, çekiş dengeleme pistonları, dinamo-metreler ve yaylı terazilerden faydalanılarak bir bremze üzerinde ölçülebilir
rocket warhead
(Askeri) roket başlığı
dyer's rocket
moon rocket
(Askeri) ay roketi
sounding rocket
(Askeri) sondaj roketi
anti submarine rocket
denizaltı avcı gemisi
antisubmarine rocket
denizaltı tahrip roketi
carrier rocket
taşıyıcı roket
get a rocket
zılgıt yemek
get a rocket
papara yemek
liquid fuel rocket
sıvı yakıtlı roket
research rocket
araştırma roketi
submarine rocket
denizaltı roketi
takeoff rocket
havalanma roketi
test rocket
deneme roketi
yarış motoru
four-stage rocket
dört aşamalı roket
wrist rocket
Multiple Launch Rocket System
(Askeri) çok namlulu roketatar sistemi
aircraft rocket
(Askeri,Havacılık) uçak roketi
aircraft rocket
(Askeri) TAYYARE ROKETİ: Bir tayyarede taşınan ve tayyareden fırlatılan roket güçlü bir füze, bu füze güdümlü veya güdümsüz olabilir
antisubmarine rocket
(Askeri) DENİZALTI SAVUNMA ROKETİ: Gemiden atılır, roket sevk tertibatlı nükleer su bombası veya homing torpedo. RUR-5 olarak adlandırılır, mürettebat arasındaki adı ASROC'tur
antitank rocket
(Askeri) TANKSAVAR ROKETİ: Tanklara ve diğer zırhlı araçlara karşı kullanılan roket bombası. Bu roket, kullanılacağı zaman, omuza veya bir destek üzerine konulan bir. atma borusundan ateşlemek suretiyle atılır
armour piercing rocket
(Askeri) zırh delici roket
barrage rocket
(Askeri) BARAJ ROKETİ: İnfilak, basınç ve parça tesirleri birleştirilmiş ve amfibi harekatta gemiden kıyıya atılmak üzere imal edilmiş bir silah
booster rocket
hız kazandırıcı roket
chemical rocket
(Askeri) kimyasal roket
control rocket
(Askeri) KONTROL ROKETİ (HV.): Bir balistik füze, uzay aracı veya benzeri cismi yöneltmek, hızlandırmak veya hızdan düşürmek için kullanılan verniye-roket, retroroket veya bunlara benzer diğer bir roket
distress rocket
imdat fişeği
dry fuel rocket
(Askeri) KURU YAKITLI ROKET (HV.): Süratle yanan bir barut birleşimi kullanılan roketi özellikle bir servo roket olarak kullanılır
dual thrust rocket
(Havacılık) çift itmeli roket
free flight rocket
(Askeri) SERBEST UÇUŞLU ROKET (HV): Elektronik kontrolu ve güdümü olmayan roket
free rocket
(Askeri) SERBEST ROKET: Güdüme veya uçuş esnasında kontrola tabi olmayan bir roket
free rocket over ground
(Askeri) yer üstü serbest roket
general support rocket system
(Askeri) GENEL DESTEK ROKET SİSTEMİ: Kısa bir süre için kritik, zamana karşı hassas hedefleri topçu ateşini tamamlamak üzere büyük miktarda ateş gücüne haiz çok rampalı bir roket fırlatma sistemi
glide rocket
(Askeri) süzülme roketi
glide rocket
(Askeri) SÜZÜLME ROKETİ (HV.): Yakıt gücü kesildikten sonra atmosfer dahilinde düz bir süzülüş irtifaı alması için hissedilen atmosfer (sensible atmosphere) de veya yakınında tutulan bir roket aracı
hybrid rocket
(Havacılık) hibrit roket
ideal rocket
(Askeri) İDEAL ROKET (HV.): Tatbikatla düzeltilebilecek değişkenlerle (parameters) ilgili olarak incelenmeye sunulmuş teorik bir roket. İdeal bir roket; mütecanis ve miktarca daima aynı yakıt kullanan; ideal gaz (perfect gas) kanununa sıkı sıkıya bağlı, sürtünmesiz hareket ve ısı geçirmeme niteliklerine, değişmez ve devamlı yakıt akıtma kabiliyetine, bütün egzoz gazlarında eksenine yönelme hızına ve yanma odasında değişmez kimyasal bir dengeye sahip kabul edilir. Bak. "effective exhaust velocity"
ion rocket
(Askeri) İYON ROKETİ (HV.): Halen gelişme halinde bir uzay aracı güç kaynağı yüksek süratte bir iyon akımı püskürtmek suretiyle elde edilen reaksiyonla sevk gücü meydana getirir
landing rocket
(Askeri) iniş roketi
landing rocket
(Askeri) İNİŞ ROKETİ: Yolcuları bir uydudan veya daha geniş yörüngedeki bir uzay aracından bir gezegenin yüzeyine nakletmek için kullanılan pilotlu bir uzay aracı. İniş roketi, gezegenin atmosferine emniyetle girebilmek ve yumuşak iniş yapmak için hız azaltıcı vasıtalarla teçhiz edilmiş olmalıdır
liquid propellant rocket
(Askeri) SIVI YAKITLI ROKET: Tanklardan roket motoru yanma hücrelerine basınçla verilen sıvı yakıtla çalışır bir roket
moon rocket
(Askeri) AY ROKETİ: Çevresinde dönmek, arza dönmek veya üzerine inmek maksadıyla aya faydalı bir yük (pay load) götüren bir roket
multilaunch rocket system
(Askeri) (MLRS) Çok namlulu roket atar sistemi
nuclear rocket
(Askeri) NÜKLEER ROKET: Egzoz akımı için gerekli enerjinin nükleer parçalanma veya füzyonla elde edildiği bir roket
principle of rocket propulsion
(Askeri) ROKET TAHRİK PRENSİBİ: Bütün tahrik sistemlerinin çalışması Newton'un 3ncü Kanununa, yani "her etkinin eşit ve ters yönde bir tepkisi vardır" prensibine dayanır
probe rocket
(Askeri) araştırma roketi
probe rocket
(Askeri) ARAŞTIRMA ROKETİ (HV.): Araştırma aracı olarak kullanılan bir roket veya bir araştırma aracını tahrik eden roket motoru
research rocket
(Askeri) ARAŞTIRMA ROKETİ: Geliştirilmekte olan esasları ve teçhizatın sıhhat ve güven derecesini tespite yarayan bir araç
separation rocket
(Askeri) ayırma roketi
separation rocket
(Askeri) AYIRMA ROKETİ: İkinci veya daha üst kademeye iki veya daha çok sayıda gruplar halinde yerleştirilen ve mensup olduğu kademenin bir önceki kademeden ayrılışında, hızlanıp uzaklaşmak için ek çekişe ihtiyacı bulunduğu zaman harekete geçen, genellikle katı yakıtlı küçük roket
signal rocket
(Askeri) İŞARET ROKETİ: Belirli bir koda göre bir anlamı olan ve belirli bir renk ve şekil meydana getiren roket. Bu roketler, çok defa, bir işaret tabancası veya diğer bazı cihazlarla atılır
signal rocket
(Askeri) işaret roketi
signal rocket
işaret fişeği
signal rocket/flare
(Askeri) İşaret fişeği
solid rocket fuel
(Askeri) KATI ROKET YAKITI: Bak. "solid propellant"
solid rocket fuel
katı roket yakıtı
sounding rocket
(Askeri) SONDAJ ROKETİ: Üst atmosferde bilgi elde etmek için kullanılan bir araştırma roketi
space rocket
(Askeri) UZAY ROKETİ: Arz atmosferi üstündeki uzay veya bazı metinlerde kullanılan şekliyle, Arzın etkili atmosferi üstüne ulaşmak üzere imal edilen bir roket aracı
spin rocket
(Askeri) BURGU ROKETİ: Bir füze gövdesine dönüş veren küçük bir roket
spin rocket
(Askeri) burgu roketi
spin rocket
(Askeri) cayrolu roket
step rocket
(Askeri) KADEMELİ ROKET: İki veya daha çok kademeli bir roket
submarine rocket
(Askeri) DENİZALTI ROKETİ: Esas itibariyle denizaltı savunmasında kullanılan, su altında bulunan bir denizaltıdan fırlatılan, nükleer patlayıcılı veya güdümlü torpido taşıyan roket. Genel adı Subroc'tur. UUM-44 A olarak anılır
sustainer rocket
(Askeri) TAKVİYE ROKETİ: Özellikle bir yörünge planörü veya yörünge üzerinde seyreden bir uzay aracında, bir takviye unsuru olarak kullanılan, yörüngenin arza en yakın noktasında atmosfere gömülen bir roket motoru
wet fuel rocket
(Askeri) SULU YAKIT ROKETİ: Bir çeşit sıvı roketi
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A rocket propelled firework, a skyrocket
An ace (the playing card)
An angry communication (such as a letter or telegram) to a subordinate

While Solborg and Lemaigre were dreaming of revolts, Donovan had learned of Solborg’s insubordination and meddling. He sent him a “rocket” ordering him out of North Africa and back to Lisbon at once. Solborg flew to Lisbon and then on to Washington to face out his problem with Donovan.

The leaf vegetable Eruca vesicaria
A non-guided missile propelled by a rocket engine
A rocket engine
To fly vertically
To rise or soar rapidly
To accelerate swiftly and powerfully
A vehicle propelled by a rocket engine
To attack something with rockets
To carry something in a rocket
{n} a kind of artificial firework, a plant
shoot up abruptly, like a rocket; "prices skyrocketed"
propels bright light high in the sky, or used to propel a lifesaving line or harpoon
A warhead propelled by a rocket engine In military terminology this usually refers to an unguided rocket, whilst a radar, laser, or optically guided device is known as a missile See also missile
To rise straight up; said of birds; usually in the present participle or as an adjective
Rocket larkspur
A cruciferous plant (Eruca sativa) sometimes eaten in Europe as a salad
A rocket is a space vehicle that is shaped like a long tube
vehicle propelled by an engine which makes use of Newtons Third Law of Motion by expelling burned fuel as exhaust at a high rate
non-guided missile
A blunt lance head used in the joust
is a device where a solid or liquid fuel and an oxidizer react in the combustion chamber The high-pressure combustion gases are then expanded in a nozzle The gases leave the rocket at very high velocities, producing the thrust to propel the rocket is a device where a solid or liquid fuel and an oxidizer react in the combustion chamber The high-pressure combustion gases are then expanded in a nozzle The gases leave the rocket at very high velocities, producing the thrust to propel the rocket
If things such as prices or social problems rocket, they increase very quickly and suddenly. Fresh food is so scarce that prices have rocketed The nation has experienced four years of rocketing crime. = soar
erect European annual often grown as a salad crop to be harvested when young and tender
a long, narrow, jet-propelled device or vehicle that is used as a signal or weapon, for fireworks, or to provide the power for spacecraft
This slightly bitter, aromatic salad green has a peppery mustard flavor Look for bright green, fresh-looking leaves Makes a lively addition to salads, soups, and sautéed vegetables Also called "arugula "
An artificial firework consisting of a cylindrical case of paper or metal filled with a composition of combustible ingredients, as niter, charcoal, and sulphur, and fastened to a guiding stick
a jet engine containing its own propellant and driven by reaction propulsion any vehicle propelled by a rocket engine propels bright light high in the sky, or used to propel a lifesaving line or harpoon erect European annual often grown as a salad crop to be harvested when young and tender propel with a rocket shoot up abruptly, like a rocket; "prices skyrocketed
{i} missile that contains combustibles and when ignited liberates gases causing a thrust; rocket propelled missile; spaceship; airborne firework; rocket salad, Mediterranean plant with pungent edible green leaves, roquette, arugula (used in salads)
A device that fires self-propelled types of ammunition This is usually an unguided missile which produces a thrust derived from the controlled ejection of gases generated by the propellant
Also known as Arugula and Rocquet A cruciferous annual (Eruca sativa) having purple-veined white flowers and acrid leaves, used in Southern Europe as a salad Also, wild rocket, hedge mustard See notes on herbs
Italian spicy and peppery salad (also called Arugula)
a projectile firework
a jet engine containing its own propellant and driven by reaction propulsion
A device shaped like a cylinder that moves at high speed, powered by gases that are forced out of one end Considered the oldest form of self-contained propulsion They carry their own oxygen and can go where ther is no air into space They can burn liquid or solid fuel
- a firework that is propelled by an rocket engine into the air, where it releases its effects Rockets are almost never used anymore in public fireworks displays
The rocket is projected through the air by the force arising from the expansion of the gases liberated by combustion of the composition
propel with a rocket
{f} go up, ascend; soar to the heavens
a green, leafy salad vegetable
A leaf vegetable (Am. Engl. arugula)
Rockets are used as projectiles for various purposes, for signals, and also for pyrotechnic display
A rocket is a missile containing explosive that is powered by gas. There has been a renewed rocket attack on the capital
A rocket is a firework that quickly goes high into the air and then explodes
any vehicle propelled by a rocket engine
If something such as a vehicle rockets somewhere, it moves there very quickly. A train rocketed by, shaking the walls of the row houses. Type of jet-propulsion device that uses either solid or liquid propellants to provide the fuel and oxidizer needed for combustion. The hot gases provided by combustion are ejected in a jet through a nozzle at the rear of the rocket. The term is also commonly applied to any of various vehicles, including fireworks, skyrockets, guided missiles, and launch vehicles for spacecraft, that are driven by such a propulsive device. Typically, thrust (force causing forward motion) is produced by reaction to a rearward expulsion of hot gases at extremely high speed (see Newton's laws of motion). Atlas rocket staged rocket Thor rocket Titan rocket
1 A projectile, pyrotechnic device, or flying vehicle propelled by a rocket engine
A device propelled by ejection of matter, especially by the high velocity ejection of the gaseous combustion products produced by internal ignition of solid or liquid fuels
A grab in which both legs are straight out in front of you and you reach to grab them
sends a firework display high into the sky
A device shooting out a fast jet of gas, in order to produce a force in the opposite direction See center of gravity, also Newton's laws of motion in Mach's formulation
a peppery, piquant lettuce
rocket aircraft
An aircraft with rocket propulsion, including a rocket pack, a rocket plane, etc
rocket belt
a wearable backpack device that can propel a person into the air
rocket belt
a wearable backpack device using rocket thrust to propel a person into the air
rocket belt
a belt with rockets attached that can propel a person into the air
rocket belts
plural form of rocket belt
rocket car
A rocket propelled car
rocket engine
A reaction engine that obtains thrust by jet propulsion which forms its jet exclusively from propellant
rocket festival
A festival in which rockets are set off, especially as celebrated in Laos and north-east Thailand to welcome the start of the rainy season
rocket jumping
Performing a jump by blasting a rocket launcher in close proximity to one's character

This technique now arrives almost subliminally for Quake players, but rocket jumping has long been recognized as one of Quake's key skills.

rocket launcher
a hand-held tube-like device for launching a rocket propelled explosive device (missile)
rocket launcher
a truck for carrying and launching a missile
rocket launcher
a rack on a boat or a vehicle, for holding or storing fishing rods
rocket launchers
plural form of rocket launcher
rocket motor
A rocket engine especially a solid rocket or a hybrid rocket
rocket pack
A jet pack using a rocket engine
rocket packs
plural form of rocket pack
rocket plane
A winged aircraft that is propelled by a rocket engine
rocket propelled grenade
A modern hand-held weapon that fires a small explosive rocket
rocket propelled grenades
plural form of rocket propelled grenade
rocket science
the science or study of rockets and their design
rocket science
anything overly complex, detailed or confusing

It's not rocket science. Just screw in the bulb and flip the switch.

rocket scientist
Someone qualified to understand or handle that which is overly complex, detailed or confusing; a genius

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see that that idea won't work.

rocket scientist
One specializing in the science or study of rockets and rocketry
rocket scientists
plural form of rocket scientist
rocket ship
A ship armed with rockets

And there was a further group, including Jean-Paul Sartre (1905–80), who had been a POW in Germany, and William Golding (1911–93), who had commanded a Royal Navy rocket ship, who were propelled by the ordeals of war to examine the complexities of human nature and human society.

rocket ship
A spacecraft propelled by a rocket engine
rocket stage
A single rocket that may be attached to other similar rockets to increase the delta-v of the aggregated rocket vehicle
Alternative spelling of rocket pack
rocket science
[usually with negative & humorous] something very difficult to understand
Rocket Propelled Grenade
{i} RPG, Soviet made hand held anti-tank weapon fired from the shoulder and fires out of a tube an unguided rocket equipped with an explosive warhead
rocket ammunition
weapons that are motored by burning fuel
rocket attack
attack with bombs
rocket base
a military base for rocket missiles
rocket bomb
bomb which is attached to a missile
rocket booster
extra charge that increases the speed of a rocket and increases the range of strike
rocket engine
A reaction engine that contains all the substances necessary for its operation and is not dependent on substances such as atmospheric oxygen, drawn from the surrounding medium, and thus is capable of operating in outer space. Also called rocket motor
rocket engineer
an engineer who builds and tests rockets
rocket firing
the launching of a rocket or missile under its own power
rocket fuel
an explosive charge that propels a rocket
rocket gun
rocket launcher, gun that can be used to launch rockets
rocket larkspur
commonly cultivated larkspur of southern Europe having unbranched spikelike racemes of blue or sometimes purplish or pinkish flowers; sometime placed in genus Delphinium
rocket launcher
A rocket launcher is a device that can be carried by soldiers and used for firing rockets
rocket launcher
missile launcher, device that is carried on a vehicle and can launch rockets or missiles
rocket motor
internal combustion engine in which the energy created is released from a jet causing the object to move forward carrying its fuel with it
rocket projector
rocket launcher, gun that can be used to launch rockets
rocket propelling charge
charge that propels a rocket by an engine
rocket propulsion
moving by pushing a substance in the direction opposite to the direction of movement while the substance being pushed is carried within the moving body
rocket propulsion
reaction propulsion using stored oxygen for combustion; used where there is insufficient atmospheric oxygen
rocket range
distance within with a rocket can strike
rocket range
a firing range for rocket missiles
rocket salad
{i} garden rocket, Mediterranean plant with pungent edible green leaves, roquette, arugula (used in salads)
rocket science
If you say that something is not rocket science, you mean that you do not have to be clever in order to do it. Interviewing politicians may not be rocket science, but it does matter. used to say that something is not difficult to do or understand
rocket scientist
(Slang) brainiac, very intelligent and brilliant person, genius
rocket scientist
a clever thinker; "you do not have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out
rocket scientist
If you say that it does not take a rocket scientist to do something, you mean that you do not have to be clever to do it. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to make a rock record
rocket ship
A spacecraft powered and propelled by rockets
rocket sled
A rocket-propelled sled that travels along rails and is used to study acceleration, deceleration, and crash survival techniques
propelled by (or as if propelled by) a rocket engine
chemical rocket
A rocket that uses a chemical reaction of its propellants to generate its gaseous exhaust
crotch rocket
a high-performance street motorcycle
fission rocket
a nuclear-pulse rocket that uses fission-based atomic bombs to supply propulsive force
fission rocket
a spacecraft having a fission reactor that powers the rocket
fusion rocket
a spacecraft having a fusion reactor that powers the rocket
fusion rocket
a nuclear-pulse rocket that uses thermonuclear bombs to supply propulsive force
fusion rocket
a rocket engine that uses nuclear fusion reactions for propulsive force
hybrid rocket
a vehicle propelled by a hybrid rocket engine
hybrid rocket
a bipropellant rocket engine which uses propellants that are in two different states, typically liquid and solid, which when reacted, create exhaust gases suitable for rocket propulsion
liquid rocket
A rocket that uses liquid propellants
nuclear rocket
A rocket where a nuclear process, especially an onboard fission reactor, enables thrust to be produced
nuclear rocket
A rocket with a nuclear reactor aboard
nuclear-electric rocket
a rocket with an ion engine powered by a nuclear reactor
nuclear-pulse rocket
a rocket that uses the impulse imparted by the detonation of nuclear bombs as the propulsive force to propel the spacecraft
nuclear-thermal rocket
a rocket with a thermal gas exhaust engine, whereby the thermal fluid is heated by the nuclear reactor
nuclear-thermoelectric rocket
a rocket with a thermal ion engine, whereby the ions are ionized by electricity from a nuclear reactor, and the fluid that is the source of the ions is heated by that nuclear reactor to increase specific impulse
off one's rocket
Barmy; crazy; insane
red rocket
Nickname for red-painted electrical streetcars and subway trams operated by the Toronto Transit Commission in Toronto, Canada, especially the classic models used during the early and mid-20th century

Toronto's Red Rocket streetcars are renowned worldwide as a symbol of our city.

rice rocket
A Japanese high-performance sport motorcycle
snot rocket
A jet of mucus deliberately expelled from one's nostril

Yes, sometimes the fastest thing running is your nose. But please, focus on where you aim your snot rocket, or your spit.

solid rocket
A rocket engine that uses a solid propellant that, when combusted, generates gases which are used for rocket propulsion
space rocket
a rocket vehicle capable of reaching space (typically from the ground)
thermal rocket
a rocket that is powered by a thermal source, such as a nuclear-thermal rocket or a solar-thermal rocket or a rocket powered by an energy beam such as a laser or microwave beam
water rocket
A rocket that uses water as a propellant, which is forced out of the rocket by compressed gas (typically compressed air)
solid rocket boosters
(Teknoloji) Solid rocket boosters (SRB) (or motors, SRM) are used to provide the main thrust in spacecraft launches from the launchpad up to burnout of the SRBs. Many launch vehicles include SRBs, including the Ariane 5, Atlas V, and the NASA Space Shuttle. The NASA Space Shuttle uses two Space Shuttle SRBs, which are the largest of their type
Atlas rocket
Any of a series of U.S. expendable space launch vehicles. The Atlas was originally designed as a liquid-fueled ICBM and first tested in an operational version in 1959. Early versions launched most of the Mercury manned missions and, coupled with upper-stage rockets, a number of Ranger, Surveyor, Mariner, and Pioneer probes on lunar and planetary missions. Later generations have become workhorses of the U.S. space program and carry a wide variety of scientific, military, and commercial spacecraft
Kassam rocket
{i} Qassam rocket, primitive home-made rocket produced by the Palestinian Hamas made of iron (2.5 to 3 millimeters thick) filled with explosives
Katyusha rocket
Russian weapon which fires rockets (similar to a bazooka)
Katyusha rocket salvo
volley of katyusha rockets, rapid firing of katyusha rockets
Multiple Launch Rocket System
{i} MLRS, type of high mobility rocket artillery system (produced by Lockheed Martin) furnished with missile launchers
Multiple Rocket Launcher System
MRLS, system that can dispatch several rockets
Qassam rocket
{i} Kassam rocket, primitive home-made rocket produced by the Palestinian Hamas made of iron (2.5 to 3 millimeters thick) filled with explosives
Thor rocket
Missile initially developed by the U.S. Air Force as an intermediate-range ballistic missile. It became operational in 1958 and was later modified to serve as the first stage of launch vehicles for several spacecraft. The Thor missile force was withdrawn in 1963. For space launching, three small auxiliary motors were strapped to a Thor rocket, and this resulted in a thrust nearly twice as powerful as the original
Titan rocket
Any of a series of U.S. liquid-fueled rockets originally developed as intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) but also used as space launch vehicles. Titan I missiles (used 1962-65), designed to deliver a four-megaton nuclear warhead over 5,000 mi (8,000 km) to targets in the former Soviet Union, were stored in underground silos but had to be raised to ground level and fueled for launch. By 1965 they had been replaced by the much larger Titan II, which could be launched directly from its silo. With a nine-megaton warhead, Titan II was the principal weapon in the land-based U.S. nuclear arsenal until the 1980s, when it was replaced by solid-fueled ICBMs (e.g., Minuteman missiles). NASA used the Titan II to launch Gemini spacecraft in the 1960s; deactivated Titan II missiles refurbished as space launchers continued to be used into the 21st century. The Titan IV, developed in the late 1980s, has larger engines to lift heavy space cargo such as that carried by the space shuttle. Coupled with the Centaur upper-stage vehicle, it is the largest and most powerful expendable launch vehicle in the U.S
Zilzal rocket
{i} long-range rocket made by Iran that has a range of about 200 kilometers
anti-submarine rocket
a shipboard system to fire rockets at submarines
antitank rocket launcher
hand-held weapon which fires rockets which are designed to destroy tanks and other armored vehicles
booster rocket
booster: the first stage of a multistage rocket
congreve rocket
See under Rocket
control rocket
A vernier rocket or similar missile used to change the altitude or trajectory of a rocket or spacecraft
dame's rocket
A European plant (Hesperis matronalis) having clusters of fragrant purple to white flowers. Also called dame's violet
dyer's rocket
European mignonette cultivated as a source of yellow dye; naturalized in North America
dyer's rocket
A European plant (Reseda luteola) having long spikes of small, yellowish-green flowers and yielding a yellow dye. Also called weld
garden rocket
{i} rocket salad, Mediterranean plant with pungent edible green leaves, roquette, arugula (used in salads)
go up like a rocket and come down like a stick
from the peak of prosperity to the depths of despair
like a rocket
very fast, very forcefully
multistage rocket
A rocket composed of two or more propulsion units that fire in succession. Also called step rocket
nuclear rocket
a rocket engine in which a nuclear reactor is used to heat a propellant
prairie rocket
any of several western American plants of the genus Cheiranthus having large yellow flowers any of several North American plants of the genus Erysimum having large yellow flowers
past of rocket
present participle of rocket
plural of rocket
sea rocket
See under Rocket
sea rocket
Any of various succulent annual seashore herbs of the genus Cakile, of the mustard family, having pungent foliage and white to lavender flowers
salt-tolerant seashore annual grown for its fragrant rose or violet flowers and fleshy gray-green foliage
sounding rocket
A rocket used to make observations anywhere within the earth's atmosphere
sounding rocket
a research rocket used to obtain information about the atmosphere at various altitudes
space rocket
a rocket powerful enough to travel into outer space
space rocket
{i} rocket which is sufficiently powerful to travel into outer space
staged rocket
Launch vehicle driven by several rocket systems mounted in vertical sequence. The lowest, or first, stage ignites and lifts the vehicle (sometimes assisted by attached booster rockets) at increasing speed until its propellants have been used up. The first stage then drops off, which makes the vehicle lighter, and the second stage ignites and accelerates the vehicle further. The use of additional stages generally follows the same pattern until the payload the spacecraft has reached the velocity needed to achieve orbit or leave the vicinity of Earth. The number of stages required depends on the details of the mission, the launch vehicle's characteristics, and other factors. Some early vehicles needed five stages to reach orbit; most current launch vehicles need only two
statistical rocket
{i} "Big Dumb Booster", rocket which is imprecise and less efficient (such as the "Katyusha")
tansy-leaved rocket
perennial stellate and hairy herb with small yellow flowers of mountains of southern Europe; sometimes placed in genus Sisymbrium
test rocket
a rocket fired for test purposes
vernier rocket
A small rocket engine used primarily to make fine adjustments in velocity and trajectory
wall rocket
yellow-flowered European plant that grows on old walls and in waste places; an adventive weed in North America
water rocket
A kind of firework to be discharged in the water
water rocket
A cruciferous plant (Nasturtium sylvestre) with small yellow flowers
white rocket
from Mediterranean region; a naturalized weed throughout southern Europe
yellow rocket
noxious cress with yellow flowers; sometimes placed in genus Sisymbrium