
listen to the pronunciation of river
الإنجليزية - التركية

Ülke bölünür ancak dağlar ve ırmaklar vardır. - The country is divided, yet there are mountains and rivers.

Ben ırmak boyunca yürümek isterim. - I would like to walk along the river.


Nehire doğru ilerlediler. - They advanced to the river.

O, nehir boyunca yüzdü. - He swam across the river.

river bed ırmak yatağı
river road ırmak boyunca gid
{i} akış

Bu nehrin akış hızlıdır. - The flow of this river is fast.

nehir haydutu
river qod rmak tanrısı
river man ırmak üstünde çalışan adam
riverbank i ırmak kenarı
river horse suaygırı
river rat ırmak kenarında hırsızlık eden haydut
river bed
nehir yatağı

NASA'nın Mars gezicisi bir nehir yatağının izlerini keşfetti. - NASA's Mars rover discovered traces of a river bed.

Eski nehir yatağını iki kilometre izle. - Follow the old river bed for two kilometers.

river bed
river bed
river estuary
(Askeri) haliç
river horse
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) hipopotam
river mouth
(Denizbilim) mansap
river mouth
(Denizbilim) ırmak ağzı
river system
akarsu ağı
river basin
nehir havzası
river bed
ırmak yatağı
river boat
nehir botu
river gravel
nehir çakılı
river horse
river rat
ırmak hırsızı
river trip
nehir gezisi
river water
ırmak suyu
river water
nehir suyu
river bed
Nehir yatağı, akarsu yatağı
river bed aggradation
(Jeoloji) Nehir yatağı ardalanması
river blindness
nehir körlüğü
river bugging
tek kişilik rafting
river crossing
nehir geçiş
river is frozen over
nehir üzerinde döndü
river is swollen
nehir şişmiş olduğunu
river pageant
Nehir üzerinde gemilerin geçit gösterisi

This year, The Diamond Jubilee River Pageant will have been celebrated by army.

river pollution
ırmak kirlenmesi, nehir kirlenmesi
river rises
nehir yükselir
river valley
nehir vadisinde
river water
ırmak suyu, nehir suyu
river bank
nehir kıyısı
river bank
ırmak kenarı
river bark
(Askeri) NEHİR KIYISI: Bak. "bank"
river basin
river basin
irmak/akarsu havzası
river basin
ırmak bölgesi
river bed evolution
(Coğrafya) nehir yatağı evrimi
river bed material
(Çevre) nehir yatağı malzemesi
river bed scour
(Çevre) nehir yatağı aşınması
river bed variation
(Çevre) nehir yatağı değişimi
river bend
nehir dönemeci
river bill of lading
(Ticaret) nehir konşimentosu
river boat
river capacity
akarsu taşıma gücü
river capture
bir nehrin yatak aşındırmsı ile başka bir nehri kendine katması
river channel dredging
(Çevre) nehir kanal taraklaması
river clay
nehir kili
river cliff
nehir şevi
river coal
nehir kömürü
river crossing
nehir kavşağı
river deflection
irmak sapması
river density
(Çevre) nehir yoğunluğu
river deviation
nehir sapması
river disaster
(Çevre) nehir afeti
river discharge
nehir deşarjı
river discharge
nehir debisi
river diversion
nehir derivasyonu
river dues
(Ticaret) nehir nakliyat resmi
river engineering
(Çevre) nehir mühendisliği
river environment
akarsu ortamı
river environments
(Çevre) nehir çevresi
river erosion
(Coğrafya) akarsu erozyonu
river erosion
(Coğrafya) akarsu aşındırması
river flood control
akarsu taşkın kontrolü
river flow measurement
akarsu akım ölçümü
river gravel
dere çakılı
river harbour
nehir limanı
river hydraulics
nehir hidroliği
river ice
(Çevre) nehir buzulu
river improvement
(Çevre) nehir islahı
river insurance
(Ticaret) nehir sigortası
river law
(Askeri) nehir kanunu
river life
nehir hayatı
river line
(Askeri) NEHİR SAVUNMA KIYISI: Akarsuyun, savunma kuvveti tarafından tutulmuş kısmı
river map
nehir haritası
river model
nehir modeli
river morphology
(Çevre) nehir morfolojisi
river navigation
(Ticaret) nehir seyrüseferi
river port
(Askeri) nehir limanı
river reach
nehrin kolu
river regime
(Çevre) nehir rejimi
river regulation
nehir regülasyonu
river sports
akarsu sporları
river stage
nehir seviyesi
river terrace
nehir terasi, nehir taraçası
river terrace
(Jeoloji) akarsu taraçası
river terrace
(Jeoloji) akarsu sekisi
river traffic
(Ticaret) nehir trafiği
river transport
(Ticaret) nehir nakliyatı
river valley
nehir vadisi
river valley project
(Tarım) akarsu projesi
river warbler
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) ırmak ötleğeni
river water level
(Çevre) nehir su seviyesi
river zone
(Çevre) nehir zonu
former river course
(Çevre) eski nehir yatağı
lost river
kayıp akarsu
river bank
nehir seti
sell one down the river
(deyim) öperken ısırmak
sell somebody down the river
ihanet etmek
sell someone down the river
(deyim) birini arkadan vurmak
underground river
(Çevre) yeraltı nehri
Jordan river
Ãœrdün nehri
alabama river
alabama nehri
amazon river
amazon nehri
arkansas river
arkansas nehri
canadian river
kanada nehri
colorado river
colorado nehri
columbia river
kolombiya nehri
congo river
kongo nehri
consequent river
uyumlu akarsu
danube river
tuna nehri
ganges river
ganj nehri
green river
yeşil nehir
jordan river
ürdün nehri
kansas river
kansas nehri
little missouri river
küçük misuri nehri
niagra river
niagara nehri
nile river
nil nehri

Nil Nehri dünyada en uzundur. - The Nile River is the longest in the world.

Nil Nehrinin uzunluğu ne kadar? - How long is the Nile River?

rhine river
ren nehri
salmon river
som balığı nehri
tagus river
tagus nehri
tigris river
dicle nehri
volga river
volga nehri
yukon river
yukon nehri
zambezi river
zambezi nehri
a river
bir nehir
across the river
nehir boyunca
artibonite river
artibonite nehir
awali river
awali nehir
bank of a river
Bir nehrin banka
copper river
bakır nehir
coppermine river
nehir coppermine
cry a river
(deyim) Çok ağlamak, gözyaşları sel olmak
cry me a river
istediğin kadar ağla
darling river
sevgilim nehir
dicle river
dicle nehir
ground washed away to the sea or a river
toprak uzakta denize veya nehre yıkanmış
guadiana river
Guadiana nehir
huon river
huon nehir
illinois river
ıllinois nehir
morava river
Morava nehrinin
murchison river
Murchison nehir
orontes river
(Coğrafya) Aşı nehri
pechora river
pechora nehir
red river
kırmızı nehir
saluda river
saluda nehir
skeena river
skeena nehir
thames river
Thames nehri
the pearl river
inci nehir
the river
vychegda river
vychegda nehir
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The last card dealt in a hand
To improve one’s hand to beat another player on the final card in a poker game

Johnny rivered me by drawing that Ace of spades.

Any large flow of a liquid in a single body (e.g., 'a river of blood')
A large and often winding stream which drains a land mass, carrying water down from higher areas to a lower point, ending at an ocean or in an inland sea. Occasionally rivers overflow their banks and cause floods

By the side of the river he trotted as one trots, when very small, by the side of a man who holds one spell-bound by exciting stories; and when tired at last, he sat on the bank, while the river still chattered on to him, a babbling procession of the best stories in the world, sent from the heart of the earth to be told at last to the insatiable sea.

{n} a large stream or current of water
A natural stream of water of considerable volume
A large stream of water flowing in a bed or channel and emptying into the ocean, a sea, a lake, or another stream; a stream larger than a rivulet or brook
a large natural stream of water emptying into a large body of water, as an ocean or lake, and usually fed along its course by converging tributaries
A natural stream of water of substantial volume
A large stream of water that alters the nearby landscape. Occasionally rivers overflow their banks and cause floods
The last of five community cards in flop games (e g hold'em and omaha) Sometimes called fifth street Sometimes "river" is used to refer to the last card in non-flop games, such as seven card stud
Includes (from the Water Act (NSW) 1912) (a) a stream of water, whether perrenial or intermittent, flowing in a natural channel, or in a natural channel artificially improved, or in an artificial channel which has changed the course of the stream; (b) an affluent, confluent, branch or other stream of water into or from which a stream referred to in (a) flows; and (c) anything prescribed as being a river
To hawk by the side of a river; to fly hawks at river fowl
A river is a large amount of fresh water flowing continuously in a long line across the land. a chemical works on the banks of the river. boating on the River Danube. Natural stream of water that flows in a channel with more or less defined banks. Rivers are a fundamental link in the hydrologic cycle, and they play a major role in shaping the surface features of the Earth. Even apparently arid desert regions are greatly influenced by river action when periodic floodwaters surge down usually dry watercourses. River flow is sustained by the difference between water input and output. Rivers are fed by overland runoff, groundwater seepage, and meltwater released along the edges of snowfields and glaciers. Direct precipitation contributes only very small amounts of water. Losses of river water result from percolation into porous and permeable rock, gravel, or sand; evaporation; and ultimately outflow into the ocean. Aare River Aar River Achelous River Adda River Adige River Adour River Aguán River Agusan River Alabama River Aliákmon River Allegheny River Alpheus River Amazon River Oxus River Amur River Angara River Aniene River Ankobra River Apure River Apurímac River Araguaia River Aras River Araks River Argun River Arkansas River Arno River Artibonite River Assiniboine River Atbara River Atchafalaya River Athabasca River Avon River Bai River Pai River Bandama River Bann River Barada River Beas River Beni River Benue River Bénoué River Berbice River Berezina River Bermejo River Betwa River Bhima River Bighorn River Bío Bío River Black Warrior River Blackstone River Bomu River Bosna River Bow River Brahmaputra River Brazos River Bug River Western Bug River Buller River Cagayan River Canadian River Cape Fear River Casamance River Catatumbo River Catawba River Cauca River Cedar River Chagres River Chambal River Chao Phraya River Me Nam River Charente River Chari River Shari River Charles River Chattahoochee River Chelif River Chenab River Cher River Cheyenne River Chicago River Chindwin River Chubut River Churchill River Cimarron River Clitunno River Clutha River Clyde River Coco River Segovia River Colorado River Columbia River Congo River Zaire River Connecticut River Barcoo River Coosa River Coppermine River Courantyne River Cross River Cuiabá River Cuyabá River Cumberland River Cunene River Kunene River Cuyahoga River Cuyuni River Dal River Daly River Damodar River Danube River Darling River De Grey River Delaware River Demerara River Derwent River Des Moines River Des Plaines River Detroit River Dnieper River Dniester River Don River Donets River Dong nai River Donnai River Dordogne River Doubs River Douro River Drâa River Drava River Drina River Dunajec River Durance River East River Ebro River Eden River Eider River Elbe River Ems River Essequibo River Euphrates River Eure River Farmington River Fen River Finke River Fitzroy River Flathead River Flinders River Fly River Forcados River Forth River Fraser River French Broad River Fulda River Gambia River Gan River Kan River Ganges River Garonne River Gascoyne River Genesee River Ghaghara River Ghazal River Gila River Glomma River Glåma River Godavari River Gordon River Goulburn River Great Fish River Green River Grijalva River Guadalquivir River Guadiana River Guaporé River Guaviare River Guayas River Hai River Han River Havel River Hawkesbury River Helmand River Helmund River Hiwassee River Hongshui River Hung shui River Huai River Huallaga River Yellow River Hudson River Hudson River school Hugli River Hooghly River Humber River Humboldt River Hunter River Huon River Iguazú River Iguaçu River IJssel River Illinois River Indre River Indus River Inn River Irrawaddy River Irtysh River Isère River Ishikari River Ishim River Jabal River Jacuí River Jaguaribe River James River Dakota River Japurá River Jari River Jary River Jhelum River Jinsha River Chin sha River Kinsha River Jordan River Jubba River Kabul River Kaduna River Kafue River Kagera River Kama River Kanawha River Kansas River Kaw River Karun River Kasai River Kaskaskia River Kaveri River Cauvery River Kazan River Kennebec River Kentucky River Khabur River Kizil River Halys River Klamath River Kolyma River Kong River Konkouré River Kootenay River Kosi River Koyukuk River Krishna River Kistna River Kuban River Kura River Kwando River La Plata River Lachlan River Lågen River Lahn River Lena River Lerma River Lesse River Liao River Liard River Licking River Liffey River Limpopo River Lippe River Liri River Litani River Little Missouri River Logone River Loire River Lot River Loup River Lualaba River Luan River Luni River Mackenzie River Madeira River Madre de Dios River Magdalena River Main River Mamoré River Manawatu River Manicouagan River Marañón River Maritsa River Markham River Marne River Maroni River Meghna River Mekong River Menderes River Merrimack River Mersey River Meuse River Min River Mindanao River Cotabato River Minnesota River Mississippi River Missouri River Mitchell River Mohawk River Monongahela River Moose River Morava River Morghab River Murgab River Moselle River Mosel River Moskva River Moscow River Motagua River Murchison River Mures River Murray River Murrumbidgee River Nantahala River Napo River Narmada River Nerbudda River Nechako River Neckar River Negro River Guainía River Nelson River Neman River Nen River Nonni River Neosho River Grand River Néstos River Mesta River Neva River New River Niagara River Niger River Nile River Niobrara River North Canadian River North Platte River Northern Dvina River Nossob River Nosop River Nun River Ob River Ocoee River Oder River Odra River Ogooué River Ogowe River Ohio River Oise River Oka River Okavango River Cubango River Olt River Orange River Ord River Orhon River Orkhon River Orinoco River Orne River Orontes River Osage River Ottawa River Ouachita River Washita River Ouse River Pahang River Pánuco River Pará River Paraguay River Paraíba do Sul River Paraná River Parnaíba River Peace River Pearl River Pechora River Pecos River Pee Dee River Peel River Penobscot River Periyar River Piave River Pieman River Pilcomayo River Piniós River Peneus River Platte River Po River Potomac River Powder River Pripet River Pryp'yat River Prypyats' River Purari River Purus River Putumayo River Qishon River Kishon River Qu'Appelle River Rajang River Rejang River Rakaia River Ramu River Ravi River Red River Red River Indian War Red River of the North Republican River Rhine River Rhône River Ribble River Richelieu River river blindness Roanoke River Rock River Roper River Ruhr River Rupnarayan River Saale River Saar River Sabine River Sacramento River Saguenay River Saint Francis River Saint John River Saint Johns River Saint Lawrence River Saint Paul River Saint Maurice River Salado River Salmon River Salt River Saluda River Salween River San Joaquin River San Juan River Sanaga River Santa River Santee River São Francisco River Saône River Saskatchewan River Sassandra River Sava River Savannah River Save River Sabi River Schelde River Scheldt River Sebou River Seine River Selenga River Semliki River Sénégal River Sepik River Severn River Sewa River Seybouse River Shabeelle River Shebele River Shannon River Shinano River Shire River Shoshone River Sittang River Skeena River Slave River Snake River Sobat River Solo River Somme River Souris River South Platte River Spey River Spree River Stikine River Stour River Struma River Suir River Sungari River Suriname River Surma River Susquehanna River Sutlej River Suwannee River Swan River Jaxartes River Tagus River Taieri River Tallahatchie River Tallapoosa River Tana River Tanana River Tapajós River Tapi River Tarim River Tarn River Tay River Tees River Tennessee River Thames River Thjórsá River Tiber River Ticino River Tietê River Tigris River Timis River Tisza River Tisa River Tocantins River Tombigbee River Tone River Torne River Trebbia River Trent River Tugela River Tumen River Tweed River Tyne River Ubangi River Ucayali River Ural River Urubamba River Uruguay River Ussuri River Usumacinta River Vaal River Váh River Verdigris River Victoria River Vilyuy River Viliui River Vistula River Vltava River Volga River Volta River Volturno River Vychegda River Wabash River Waikato River Waimakariri River Wairau River Warta River Wateree River Wei River Weser River Western Dvina River White River White Volta River Willamette River Wind River Range Winnipeg River Wisconsin River Wye River Xi River West River Xiang River Siang River Hsiang River Xingu River Yakima River Yalong River Ya lung River Yalu River Yamuna River Yangtze River Yarmuk River Yarqon River Yazoo River Yellowstone River Yenisey River Yonne River Youghiogheny River Yser River Yuan River Yukon River Zab River Zambezi River He Makes Rivers Rivers Larry
Unsightly white space that seems to run through a text column when word spacing is too loose
A large, natural stream of water that empties into a large body of water such as a lake or the ocean
a large stream of water that flows into a larger body of water
A large stream of water that flows along a certain path
A stream, larger than a creek, generally flowing to another stream, a lake, or to the ocean
The fifth and final community card, put out face up, by itself Also known as "fifth street" Metaphors involving the river are some of poker's most treasured cliches - e g "He drowned in the river "
The last card received by a player in poker
The fifth and final community card This card is also known as fifth street
A series of white space between words that appears to flow from line to line in a document This problem occurs when trying to justify a column of text that is too narrow or on a printer that isn't capable of microspacing
Any large flow of a liquid in a single body (e.g., a river of blood)
a streak of white space in printed matter caused when the spaces between words in several successive lines happen to fall one almost below another
A streak of white space in printed matter, resulting when the spaces between words in several lines happen to occur almost one below the other to top
a large natural stream of water (larger than a creek); "the river was navigable for 50 miles"
a continually or intermittently flowing body of fresh water; and includes a stream and a modified watercourse; but does not include any artificial watercourse (including an irrigation canal, water supply race, canal for the supply of water for electricity power generation, and farm drainage canal)
A stream of water of considerable volume, which travels downhill (from higher altitudes to lower altitudes due to gravity) Rivers carry freshwater to cities and farms, serve as the home to wildlife and fisheries, and provide recreation and natural beauty for people throughout the nation Rivers are used by humans for irrigation, to transport people and their manufactured products, to produce hydroelectric power, and to provide habitats for animals
A large stream; copious flow; abundance; as, rivers of blood; rivers of oil
To improve one's hand to beat another player on the final card in a poker game
n a large natural stream of water emptying into a large body of water
a free-flowing body of water including its associated flood plain wetlands from that point at which it provides drainage for a watershed of twenty-five (25) square miles to its mouth
The fifth and final community card, is dealt after the "Turn" Also known as "Fifth Street"
The fifth and final community card dealt in flop games, or the last card dealt in non-flop games Also called Fifth Street in Texas Hold'em
One who rives or splits
A natural STREAM of water larger than a brook or CREEK
a natural formation in which fresh water forms a wide stream that runs across the land until it reaches the sea or another area of water
A natural stream of water of considerable volume, larger than a brook or creek
a large natural stream of water (larger than a creek); "the river was navigable for 50 miles
A stream, larger than a creek, generally flowing to another stream, a lake, or to the ocean The Mississippi River flows from Minnesota to Louisiana and into the Gulf of Mexico
{i} large stream of water; large stream of any liquid; abundant flow, outpouring
river bank
The lateral edge of a river
river banks
plural form of river bank
river basin
An extent of land where water from rain or snow melt drains downhill into a river or series of rivers
river basins
plural form of river basin
river bed
The channel in the carrying surface that forms the physical constraint of a river. brook, or stream
river beds
plural form of river bed
river crab
Government censorship. Used by Chinese netizens
river crab
A Chinese mitten crab
river lamprey
A common name for European river lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis
river lampreys
plural form of river lamprey
river rat
A poker player that wins a Texas Hold'em hand by making the winning hand on the river card
river rat
A rat that lives on or along a river
river rat
A lower-class person living on or along a river
river rats
plural form of river rat
river turtle
Any marine turtle that inhabits rivers
Attributive form of river bank, noun
Attributive form of river bed, noun
River Avon
or Lower Avon River, southwestern England. Rising in Gloucestershire, it flows 75 mi (121 km) southwest through Bristol and into the Bristol Channel at Avonmouth, Bristol's port. Below Bristol it has cut through a limestone ridge to form Clifton Gorge, noted for its suspension bridge. or Upper Avon River, central England. Rising in Northamptonshire, it flows 96 mi (154 km) southwest into the River Severn at Tewkesbury. It is known for its scenic beauty, notably in the Vale of Evesham. Important towns along it include Stratford, where William Shakespeare was born
River Bann
River, Northern Ireland. The Upper Bann flows northwest 25 mi (40 km) into Lough Neagh, while the Lower Bann flows north out of the lake 33 mi (53 km) into the Atlantic Ocean
River Clyde
River, southern Scotland. Scotland's most important river, it flows about 100 mi (160 km) from the Southern Uplands to the Atlantic Ocean. The upper Clyde is a clear fishing stream flowing north, but at Biggar it changes course and winds northwest to the Falls of Clyde. Beyond the falls, the widening Vale of Clyde, famous for the breeding of Clydesdale horses, is intensively cultivated. The Clydeside shipyards border the river for 20 mi (32 km) below Glasgow. At Dumbarton it reaches its estuary, the Firth of Clyde, which extends about 65 mi (105 km)
River Eden
River, northern England. It rises in the uplands that connect the Lake District with the highlands of the Pennines and flows in a meandering course 90 mi (145 km) northwest to its estuary in the Solway Firth, an Irish Sea inlet. It is not navigable
River Forth
River, south-central Scotland. It flows east for 116 mi (187 km) from its headwaters on the slopes of Ben Lomond to enter the Firth of Forth, an estuary extending inland from the North Sea for 48 mi (77 km); the estuary varies in width from 1.5 to 17.5 mi (2.4 to 28 km). The river has a short highland section and a longer lowland section; the latter, called the Links of Forth, was the site of the Battle of Bannockburn (1314)
River Humber
ancient Abus River, North Sea inlet, on the eastern coast of England. Originating with the confluence of the Rivers Ouse and Trent, it flows generally southward for 75 mi (121 km) over a series of falls and through several lakes and is more than 7 mi (11 km) wide at its mouth. The Humber Bridge, one of the longest suspension bridges in the world (main span 4,626 ft [1,410 m]), was constructed (1981) chiefly to aid the economic development of the river banks, which are lined by several major ports, including Hull
River Kwai
{i} river in western Thailand close to the border with Myanmar
River Liffey
River, Ireland. Rising southwest of Dublin, it flows northwest, then runs west in the Kildare lowland. It crosses east through Dublin, where it is channeled into canals, and empties into Dublin Bay, an arm of the Irish Sea, after a course of 50 mi (80 km). The river is personified as Anna Livia Plurabelle in James Joyce's Finnegans Wake
River Mersey
River, northwestern England. It flows west through the southern suburbs of Manchester and is joined by the Irwell in its canalized form as the Manchester Ship Canal. The Mersey is itself modified by the canal as far as Warrington, where it becomes tidal. At Runcorn it is joined by the Weaver, and it forms the Mersey Estuary, the harbour of Liverpool. It enters the Irish Sea after a course of 70 mi (110 km)
River Ouse
or Great Ouse River, central and eastern England. It rises in Northamptonshire and flows 156 mi (251 km) past Buckingham, Bedford, Huntington, and St. Ives to Earith, then to the North Sea. Locks make the river navigable upstream to Bedford. River, northeastern England. It is formed in North Yorkshire and flows through York and Selby to join the River Aire. It merges with the River Trent to form the River Humber. The lower Ouse is a major transport route for industrial products and raw materials
River Ribble
River, northwestern England. It is 75 mi (120 km) long. It rises in North Yorkshire and flows south and west through Lancashire into the Irish Sea through an estuary extending from Preston. The channel to the Irish Sea coast has been straightened to provide a shipping lane to Preston
River Severn
Welsh Hafren ancient Sabrina River, eastern Wales and western England. Britain's longest river, it is 180 mi (290 km) long from its source to tidal waters. It rises in east-central Wales and crosses the English border near Shrewsbury, continuing south to the Bristol Channel and the Atlantic Ocean
River Shannon
River, Ireland. The country's longest river, it rises in northwestern County Cavan and flows for about 230 mi (370 km) to enter the Atlantic Ocean below Limerick. It is surrounded by marshes and bogs for much of its course and widens at various points into lakes, many with islands. In the early 19th century it was a vital link in the waterways of Ireland; today it is used by pleasure craft
River Spey
River, northeastern Scotland. It rises in the Corrieyairack Forest and flows 107 mi (172 km) northeast across the Highlands into the North Sea. It is noted for salmon fishing, and its valley is the site of high-quality whisky distilleries
River Stour
River, eastern England. It rises in eastern Cambridgeshire and flows eastward through East Anglia, forming most of the boundary between Suffolk and Essex, through country made famous by the paintings of John Constable. After a course of 47 mi (76 km), it enters the North Sea at Harwich
River Suir
River, southeastern Ireland. It rises in northern County Tipperary and flows south and east. It is joined by the Barrow and the Nore before entering Waterford Harbour 114 mi (183 km) later. In the 1760s the river was made navigable to Clonmel
River Tay
Longest river in Scotland. It rises on the northern slopes of Ben Lui and flows through Loch Tay to enter the North Sea below Dundee after a course of 120 mi (193 km). It drains 2,400 sq mi (6,200 sq km), the largest drainage area in Scotland
River Trent
River, central England. It rises in Staffordshire and flows northeast 168 mi (270 km) to unite with the River Ouse west of Hull to form the River Humber. It is navigable by barge for over half its length
River Tweed
River, southeastern Scotland and northeastern England. It rises in the Borders region of southeastern Scotland and flows east, forming a section of the border between Scotland and England. It then crosses into England and empties into the North Sea at Berwick. It is 97 mi (156 km) long
River Tyne
River, Northumberland, northern England. Formed by the confluence of the North Tyne and the South Tyne, it flows east into the North Sea. The Tyne is 62 mi (100 km) long. It has shipped coal for at least six centuries. Its estuary is now lined with industry and large urban communities
River Wansbeck
{i} river in Northumberland that crosses Morpeth (England) and flows into the North Sea
River Wye
River, eastern Wales and western England. It flows from the moorlands of central Wales southeast across the English border and continues south into the estuary of the River Severn. It is about 130 mi (210 km) long. The ruins of Tintern Abbey (the inspiration for William Wordsworth's poem) are on its banks. It has rich salmon fisheries
river Nile
river in NE Africa which flows through Egypt into the Mediterranean
river bank
A river bank is the land along the edge of a river
river basin
the entire geographical area drained by a river and its tributaries; "flood control in the Missouri basin
river basin
A river basin is the area of land from which all the water flows into a particular river. The land area drained by a river and its tributaries. an area from which all the water flows into the same river
river basin
low-lying area of land that a river runs through
river bed
bottom of a river
river bed
A river bed is the ground which a river flows over. the ground at the bottom of a river sea bed
river birch
A deciduous eastern North American tree (Betula nigra) having reddish-brown to silver-gray bark that peels off in papery flakes. Also called black birch
river birch
birch of swamps and river bottoms throughout the eastern United States having reddish-brown bark
river blindness
or onchocerciasis Human disease caused by a filarial worm native to Africa but also found in parts of tropical America and transmitted by several blackflies. It is so called because the flies that transmit the disease breed on rivers and mostly affect riverine populations. Blindness is caused by dead microfilariae the larvae that can be produced for some 15-18 years by adult worms inside the eye. River blindness is common in savannah areas of Africa and in Guatemala and Mexico. In 1987 the World Health Organization began to distribute the drug ivermectin (originally developed for use against livestock parasites), which eliminates the microfilariae, though it does not kill the adult parasite
river boat
a boat used on rivers or to ply a river
river boulder
a boulder that has been carried by a river to a place remote from its place of origin
river dolphin
any of several long-snouted usually freshwater dolphins of South America and southern Asia
river limpet
minute conical gastropod superficially resembling a limpet but living and feeding on freshwater plants
river otter
sociable aquatic animal widely distributed along streams and lake borders in North America
river prawn
large Australian prawn
river red gum
somewhat crooked red gum tree growing chiefly along rivers; has durable reddish lumber used in heavy construction
river shad
shad that spawns in streams of the Mississippi drainage; very similar to Alosa sapidissima
river upper reaches
upper end of a river or stream
Richelieu River
River, southern Quebec. It is 210 mi (338 km) long and flows north from Lake Champlain to join the St. Lawrence River at Sorel. Explored in 1609 by Samuel de Champlain, it was used by the warring French and English colonists and later by commercial loggers and fishermen. A canal enables shallow-draft vessels to navigate between Montreal and New York City via the St. Lawrence and Richelieu rivers, Lake Champlain, and the Hudson River
Amu River
Another name of Amu Darya river
Crimea River
cry me a river
European river lamprey
A European species of lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis
European river lampreys
plural form of European river lamprey
Fall River
A city in Massachusetts, United States
Fly River turtle
The Australasian pig-nose turtle
Fly River turtles
plural form of Fly River turtle
Great Sky River
the Milky Way, the night sky visual phenomenon caused by dense regions of the Milky Way Galaxy appearing nebulous (generally found when referring to Native Americans)
Hudson River
The river flowing South from upstate NY down the Hudson valley, past Manhattan, out into the Atlantic Ocean
Mohawk River
A 140-mile (230 km) long river in New York State, flowing from central New York to the Hudson River
Niagara River
A river in North America flowing to the north from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario and including the Niagara Falls
Orange River
A river in South Africa named in honor of the House of Orange-Nassau
Orange River Colony
A name given to the Orange Free State when annexed by Britain in 1900. Abbreviation ORC
Ross River fever
Epidemic polyarthritis, a mosquito-borne infectious disease caused by infection with Ross River virus
Ross River virus
A small encapsulated single-strand RNA alphavirus endemic to Australia and the South Pacific, responsible for Ross River fever
Sabine River
A river that flows through eastern Texas and western Louisiana into the Gulf of Mexico
Sacramento River
A river in northern California
Salt River
Used in reference to losing an election; found especially in the phrase "rowed up Salt River"
Silvery River
the Milky Way, the night sky visual phenomenon caused by dense regions of the Milky Way Galaxy appearing nebulous (generally found when referring to East Asians in a historical context, situated in East Asia)
Vuoksi River
river running in Finland and Russia
cry someone a river
To weep profusely or excessively in the presence of another person

It is rather shaming to be quite so wet over nothing in particular, but at least Fielding does it too. He cries gallons over slow-motion bits at the ends of films, especially Gladiator, and begins to worship Roman values, then Italian footballers kissing in slo-mo to the strains of Nessun Dorma. Sniffle, sniffle. And QPR being relegated in 1996. He can cry you a river over that one, and over a darling little clump of daffodils growing by the traffic island.

cry someone a river
To try to obtain the sympathy of another person by complaining or sniveling

Port Authority Transit should cry me a river. Before raising fares it should cut an unnecessary expense.

sell down the river
To betray, especially in a manner which causes serious difficulty for the one betrayed

As a result, analysts were routinely selling investors down the river by promoting stocks purely to land banking business from companies.

submarine river
a river-like current on the seabed
tidal river
a river that enters a sea or estuary and is this affected by tides; at times, water will flow upstream
up the river
To prison

The former baseball player that Cincinnati idolized is being sent up the river to Ashland, Ky., to serve a prison term for cheating on his taxes.

youthful river
A fast flowing river characterized by a deep, narrow erosion pattern forming a V shaped channel or valley
cry me a river
(deyim) You can cry a lot but you will not get my sympathy, crocodile tears: "When he complained about how much he had to pay his chauffeur, I said, "Cry me a river, guy.""
dicle river
(Coğrafya) Tigris, river located in southwest Asia. Tigris. the Tigris (river)
up the river
(Oyunlar) Oh Hell (also known as Up the River, Hell Yeah!, Stinky Fingers, Get Fred, Gary's Game, Diminishing Bridge, Shit On Your Neighbor, Kari's Lane, German Bridge in Hong Kong, and many variations of "Oh Hell" with euphemisms and other swearwords) is a trick-taking card game in which the object is to take exactly the number of tricks bid, unlike contract bridge and spades, where taking more tricks than bid is a loss. Its first appearance dates to the early 1930s and is sometimes credited to Geoffrey Mott-Smith
poker, third-person singular of river
plural of river



    التركية النطق



    /ˈrəvər/ /ˈrɪvɜr/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    () From Old French riviere Vulgar Latin *riparia (“riverbank, seashore, river”) Latin riparius (“of a riverbank”) riparia (“shore”) ripa (“river bank”) *rei- (“to scratch, tear, cut”).

    رصف المشتركة

    river bank


    ... The Colorado River is carving out the Grand Canyon. ...
    ... These are the river valleys whose waters and fertile soils ...