
listen to the pronunciation of replacement
الإنجليزية - التركية
yenisiyle değiştirme
{i} yedek
(Sigorta) ikame yenileme
(Kimya) yer değiştirme

Tom için zaten bir yer değiştirme düşünüyor musunuz? - Are you already thinking of a replacement for Tom?

yer degiştirme
(Ticaret) boşalan kadroyu doldurma

Doktorlar kadınlardaki hormon replasman tedavisi felaketini tekrarlamak üzereler. - Doctors are about to repeat the disaster of hormone replacement therapy in women.

yerini alan kimse/şey
(İnşaat) değiştirmek
{i} değiştirme

Tom için zaten bir yer değiştirme düşünüyor musunuz? - Are you already thinking of a replacement for Tom?

{i} protez

Tom'un kalça protezine ihtiyacı olabilir. - Tom may need a hip replacement.

Tom kalça protezi ameliyatı oldu. - Tom had a hip replacement surgery.

{i} yerine geçen kimse
(Tıp) Değiştirme, bir şeyi çıkarıp yerine başka bir şey koyma, yerine koyma
(Askeri) DEĞİŞTİRME VE İKMAL PERSONELİ: Bir teşkildeki boşluğu doldurmak üzere tayin veya tahsis edilen şahıs. 'Terim; göreve dönmek üzere bir hastahaneden taburcu edilmiş bulunan, ewelce birlik kuvvetinden düşülmüş personeli de içine alır. Ayrıca bakınız: "filler" ve "loss replacement"
{i} yerine koyma
replacement factor
(Askeri) değiştirme faktörü
replacement therapy
(Tıp) yerine koyma tedavisi
replacement part
yedek parça
replacement repair
değiştirme / onarım
replacement copy
yedek kopya
replacement cost
yenileme maliyeti
replacement for
değişimi için
replacement level
replasman düzeyinde
replacement surgery
yenileme cerrahligi
replacement and consumption requirements
(Askeri) BÜTÜNLEME VE TÜKETİM İHTİYAÇLARI: Bir teşkilin, ikmal maddelerini, devamlı olarak kadrolara uygun cins ve miktarlarda bulundurmak ve tüketilen ikmal m3ddelerini karşılamak için gerekli ikmal maddeleri ihtiyacı
replacement center
(Askeri) DEĞİŞTİRME VE İKMAL PERSONELİ EĞİTİM MERKEZİ: Bak. "replacement training center"
replacement collision
(Fizik) yerdeğiştirici çarpışma
replacement company
(Askeri) PERSONEL DEĞİŞTİRME VE İKMAL BÖLÜĞÜ: Değiştirme personelinin alındığı, ihtiyaçlarının karşılandığı ve birliklere atanmadan önce uygun şekilde, eğitimlerinin yapıldığı bir bölük
replacement cost
(Ticaret) yerine koyma masrafı
replacement cost
(Ticaret) yenileme değeri
replacement cost
(Ticaret) yerine koyma değeri
replacement cost
değiştirme gideri
replacement demand
(Askeri) DEĞİŞTİRME İKMAL MADDELERİ İSTEĞİ: Tüketilen veya eskiyen değiştirme ikmal maddelerini gösterir istek
replacement depot
(Askeri) PERSONEL DEĞİŞTİRME VE İKMAL DEPOSU: Genellikle, değiştirme personelini toplayıp, teşkillerdeki boşlukları doldurmak üzere dağıtmak için harekat alanında kurulmuş askeri depo
replacement eyes
(Tıp) protez göz
replacement eyes
(Tıp) takma göz
replacement factor
(Askeri) DEĞİŞTİRME FAKTÖRÜ: ullanılmakta olan teçhizat veya onarım parçalarından onarım kabul etmeyecek derecede eskime, düşman tesiri, terk, yağma veya diğer sebeplerle (afetler hariç) belirli birsüre içinde değiştirme ihtiyacı gösterenlerin yüzdesi
replacement in kind
(Askeri) stok mübadelesi
replacement in kind
(Kanun) aynen ikame
replacement issues
(Askeri) DEĞİŞTİRME DAĞITIM MADDELERİ: Teçhizatı kullanan makamlara verilen dağıtım ikmal maddelerinden, teçhizatı iş görme standartları içinde ve tahsis çizelgelerinde gösterilen miktarlarda muhafaza için, evvelce ikmali yapılmış teçhizat yerine geçen kısım. Bu gibi dağıtım maddelerini; ekonomik onarım dışı eskime, imha, terk, düşman tesiri ve yağmadan ileri gelen kayıpların yerine konan maddeler teşkil eder. Transit nakliyat sırasında gemilerin batması yüzünden meydana gelen kayıplar, hizmetten ayrılan personelin sebep olduğu giyecek kayıpları ile depolar arası transfer, hizmete elverişsiz fakat ekonomik şekilde tamir edilebilir teçhizat dağıtım malzemeleri ve teşkilden alınan hizmete elverişli malzeme yerine o birliğe verilen dağıtım maddeleri, değiştirme ikmal maddeleri arasında değildir
replacement kit
değiştirme kiti
replacement method
(Ticaret) yenileme yöntemi
replacement of goods
(Politika, Siyaset) malların ikamesi
replacement of goods
(Avrupa Birliği) malın yenisi ile değiştirme
replacement pool
replacement purchase
kamulaştırma takası
replacement ratios
(Ticaret) yerine koyma oranları
replacement rod
(Otomotiv) yer değiştirme çubuğu
replacement scale
(Denizbilim) makrosentrik pul
replacement stream input
(Askeri) KADRO DIŞI GÖREVLİ GEÇİCİ PERSONEL: Faal orduya yeni alınan ve yürürlükteki hizmet süresi zarfında ilk tayinleri, herhangi bir sebeple, daimi kadro personel görevi dışında bir görevle bir faaliyet merkezi, birlik, teşkil, tesis veya garnizona yapılan (subay, astsubay, er) şahıslar. Daimi kadro personeli olarak bir ara tayini yapılmaksızın, birden çok faaliyet merkezi, birlik, teşkil, tesis veya garnizona tahsis edilmiş personelde bu tarife girer
replacement supplies
(Askeri) değiştirme ikmal maddeleri
replacement supplies
(Askeri) DEĞİŞTİRME İKMAL MADDELERİ: Bak. "replacement"
replacement system
(Askeri) PERSONEL DEĞİŞTİRME VE İKMAL SİSTEMİ: Personel ikmalinde kullanılan sistem
replacement training center
(Askeri) DEĞİŞTİRME VE İKMAL PERSONELİ EĞİTİM MERKEZİ: Değiştirme personelini daimi görevlerine tayin etmeden önce eğitime tabi tutan merkez. Buna sadece (replacement center) de denir
replacement treatment
(Tıp) alternatif tedavi
replacement unit
(Ticaret) yenileme birimi
replacement value
(Sigorta) ikame yenileme değeri
replacement value
(Ticaret) yerine koyma değeri
replacement washer
(Otomotiv) yer değiştirme pulu
replacement yield
(Denizbilim) yenilenme ürünü
estrogen replacement therapy
(Tıp) östrojen tedavisi
knee replacement
(Tıp) diz replasman
provision for replacement
(Ticaret) yenileme fonu
valve replacement
kapak replasmanı
hair replacement
Saç ekimi
heart replacement
Kâlp nakli

Dr. Öz's research interests include heart replacement surgery, etc.

in replacement of
(R) meteorological mobile facility (replacement)
(Askeri) seyyar meteorolojik tesis (yedek)
approved replacement factor
(Askeri) ONAYLANMIŞ DEĞİŞTİRME FAKTÖRÜ: ABD Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı tarafından onaylanmış resmi değiştirme faktörü
bulk replacement stockage
(Askeri) İKMAL PERSONELİ TOPLAMI: Bir denizaşırı harekat alanı personel ikmal sisteminde misafir (attached unassigned) olarak bulundurulmasına izin verilen ve harekat alanının, yetki verilmiş azami insan mevcudu dahilinde bulunan toplam personel miktarı
circuit routing chart; control and reporting center, CONUS replacement center; C
(Askeri) devre yönlendirme haritası; kontrol ve raporlama merkezi, Kıta Amerikası (CONUS) İkame Merkezi
do you have replacement parts for this
bunun için yedek parçanız var mı
loss replacement
(Askeri) ZAYİAT İKMAL PERSONELİ: Bir birliğe, zayiattan ileri gelen boşluğu doldurmak için eklenmiş personel. Bak. "filler" ve "replacement"
oversea replacement station
(Askeri) DEĞİŞTİRME VE İKMAL PERSONELİ DENİZAŞIRI SEVKİYAT NOKTASI: ABD Anayurdu'nda; Puerto Rico'da veya Hawai'de Kara Ordusu'nun büyük bir ulaştırma terminaline yakın ve denizaşırı hareket ve intikal için tahsis edilmiş değiştirme ve ikmal personelinin işlemlerinin yapıldığı ve sevkiyat için toplandıkları bir faaliyet merkezi
oversea unit replacement
(Askeri) DENİZAŞIRI DEĞİŞTİRME BİRLİĞİ: Denizaşırı harekat alanında bulunan benzeri kuruluşla bir birliği daha ileri bir tarihte değiştirmek üzere ABD Anayurdu'nda teşkil edilip eğitilmiş bir Kara Ordusu birliği
oversea unit replacement system
(Askeri) DENİZAŞIRI BİRLİK DEĞİŞTİRME SİSTEMİ: Kara Ordusu birlik değiştirme sistemi
sampling with replacement
yerine koyarak ornekleme
theater army replacement command
unit replacement
(Askeri) KOMPLE PARÇA DEĞİŞTİRME: Bir onarım usulü. Bu usulde; bir silah veya başka bir teçhizatın kusurlu, aşınmış veya hasara uğramış parçalar grubu, yeni parçalar grubu ile değiştirilebilir
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A person or thing that takes the place of another; a substitute
The act of replacing
The removal of an edge or an angle by one or more planes
This term refers to exchanging an old life insurance policy for a new policy Before replacement make certain that you compare the benefits and terms of the new proposal Do not discontinue your current policy until the new policy is issued
What you have to buy quickly at the Paul stand when your last body wire fails
A chemical process whereby hydrothermal fluids, passing through permeable rocks, react with the rocks to dissolve original minerals and relace them with oreand/or other gangue minerals
A new policy written to take the place of one currently in force
In life insurance, the act of substituting a new policy for another policy already in force In situations where replacement is not warranted, it is sometimes called twisting (See also: twisting )
The act of surrendering an insurance policy or part of the coverage of an insurance policy in order to buy another policy
an event in which one thing is substituted for another; "the replacement of lost blood by a transfusion of donor blood"
a person who follows next in order; "he was President Lincoln's successor"
Often used as an alternative term for the remise or redoublement, but usually to describe "digging in" with the point when the initial attack was flat, or withdrawing and jabbing when the initial attack went past the target
A new policy written to take the place of one currently in force (G)
The practice of removing an existing roof system and replacing it with a new roofing system
Indicating that a subject is interchangeable with another subject, but which differs physically from the original subject in that the installation of the replacement subject requires extra machining or provisions in addition to the normal application and methods of attachment
Refers to the removal of existing materials which can no longer perform their proper function and their replacement with as exact a substitute as possible (i e the replacement of old shingles with new that match the existing shingles in material, pattern and exposure) This may be impossible when materials are unavailable or costs are to high
the practice of removing an existing roof system down to the roof deck and replacing it with a new roofing system
Act of replacing one life insurance policy with another; may be done legally under certain conditions (See twisting )
Within the context of disaster recovery plans, a replacement strategy means replacing a damaged computer or network in the event of failure (as opposed to having some type of backup system available) (See 454)
= A new policy written to take the place of one currently in force
Someone who takes someone else's place in an organization, government, or team can be referred to as their replacement. Taylor has nominated Adams as his replacement
the act of furnishing an equivalent person or thing in the place of another; "replacing the star will not be easy"
The current non-compliant application / system is replaced by another fully compliant application / system prior to its event horizon In Year 2000 projects, replacement generally refers to replacing an existing COTS product with a similar but Year 2000-compliant version of the product
Surrendering an insurance policy in order to purchase a different insurance policy
{i} substitution, act of replacing one thing with another; person or thing that takes the place of another, substitute
someone who takes the place of another person
a person or thing that takes or can take the place of another
Some one or thing that takes the place of another; a substitute
A new policy written to take the place of one currently in force or recently terminated
If you refer to the replacement of one thing by another, you mean that the second thing takes the place of the first. the replacement of damaged or lost books. see also hormone replacement therapy
filling again by supplying what has been used up
the act of furnishing an equivalent person or thing in the place of another; "replacing the star will not be easy
Most policies of insurance of property give the company the right to substitute other property of like kind and quality for insured property which has been damaged or destroyed This is making a replacement
the practice of removing and existing roof system down to the roof deck and replacing it with a new roofing system
A chemical process whereby hydrothermal fluids, passing through permeablerocks, react with the rocks to dissolve original minerals and relace them with oreand/or other gangue minerals
The construction or purchase of items in place of existing assets
Replacement of the car in case of an accident or a breakdown
replacement cost
Replacement cost is a method that assigns value to a piece of property by considering the cost of repairing or replacing the property without taking into account depreciation (contrast with Actual Cash Value)
replacement cost
The cost of restoring damaged property to the exact condition it was in or replacing it with something of like kind and quality
replacement cost
- The cost of replacing property without deduction for depreciation
replacement cost
The cost of replacing property without deduction for depreciation
replacement cost
The cost of replacing or repairing lost or damaged property without allowing for depreciation in value or considering the market value
replacement cost
Coverage for the cost of replacing damaged property at the time of loss with that of similar kind and quality If you carry replacement cost coverage and have a loss, the insurer pays for the cost of a new replacement, minus any policy deductible
replacement cost
amount of money required to repair and replace an existing property with property of the same material and construction without deducting for depreciation
replacement cost
The cost to replace damaged personal property without a deduction for depreciation
replacement cost
(Ticaret) A valuation method based on the current market price to replace a given item, rather than its initial or previous cost
replacement cost
The cost of replacing the damaged property with new property of like kind and quality without deduction for depreciation (See Actual Cash Value)
replacement cost
The amount it would cost to replace an asset at current prices
replacement cost
A determination of the cost to replace contents, rebuild your home, or repair damages with materials of like kind and quality, without subtracting for depreciation
replacement cost
The cost to repair or replace an item with a new one without any deduction for depreciation
replacement cost
Property The cost of replacing property without a reduction for depreciation   By this method of determining value, damages for a claim would be the amount needed to replace the property using new materials   Contrast with Actual Cash Value
replacement cost
current cost of replacing a fixed asset with a new one of equal effectiveness
replacement cost
A method for placing value on property at the time of loss It is the current price for a like item in the same general condition
replacement cost
The cost to replace or repair an item without deduction for depreciation
replacement cost
The cost to repair or replace an insured item Some insurance only pays the actual cash or market value of the item at the time of the loss, not what it would cost to fix or replace it If you have personal property replacement cost coverage, your insurance will pay the full cost to repair an item or buy a new one
replacement cost
An insurance term, the total cost of erecting a new home or building which adequately takes the place of the existing one
replacement cost
the cost to repair or replace property at costs prevailing at the time of loss
replacement cost
The cost to repair or replace property at construction costs prevailing at time of loss; the cost to repair or rebuild property without considering depreciation (See ACTUAL CASH VALUE )
replacement cost
Cost to replace a firm's assets
replacement cost
Property insurance that pays for the current replacement cost of property without deduction for depreciation
replacement cost
The cost of replacing property without a reduction for depreciation By this method of determining value, damages for a claim would be the amount needed to replace the property using new materials Contrast with Actual Cash Value
replacement cost
price for replacing one asset with another similar asset (Accounting)
replacement deposit
In geology, a mineral deposit formed by chemical processes that dissolve the original rock and deposit a new assemblage of minerals in its place. See also metasomatic replacement
replacement level
the level when births equal deaths in the population
replacement level
The fertility level at which couples have the number of children required to replace themselves, this is about two children When the replacement level is reached, population growth will stabilize in time (See definitions for Population Momentum and Transition )
replacement therapy
Administration of a body substance to compensate for the loss, as from disease or surgery, of a gland or tissue that would normally produce the substance
replacement value
-For subsistence, the amount of money that would have to be spent to buy food substitutes
replacement value
The cash value representing what it would cost to replace the particular article which is the subject of the insurance
replacement value
The replacement value of something that you own is the amount of money it would cost you to replace it, for example if it was stolen or damaged
replacement value
The cost to replace an item on the present market In claims, the payment of full replacement cost with no deduction for depreciation
replacement value
Replacement value is the amount of money you would need to rebuild your house or replace any of your belongings that have been damaged, destroyed or stolen, at current price levels
replacement value
A term used when describing the cost to replace an automobile in the exact or equivalent condition and with the same components, less any depreciation due to use or deterioration This would include cost of custom fabrication, upgrading and any modification cost to duplicate the appraised automobile
replacement value
The full cost to repair or replace the damaged property with no deduction for depreciation, subject to policy limits and contract provisions
replacement value
Cost of acquiring a new asset to replace an existing asset with the same functional utility
replacement value
Current cost of replacing the firm's assets
replacement value
This is the cost of buying the same or similar items as new if you have to replace them in the even [top] of a claim [top]
replacement value
The value of an asset as determined by the estimated cost of replacing it
replacement value
The cost to replace an item destroyed during shipment of household goods
replacement value
The cash value representing what it would cost to replace the particular article which is the subject of the insurance top
replacement value
This is the cost of buying the same or similar items as new if you have to replace them in the event of a claim If your house is burgled or has a fire, the total cost of replacing your belongings is the Replacement Value
replacement value
This is the cost of buying the same or similar items as new if you have to replace them in the event of a claim
replacement value
(1) A numeric value standing for a alphanumeric string (4 characters) used on the EXTRACT command EDA maintains a memory stack which keeps these replacement values or (2) a numeric value (default -1) used where a variable has to take a value and none is given or is an arithmetically undefined variable This is the case of a division by zero, the EXTRACT command, as well al the LABEL command (options used to extract numerical information from labels or descriptors)
blood replacement
A temporary substitution for an visibly-bleeding player who must leave the field of play for first-aid treatment
double replacement reaction
A chemical reaction involving a change of chemical bonds, so that two compounds become two different compounds, in the form AB+CD\to AC+BD
double replacement reactions
plural form of double replacement reaction
double-replacement reaction
A chemical reaction involving a change of chemical bonds, so that two compounds become two different compounds, in the form AB+CD\to AC+BD
double-replacement reactions
plural form of double-replacement reaction
hormone replacement therapy
Any of several medical regimens that introduce hormones to the body to replace lost or unavailable ones. Abbreviation HRT

Elderly women can use estrogenic hormone replacement therapy to alleviate postmenopausal symptoms.

value over replacement player
A statistical measure which evaluates the relative performance of a batter or pitcher compared to a hypothetical replacement player of average fielding skill and below average hitting or pitching
Hormone Replacement Therapy
form of medical treatment in which a patient receives medicinal supplements to replace missing or deficient hormones (commonly used to treat women during and after menopause)
double replacement reaction
a chemical reaction between two compounds where the positive ion of one compound is exchanged with the positive ion of another compound
estrogen replacement therapy
The administration of estrogen, especially in postmenopausal women, to relieve menopausal symptoms and to protect against osteoporosis and heart disease
hormone replacement therapy
If a woman has hormone replacement therapy, she takes the hormone oestrogen, usually in order to control the symptoms of the menopause. The abbreviation HRT is often used. The administration of estrogen and progestin to women to relieve the symptoms of menopause, prevent osteoporosis, and reduce the risk of heart disease. HRT
hormone replacement therapy
hormones (estrogen and progestin) are given to postmenopausal women; believed to protect them from heart disease and osteoporosis
metasomatic replacement
Process of simultaneous solution and deposition in which one mineral replaces another. It is the method by which wood is petrified (silica replaces the wood fibres), minerals form pseudomorphs (new minerals that preserve the characteristic outward form of the earlier mineral that was replaced), or an ore mineral assemblage takes the place of an earlier rock type. Replacement minerals may themselves be replaced, and definite mineral successions have been established. Replacement deposits may be highly valuable ore deposits
plural of replacement



    التركية النطق



    /rəˈplāsmənt/ /rɪˈpleɪsmənt/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    [ ri-'plAs-m&nt ] (noun.) circa 1790. replace +‎ -ment


    ... yourself, what is the replacement level of fertility?  The answer is, it’s about 2.1 ...
    ... steady and that’s the replacement level of fertility.  

Now, you’re asking ...