If you take refuge somewhere, you try to protect yourself from physical harm by going there. They took refuge in a bomb shelter His home became a place of refuge for the believers
place or feeling of safety Rahula Siddhartha Gautama's son Relic something important kept from the past Retreat special time of meditation away from your normal life Rupa Form Used of an image of the Buddha; also, the first of the five Khandas
If you take refuge in a particular way of behaving or thinking, you try to protect yourself from unhappiness or unpleasantness by behaving or thinking in that way. All too often, they get bored, and seek refuge in drink and drugs
That which shelters or protects from danger, or from distress or calamity; a stronghold which protects by its strength, or a sanctuary which secures safety by its sacredness; a place inaccessible to an enemy
{i} shelter, protection; safe place, secure location; recourse, access to protection; traffic island on a busy road where pedestrians can wait safely before crossing the road
A traffic island in the centre of a road or dual carriageway, installed so pedestrians can cross the road in two parts rather than in one for safety reasons
[ 're-(")fyüj also - ] (noun.) 14th century. Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin refugium, from refugere to escape, from re- + fugere to flee; more at FUGITIVE.