La señal de tránsito en la intersección no aumentó el número de accidentes de tráfico en la ciudad.
- The signal at the intersection didn't increase the number of the traffic accidents in the city.
El número de automóviles circulando en la ciudad se ha incrementado.
- The number of cars running in the city has increased.
Antallet af europæere, der besøger Thailand hvert år, er meget stort.
- The number of Europeans who visit Thailand every year is very large.
Yksi tapa vähentää Tatoeba-korpuksen virheiden määrä olisi rohkaista ihmisiä kääntämään vain äidinkieleensä eikä toisin päin.
- One way to lower the number of errors in the Tatoeba Corpus would be to encourage people to only translate into their native languages instead of the other way around.
Annettujen työpanosten määrä kuvaa lisättyjen lauseiden plus lisättyjen käännösten plus muokattujen lauseiden määrää.
- The number of contributions represents the number of sentences added plus the number of translations added plus the number of sentences modified.
Il numero di prede che uccisero era lo stesso.
- The number of prey they killed was the same.
Il numero di alunni in questa classe è limitato a 15.
- The number of students in the class is limited to fifteen.
В последние годы число туристов заметно выросло.
- The number of tourists has increased greatly in recent years.
Число учащихся, которые едут на каникулах за границу, растёт.
- The number of students who travel abroad for vacation is increasing.
Als het aantal auto's toeneemt, neemt ook het verkeer toe.
- If the number of cars increases, so will the traffic.
Het aantal studenten dat naar het buitenland gaat studeren groeit ieder jaar.
- The number of students going abroad to study is increasing each year.