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listen to the pronunciation of prisoner
الإنجليزية - التركية

Tutuklu erkenden serbest bırakılmasını istedi. - The prisoner asked to be released early.

Tutukluya özgürlüğü verildi. - The prisoner was given his freedom.


Kendinizi benim tutsaklarım olarak düşünün. - Consider yourselves my prisoners.

Grant, 14.000 tutsak aldı. - Grant took 14,000 prisoners.


Ben esir tutuluyorum. - I'm being held prisoner.

Tom artık esir tutuluyor. - Tom is now being held prisoner.

(Kanun) mevkuf

Tom bir yerde mahpus tutuluyor. - Tom is being held prisoner somewhere.

{i} tutuklu, mahkûm, mahpus: political prisoner siyasi tutuklu
{i} hükümlü

Hapishane gardiyanı her hükümlüye bir roman yazdırdı. - The prison guard made every prisoner write a novel.

O bir hükümlüye işkence etti. - He tortured a prisoner.

(Askeri) MAHPUS: Şahsi hürriyetinden mahrum edilen kimse; bir cezaevine konulan veya nezaret altına alınan ve münasip yetkili tarafından serbest bırakılmayan kimse

Mahkûm iki aydır parmaklıklar arkasındaydı. - The prisoner was behind bars for two months.

Beş mahkûm yeniden tutuklandı, ancak diğer üçü hâlâ serbest. - Five prisoners were recaptured, but three others are still at large.


Tutuklu hapishaneden kaçtı. - A prisoner escaped from the prison.

Mahkûm hapisten kaçtı. - A prisoner escaped from the prison.


Hapishaneden çıktığımda, Tom tekrar ayaklarımın üstünde durmama yardımcı oldu. - When I got out of prison, Tom helped me get back on my feet.

Sen hapishaneden çıkıncaya kadar o evlenmiş olacak. - By the time you get out of prison, she'll have been married.


Hapishane gardiyanının bir kadın olduğunu görmek çoğu insanı şaşırtır. - It surprises most people to find out that the prison warden is a woman.

Hapishaneden çıktığımda, Tom tekrar ayaklarımın üstünde durmama yardımcı oldu. - When I got out of prison, Tom helped me get back on my feet.

prisoner of war
(Askeri) harp esiri
prisoner’s dilemma
mahkumun ikilemi
prisoner of war
savaş esiri
prisoner of conscience
vicdan tutuklu
prisoner's dilemma
Mahkumlar açmazı, tutuklunun ikilemi
prisoner's dilemma
Oyun teorisinde ve sosyal bilimlerde son derece ünlenen bir işbirliği-rekabet modeli. Adını yeterli delilin bulunamadığı bir vakada iki suç ortağının birbirinden ayrı odalarda sorgulandığı bir polisiye sorgu tekniğinden alır. Sanıklardan her birisine, 'itiraf' etmesi halinde küçük bir ceza alacağı söylenir. Ama sonucu belirleyen şey itiraf edip etmeme değil, sanıkların birlikte mi yoksa tek başlarına mi hareket edecekleridir. Her ikisinin de susması, en iyi sonucu verecektir (karşılıklı işbirliği). Her ikisinin de itiraf etmesi (karşılıklı rekabet), azaltılmış da olsa her ikisinin de ceza alması anlamına gelecektir. Birinin susup diğerinin konuşması ise (tek taraflı rekabet) konuşanın hafif, susanın ağır ceza alması demektir. En iyi seçenek her iki tarafın da susmasıdır ama kişi için en düşük risk, itiraftır. Bir tür toplamı sıfırsız olan bu model işbirliği ve rekabetle ilişkili güdülerin araştırılmasında kullanılır. Ayrıca toplamı sıfırlı oyun
Prisoner of War Information System
(Askeri) Savaş Esiri Bilgi Sistemi
prisoner at the bar
prisoner at the bar
yargılanan sanık
prisoner guard
(Askeri) MUHAFIZ; MUHAFIZ GRUBU: Mahpusların işbaşında veya askeri cezaevinde ya da tutukevi dışında bulunmalarına izin verildiği zamanlarda, bunlara nezaretle vazifeli olan er veya erler grubu. Muhafız veya muhafız grubu, bir birlikteki iç karakol (interior guard) un bir kısmıdır. Diğerleri nizam karakolu (main guard) ve özel karakol (special guard) dur
prisoner guard
(Askeri) muhafız grubu
prisoner of state
siyasi tutuklu
prisoner of thought
(Kanun) cezaevindeki fikir suçlusu
prisoner of war
(Askeri) HARP ESİRİ; ESİR: Milletlerarası kanun ve anlaşmalardaki istisnai haller hariç olmak üzere, muharip kuvvetlerin birbirlerinden esir alıp enterne ettikleri kimseler. PRISONER OF WAR BRANCH CAMP
prisoner of war branch camp
(Askeri) tali harp esir kampı
prisoner of war cage
(Askeri) GEÇİCİ ESİR NEZARET YERİ: Harp esirlerinin; sorgularının yapılması için tahliye edildikleri ve daha geriye tahliye için geçici olarak alıkonuldukları yapı, bina veya etrafı çevrili saha. PRISONER OF WAR CAMP (DOD, IADB): ESİR KAMPI (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, AMERİKAN SAVUNMA KURULU): Harp esirlerinin enterne edilmesi ve idaresi için tesis edilmiş bina, tesis
prisoner of war cage
(Askeri) geçici harp esir nezaret yeri
prisoner of war camp
(Askeri) harp esiri kampı
prisoner of war camp
(Askeri) (NATO) ESİR KAMPI (NATO): Harp esirlerinin enterne edilmesi ve her bakımdan; idaresi için, menzil sahası veya yurtiçi bölgede (anayurtta) tesis edilmiş, yarı daimi mahiyette kamp. Bu kamp; askeri bir tesiste veya diğer askeri tesislerden tamamen ayrı olabilir
prisoner of war censorship
(Askeri) HARP ESİRLERİ SANSÜRÜ: Amerikan Silahlı Kuvvetleri elindeki harp esirleri ile sivil enternelere gelen ve bunlar tarafından gönderilen mektupların kontrolu. Ayrıca bakınız: "censorship"
prisoner of war collecting point
(Askeri) HARP ESİRLERİ TOPLAMA NOKTASI: Harp esirlerinin, ileri bir muharebe sahasında, acele taktik değerdeki bilgiler bakımında, mahallinde inceleme ve müteakip tahliye yapılana kadar toplandıkları belirli bir nokta
prisoner of war compound
(Askeri) harp esirleri tali bölüm
prisoner of war compound
(Askeri) HARP ESİRLERİ TALİ BÖLÜMÜ: Bir harp esirleri bloğunun tali kısmı
prisoner of war enclosure
(Askeri) ESİR KAMPI TALİ BÖLÜMÜ: Bir harp esirleri kampının tali bölümü
prisoner of war enclosure
(Askeri) esir kampı tali bölümü
prisoner of war information bureau
(Askeri) HARP ESİRLERİ DANIŞMA BÜROSU: Enterne edilmiş harp esirleri hakkında bilgi temin eden 1949 Cenevre sözleşmesinde açıklanmış milli merkez
prisoner of war personnel record
(Askeri) HARP ESİRİ PERSONEL KAYDI: Cenevre Sözleşmesi tarafından gerekli kılınanların içerildiği, harp esirinin fotoğrafı, parmak izleri ve diğer ilgili kişisel bilgilerinin kaydedildiği bir form
prisoner of war processing company
(Askeri) HARP ESİRLERİ İŞLEM BÖLÜĞÜ: Ele geçirilen esirlerle ilgili bilgileri kaydeden askeri inzibat birliği. Tutulacak kayıtlar; esirin ismini, esir seri numarasını, parmak izlerini, fotoğrafını, şahsi eşya dökümü vesaireyi ihtiva eder
prisoner of war processing station
(Askeri) HARP ESİRLERİ İŞLEM İSTASYONU: Kamplara gönderilmek üzere bekleyen harp esirlerinin kayıt işlerinin yapılması ve geçici olarak alıkonmaları için kurulmuş bir tesis
prisoner on remand
prisoner's dilemma
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) tutuklunun ikilemi
prisoner's dilemma
tutuklu ikilemi

Cezaevi suçluları islah eder mi? - Does prison reform criminals?

Tom cezaevinde olmayı hak ediyor. - Tom deserves to be in prison.

{i} delik

Mahkûm cezaevi duvarının altında bir delik açtı. - The prisoner dug a hole under the prison wall.


Onlara mahkumları bırakmalarını emretti. - He ordered them to release the prisoners.

Amerika'da hapishanede mahkumlar için ayrılan yer mahkumlara yeterli değildir.Bu yüzden hapishaneler çok kalabalıktır. - In the U.S., there are more prisoners than there is jail space for them. So the prisons are overcrowded.

political prisoner
siyasi suçlu
fugitive prisoner
kaçak mahkum
release a prisoner
bir mahkum serbest
Defense Prisoner of War (POW)/Missing Personnel (MP) Office
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanlığı Savaş Esiri (POW)/Kayıp Personel (MP) Ofisi
National Prisoner of War Information Center
(Askeri) Milli Savaş Esiri Bilgi Merkezi
capture prisoner
tutsak almak
convicted prisoner
(Kanun) hükümlü mahpus
enemy prisoner of war
(Askeri) düşman savaş esiri
enemy prisoner of war
(Askeri) düşman harp esiri
enemy prisoner of war/civilian internee
(Askeri) düşman savaş esiri/sivil stajyer
garrison prisoner
(Askeri) GARNİZON MAHPUSU: Mevkuf olarak duruşmasını bekleyen veya hakkında tard veya ihracı icab ettirmeyecek şekilde hapis kararı verilen mahpus
general prisoner
(Askeri) GENEL MAHPUS: İdama mahkum kimselere, askeri mahkemenin karar tarihinden idam tarihine kadar verilen isim
hold smb. prisoner
rehine olarak tutmak
hold smb. prisoner
esir tutmak
interrogation of prisoner of war
military prisoner
(Askeri) askeri tutuklu
military prisoner
(Askeri) ASKERİ MAHPUS: Askeri Ceza ve Askeri ceza muhakemeleri Usulü kanununa tabi olup hapsi emredilen ve yetkili makam tarafından serbest bırakılmayan, erkek veya kadın şahıs
nonrestorable prisoner
(Askeri) ISLAH EDİLMEYEN MAHPUS: Ordu içinde, tekrar şerefli hizmet durumuna avdeti uygun görülmeyen genel mahpus
ordinary prisoner
(Kanun) adli tutuklu
political prisoner
siyasi tutuklu
{i} hapsetme
(Askeri) CEZAEVİ: Hapis cezasına çarpılanların kapatıldıkları yer
prison breaker hapishane kaçağı
{i} kodes
restorable prisoner
(Askeri) ASKERİ HAKLARI İADE EDİLEN MAHPUS: Orduda, tekrar şerefli faal görev durumuna iade edilmesi uygun görülen genel mahpus
sentenced prisoner
(Askeri) HÜKÜMLÜ MAHPUS, HÜKÜM GİYMİŞ MAHPUS: Hakkında alınan hapis kararı icra safhasına geçmiş mahpus
sentenced prisoner
(Askeri) hüküm giymiş mahpus
sentenced prisoner
(Askeri) hükümlü mahpus
take prisoner
rehine almak
take prisoner
esir almak
take smb. prisoner
esir almak
take smb. prisoner
rehine almak
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A person incarcerated in a prison, while on trial or serving a sentence
Any person held against his or her will
{n} one who is under arrest, a captive
If you say that you are a prisoner of a situation, you mean that your are trapped by it. We are all prisoners of our childhood and feel an obligation to it
A printed cloth; a fabric figured by stamping, especially calico or cotton cloth
A prisoner is a person who is kept in a prison as a punishment for a crime that they have committed. The committee is concerned about the large number of prisoners sharing cells. = inmate
A printed publication, more especially a newspaper or other periodical
A person under arrest, or in custody, whether in prison or not; a person held in involuntary restraint; a captive; as, a prisoner at the bar of a court
a person who is confined; especially a prisoner of war
That which is produced by printing
An impression taken from anything, as from an engraved plate
One who is confined in a prison
A prisoner is a person who has been captured by an enemy, for example in war. wartime hostages and concentration-camp prisoners He was taken prisoner in North Africa in 1942
a person who is confined; especially a prisoner of war Printed letters; the impression taken from type, as to excellence, form, size, etc
{i} convict, inmate, captive, one who is confined in a jail because of proven or alleged criminal activity
A photographic copy, or positive picture, on prepared paper, as from a negative, or from a drawing on transparent paper
as, small print; large print; this line is in print
prisoner of war
A soldier or combatant who is captured by the enemy. Abbreviations POW, PW

As a prisoner of war, he was interrogated by his enemy captors.

prisoner of war
Of or relating to a prisoner of war or prisoners of war

After his capture he was taken to a prisoner-of-war camp.

Attributive form of prisoner of war, noun

prisoner-of-war camp.

prisoner's dilemma
The prisoner's dilemma is a fundamental problem in game theory that demonstrates why two people might not cooperate even if it is in both their best interests to do so. It was originally framed by Merrill Flood and Melvin Dresher working at RAND in 1950. Albert W. Tucker formalized the game with prison sentence payoffs and gave it the "prisoner's dilemma" name (Poundstone, 1992)
Prisoner of War Medal
A congressional decoration featuring a bald eagle surrounded by barbed wire and bayonet points, that is awarded to any American prisoner of war held captive by enemy troops after April 5, 1917
Prisoner of Zenda
a novel by Anthony Hope, which has been made into several films, about the adventures of an Englishman in the imaginary country of Ruritania (1894)
prisoner exchange deal
agreement to swap prisoners
prisoner of Zion
Jew jailed in his native country for participating in Zionist activities
prisoner of conscience
Prisoners of conscience are people who have been put into prison for their political or social beliefs or for breaking the law while protesting against a political or social system. = political prisoner. someone who is put in prison because of their political ideas
prisoner of war
person captured by the enemy during a war
prisoner of war
Prisoners of war are soldiers who have been captured by their enemy during a war and kept as prisoners until the end of the war. = POW. A person taken by or surrendering to enemy forces in wartime. a soldier, member of the navy etc who is caught by the enemy during a war and kept as a prisoner
prisoner of war
a person who surrenders to (or is taken by) the enemy in time of war
prisoner of war censorship
military censorship of communication to and from prisoners of war and civilian internees held by the armed forces
prisoner on bail
prisoner released from jail by placing a money bond which guarantees he will return to court
prisoner rehabilitation
training which attempts to bring prisoners to a place where they can become useful members of society
prisoner release
freeing of a prisoner or prisoners
prisoner's base
a children's game; two teams capture opposing players by tagging them and taking them to their own base
prisoner's base
type of children's game
prisoner's dilemma
Imaginary situation employed in game theory. One version is as follows. Two prisoners are accused of a crime. If one confesses and the other does not, the one who confesses will be released immediately and the other will spend 20 years in prison. If neither confesses, each will be held only a few months. If both confess, they will each be jailed 15 years. They cannot communicate with one another. Given that neither prisoner knows whether the other has confessed, it is in the self-interest of each to confess himself. Paradoxically, when each prisoner pursues his self-interest, both end up worse off than they would have been had they acted otherwise. See egoism
ghost prisoner
A prisoner not included in official prison records, and not reported to the Red Cross as a detainee
political prisoner
A person imprisoned for no other reason than his political views or political activism
Confinement in a prison

Prison was a harrowing experience for him.

to imprison
Any restrictive environment, such as a harsh academy or home

The academy was a prison for many of its students because of its strict teachers.

{n} jail, place of confinement, fast hold
{v} to shut up in hold, confine, enchain
Center for Prisoner Rehabilitation
institution in which convicts are taught the skills necessary to function in society
Ministerial Committee on Prisoner Release
government committee which supervises the release of prisoners from jail
escaped prisoner
one who has escaped from jail, one who has broken out of prison
falling prisoner
being taken captive, falling into enemy hands
female prisoner
woman prison inmate
fugitive prisoner
escaped convict, runaway prisoner
life prisoner
prisoner sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison
political prisoner
someone who is imprisoned because of their political views
political prisoner
A political prisoner is someone who has been imprisoned for criticizing or disagreeing with their own government. A person who has been imprisoned for holding or advocating dissenting political views. someone who is in prison because they have opposed or criticized the government of their own country
political prisoner
person who is imprisoned due to his ideas or beliefs
A place of long-term confinement for those convicted of serious crimes
as, small print; large print; this line is in print
A place where persons are confined, or restrained of personal liberty; hence, a place or state o&?; confinement, restraint, or safe custody
{i} jail, penitentiary, location where convicted criminals and people awaiting trial are confined
To bind (together); to enchain
A printed publication, more especially a newspaper or other periodical
a prisonlike situation; a place of seeming confinement
Specifically, a building for the safe custody or confinement of criminals and others committed by lawful authority
A prison is a building where criminals are kept as punishment or where people accused of a crime are kept before their trial. The prison's inmates are being kept in their cells He was sentenced to life in prison = jail. Institution for the confinement of people convicted of crimes. Prisons are administered by state, provincial, or national governments and house inmates for relatively long terms. They thus differ from jails, which usually are under local jurisidiction and house inmates serving short sentences. Until the late 18th century, prisons were used mainly for the confinement of debtors who could not meet their obligations, of accused persons waiting to be tried, and of convicts who were waiting for their sentences of death or banishment to be put into effect. Later, imprisonment itself came to be accepted as a means of punishing convicted criminals. In early U.S. prisons, prisoners were kept in isolation; in the 19th century, they were permitted to work together, but only in silence. At the end of the 19th century, prison reformers successfully advocated segregation of criminals by type of crime, age, and sex; rewards for good behaviour; indeterminate sentencing; vocational training; and parole. In the late 20th century, prison populations in many countries began to explode as arrests for violent offenses and for possession of small amounts of illegal drugs increased
An impression taken from anything, as from an engraved plate
{f} imprison, put in prison, incarcerate, jail, detain
That which is produced by printing
a correctional institution where persons are confined while on trial or for punishment a prisonlike situation; a place of seeming confinement Printed letters; the impression taken from type, as to excellence, form, size, etc
To imprison; to shut up in, or as in, a prison; to confine; to restrain from liberty
a correctional institution where persons are confined while on trial or for punishment
A photographic copy, or positive picture, on prepared paper, as from a negative, or from a drawing on transparent paper
A printed cloth; a fabric figured by stamping, especially calico or cotton cloth
values for c in the Julia Set or Mandelbrot set where at each iteration the resulting value becomes smaller and smaller, approaching zero (cf Prisoners and Escapees -- Julia Sets Discussion)
Individuals involuntarily confined in a penal institution, including persons sentenced under a criminal or civil statute, detained pending arraignment, trial, or sentencing; and detained in other facilities under statutes or commitment procedures providing alternative to criminal prosecution or incarceration in a penal institution
plural of prisoner
Dismas, Barbara
release a prisoner
let a prisoner go, set a convict free
was taken prisoner
was captured by the enemy, was imprisoned