
listen to the pronunciation of pris
الفرنسية - التركية
alınmış; tutulmuş, uğramış; ayartılmış; donmuş; meşgul
ele alındığında

Ekipten atıldı çünkü uyuşturucu kullanıyordu. - Il fut exclu de l'équipe parce qu'il avait pris de la drogue.

Bunun için hapse atılabilirsiniz. - On peut vous mettre en prison pour ça.


Dünya'nın uzaydan görünüşünün ilk fotoğrafı 1946'da çekildi. - La première photographie de la Terre, vue de l'espace, fut prise en dix-neuf-cent-quarante-six.

الفرنسية - الإنجليزية
{a} occupied
{a} stricken
taken, captured; sold; busy
{a} taken

Spenser's sarcastic and joking remarks are often misinterpreted as signs of ambivalence and often taken too seriously. - Les remarques sarcastiques et de plaisanterie de Spenser sont souvent mal interprétées comme signes d'ambivalence et souvent prises trop au sérieux.

Some of the photos have been taken at the risk of life. - Certaines photos ont été prises au péril de la vie.

الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
An impression taken from anything, as from an engraved plate
A photographic copy, or positive picture, on prepared paper, as from a negative, or from a drawing on transparent paper
Printed letters; the impression taken from type, as to excellence, form, size, etc
as, small print; large print; this line is in print
A printed cloth; a fabric figured by stamping, especially calico or cotton cloth
A printed publication, more especially a newspaper or other periodical
That which is produced by printing
See Price, and 1st Prize
السويدية - الفرنسية