(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) Uzun süreli potansiyel artışı (USPA): Presinaptik sınır hücresinin yüksek frekansla (tekrar tekrar) uyarılmasının, uyarıcı postsinaptik potansiyelde yarattığı uzun süreli bir artış. Başka bir deyişle, sinirsel bir yol ne kadar sık kullanılırsa, aynı yolu gelecekte de kullanmak o kadar kolaylaşır. Yine başka bir deyişle, tetiklenmeleri ilişkili birbirine bağlı iki sınır hücresi, gelecekte de birbiriyle ilişkili olarak tetiklenecektir
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
تعريف potentiation في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.
The action of a substance, at a dose that does not itself have an adverse action, in enhancing the effect of another substance
The ability of one chemical to increase the effect of another chemical Potentiometric surface The surface to which water in an aquifer can rise by hydrostatic pressure Precipitate An insoluble reaction product in an aqueous chemical reaction Precipitation process The altering of dissolved compounds to insoluble or badly soluble compounds, in order to be able to remove the compounds by means of filtration
Potentiation is the ability of one chemical to enhance the activity of another chemical to an extent greater than the simple summation of the two expected activities
{i} increase of intensity, increase of strength; increase of ability, increase of capability
The enhancement of an aversion to a nonsalient stimulus when a salient stimulus is also paired with the UCS
a long-lasting (hours in vitro, weeks to months in vivo) increase, typically in amplitude, of the response of a postsynaptic neuron to a particular pattern of stimuli from a presynaptic neuron
(Tıp, İlaç) A long-lasting strengthening of the response of a postsynaptic nerve cell to stimulation across the synapse that occurs with repeated stimulation and is thought to be related to learning and long-term memory ¯ abbreviation LTP