
listen to the pronunciation of pinseln
ألمانية - التركية
küçük fırçayla sürmek
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف pinseln في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.


Neden bankı kırmızıya boyadın? - Why did you paint the bank red?

İyi bir sonuç için iki tabaka boya uygula. - Apply two coats of the paint for a good finish.

{f} makyaj yapmak
{i} makyaj

Sana makyaj yapmamı ister misin? - Do you want me to paint you?

O, karısına makyaj yaptırdı. - He had his wife painted.

{f} resmetmek
resmini yapmak
paintboxboya kutusu

Karakalem çizimi yağlıboyadan daha kolay, ama ikisi de düşündüğümden daha zor. - Charcoal drawing is easier than oil painting, but both are harder than I thought.

paint brushboya fırçası
{f} fondöten sürmek
(Bilgisayar) boyama

Çiti boyamama gerek yoktu. - I didn't need to paint the fence.

Çiti boyamama gerek yoktu. - I needn't have painted the fence.

{f} -i boyamak
{i} allık
boya ile resmini yapmak
{i} özsu
ألمانية - الإنجليزية
A set of containers or blocks of paint of different colors/colours, used for painting pictures
To create an image with paints
To depict or portray
{f} apply color to a surface; create a work of art with paint; make a design on a surface with paint; put makeup on; describe something in words; apply with a brush like paint
A coating containing enough pigment to create an opaque solid film after application as a thin layer
To represent or exhibit to the mind; to describe vividly; to delineate; to image; to depict
When you paint a design or message on a surface, you put it on the surface using paint. a machine for painting white lines down roads The recesses are decorated with gold stars, with smaller stars painted along the edges
A jack, king, or queen (i e , a card with a picture on it) Let's see some paint
If you paint a grim or vivid picture of something, you give a description of it that is grim or vivid. The report paints a grim picture of life there see also painting, gloss paint, oil paint, poster paint, war paint. Decorative and protective coating commonly applied to rigid surfaces as a liquid consisting of a pigment suspended in a vehicle, or binder. The vehicle, usually a resin dissolved in a solvent, dries to a tough film, binding the pigment to the surface. Paint was used for pictorial and decorative purposes in the caves of France and Spain as early as 15,000 BC. Limoges painted enamel Painted Desert painted lady painted turtle acrylic painting action painting Old Museum of Painting bark painting fresco painting genre painting Metaphysical painting miniature painting Mughal painting oil painting Pahari painting Hill painting scroll painting still life painting tempera painting
[quip] in 1939, two-tone paint combination cost $20 extra, non standard color cost $25, fenders finished in different color ran $12 50 [Sch40, p 13]
An application environment designed for freehand sketches, editing color images, and other artistic uses
A basic illustration program available with Windows operating system as one of its accessories With Paint you can create graphics and images from scratch
the 150 or so pigmented layers that hold the deck together at the Athens Community Theater
If a woman paints her lips or nails, she puts a coloured cosmetic on them. She propped the mirror against her handbag and began to paint her lips She painted her fingernails bright red
apply a liquid to; e g , paint the gutters with linseed oil
apply paint to; coat with paint; "We painted the rooms yellow"
To color, stain, or tinge; to adorn or beautify with colors; to diversify with colors
The same prepared with a vehicle, as oil, water with gum, or the like, for application to a surface
Put information directly onto the surface of a window You can use painting to write text in any size or font available on your Windows system, as well as to draw lines, curves, filled shapes and bitmaps
The oldest and most limited Macintosh graphic file format, holding only black-and-white bit maps at 72 dpi Paint files (file type PNTG) are limited to 8 by 10 inches
etw. pinseln
to paint something