On binlerce insan soğuk ve yağmura rağmen Paskalya kutlamasında Papa Francis ile Dindar Kütleye katılmak için pazar sabahı Aziz Petrus Meydanında toplandı.
- Tens of thousands of people gathered in Saint Peter's Square on Sunday morning, despite the cold and the rain, to take part in Solemn Mass with Pope Francis in celebration of Easter.
Aziz Petrus meydanı kalabalıktır.
- Saint Peter's Square is crowded.
Philip, Andrew ve Peter gibi, Bethesda kasabasındandı.
- Philip, like Andrew and Peter, was from the town of Bethesda.
And I say unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church;.
What splendid names for boys there are! / There's Carol like a rolling car, / And Martin like a flying bird, / And Adam like the Lord's First Word, / And Raymond like the Harvest Moon, / And Peter like a piper's tune,.
A Peter Pan if ever there was one. Hopeless at school. Incapable either of competing or co-operating..
The husband himself (called he to emphasize his role as Typical Male) comes across as a rather dense, naughty adolescent boy. He is clearly suffering from a terminal case of the Peter Pan syndrome.
What started as a great effort ended up petering out to nothing.
He is considered to be the Peter Pan of the music business.
We lay out in the stream for another whole day, with the Blue Peter flying, to show that we were ready for sea, and to summon any passengers who might yet remain on shore. — W.H.G. Kingston, Peter the Whaler, 1851.
OMB decided that a large part of the money would come from other health programs for poor women and children. That penny-pinching tactic sparked an outcry. . . . Senator Christopher Bond of Missouri denounced the plan as pitting one city's babies against another city's babies. Florida Governor Lawton Chiles, who chairs the National Commission to Prevent Infant Mortality, said it amounted to robbing Peter to pay Paul..
... peter is there something you wanna see him standing yeah ...
... doubles coveted by peter ustinov in the movie takaki ...