The practice of commercial and non-commercial fishing which depletes a fishery by catching so many adult fish that not enough remain to breed and replenish the population Overfishing exceeds the carrying capacity of a fishery
The removal of a sufficiently large number of certain fish from a body of water such that breeding stocks are reduced to levels that will not support the continued presence of the fish in desirable quantities for sport or commercial harvest
n: Harvesting so many fish of a species (especially immature fish) that there is not enough breeding stock left to replenish the species, such that it is not profitable to harvest them, leading to commercial extinction
Catching too many fish; fishing so much that the fish cannot sustain their population The fish get fewer and fewer, until finally there are none to catch
A serious decline in the size of a fish population through fishing leading to a collapse in the fishery because there are too few individuals available to make harvesting viable or profitable