over take

listen to the pronunciation of over take
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف over take في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

take over
{f} devralmak

Tom devralmak için hâlâ çok genç. - Tom is still too young to take over.

Küçük yaştan itibaren aile şirketini devralmak için yetiştirildi. - He was groomed from a young age to take over the family business.

yetişip geçmek
take over
(deyim) take sth. over (from someone) devir almak,teslim almak. a take-over devir
{f} yetişmek
{f} yakalamak
{f} İng. (taşıtı) sollamak, geçmek
take over
{f} yönetimini almak
take over
yönetimi ele almak
ansızın yakalamak
arkada bırakmak
başına gelmek
araba sollamak
geride bırakmak
take over
yönetimi ele geçirmek
take over
(Ticaret) satın alma
take over
(Ticaret) yönetimini ele geçirmek
take over
(Ticaret) şirket satın alma
take over
devralmak (nöbeti)
take over
yönetimi almak
take over
take over
yönetimi üstlenmek
take over
egemen olmak
take over
take over
kendine mal etmek
take over
(Ticaret) üzerine almak
take over
(Askeri) devir teslim
take someone over
birini tekeline almak
take something over

Acele edersen ona yetişirsin. - If you hurry, you will overtake him.

Eğer acele edersen yakında ona yetişirsin. - If you hurry, you will soon overtake her.

take over
(Ticaret) bir şirketi devralmak
take over
rubbing, take over
sürtünme, devralmak
take over bid
teklif devralmak
take over something
take control of or responsibility for something, e.g. a business
take priority over
öncelik devralmak
take s.o. over
birini tekeline almak: You've just taken Saadet over this evening, haven't you? Saadet'i bu akşam tekeline aldın değil mi?
devir, devretmek
Devir, devralma
{f} (o.ver.took, --n)
(İnşaat) geçmek
birden karşısma çıkmak
{f} birden karşısına çıkmak
{f} bastırmak (yağmur vb)
take a risk over
(Ticaret) riski üzerine almak
take over
{f} ön plâna çıkmak
take over
{f} üstlenmek
take over
1. yönetimi ele almak; yönetimi ele geçirmek; yönetimi üstlenmek: Will you take over for me here while I'm in Kayseri? Ben Kayseri'deyken
take over a ruin from
enkaz devralmak
take over bids
(Politika, Siyaset) pay alım teklifi
take over for someone
birinin yerine bakmak
take over the management
işin idaresini eline almak
take over the portfolio of
(Politika, Siyaset) makamı devralmak
take over the portfolio of
(Politika, Siyaset) görevi devralmak
take precedence over
(daha önemli olduğu için) -den önce gelmek/ele alınmak
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف over take في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

To pass a more slowly moving object
To catch up with, but not pass, a more slowly moving vehicle, animal etc

I overtook and passed the doctor between Woking and Send. 1898, H. G. Wells, The War of the Worlds.

To become greater than something else
To occur unexpectedly

Our plans were overtaken by events..

take over
to appropriate something without permission
take over
to adopt a further responsibility or duty

He will take over the job permanently when the accountant retires.

take over
to annex a territory by conquest or invasion

Ancient Rome took over lands throughout the known world.

take over
to relieve someone temporarily

If you will take over driving, I'd like to get some sleep.

take over
To become more successful than someone or something else

Tiger Woods has taken over as the top golfer.

take over
to assume control of something, especially by force; to usurp
take over
to buy out the ownership of a business

Acme Motors is to take over Jetcar Industries this week, if all goes as planned.

{f} catch up to; pass; surpass; come upon suddenly, attack suddenly
{v} to come up with, to catch
If you overtake a vehicle or a person that is ahead of you and moving in the same direction, you pass them. When he eventually overtook the last truck he pulled over to the inside lane The red car was pulling out ready to overtake
If an event overtakes you, it happens unexpectedly or suddenly. Tragedy was shortly to overtake him, however. = befall
If someone or something overtakes a competitor, they become more successful than them. Sales are booming in Japan, which has overtaken Britain as the Mini's biggest market
Hence, figuratively, in the past participle (overtaken), drunken
overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli
travel past; "The sports car passed all the trucks"
To come upon from behind; to discover; to surprise; to capture; to overcome
If a feeling overtakes you, it affects you very strongly. Something like panic overtook me = overwhelm
catch up with and possibly overtake; "The Rolls Royce caught us near the exit ramp
To come up with in a course, pursuit, progress, or motion; to catch up with
catch up with and possibly overtake; "The Rolls Royce caught us near the exit ramp"
take over
take on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person; "I'll accept the charges"; "She agreed to bear the responsibility"
take over
take up, as of debts or payments; "absorb the costs for something"
take over
If one thing takes over from something else, it becomes more important, successful, or powerful than the other thing, and eventually replaces it. Cars gradually took over from horses When the final vote came, rationality took over. see also takeover
take over
take on titles, offices, duties, responsibilities; "When will the new President assume office?"
take over
{f} capture, take into command
take over
seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one's right or possession; "He assumed to himself the right to fill all positions in the town"; "he usurped my rights"; "She seized control of the throne after her husband died"
take over
take over ownership of; of corporations and companies free someone temporarily from his or her obligations
take over
do over; "They would like to take it over again"
take over
take up and practice as one's own
take over
free someone temporarily from his or her obligations
take over
If someone takes over a country or building, they get control of it by force, for example with the help of the army. The Belgians took over Rwanda under a League of Nations mandate
take over
If you take over a job or role or if you take over, you become responsible for the job after someone else has stopped doing it. His widow has taken over the running of his empire, including six London theatres In 1966, Pastor Albertz took over from him as governing mayor She took over as chief executive of the Book Trust
take over
take over ownership of; of corporations and companies
take over
If you take over a company, you get control of it, for example by buying its shares. A British newspaper says British Airways plan to take over Trans World Airways
take priority over
make something more important than something else, give importance regarding something
over take

    التركية النطق

    ōvır teyk


    /ˈōvər ˈtāk/ /ˈoʊvɜr ˈteɪk/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    [ 'O-v&r ] (adverb.) before 12th century. Middle English, adverb & preposition, from Old English ofer; akin to Old High German ubar above, beyond, over, Latin super, Greek hyper.