BİNDİRME: Fotoğrafçılıkta, genellikle yüzde olarak ifade edilen ve bir fotoğrafta görülen bir alanın diğer bir fotoğrafta da temsil edilen kısmı. Bir uçuş hattı üzerinde birbirini takip eden fotoğraflar arasındaki bindirmeye "uzunlamasına bindirme" denir. Birbirine komşu ve paralel uçuş hatlarında çekilen fotoğraflar arasındaki bindirmeye de "yanlamasına bindirme"denir. Bir gözetleme hattı üzerindeki birbirini takip eden çizgilerin bindirmesine de "çizgi bindirmesi" denir
(Askeri) (NATO) BİNDİRME: Fotoğrafçılıkta, genellikle yüzde olarak ifade edilen ve bir fotoğrafta görülen bir alanın diğer bir fotoğrafta da temsil edilen kısmı. Bir uçuş hattı üzerinde birbirini takip eden fotoğraflar arasındaki bindirmeye "uzunlamasına bindirme" denir. Birbirine komşu ve paralel uçuş hatlarında çekilen fotoğraflar arasındaki bindirmeye de "yanlamasına bindirme"denir. Bir gözetleme hattı üzerindeki birbirini takip eden çizgilerin bindirmesine de "çizgi bindirmesi" denir
(Askeri) BİNDİRME (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI): Fotoğrafçılıkta; genellikle yüzde olarak ifade edilen ve bir fotoğrafta görülen bir alanın diğer bir fotoğrafta da temsil edilen kısmı. Bir uçuş hattı üzerinde birbirini takip eden fotoğraflar arasındaki bindirmeye "uzunlamasına bindirme" denir. Birbirine komşu ve paralel uçuş hatlarında çekilen fotoğraflar arasındaki bindirmeye "yanlamasına bindirme" denir
a situation in the game where an attacking line has more players in it than the defensive line coming to meet it. The attacking side may exploit the overlap by using their superior numbers to break the opposition's defensive line. If attackers outnumber defenders by more than one player this is often termed a two man overlap or three man overlap, etc. If the attacking side fails to break through usually due to poor execution, they are said to waste an overlap
If one idea or activity overlaps another, or overlaps with another, they involve some of the same subjects, people, or periods of time. Elizabeth met other Oxford intellectuals some of whom overlapped Naomi's world Christian holy week overlaps with the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover The needs of patients invariably overlap Overlap is also a noun. the overlap between civil and military technology. the amount by which two activities, ideas, things etc overlap overlap between
or Valve Overlap: The period, measured in crank degrees, when both the exhaust valve and the intake valve are open Valve overlap allows the negative pressure scavenge wave to return from the exhaust and begin the inflow of air/fuel mixture into the cylinder even before the intake stroke begins The effectiveness of the overlap period is dependent on engine speed and exhaust "tuning "
A language pattern for leading a person from a representational system which they are already using, into another representational system, either simultaneously or sequentially
°Orbitals lack sharply defined surfaces, declining in amplitude exponentially in their surface regions When two orbitals are brought together, regions of substantial amplitude overlap The resulting system can be described as two new orbitals, one formed by joining the two original orbitals without introducing a node in the °wave function, and the other formed with a node between them The nodeless joining reduces the energy of the electrons relative to the separate orbitals, resulting in a bonding interaction; joining with a node raises the energy, producing an antibonding interaction If both new orbitals are occupied, antibonding forces dominate, resulting in °overlap repulsion °Molecular mechanics models give an approximate description of overlap (and other) forces for a certain range of atoms and geometries
The measure of searchcoil swing advance not greater than the searchcoil's physical diameter Also refers to the technique of maximum ground coverage while coil sweeping
the property of partial coincidence in time a representation of common ground between theories or phenomena; "there was no overlap between their proposals"
Refers to the amount of vinyl that extends beyond the copy area and up to the pocket Stated another way, the area of vinyl between the image area and pockets This area is almost always printed as a "bleed" in order to provide a small margin for error in hanging the board As a result, "overlap" and "bleed" are sometimes confused An example: a 14' x 48' copy area + 3" overlap, top, bottom, & sides, + 3" pockets top, bottom, & side = 15' x 49' total outside dimensions (finished size) of the vinyl blank
If one thing overlaps another, or if you overlap them, a part of the first thing occupies the same area as a part of the other thing. You can also say that two things overlap. When the bag is folded flat, the bag bottom overlaps one side of the bag Overlap the slices carefully so there are no gaps Use vinyl seam adhesive where vinyls overlap The edges must overlap each other or weeds will push through the gaps
when a winger moves away from the sideline towards the center of the field to create space for a teammate to advance the ball undefended along the side of the field
A pension has a number of options available, including the following; Pension Guarantee, which promises to pay benefits for a fixed period of time, regardless of whether or not the Pensioner survives Dependant's Pension, which in the event of the death of the Pensioner, provides a continuing pension income to a dependant Overlap is an arrangement whereby benefits from both the above options can be payable at the same time, so that in the event of the Pensioners death within the guarantee period, the Guaranteed Pension and the Dependant's Pension would both be paid
An extension of geological beds above and beyond others, as in a conformable series of beds, when the upper beds extend over a wider space than the lower, either in one or in all directions
A method in which a supporting teammate runs from behind to position ahead of the player with the ball Tactic often used to move defenders and midfielders into attacking positions
[ 'O-v&r ] (adverb.) before 12th century. Middle English, adverb & preposition, from Old English ofer; akin to Old High German ubar above, beyond, over, Latin super, Greek hyper.