
listen to the pronunciation of organ
الإنجليزية - التركية
mouth organ ağız mızıkası
yayın organı
(Ticaret) yayın aracı
yayın kılganı
kitle iletişim araçları

Merkezî sinir sistemi dört organdan oluşur. - The central nervous system consists of four organs.

Bu organizasyon gönüllü katkılara bağlıdır. - That organization depends on voluntary contributions.

organ grinder latarnacı
{i} uzuv
(Tıp) Organ, uzuv, organum
{i} (Anatomi) organ, örgen, uzuv
party organ parti organı
{i} kuruluş

Müdür emekli olduktan sonra Tom kuruluşun başına tayin edildi. - Tom was named the head of the organization after the director retired.

O, kuruluşumuzda önemli bir rol oynuyor. - He is playing an important role in our organization.

haber organı
{i} örgüt

Örgütümüze nasıl katkıda bulunabilirsiniz? - How can you contribute to our organisation?

WHO, Dünya Sağlık Örgütü anlamına gelir. - WHO stands for World Health Organization.

organ stop org düğmesi
(Anatomi) üye

O bu organizasyonun bir üyesidir. - She's a member of this organization.

Bu kuruluşun bir üyesidir. - She is a member of this organization.

(Politika, Siyaset) heyet
(Politika, Siyaset) idari birim

WHO, Dünya Sağlık Örgütü anlamına gelir. - WHO stands for World Health Organization.

Terör örgütlerinden nefret ediyorum. - I hate terrorist organizations.

male genital organ
erkek üreme organı

Organizasyon başarısız oldu. - The organization failed.

Organizasyon hakkında bir şey duydunuz mu? - Have you heard anything about the organization?


Müdür emekli olduktan sonra Tom kuruluşun başına tayin edildi. - Tom was named the head of the organization after the director retired.

O, kuruluşumuzda önemli bir rol oynuyor. - He is playing an important role in our organization.

organ failure
Organ yetmezliği
organ builder
(Muzik) org yapan
organ of corti
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) corti organı
organ spesific enzyme
(Biyokimya) özgen
organ bank
kılgan bankası
organ grinder
organ of hearing
işitme organı
organ of hearing
işitme kılganı
organ of sight
görme kılganı
organ of smell
koku alma organı
organ of touch
dokunma kılganı
organ of vision
görme kılganı
organ stop
org düğmesi
organ donor
organ donör
organ loft
org yeri
organ of sight
görme organı
organ of speech
konuşma organ
organ transplant
organ nakli
organ (unit)
idari birim
organ (unit)
organ bank
organ bankası
organ blower
org körüğü
organ donation
organ bağışı
organ dose
(Nükleer Bilimler) organ dozu
organ eroticism
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) organ erotizmi
organ factor
(Tıp) organ faktörü
organ grinder
organ inferiority
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) organ aşağılığı
organ libido
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) organ libidosu
organ loft
(Muzik) kiliselerde org galerisi
organ loft
org yeri (kilise)
organ mode
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) organ işlev biçimi
organ of bojanus
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) bojanus organı
organ of sachs
(Denizbilim) saks organı
organ of touch
(Anatomi) dokunma organı
organ of vision
(Anatomi) görme organı
organ preservation
(Tıp) organ korunması
organ specificenzyme
(Denizbilim) örgenil özgen
organ specificity
(Tıp) organa özgüllük
(Askeri) TEŞKİL/TEŞKİLAT, ÖRGÜT, BİRLİK: Herhangi bir askeri birlik; özellikle iki veya daha çok küçük birlikten meydana gelmiş daha büyük bir komutanlık. Bu anlamda; bir komutanlık askeri unsuru, kendi asli teşkillerine nazaran bir (organizasyon) teşkil ve kendisinden büyük komutanlıklara nazaran bir birliktir

Hangi organizma sıtmaya neden olur? - Which organism causes malaria?

Bu tek hücreli bir organizmadır. - That is a unicellular organism.

executive organ
(Kanun) idari kurum
executive organ
yürütme organı
executive organ
(Kanun) idari organ
legislative organ
(Kanun) yasama organı

Küçük şirket, büyük bir organizasyon tarafından devralındı. - The small company was taken over by a large organization.

(Ticaret) organ

Bu organizasyon gönüllü katkılara bağlıdır. - That organization depends on voluntary contributions.

Organizasyon ne tür araştırma yapar? - What kind of research does the organization do?

organize etme
{s} tertipli

Sen çok tertipli değilsin, değil mi? - You aren't very organized, are you?

Çok tertipli değilim. - I'm not very organized.

pipe organ
reproductive organ
(Biyoloji) üreme organı
reproductive organ
(Biyoloji) üreme sistemi
sense organ
(Fizyoloji) dokunma duyusu
target organ
(Denizbilim) erekörgen

Tom çok düzenli değil. - Tom isn't very organized.

Tom genellikle oldukça düzenli. - Tom is usually quite organized.

barrel organ
barrel organ
end organ
uç organ
excretion organ
boşaltım kılganı
excretory organ
boşaltım kılganı
hand organ
mouth organ
mouth organ
ağız mızıkası
olfactory organ

Organik gıda genellikle daha pahalıdır. - Organic food is usually more expensive.

O asıl branş olarak organik kimya okuyor. - She majors in organic chemistry.

organik olarak

Parti Mac tarafından organize edildi. - The party was organized by Mac.

Biz daha organize olmalıyız. - We should get more organized.

{f} düzenle

Biz bir proje ekibi düzenledik. - We organized a project team.

Konuşmacı ders notlarını düzenledi. - The speaker organized his lecture notes.

pipe organ
borulu org
respiratory organ
solunum organı
sense organ
duyu kılganı
vital organ
hayati organ
auditory organ
işitsel organ
choir organ
koro organ
female organ of a flower
Bir çiçeğin dışı organ
gland, organ which secretes
salgılar bezi, organ
house organ
şirket organı
internal organ
İç organ
limb kol, bacak, kanat gibi gövdeye bagli organ; genis agaç dali; dairesel
(gökcismi) dış kenar
lymphoid organ in the intestine
lenfoid organ bağırsak
mood organ
duygudurum organı
movable speech organ
hareketli konuşma organ
movable speech organ
seslendirmeyi sağlayan hareketli organ, eklemleyici
sense organ
duyu organı
sex organ
cinsel organ
american organ
amerikan orgu
barrel organ
central organ
merkezi organ
donate organ
organ bağışlamak
effector organ
(Tıp) efektör organ
electrical organ
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) elektrik organı
excretion organ
(Anatomi) boşaltım organı
excretory organ
(Anatomi) boşaltım organı
female genital organ
hand organ
{i} laterna
hand organ
{i} kollu laterna
house organ
şirket gazetesi
lateral line organ
(Denizbilim) yanal çizgi organı
male genital organ
erkek cinsel organı
media organ
medya organı
mouth organ
{s} bedensel
(Tıp) Organik, uzvi, hayvan veya bitkilerden meydana gelen karbon bileşimlerine ait
organic chemistry organik kimya
{s} yapısal
(Tıp) Organları olan
organic substan
{s} organlara ait
organic disease organik hastalık
(Tıp) Yaşayan, canlı
(Tıp) İrsi, bünyevi, organicus
(Askeri) BİR BÜTÜNÜN PARÇASI (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI; AMERİKAN SAVUNMA KURULU): Bir askeri teşkilata tahsis edilen ve bu teşkilatın önemli bir parçasını oluşturan. Bir birliğin ayrılmaz parçaları Kara ve Hava kuvvetlerinin ve Deniz Piyadesinin teşkilat şemalarında belirtilip Deniz kuvvetlerindeki harekat kuvvetlerinin idari teşkilatlarına tahsis edilirler
kalıtımla geçen
(Askeri) (NATO) BİR BÜTÜNÜN PARÇASI: Bir askeri teşkilatın ayrılmaz bir parçasını oluşturan
organic law anayasa
{s} örgütsel
(Tıp) Organizmaya (organlara) ait
z. organik olarak
(Tıp) adOrganizma bakımından, organik olarak
{i} örgüt
{i} canlı varlık
{i} vücut
(Tıp) Uzviyet, beden, oluşum, teşkilat, organizma
{i} yapı

Uzaydan görülebilen Great Barrier Reef, canlı organizmalar tarafından yapılan dünyadaki en büyük yapıdır. - Visible from space, the Great Barrier Reef is the largest structure on Earth made by living organisms.

{i} düzen, tertip
(Tıp) Kan pıhtılarının fibröz dokuya dönüşmesi
(Tıp) Yapısal bütünlük kazanmış canlı, organizma
{i} örgütlenme
(Tıp) Çeşitli organ ve sistemlerin birbirine bağlanarak bir bütün oluşturması
{i} düzenleme, hazırlama, organizasyon
{i} kuruluş, müessese, organizasyon; örgüt, teşkilat
{i} organizma
{i} bünye
{f} düzenle: adj.düzenlenmiş
{s} örgütlü

Kamuoyunun örgütlü suça olan hayranlığı çok rahatsız edicidir. - The public's fascination with organized crime is very disturbing.

{f} düzenle: adj.örgütlenmi
{s} düzenlenmiş
{s} organize olmuş
(Hukuk) organlar
party organ
parti organı
perfusion organ
(Denizbilim) dışınlanmış örgen
press organ
basın organı
respective organ
ilgili organ
sense organ
(isim) duyu organı
sexual organ
cinsel organ
subsidiary organ
(Politika, Siyaset) ikincil kuruluş
subsidiary organ
(Politika, Siyaset) yan kuruluş
swell organ
org boru muhafazasındaki borular
voice producing organ
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) ses çıkarma organı
التركية - التركية
(Osmanlı Dönemi) t. Uzuv. Canlılarda belli bir vazifeyi yapmak için bir arada yaratılmış nesiclerin teşkil ettiği vücud parçası. (El, ayak, baş, göz.. gibi)
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Bir fikre, bir gayeye hizmet için çalışan
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Âlet
Canlı bir vücudun, belirli bir görev yapan ve sınırları kesin olarak belirlenmiş bölümü, uzuv: "Bütün iç organlarım burkulur gibi oldu."- N. Cumalı
Bir görevi, bir işi yerine getirmekle yükümlü kuruluş
Canlı bir vücudun, belirli bir görev yapan ve sınırları kesin olarak belirlenmiş bölümü, üye, uzuv
organ aktarımı
Organ nakli
organ nakli
İşlevini yitirmiş bir organın yerine sağlam bir organı koyma, organ aktarımı, transplantasyon
Organ nakli
dişi organ
Çiçeklerde yumurtalığı içine alan, döllenme sonucu meyve ve tohumları oluşturan organ
erkek organ
Bitkilerde taç yaprakların çevrelediği, döllenmeyi sağlayan tek veya birçoğu bir arada bulunan organ
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A musical instrument that has multiple pipes which play when a key is pressed, or an electronic instrument designed to replicate such
A largest part of an organism, composed of tissues that perform similar functions
The penis
An official magazine, newsletter, or similar publication of an organization
A species of cactus (Stenocereus thurberi)
{n} a natural or musical instrument
wind instrument whose sound is produced by means of pipes arranged in sets supplied with air from a bellows and controlled from a large complex musical keyboard a fully differentiated structural and functional unit in an animal that is specialized for some particular function a periodical that is published by a special interest group; "the organ of the communist party"
(From Greek organon: "tool" or "instrument ") An agency that carries on specific functions within a larger organization
A natural part or structure in an animal or a plant, capable of performing some special action (termed its function), which is essential to the life or well- being of the whole; as, the heart, lungs, etc
An organ is a large musical instrument with pipes of different lengths through which air is forced. It has keys and pedals rather like a piano. see also barrel organ, mouth organ
part of the body with a specific function
A musical instrument so expensive and bulky that they are often designed and custom built for a particular building Organs are the primary musical instrument used to accompany religious services in Christendom's churches The primary musical instrument used in Kingdom Halls is the {CD} or cassette player The accompaniments to songs for meetings are all recorded on piano When live music is provided, it is always by means of piano accompaniment [142] Halls with respectable pianos and musicians who can play them well enough are becoming increasingly rare
a government agency or instrument devoted to the performance of some specific function; "The Census Bureau is an organ of the Commerce Department"
Any multicellular structural or functional unit of an animal of plant, often composed of different tissues that perform specific roles, such as the liver and leaf
A part of the body that consists of different types of tissue and that performs a particular function Examples include the kidneys, heart and brain
To supply with an organ or organs; to fit with organs; to organize
An organ is a part of your body that has a particular purpose or function, for example your heart or lungs. damage to the muscles and internal organs. the reproductive organs. organ transplants. see also sense organ
Two or more tissues working together to do a job for the body Examples: bone, brain, and stomach
A unit of semi-circular stepped shelving containing hundreds of bottles of raw materials
A wind instrument consisting of at least one row of pipes, which are made to sound by air being directed under pressure from a wind-raising device, and key- and pedal-boards, which admit air to the pipes by means of valves
A keyboard instrument in which sounds are generated by air blowing through pipes or reeds, or an electronic simulation of such an instrument
a part of an animal or plant that has some special purpose
A keyboard instrument dating back to 200 AD To generate the large volumes of air it requires, the organ was first powered by foot pedals, gravity and water More recently organs have been powered by steam, hydraulics, gas and electricity The essential components of the traditional organ are pipes, wind supply and wind chest, key and stop actions, and case The many sounds of the organ are manipulated when the keyboard controlling the flow of air changes the air supply to the pipes Organs can be very complicated ranging broadly in musical dynamics and size
Group of cells and tissues that have a particular function for an organism
You refer to a newspaper or organization as the organ of the government or another group when it is used by them as a means of giving information or getting things done. The Security Service is an important organ of the State = mouthpiece. Keyboard instrument in which pressurized air produces notes by means of a series of tuned pipes. The simplest organs consist of a single rank of pipes, each corresponding to a single key. They are arranged over a wind chest connected to the keys by a set of valves and fed with a supply of air by electrically or mechanically activated bellows. By pulling out knobs, called stops, the player engages new ranks of pipes. Two distinct types of pipes are used: flue pipes (both open and stopped) produce sound by directing air against the edge of an opening in the pipe, whereas reed pipes sound by means of a thin metal tongue inside the pipe that vibrates against a fixed projection next to it. A large organ may have five or more banked keyboards, or manuals, each of which controls a distinctive group of pipes. Most organs also have pedalboards played with the feet. A large organ's pipes may vary in length from about 1 in. to 32 ft (2.5 cm to 10 m), resulting in a huge nine-octave range. The earliest organ ( 250 BC) was the Greek hydraulis, in which the wind was regulated by water pressure. The bellows-fed organ appeared about the 7th century AD. The organ became firmly associated with the church by the 10th century. As organs became widespread, different regions pursued different modes of construction and sought different tonal ideals. The Baroque German organ is ideally suited to polyphony, while the French taste for variety of timbres eventuated in Aristide Cavaillé-Coll's vast "orchestral" organs. See also harmonium. mouth organ reed organ Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument
(music) an electronic simulation of a pipe organ
a periodical that is published by a special interest group; "the organ of the communist party"
are organs of animals; the root, stem, foliage, etc
are organs of plants
Keyboard instrument consisting of pipes and reeds Today almost exclusively used in churches
A keyboard instrument with a variety of sizes and construction The largest kind of organ is a church organ, built right into the structure of a sanctuary and featuring a large number of pipes; the keys send an electric signal to send air into a particular pipe or set of pipes There are also smaller portable organs, in which the sound is entirely electronic, and organs of intermediate size, not portable but still electronic These smaller organs are actually more similar in construction to a synthesizer than a church organ
1 A keyboard instrument with both manual and pedal keyboards that produces sound by sending air through pipes of various lengths 2 An electronic instrument that creates the sounds made by a pipe organ
{i} internal body part; musical instrument that makes sound by pressing air through a system of graduated pipes; any instrument that makes sound similar to an organ (but without the use of pipes)
a fully differentiated structural and functional unit in an animal that is specialized for some particular function
are organs of the steam engine
Part of a plant with a particular structure and function
A medium of communication between one person or body and another; as, the secretary of state is the organ of communication between the government and a foreign power; a newspaper is the organ of its editor, or of a party, sect, etc
a free-reed instrument in which air is forced through the reeds by bellows
a government agency or instrument devoted to the performance of some specific function; "The Census Bureau is an organ of the Commerce Department
Organs are made of many tissues that work together to perform a specific function in the organism
a part of the body made of several tissues, with a particular function
are organs of government
A wind instrument containing numerous pipes of various dimensions and kinds, which are filled with wind from a bellows, and played upon by means of keys similar to those of a piano, and sometimes by foot keys or pedals; formerly used in the plural, each pipe being considired an organ
– structure made up of different types of tissues that work together to do a certain job
Collection of tissues which performs a particular function or set of functions in an plant's body The leaf, stem, and root are three organs found in many plants Organs are composed of tissues
An instrument or medium by which some important action is performed, or an important end accomplished; as, legislatures, courts, armies, taxgatherers, etc
A component part performing an essential office in the working of any complex machine; as, the cylinder, valves, crank, etc
organ console
The keyboards, the pedals and associated stops of an organ, especially a pipe organ
organ consoles
plural form of organ console
organ donation
The act of donating one's organ to another person through an organ transplant
organ donor
A person (living or dead) from whom an organ is removed in order to be transplanted into another person
organ donor
A motorcyclist, especially one who does not wear a protective helmet

Wearing a motorcycle helmet is optional in Pennsylvania, but that's no reason for Ben Roethlisberger to go out and practise his organ donor technique.

organ donors
plural form of organ donor
organ of state
Any of the three primary divisions of a state’s sovereignty (namely, the executive, the legislature, or the judiciary); the powers of each having been divided and balanced in accordance with the political principle of the separation of powers
organ pipe
A tuned metal or wooden tube connected mechanically or electrically to an organ console
organ pipe
An organ pipe cactus
organ pipe cacti
plural form of organ pipe cactus
organ pipe cactus
A cactus (family Cactaceae), Stenocereus thurberi, widespread in Mexico, but in the United States, found only at , so named because of its resemblance to organ pipes
organ pipe cactuses
plural form of organ pipe cactus
organ pipes
plural form of organ pipe
organ stop
any of many knobs near the keyboard of an organ used to select different sounds or timbres
organ stop
the timbre so produced
organ stops
plural form of organ stop
organ tablature
a shorthand system for notating organ music used mostly by the north German Baroque organ school; distinguished from musical notation by the use of letter names, octave lines and other symbols instead of notes and accidentals and by the lack of staff lines
organ transplant
A surgical operation in which an organ is moved from a donor to a recipient
organ transplants
plural form of organ transplant
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument
National monument, southwestern Arizona, U.S., at the Mexican border. It was established in 1937. With an area of 330,689 acres (133,929 hectares), it preserves segments of the mountainous Sonoran Desert and is named for the organ-pipe cactus. Wildlife includes Gila monsters, antelope, coyotes, and a variety of birds
organ bank
center that receives and distributes donated organs
organ donation
giving of organs from the body of a deceased person for the purpose of transplanting them in another person
organ donor
someone from whom an organ is taken for transplantation
organ grinder
An organ grinder was an entertainer who played a barrel organ in the streets. A musician who plays a hurdy-gurdy and usually performs on the street. a musician who plays a barrel organ in the street
organ grinder
one who plays a music box
organ loft
a gallery occupied by a church organ
organ of Corti
{i} section of the cochlea that includes the special sensory receptors for hearing (name after Alfonso Corti)
organ of corti
the hearing organ of the inner ear; contains receptors that respond to sound waves
organ of hearing
the part of the ear that is responsible for sensations of sound
organ piano
type of musical instrument with a keyboard
organ pipe
the flues and stops on a pipe organ
organ recipient
person who receives a donated organ
organ stop
a graduated set of organ pipes of like tone quality
organ transplant
transplant operation, operation in which a healthy organ from one body is transferred into another person's body to replace a failing organ
Variant of organo-
a street musician who plays a hand organ or hurdy-gurdy
Hammond organ
A type of electronic organ with a highly distinctive sound

Georgie Fame plays all types of keyboards including electric piano, organ, and Hammond organ.

Jacobson's organ
The vomeronasal organ, an auxiliary olfactory sense organ found in many animals
Johnston's organ
A collection of sensory cells found in the pedicel of the antennae in the class Insecta
baroque organ
a pipe organ dating from or built to the specifications of the Baroque period at the time of J.S. Bach
barrel organ
A musical instrument in which air from a bellows is admitted to a set of pipes by means of pins inserted into a revolving barrel
chamber organ
a small pipe organ
chancel organ
A division of a pipe organ for accompanying a choir
clonewheel organ
Any kind of electronic musical instrument which can emulate the sound of any of the tonewheel based Hammond organs
electric organ
The more commonly used way of saying electronic organ
electric organ
An effector organ found in some fish (especially electric eels and electric catfish), that can produce a voltage large enough to aid in predation
electronic organ
A keyboard musical instrument, resembling a spinet, or upright, piano in size and general shape, in which tone is generated by electronic circuits and radiated by loudspeaker
gallery organ
a division of a pipe organ placed at the end of the nave in a gallery
house organ
a privately published magazine or newspaper, generally for the employees of a company and visitors
internal organ
An organ, such as the heart or colon, that is entirely within the confines of the body
intromittent organ
a male copulatory organ
mouth organ
The panpipes
mouth organ
The Jew's harp
mouth organ
The harmonica
Generated according to the ranking algorithms of a search engine, as opposed to paid placement by advertisers

According to a recent survey by Jupiter Research, 80 percent of Web users get information from organic search results.

describing a form of social solidarity theorized by Emile Durkheim that is characterized by voluntary engagements in complex interdepencies for mutual benefit (such as business agreements), rather than mechanical solidarity, which depends on ascribed relations between people (as in a family or tribe)
of food or food products, grown in an environment free from artificial agrichemicals, and possibly certified by a regulatory body
An organic compound
pertaining to, derived from, like, of the nature of, an organ of the body
Of a military unit or formation, or its elements, belonging to a permanent organization (in contrast to being temporarily attached)

Most types of German field divisions include an organic reconnaissance battalion, and the remainder have strong reconnaissance companies.

in the manner of a living organism
inherently, naturally or constitutionally
as part of an organized whole
in an organic manner
Any complex thing with properties normally associated with living things
The way in which something is organized, such as a book or an article

The organization of the book is as follows.

Simple past tense and past participle of organize
Of a person, characterised by efficient organisation

Your work desk is so neat and tidy - I've never met someone so organized before!.

pipe organ
The largest of all musical instruments, played from an organ console which produces its sound by sending air through whistles and/or reeds called organ pipes, by direct mechanical action, or modernly, electrically
reproductive organ
an organ used for sexual reproduction
sense organ
an organic sensor
sex organ
An organ used in sexual reproduction
storage organ
A part of a plant, such as a bulb, specifically modified for storage of energy (generally in the form of carbohydrates) or of water
swell organ
a division in a pipe organ in which the pipes are enclosed in a swell box
vital organ
An organ of the body which performs a sufficiently important function that damage to the organ can cause death
{a} instrumental, conducive
{a} by means of instruments
{n} an organical structure or form
{n} a structure, a formation
american organ
a free-reed instrument in which air is drawn in through reeds by suction bellows
barrel organ
A barrel organ is a large machine that plays music when you turn the handle on the side. Barrel organs used to be played in the street to entertain people. A mechanical instrument on which a tune is played by the action of a revolving cylinder fitted with pegs or pins that open pipe valves supplied by a bellows. a musical instrument that you play by turning a handle, often used on the streets in order to get money, especially in the past
barrel organ
a musical instrument that makes music by rotation of a cylinder studded with pegs
barrel organ
musical instrument played by the action of a rotating cylinder equipped with pins; hand organ
bojanus organ
A glandular organ of bivalve mollusca, serving in part as a kidney
cadaver organ
internal organ of a dead human body intended for dissection
chord organ
An electronic or reed organ equipped with buttons for producing chords
contractile organ
a bodily organ that contracts
degenerated organ
withered or deteriorated organ
electric organ
electric keyboard (musical instrument); tract of tissue in which electricity is generated (as in an electric eel)
electric organ
(music) an electronic simulation of a pipe organ
electronic organ
keyboard musical instrument with pipes that runs on electricity
end organ
The encapsulated termination of a sensory nerve
end organ
a specialized structure at the peripheral end of some motor or sensory nerve fibers
erectile organ
an organ containing erectile tissue
excretory organ
an organ that separates waste substances from the blood and discharges them
external organ
an organ that is situated on or near the surface of the body
female genital organ
external female sex organs; "in England `fanny' is vulgar slang for female genitals"
female internal reproductive organ
the reproductive organs of a woman
female sexual organ
female genitals, female reproductive organ (especially the external sex organ)
hand organ
A barrel organ operated by turning a crank by hand
hand organ
{i} musical instrument played by the action of a rotating cylinder equipped with pins; barrel organ
house organ
a periodical published by a business firm for its employees and customers
house organ
A periodical published by a business organization for its employees or clients
internal organ
a main organ that is situated inside the body
male internal reproductive organ
the reproductive organs of a man
male sexual organ
penis, male reproductive organ
mouth organ
musical instrument played with the mouth, harmonica
mouth organ
harmonica: a small rectangular free-reed instrument having a row of free reeds set back in air holes and played by blowing into the desired hole
mouth organ
A mouth organ is the same as a harmonica. a small musical instrument that you play by blowing or sucking and moving it from side to side near your mouth = harmonica
olfactory organ
{i} organ of smell, nose
a fertilizer that is derived from animal or vegetable matter involving or affecting physiology or bodily organs; "an organic disease"
a form of social solidarity theorized by Emile Durkheim that is characterized by voluntary engagements in complex interdepencies for mutual benefit (such as business agreements), rather than mechanical solidarity, which depends on ascribed relations between people (as in a family or tribe)
1 Referring to or derived from living organisms 2 In chemistry, any compound containing carbon
Made from or derived from living matter Coal is made from plants, which are organic
[adj] referring to material derived from living organisms and containing carbon
a fertilizer that is derived from animal or vegetable matter
Forming a whole composed of organs
Organic or organically-grown foods and fibers are grown or raised without synthetic fertilizers, pesticides (including herbicides, insecticides, fungicides), artificial ripening processes, growth stimulators and regulators such as hormones, or antibiotics and other drugs In addition, organically grown foods must also be processed, packaged, transported and stored without the use of chemicals such as fumigants, artificial additives, and preservatives, and without food irradiation Organically grown fibers are specially processed to reduce or eliminate toxicity
Literally refers to something derived from plant or animal matter Includes anything that is or was living, made from something living, excreted from something living The term "organic" is used to describe a philosophy of working within the laws and systems existing in nature to achieve a healthy environment that is bountiful long-term Healthy soil is the foundation of this philosophy, therefore, the term comes up frequently in discussions of home composting
If a community or structure is an organic whole, each part of it is necessary and fits well with the other parts. City planning treats the city as a unit, as an organic whole. adj. organic compound organic farming organic gardening
Of or related to a substance that contains carbon atoms linked together by carbon-carbon bonds All living matter is organic
a fertilizer that is derived from animal or vegetable matter involving or affecting physiology or bodily organs; "an organic disease" simple and healthful and close to nature; "an organic lifestyle" relating or belonging to the class of chemical compounds having a carbon basis; "hydrocarbons are organic compounds" being or relating to or derived from or having properties characteristic of living organisms; "organic life"; "organic growth"; "organic remains found in rock" of or relating to foodstuff grown or raised without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides or hormones; "organic eggs"; "organic vegetables"; "organic chicken" of or relating to or derived from living organisms; "organic soil
Something living or derived from living things Soil is organic; rocks are inorganic
In chemistry, a compound containing carbon Back to top P
of or relating to or derived from living organisms; "organic soil
Pertaining to, or denoting, any one of the large series of substances which, in nature or origin, are connected with vital processes, and include many substances of artificial production which may or may not occur in animals or plants; contrasted with inorganic
Organic has many definitions, but this definition is specifically about a labeling term that denotes products produced in accordance with the Organic Foods Production Act: According to Roots & Fruits Cooperative; "Organically-grown food is produced without the use of synthetic pesticides and/or fertilizers " The U S D A will be implementing a national organic standard in October of 2002 The primary goal of organic agriculture is to optimize the health and productivity of interdependent communities of soil life, plants, animals and people
Designation of any chemical compound containing carbon with the exception of some of the simple compounds of carbon, such as carbon dioxide, which are frequently classified as inorganic compounds
Organic substances are of the sort produced by or found in living things. Incorporating organic material into chalky soils will reduce the alkalinity. inorganic
Instrumental; acting as instruments of nature or of art to a certain destined function or end
Compounds containing carbon, living or derived from living matter
{s} characteristic of or pertaining to living organisms; of or pertaining to the organs of an animal or plant; fundamental; inherent; developing naturally, produced without the use of chemicals
all compounds whose molecules contain carbon with a few exceptions such as carbon dioxide
Pertaining to or derived from living organisms
of or relating to or derived from living organisms; "organic soil"
Describes material that originates from plant or animal sources Specifically, describes chemical compounds containing carbon and hydrogen Compare inorganic
being or relating to or derived from or having properties characteristic of living organisms; "organic life"; "organic growth"; "organic remains found in rock"
of or relating to foodstuff grown or raised without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides or hormones; "organic eggs"; "organic vegetables"; "organic chicken"
(1) of or designating carbon compounds; (2) of, pertaining to, or derived from living organisms; (3) using or grown with fertilizers and mulches consisting only of animal or vegetable matter with no use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides
Designating any chemical compound containing carbon Of or derived from living organisms
Organic is an important descriptive term in the contemporary coffee world An organically-grown coffee must be certified by an international agency as having been grown without synthetic chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides Somewhat lower yields and the considerable cost of the certification process account for the higher prices demanded for many organic coffees
simple and healthful and close to nature; "an organic lifestyle"
Refers to volatile, combustible and sometimes biodegradable chemical compounds containing carbon atoms bonded together with other elements The principal groups of organic substances found in water are proteins, carbohydrates, fats and oils See organic waste
of food or food products, grown in an environment free from artificial agro-chemicals, and possibly certified organic by a regulatory body
substances that come from animal or plant sources Organic substances always contain carbon (Inorganic materials are chemical substances of mineral origin )
Hence: Of or pertaining to a system of organs; inherent in, or resulting from, a certain organization; as, an organic government; his love of truth was not inculcated, but organic
Part of or derived from living organisms Or a chemical compound that contains carbon as an essential component
Organic change or development happens gradually and naturally rather than suddenly. to manage the company and supervise its organic growth
Organic methods of farming and gardening use only natural animal and plant products to help the plants or animals grow and be healthy, rather than using chemicals. Organic farming is expanding everywhere. organic fruit and vegetables. + organically or·gani·cal·ly organically grown vegetables
relating or belonging to the class of chemical compounds having a carbon basis; "hydrocarbons are organic compounds"
Chemically, a compound or molecule containing carbon bound to hydrogen Organic compounds make up all living matter The term organic frequently is used to distinguish "natural" products or processes from man-made "synthetic" ones Thus natural fertilizers include manures or rock phosphate, as opposed to fertilizers synthesized from chemical feedstocks Likewise, organic farming and organic foods refer to the growing of food crops without the use of synthetic chemical pesticides or fertilizers; pests are controlled by cultivation techniques and the use of pesticides derived from natural sources (e g , rotenone and pyrethrins, both from plants) and the use of natural fertilizers (e g , manure and compost) Some consumers, alleging risks from synthetic chemicals, prefer organic food products The FACT Act of 1990 required USDA to define organic foods for marketing purposes and implement a National Organic Program
Produced by the organs; as, organic pleasure
involving or affecting physiology or bodily organs; "an organic disease"
relating to the compounds of carbon, relating to natural products
Of or pertaining to an organ or its functions, or to objects composed of organs; consisting of organs, or containing them; as, the organic structure of animals and plants; exhibiting characters peculiar to living organisms; as, organic bodies, organic life, organic remains
constitutional in the structure of something (especially your physical makeup)
(1) Referring to or derived from living organisms (2) In chemistry, any compound containing carbon
Derived from or produced through the biological activity of living organisms
Generally refers to those substances produced by the metabolism of a living organism, especially carbon-containing compounds
pertaining to, derived from, like, of the nature of an organ of the body
with regard to organic husbandry
from, or using organic matter
involving carbon compounds; "organically bound iodone"
in an organic manner; without the use of chemicals; naturally
as an important constituent; "the drapery served organically to cover the Madonna"
in an organic manner; "this food is grown organically
In an organic manner; by means of organs or with reference to organic functions; hence, fundamentally
involving carbon compounds; "organically bound iodone" as an important constituent; "the drapery served organically to cover the Madonna" in an organic manner; "this food is grown organically
التركية - الإنجليزية

I've been a member of this organization for five years. Oh wait, no. Six. - Ben beş yıldır bu organizasyonun bir üyesiyim. Oh bekle, hayır. Altı.

She's a member of this organization. - O bu organizasyonun bir üyesidir.

(Ticaret) organization

That organization depends on voluntary contributions. - Bu organizasyon gönüllü katkılara bağlıdır.

This organization was founded one hundred and eleven years ago. - Bu organizasyon yüz on bir yıl önce kuruldu.


Tom Skeleton was shaking and trembling in every limb. - Tom Skeleton'un her organı sallanıyordu ve titriyordu.

(Anatomi) organ
(Hukuk) body

The skin is the largest organ of the body. - Deri, vücudun en büyük organıdır.

What is the largest organ in the human body? The answer may surprise you. - İnsan vücudundaki en büyük organ nedir? Cevap sizi şaşırtabilir.

publication, organ, mouthpiece
organ, member
organ, instrumentality, agency
(Tıp) membrum
organ mafyası
organ mafia
organ nakletmek
(Tıp) transplant
organ nakli
transplantation of organs
organ nakli

The surgeon persuaded me to undergo an organ transplant operation. - Cerrah beni bir organ nakli operasyonu geçirmem için ikna etti.

The surgeon persuaded him to undergo an organ transplant. - Cerrah bir organ nakli geçirmesi için onu ikna etti.

organ sistemleri
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) organ systems
organ ticareti
organ trade
organ transplantasyonu
(Tıp) organ transplantation
organ tutulumu
(Tıp) organ involvement
organ bağışı
Organ donation
organ anatomisi
visceral anatomy
organ aşağılığı
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) organ inferiority
organ bankası
organ bank
organ bağışlamak
donate organ
organ bağışları
donations of organs
organ bağışı
donation of organs
organ bağışı kartı
donor card
organ bilim
(Anatomi) organology
organ boşluğu
organ erotizmi
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) organ eroticism
organ faktörü
(Tıp) organ factor
organ işlev biçimi
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) organ mode
organ korunması
(Tıp) organ preservation
organ libidosu
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) organ libido
organ modeli
organ nakli
transplantation of an organ
organ nakli
organ nakli cerrahisi
spare part surgery
organ taslağı
(Anatomi) primordium
organ çeperine ait
cinsel organ tüyleri
(organ) nakletmek
erkek organ
(Arılık) anther
hedef organ
(Tıp) target organ
multipl organ yetmezliği
(Tıp) multiple organ failure
çıkarma (organ)
(Tıp) removal
organ nakli
organ transplant
organ nakli
anüs ile cinsel organ arası
cinsel organ
cinsel organ
sexual organ
cinsel organ dudağı
dumura uğrayan organ
gutlu organ
hayati organ
vital organ
ilkel evresinde bulunan organ
(Anatomi) primordium
işlevini yitiren organ
kalkan gibi organ
kritik organ
(Tıp,Teknik) critical organ
kâse biçiminde organ
kıl gibi ince organ
meme şeklinde organ
merkezi organ
central organ
nakledilen organ
nakledilmiş (organ)
organ nakli
{i} transplantation
(Hukuk) organs
sapsı organ
takma organ
takma organ
ulus üstü organ
(Hukuk) transnational body
end organ
yasadışı organ ve doku kaçakçılığı
(Hukuk) illicit trade in human organs and tissues
yetkili organ
(Hukuk) competent body
yetkili organ
authorised body
çanak biçiminde organ