Onu açmak için bir allen anahtara ihtiyacın olacak.
- You'll need an Allen key to open it.
Zarfı açmak için yırttı.
- Tom ripped open the envelope.
Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinde sivil haklar için mücadele 1954 yılında başladı, hükümetin herkese okul açılmak zorunda olduğunu söylediğinde.
- The fight for civil rights in the United States started in 1954, when the government said school had to be open to everyone.
Twitter, açık kaynağı sever.
- Twitter loves open source.
Bana pencereyi açık bırakmamı söyledi.
- He told me to leave the window open.
Tom zarfı açmak için yırttı.
- Tom tore open the envelope.
Zarfı açmak için yırttı.
- Tom ripped open the envelope.
O, açılış törenine çok sayıda misafir davet etmeyi planlayacak.
- He will figure on inviting a lot of guests to the opening ceremony.
Ne olursa olsun, açılış töreni dokuzda başlayacak.
- Rain or shine, the opening ceremony is to begin at nine.
Ben açık ve dürüsttüm.
- I was open and honest.
Sana karşı tamamen dürüstüm.
- I have been completely open with you.
Bir resim açın ve bir resim düzeni seçin. Bir resim açmak için Aça tıklatın. Programdan çıkmak için Çıkışı tıklatın. Resim Düzeni özelliği herhangi bir düzende göstermenize olanak tanır.
- Open an image and select an image layout. Click Open for opening an image. Click Quit for quitting the program. Image Layout feature allows you to view in any layout.
Pencereler açık uyuma.
- Don't sleep with the windows open.
Bizim açık havada bir partimiz vardı.
- We had a party in the open.
Açık hava marketinde taze ürün satılmaktadır.
- Fresh produce is sold at an open-air market.
Bu mekan herkese açıktır.
- This place is open to everybody.
Park herkese açıktır.
- The park is open to everybody.
Göz merceğiniz içindeki baskıyı ölçmeliyiz. Lütfen iki gözünüzü genişçe açın ve sabit bir şekilde buradaki bu objeye bakın.
- We have to measure your intraocular pressure. Please open both eyes wide and look fixedly at this object here.
Tom kapıyı daha geniş açtı.
- Tom opened the door wider.
Kafesi açtı ve kuşları serbest bıraktı.
- He opened the cage and set the birds free.
Sihirli lamba kırılıp açıldı ve cin serbest kaldı.
- The magic lamp broke open and the genie was released.
O Pablo ile evleneceğini açıkça ilan ettiğinde, neredeyse büyük annesine kalp krizi geçirtecekti , halasının gözlerini yuvasından fırlattıracaktı fakat küçük kız kardeşi gururla baktı.
- When he openly declared he would marry Pablo, he almost gave his grandmother a heart attack and made his aunt's eyes burst out of their sockets; however, his little sister beamed with pride.
Jessie bu şeyleri açıkça konuşmaz.
- Jessie does not speak of these things openly.
Açılış törenine çok misafir davet etmeyi planlıyorum.
- I plan to invite a lot of guests to the opening ceremony.
Ne olursa olsun, açılış töreni dokuzda başlayacak.
- Rain or shine, the opening ceremony is to begin at nine.
Sen çok açık fikirli olmak zorundasın.
- You have to have a very open mind.
Tom, her zaman açık fikirli olmaya çalışıyor.
- Tom always tries to keep an open mind.
Birkaç saniye önce ben açık havada ve parlak gün ışığındaydım ve şimdi gözlerim bu karanlıkta bana hizmet etmeyi reddediyor.
- A few seconds ago I was in the open air and the bright daylight, and now my eyes refuse to serve me in this darkness.
Düzenli olarak açık havada çalışan kişiler uykusuzluk sıkıntısı çekmezler.
- People who regularly work in the open air do not suffer from sleeplessness.
Kendi restoranını açmak ister misin?
- Do you want to open up your own restaurant?
Açık hava pazarları yerel çiftliklerde yetiştirilen gıdaları satar.
- Open-air markets sell food grown on local farms.
Açık hava konseri yağmur yüzünden iptal oldu.
- The open-air concert was cancelled because of the rain.
Tom'un açık fikirli olduğunu düşünüyorum.
- I think Tom is open-minded.
Olduğunu düşündüğüm kadar açık fikirli olmadığını görebiliyorum.
- I can see you're not as open-minded as I thought you were.
Yeni fırsatlar sana açılıyor.
- New opportunities are opening up to you.
O, kapıyı açmaya çalıştı.
- He tried opening the door.
Tom kapıyı açmaya çalıştı, ama o kilitliydi.
- Tom tried opening the door, but it was locked.
Teneke açacakları ve makaslar gibi çoğu eşyalar sağ elini kullananlar için yapılmıştır.
- Most utensils, such as can openers and scissors, are made for right-handers.
Kapıyı açtığında TV dan başka açık bir şeyi yoktu.
- When he opened the door he had nothing on but the TV.
Kapıyı açtım ve onu Mary için açık tuttum.
- I opened the door and held it open for Mary.
Yeni fırsatlar sana açılıyor.
- New opportunities are opening up to you.
Arkadaşım bana bu önümüzdeki pazartesi İspanyolca tarihi hakkında bir sergi açılacağını söyledi.
- My friend told me that this coming Monday an exhibition about Spanish history is opening.
Kapıyı açtığında TV dan başka açık bir şeyi yoktu.
- When he opened the door he had nothing on but the TV.
Ben, koltukta yaslandım ve kitabı açtım.
- I sat back in the armchair and opened the book.
Bir resim açın ve bir resim düzeni seçin. Bir resim açmak için Aça tıklatın. Programdan çıkmak için Çıkışı tıklatın. Resim Düzeni özelliği herhangi bir düzende göstermenize olanak tanır.
- Open an image and select an image layout. Click Open for opening an image. Click Quit for quitting the program. Image Layout feature allows you to view in any layout.
Pencereyi açar mısın?
- Would you mind opening the window?
Lütfen kapıyı açar mısın?
- Would you please open the door?
O bana kapıyı açmamı rica etti.
- He asked me to open the door.
Bu bahçe halka açıktır.
- This garden is open to the public.
Tom eleştiriye çok açık değil.
- Tom isn't very open to criticism.
Birkaç saniye önce ben açık havada ve parlak gün ışığındaydım ve şimdi gözlerim bu karanlıkta bana hizmet etmeyi reddediyor.
- A few seconds ago I was in the open air and the bright daylight, and now my eyes refuse to serve me in this darkness.
Günü açık havada geçiririz.
- We spent the day in the open air.
Wary of hunters, the fleeing deer kept well out of the open, dodging instead from thicket to thicket.
The man is an open book.
I couldn't save my changes because another user had the same file open.
It was as if his body had gone to sleep standing up and with his eyes open.
Banks are not open on bank holidays.
Jeff opens his hand revealing a straight flush.
We have got to bring this company's corrupt business practices into the open.
The shop opens at 9:00.
Vermont will open elk hunting season next week.
After the first two players fold, Julie opens for $5.
The door opened all by itself.
The electrician found the open in the circuit after a few minutes of testing.
He published an open letter to the governor on a full page of the New York Times.
I am open to new ideas.
I don't want to open that subject.
I will open the shop an hour early tomorrow.
Turn the doorknob to open the door.
Chan stars in his first all-American production as chan as Hong Kong Detective Inspector Lee, a noble, innocent and caring police officer who can really bust open a can of whoop-ass when given the chance.
The carton of milk on the floor. The cat with milk dripping from his chops. It was an open and shut case.
The party included a reception, a dance, and an open bar.
Emile's most striking characteristic is that he hides nothing. He is an open book, acting the same in private as in public — Emile is worse at disguising his feelings than any man in the world..
But I have never argued – and never will – that our most sensitive national security matters should be an open book.
Many websites are copyrighted and do not have any open content.
This is an open-content online website.
The training that opens doors for you that men from electrical trade schools can never pass.
In warfare, whoever opens fire has a greater chance of victory.
an open matte DVD.
Grr, why do I always open my big mouth after doing something wrong.
It was an open secret in the profession at that time that Mr. Field had very explicit documentary evidence that would have made Mr. Evarts very uncomfortable had the Bar Association thrown down the gauntlet.
When Mussolini was a young chap, he dabbled with socialism, imagining it to be an open sesame to a better society.
His contributions to open source are numerous.
This change, dubbed the Open Sunshine policy, de-classifies the formerly confidential criteria used to determine the amount of money an organization would receive.
After three hours of questioning, he finally opened up.
As the convoy entered the pass, we opened up on them with everything we had.
Retirements have opened up some vacancies.
Willet sent the canoe through the open water between the tall reeds.
At the end of June, James Bay was generally open water except for loose ice persisting over its northwestern section.
Gaining the more open water, the bracing breeze waxed fresh; the little Moss tossed the quick foam from her bows, as a young colt his snortings.
Open wounds often cause heavy bleading and grave danger of invasive infection.
open-book decomposition.
Far from being some special breed in three-button suits, these hard-working people are blue collar as often as white collar and, increasingly, the open collar workers of the information age.
I'll ask you an open-ended question.
The flop of 3-6-Q gave Brunson an open-ended straight draw with his 4-5 of hearts.
The topic is definitions, but is open-ended really.
There will be an open-ended discussion.
In an open-handed gesture, he bought drinks for everyone.
The big Unix company Sun Microsystems bought the code for StarOffice in 1999, and some time afterward they open-sourced as much of it as they could.
Linux is an open-source operating system.
He slipped through an opening in the crowd.
If you'd like to make a booking with us, we have an opening at twelve o'clock.
We have an opening in our marketing department.
John spends two hours a day studying openings, and another two hours studying endgames.
... two large open platforms, two fast growing platforms, two ...
... As we knock the door, say, if we want to open the ...