
listen to the pronunciation of occupational
الإنجليزية - التركية
{s} meslekle ilgili
{s} mesleki, meslek dolayısıyla meydana gelen: occupational disease mesleki hastalık. occupational hazard mesleki tehlike
iş (ile ilgili)
(Ticaret) mesleğe
(Ticaret) işe ait
(Ticaret) işle ilgili
meslek dolayısıyle meydana gelen occupational therapy meşguliyetle tedavi
işgal kuvvetleri ile ilgili
{s} meşguliyetle yapılan
(Tıp) Meslekle ilgili, mesleğe bağlı
{s} işgal
meşguliyete ait
occupational accidents
iş kazaları
occupational air
(Çevre) işyeri havası
occupational disease
(Tıp) teknopati
occupational health and safety
iş sağlığı ve güvenliği
occupational specialist
(Askeri) sanatkar er
occupational therapy
(Tıp,Ticaret) iş terapisi
occupational therapy
(Tıp) uğraşı tedavisi
occupational therapy
(Askeri,Tıp) meşguliyet tedavisi
occupational training
uğraşı eğitimi
occupational accident
iş kazası
occupational disease
meslek hastalığı
occupational hazard
iş tehlikesi
occupational retraining
mesleki eğitim
occupational therapy
uğraş terapisi
Occupational Safety Specialist
(İmalat) İş Güvenliği Uzmanı
Occupational Safety and Health Engineering
İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Mühendisliği
occupational physician
İşyeri hekimi
occupational publication
mesleki yayın
occupational therapy
(Tıp, İlaç) Uğraşı terapisi
occupational ability
mesleki beceri
occupational accident
(Sigorta) mesleki kaza
occupational air pollutants
(Çevre) mesleki hava kirleticiler
occupational analysis
(Askeri) meslek analizi
occupational classification
(Sigorta) mesleki sınıflandırma
occupational crime
(Ticaret) mesleki suç
occupational dermatitis
(Tıp) mesleki dermatit
occupational discrimination
(Ticaret) meslek ayırımcılığı
occupational dose
(Çevre) görev dozu
occupational exposure
(Nükleer Bilimler) mesleki ışıla(n)ma,meslek ışınlaması
occupational hazard
mesleki risk
occupational hazards
(Ticaret) meslek riskleri
occupational health services
(Tıp) iş sağlığı hizmetleri
occupational health services
mesleki sağlık hizmetleri
occupational illiteracy
mesleki yetersizlik
occupational illiteracy
mesleki bilgisizilik
occupational inability
mesleki yetersizlik
occupational inability
mesleki bilgisizilik
occupational license
(Ticaret) meslek lisansı
occupational medicine
(Tıp) meslek hekimliği
occupational medicine
(Askeri) MEŞGULİYETLE TEDAVİ TABABETİ: Bak. "environmental medicine"
occupational mobility
(Ticaret) meslek hareketliliği
occupational mobility
(Avrupa Birliği) mesleki hareketlilik
occupational physicians
iş hekimleri
occupational prestige
mesleki prestij
occupational retraining
mesleki yeniden eğitim
occupational segregation
(Ticaret) mesleki ayırım
occupational skill
mesleki beceri
occupational specialist
(Askeri) SANATKAR ER: Sivil hayatta kazanılmış belirli bir hüner, sanat, meslek veya özel bilgi sahibi olarak orduya giren er
occupational standards
(Ticaret) mesleki standartlar
occupational tenure
görev kıdemi
occupational therapist
(Askeri) MEŞGULİYETLE TEDAVİ UZMANI: Kadın sıhhi uzmanlar sınıfına mensup kadın subay. Bu subay; meşguliyetle tedavi alanında ihtisas yapmış bir uzmandır
occupational therapist
(Askeri) meşguliyetle tedavi uzmanı
occupational therapy
(Askeri) MEŞGULİYET TEDAVİSİ, MEŞGULİYETLE TEDAVİ: Bir tabip subayın tavsiyesine göre, hastaların, maksada uygun olarak dülgerlik, makinistlik, boyacılık vesaire gibi, bedeni görevlere tayin suretiyle yapılan tıbbi tedavi şekli
occupational therapy
occupational therapy
meşguliyetle tedavi
occupational therapy
(Tıp) Ruhsal ve fiziksel hastalıklarda, hastanın özellikle el işleriyle uğraşmasını sağlayarak uygulanan tedavi yöntemi, meşguliyetle tedavi
chief occupational therapist
(Askeri) MEŞGULİYETLE TEDAVİ KISMI ŞEFİ: Kadın Sağlık Uzmanlar Sınıfı'na mensup bir kadın subay. Bu subay; fizik tedavi servisi şefine karşı, sağlık tesisindeki meşguliyetle tedavi kısmının idare ve kontrolundan sorumludur. Emrindeki personelin faaliyet ve eğitimini de kontrol ve koordine eder
chief of staff; chief of station; critical occupational specialty
(Askeri) Kurmay Başkanı; istasyon şefi; kritik işgal kuvvetleri uzmanlığı/kritik işgal özelliği
civilian occupational specialty
(Askeri) SİVİL MESLEK İHTİSASI: Normal olarak muntazam eğitim, tecrübe veya tahsille kazanılmış özel bilgiye ve maharete ihtiyaç gösteren, birbiri ile ilgili görevler ve sorumluluklar grubu
dictionary of occupational titles
(Askeri) MESLEK REHBERİ: Çeşitli sivil mesleklerde bulunan şahısların unvanları ile faaliyetlerinin mahiyetini gösteren liste. Meslek rehberi; şahısların askerlik hizmetine iltihak etmeden önceki mesleklerini kati olarak bilmek için sınıflandırma personeli tarafından kullanılır
duty military occupational specialty
(Askeri) görev askeri meşguliyet mütehassısı
military occupational area
(Askeri) ASKERİ MESLEK SAHASI: Birbirine benzer temel istidat, ustalık, bilgi ve kabiliyete ihtiyaç gösteren ilgili AMİ giriş gruplarından biri
military occupational specialty
(Askeri) (MOS) ASKERİ MESLEK İHTİSASI (AMİ): Aralarındaki meslek ve görev münasebetleri, bu meslek veya görevlere ayrılmış kimselere, her ihtisas seviyesinde, biri diğerinin yerini, en iyi şekilde, almaya imkan verecek derecede yakın bir görev yeri grubunu tanıtmak üzere kullanılan terim. İleri kademe (advanced) - Kalifiye işçi, nezaretçi veya liderlik seviyelerinde ehliyet gösteren neviden görev yerlerinde iş görmek için gerekli ve giriş askeri meslek ihtisası kademesinin üstünde ihtisas derecesinden meslek niteliklerini yansıtan kademe. Görev kademesi (duty) - Askerin fiilen görevini yaptığı kademe. Giriş kademesi (entry) - bir giriş grubu dahilinde en düşük seviyede ehliyet gösteren görev yerlerinde iş görmek için gerekli meslek niteliklerini yansıtan kademe. Birinci derece (primary) -şahsın (giriş kademesi veya ileri kademede) en iyi şekilde gösterebildiği en yüksek veya en önemli iş ehliyetini temsil eder. İkinci derece (secondary) - birinci derece olarak verilenler dışındaki bir derece
military occupational specialty
(Askeri) askeri işgal kuvvetleri uzmanlığı/askeri işgal özelliği
military occupational specialty code
(Askeri) ASKERİ MESLEK İHTİSAS KODU: Belirli bir askeri meslek ihtisasını gösteren sabit bir numara. Buna; (specification serial number), (military occupational specialty number) veya kısaca, (MOS code) yada (MOS number) da denir
military occupational specialty evaluation test
(Askeri) ASKERİ MESLEK İHTİSASI DEĞERLENDİRME TESTİ: Dört basamaklı (fourdigit) bir askeri meslek ihtisasının yerine getirilmesi için gerekli münferit bilgi ve becerileri değerlendirmek maksadıyla yapılan bir test. MILITARY OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTY EVALUATION TEST AID: ASKERİ MESLEK İHTİSASI DEĞERLENDİRME TESTİ YARDIMCI EL KİTABI: Erlerin, askeri meslek ihtisası değerlendirme testlerine hazırlanmada faydalanmaları için, test konularının bir özeti ile yönetmelik, talimname ve diğer yardımcı yayınların bir listesini ihtiva eden kara kuvvetleri broşürü
military occupational specialty number
(Askeri) ASKERİ MESLEK İHTİSASI NUMARASI: bkz: "military occupational specialty code"
military occupational specialty proficiency examination
(Askeri) ASKERİ MESLEK İHTİSASI YETERLİK SINAVI: Belirli bir askeri meslek sahasında iş gören erlerin mesleki ehliyet derecesini tespit maksadıyla yapılan sınav. MILITARY OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTY SPECIFICATION SERIAL NUMBER: ASKERİ MESLEK İHTİSASI NUMARASI: bkz: "military occupational specialty code"
mesleki yönden
primary military occupational specialty
(Askeri) esas askeri sanatkar er
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Of, relating to, or caused by an occupation

Boredom is an occupational hazard if you are a checkout girl.

of or relating to the activity or business for which you are trained; "occupational hazard
(Vocational) A program of study which focuses on job skills and includes course work only in the specific vocational area
applied to a recognised or defined work function based on distinctive competencies An occupational category may have professional attributes or be a specified category
Job related
Occupational means relating to a person's job or profession. Some received substantial occupational assistance in the form of low-interest loans. + occupationally oc·cu·pa·tion·al·ly You might be having an occupationally related skin problem. relating to, or caused by your job. adj. occupational training occupational medicine occupational disease occupational therapy
{s} pertaining to an occupation; relating to a profession; of or pertaining to a trade or calling
of or relating to the activity or business for which you are trained; "occupational hazard"
occupational hazard
A substantial risk to a worker's physical or mental well-being which is present in a certain task, job, or profession

They are the abrasive breed of radio and television personalities, most of them talk-show hosts, who treat their profession as a verbal adjunct to street fighting. . . . Threats and sometimes violence are indeed an occupational hazard.

occupational hazard
An unpleasant, inconvenient, or unusual circumstance which occurs or is likely to occur during the course of one's employment

Student crushes are an occupational hazard. Ask any teacher..

occupational name
a name, especially a surname such as Smith or Taylor, that is derived from an occupation - presumably the occupation of a distant ancestor
occupational therapist
Therapist whose aim is to help clients achieve a better quality of life through work or similar occupations
occupational therapists
plural form of occupational therapist
occupational therapy
The therapeutic practice of encouraging better quality of life through the pursuit of work or other occupations
occupational disease
A disease, such as byssinosis or black lung, resulting from the conditions of a person's work, trade, or occupation. Illness associated with a particular occupation. The Industrial Revolution's long working hours, dim light, lack of fresh air, and dangerous machinery fostered illness and injury in general, but certain occupations (e.g., mining) carry particular risks (e.g., black lung, a type of pneumoconiosis). Twentieth-century innovations (including use of new chemicals and radioactive materials) caused an increase in certain cancers (e.g., leukemia and bone cancer in workers exposed to radiation) and injuries. So-called "sick buildings" (in which pathogens grow in air circulation systems) contribute to health problems among office workers. Occupational medicine also covers work-related emotional stresses. See also asbestosis; industrial medicine
occupational disease
disease or disability resulting from conditions of employment (usually from long exposure to a noxious substance or from continuous repetition of certain acts)
occupational disease
disease caused by working in a particular profession
occupational group
a body of people doing the same kind of work
occupational hazard
any condition of a job that can result in illness or injury
occupational hazard
An occupational hazard is something unpleasant that you may suffer or experience as a result of doing your job or hobby. Catching colds is unfortunately an occupational hazard in this profession
occupational hazard
professional hazard, risk which exists naturally in one's field of employment
occupational health
A grouping of health care services that encompasses the general health and wellness of employees, routine physical examinations, compliance with government regulations (OSHA) that relate to employee safety, and treatment of work-related injuries or illnesses
occupational health
workers' physical, social, and cognitive elements for better efficiency in job-tasks
occupational health
Occupational health is the branch of medicine that deals with the health of people in their workplace or in relation to their job. For many years, experts in occupational health have puzzled over symptoms reported by office workers, including headache, nausea and fatigue
occupational health
The medical specialty that deals with diseases, injury, injury prevention, rehabilitation, and for other conditions that happen in the workplace
occupational health and safety
general area of concern in employment which spans the physiological and psychological needs and well-being of persons engaged in occupations, work-related trauma and death, the prevention of work-related trauma and death, the protection from, or from risk of, work-related trauma and death, and the rehabilitation and retraining of persons who have suffered work-related trauma (CCH Occupational Health and Safety: Glossary, CCH International, 1992)
occupational health and safety
Safety issues related to the workplace, e g wearing a helmet
occupational health and safety
The spectrum of endeavors, encompassing many technical disciplines, which is aimed at protecting workers from injury or illness associated with exposure to hazards encountered in the workplace These hazards include both hazardous materials (such as poisons or reactive chemicals) and hazardous conditions (such as oxygen deficient environments or unshored trenches)
occupational medicine
The branch of medicine that deals with the prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries occurring at work or in specific occupations
occupational psychology
branch of psychology that studies the place of work and the performance of people at the workplace
occupational safety and health act
a law passed by the United States Congress that created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to prevent employees from being injured or contracting diseases in the course of their employment
occupational safety and health administration
a government agency in the Department of Labor to maintain a safe and healthy work environment
occupational therapist
Teaches ways to more easily perform everyday activities (cooking, driving, dressing) that may have become challenging due to pain or mobility limitations
occupational therapist
A professional qualified to assess, plan and implement rehabilitation plans for people who have suffered disabilities or disabling injuries Created as a separate profession in the 1930s
occupational therapist
A specialist involved in the retraining of patients with brain injuries to resume the self-care activities important to daily living OTs work to improve function in the patient's hands and upper body and become involved during the acute rehabilitation phase
occupational therapist
Occupational therapists assess functioning in activities of everyday living, including dressing, bathing, grooming, meal preparation, writing, and driving, which are essential for independent living In making treatment recommendations, the OT addresses (1) fatigue management, (2) upper body strength, movement, and coordination, (3) adaptations to the home and work environment, including both structural changes and specialized equipment for particular activities, and (4) compensatory strategies for impairments in thinking, sensation, or vision
occupational therapist
A licensed professional responsible for the plan of treatment designed to optimize functional activities, such as eating, dressing, grooming and other tasks requiring upper body fine motor skills New Care does not provide OTs at this time
occupational therapist
occupational therapists assess functioning in activities which are essential in everyday living such as bathing, grooming, writing and meal preparation
occupational therapist
Occupational Therapies help with handwriting issues, and sensory experiences including touch, movement, body awareness, sight, sound, and the pull of gravity
occupational therapist
Determines necessary treatment related to student's fine motor skills, visual perceptual skills, sensory motor skills, life skills, pre-vocational skills, social/emotional development and functional mobility
occupational therapist
performs diagnostic tests, measurements, and evaluations, such as mobility of joints, strength and endurance of muscles Initiates and applies appropriate preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitative procedures and techniques
occupational therapist
is a person with special training in infant and child development They work with parents and teachers to provide the child with activities that promote normal growth and development
occupational therapist
A trained healthcare professional who uses self-care, work, and recreational activities to help people with disabilities become more functional and independent
occupational therapist
therapist that rehabilitates using specific kinds of exercises and work
occupational therapist
A health professional specially trained to teach individual's ways to protect joints, minimize pain, and conserve energy
occupational therapist
Helps the patient become more independent and able to complete daily activities such as bathing, dressing, cooking and eating To increase patient's independence, therapy is provided to help improve upper extremity strength, endurance, coordination, perception and balance
occupational therapist
n The person who uses productive or creative activity in the treatment or rehabilitation of physically or emotionally disabled people
occupational therapist
A rehabilitation professional who assists individuals to compensate for functional limitations as a result of an injury, illness or disability by learning skills and techniques needed to perform activities of daily living and optimize independence
occupational therapist
A professional who helps people develop or regain skills which are absent because of physical injury, birth defects, aging, or emotional or developmental problems, through purposeful and meaningful activity
occupational therapist
Individuals who specialize in the analysis of purposeful activity and tasks to minimize the impact of disability on independence in daily living The therapist then helps the family to better cope with the disorder, by adapting the environment and teaching sub-skills of the missing developmental components
occupational therapist
An occupational therapist is someone whose job involves helping people by means of occupational therapy. someone whose job is to help people get better after an illness by giving them activities to do
occupational therapists
Those persons legally qualified by education and training to engage in the practice of occupational therapy, a field concerned with utilizing craft or work activities in the rehabilitation of patients
occupational therapists
Trained and licensed individuals who work with emotionally and/or physically disabled people to determine skill levels and to develop a rehabilitation program to build on and expand these skills
occupational therapists
Health professionals, also known as OTs, who find ways to help people live at home and be independent, despite their illness
occupational therapy
a rehabilitative process directed by an occupational therapist where purposeful activities are employed as a basis for improving muscular control, may focus on fine motor development and/or the upper half of the individual's body; may be a related service for children with disabilities if it is determined as necessary for an appropriate education to be received
occupational therapy
healing with the aid of handicraft
occupational therapy
Evaluation and re?evaluation are formal testing conducted by a registered occupational therapist to evaluate problems interfering with functional performance Therapy or treatment is rehabilitative, active, or restorative, and designed to correct or compensate for a medical problem interfering with age appropriate functional performance Group therapy or treatment is provided in groups of 2?8 individuals Occupational therapy services must be prescribed by a physician
occupational therapy
(oc·cu·pa·tion·al ther·a·py) NOUN: The use of productive or creative activity in the treatment or rehabilitation of physically or emotionally disabled people
occupational therapy
A therapy, treatment, or instructional support provided by an occupational therapist to the child, family, and/or pertinent members of the child's environment OT helps develop adaptive or physical skills that will aid in daily living and improve interactions with the physical and social world It focuses on developing functional skills related to sensory-motor integration; coordination of movement; fine motor skills; self-help skills (dressing, self-feeding, etc ); adaptive devices/ equipment; computer keyboarding; positioning for school work; and potential work-related activities
occupational therapy
Definition: The science of using everyday activities with specific goals, to help people of all ages prevent, lessen, or overcome physical disabilities Also Known As: OT Related Resources: Occupational Therapy Information about occupational therapy and how these professionals work to help patients
occupational therapy
This is a therapy provided by an occupational therapist that assists in the individual’s development of fine motor skills that aid in daily living It also can focus on sensory issues, coordination of movement, balance, and on self-help skills such as dressing, eating with a fork and spoon, grooming, etc It can also address issues pertaining to visual perception and hand-eye coordination
occupational therapy
services that relate to self-help skills, adaptive behavior and play, and sensory, motor, and postural development
occupational therapy
Skilled treatment that helps people return to ordinary tasks around home and at work by maximizing physical potential through lifestyle adaptations and possible use of assistive devices
occupational therapy
Treatment to restore a physically disabled person's ability to perform activities such as walking, eating, drinking, toileting and bathing
occupational therapy
An approach to facilitating recovery from stress or trauma by ensuring the adoption, readoption or development of physical, intellectual, cultural or social skills
occupational therapy
This type of therapy includes exercises, adaptive equipment, splinting, joint protection and energy conservation T-O-P
occupational therapy
physical or skills training that helps disabled persons to better manage daily living Therapy may include teaching infants to suck or swallow, helping developmentally delayed children to develop motor or language skills, or training mentally disabled individuals to complete work tasks or care for their personal needs
occupational therapy
a therapy or treatment provided by an occupational therapist that helps an individual developmental or physical skills that will aid in daily living; it focuses on the use of hands and fingers; on co-ordination of movement; and on self-help skills, such as dressing, eating with a fork and spoon, etc
occupational therapy
A program of creative, educational and recreational activities to develop skills which will be useful later
occupational therapy
Mental or physical activity to assist recovery from disease or injury
occupational therapy
Related service; includes therapy to remediate fine motor skills
occupational therapy
– Services provided by a qualified occupational therapist who helps individuals develop fine motor skills, such as writing, using buttons and zippers, and holding small objects
occupational therapy
Occupational Therapy is the therapeutic use of self-care, work and play activities to increase independent function, enhance development and prevent disability; may include the adaptation of a task or the environment to achieve maximum independence and to enhance the quality of life The term occupation, as used in occupational therapy, refers to any activity engaged in for evaluating, specifying and treating problems interfering with functional performance
occupational therapy
Occupational therapy is a method of helping people who have been ill or injured to develop skills or get skills back by giving them certain activities to do. She will now begin occupational therapy to regain the use of her hands. The use of productive or creative activity in the treatment or rehabilitation of physically or emotionally disabled people.occupational therapist n. the job of an occupational therapist. Use of activities to promote health and independence, particularly after the acute phase of illness. Such therapy is often vital for reorienting patients unable to work for long periods. Occupational therapists assess patients' abilities, tailor programs to restore physical function, and devise ways to help those with permanent limitations carry out everyday functions. See also physical medicine and rehabilitation
occupational therapy
physical therapy involving the therapeutic use of crafts and hobbies for the rehabilitation of handicapped or convalescing patients (especially for emotionally disturbed patients)
occupational therapy
Treatment to restore a physically disabled person's ability to perform activities such as walking, eating, drinking, dressing, toileting, and bathing
occupational therapy
Activities focusing on fine motor skills, visual motor integration, visual processing, visual memory, visual perceptual abilities that assist in improving physical, and social development and sensory integration (SI)
occupational therapy
- services provided by a qualified occupational therapist to develop and enhance the independent physical functioning of students with disabilities so the students can receive FAPE Occupational therapy services provided by schools are for educational purposes to enable a student with a disability to progress on his or her Individualized Education Program (IEP) These services include
occupational therapy
Therapy that uses goal-directed activities, appropriate to age and social situation for individuals with disabilities or developmental disorder which can interfere with the ability to live a constructive life
occupational therapy
Services given to help you return to usual activities (such as bathing, preparing meals, housekeeping) after illness either on an inpatient or outpatient basis
occupational world
business world, professional world
from a professional standpoint, from an occupational point of view
as part of an occupation