
listen to the pronunciation of oa
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Open Access
On or About
Organizing Authority (alterante spelling: Organising Authority)
Osmotic Adjustment; physiological process of accumulation of solute molecules inside the cells in response to a decline in external water potential, this adjustment may postpone and contribute to lessen tissue death after desiccation by maintaining cell turgor pressure
overactive muscle ONG optic nerve glioma
Output Area
Operational Area
Occupational Asthma
abbr Operator Assistance
Office Automation OARS -- Outlying Area Reporting System OASIS -- Operational Activities Special Information Systems OBTS – Offender Base Tracking System OCDETF – Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force OCR -- Office of Congressional Relations (HQOCR or ROOCR) OI -- Operating Instructions OIA -- Office of Internal Audit OIA/IRB -- Office of Internal Audit/Internal Review Branch OIC – Officer-in-Charge OIL – Office of Immigration Litigation OIRM -- Office of Information Resources Management ONO -- Office of Naturalization Operations OPSEC -- Operations Security OSC -- Order to Show Cause OTM – Other than Mexican
Origin Agent The Mover that your Booking Member has decide will service your moving needs at your origin residence Agent who provides preliminary preparations of shipments before movement
Operational Architecture
Order of the Arrow is Scouting's National Honor Society Some OA basics
Office Automation
Obligation authority
Overeaters Anonymous
Output Area - the lowest level of census geography in Scotland representing approx 50 households in 1991 '91 geography '81 geography
Official Aid
Order Administration
Osteoarthritis, open access
الهولندية - الإنجليزية
الإنجليزية - التركية
(Askeri) hedef bölgesi; çalışan donanım; harekat sahası; Harekat Aeroloji Meteoroloji Ve Oşinografi Merkezi (METOC) Bölümü (objective area; operating assembly; operational area; Operations Aerology shipboard METOC division)
الهولندية - التركية