no one dared speculate yesterday as to what that could mean

listen to the pronunciation of no one dared speculate yesterday as to what that could mean
الإنجليزية - ألمانية
Gestern wollte niemand spekulieren, was das bedeuten könnte
no one dared speculate yesterday as to what that could mean


    no one dared spe·cu·late yes·ter·day as to what that could mean

    التركية النطق

    nō hwʌn derd spekyıleyt yestırdi äz tı hwʌt dhıt kûd min


    /ˈnō ˈhwən ˈderd ˈspekyəˌlāt ˈyestərdē ˈaz tə ˈhwət ᴛʜət ˈko͝od ˈmēn/ /ˈnoʊ ˈhwʌn ˈdɛrd ˈspɛkjəˌleɪt ˈjɛstɜrdiː ˈæz tə ˈhwʌt ðət ˈkʊd ˈmiːn/