nitrous acid

listen to the pronunciation of nitrous acid
الإنجليزية - التركية
nitröz asit
nitrus asit
(Askeri) azotlu asit
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A weak acid, HNO2, known only in solution, or as its salts and esters, the nitrites; it has a linear structure, H-O-N=O
{n} niter not saturated with oxygene
type of acid that contains nitrogen
an unstable inorganic acid known only in solution and as nitrite salts
A weak inorganic acid, HNO, existing only in solution or in the form of its salts
nitrous acid


    ni·trous ac·id

    التركية النطق

    nîtrıs äsıd


    /ˈnətrəs ˈasəd/ /ˈnɪtrəs ˈæsəd/