
listen to the pronunciation of nicotine
الإنجليزية - التركية

Onlar patlıcanın çok nikotin içerdiğini söylüyorlar. - They say that an eggplant has lots of nicotine.

nikotinik asit
nicotinic acid ecza
fazla tütün içmekten ileri gelen zehirlenme
(isim) nikotin
(Tıp) Nikotin, tütündeki zehirli maded
nicotinismnikotinle zehirlenme
tütündeki zehirli madde
nicotined nikotinli
nikotin dolu
nicotine patch
nikotin bandı
nicotine acid
(Kimya) nikotin asit
nicotine content
nikotin oranı
nicotine sulfate
nikotin sülfat
nicotine withdrawal
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) nikotinden uzaklaşım
nicotine withdrawal
(Tıp) nikotinden uzaklaşma
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
An alkaloid (C10H14N2), commonly occurring in the tobacco plant. In small doses it is a habit-forming stimulant; in larger doses it is toxic and is often used in insecticides
It is intensely poisonous
The main active ingredient of tobacco Extremely toxic and causing irritation of lung tissues, constriction of blood vessels, increased blood pressure and heart rate, and, in general, central nervous system stimulation
An alkaloid which is the active principle of tobacco
A poisonous and addictive organic base, which is derived from tobacco plants
It is a colorless, transparent, oily liquid, having an acrid odor, and an acrid burning taste
Nicotine is the substance in tobacco that people can become addicted to. Nicotine marks stained his chin and fingers. a substance in tobacco which makes it difficult for people to stop smoking (Jean Nicot (1530-1604), French diplomat who first brought tobacco into France). Principal alkaloid of tobacco, occurring throughout the plant but mostly in the leaves. It is a heterocyclic compound, containing a pyridine ring; its chemical formula is C10H14N. Nicotine is the chief addictive ingredient (see drug addiction) in cigarettes and cigars and in snuff. It has a unique biphasic effect: Inhaled in short puffs it is a stimulant, but when inhaled slowly and deeply it can be a tranquilizer. In larger doses, nicotine is a highly toxic poison, used as an insecticide, fumigant, and vermifuge
An alkaloid (C{10}H{14}N{2}), commonly occurring in the tobacco plant. In small doses it is a habit-forming stimulant, in larger doses it is toxic and is often used in insecticides. It is possibly a carcinogen
An alkaloid derived from the tobacco plant that is responsible for smoking's psychoactive and addictive effects; is toxic at high doses but can be safe and effective as medicine at lower doses
The substance found in tobacco that causes addiction
The drug in tobacco that is addictive Nicotine also activates a specific kind of acetylcholine receptor
A colorless, soluble, fluid organic base with a bitter odor and a burning taste obtained from tobacco
an addictive substance found in all forms of tobacco, including cigarettes
an alkaloid poison that occurs in tobacco; used in medicine and as an insecticide
Say: nih-keh-teen This chemical is found in stinky cigarettes and is the reason why kids get hooked on the smoking habit Say no to nicotine - it's nasty!
{i} toxic alkaloid found in tobacco (used as insecticide in its liquid form); tobacco products (Slang)
nicotine alkaloid
any of a range of related alkaloids found in various species of the genus Nicotiana, especially Nicotiana tabacum which is cultivated for the manufacture of cigarettes
nicotine gum
A form of chewing gum that slowly releases nicotine into the body; used by people who are trying to quit smoking
nicotine patch
An adhesive patch, affixed to the skin, that slowly diffuses nicotine into the bloodstream; used by people who are trying to quit smoking
nicotine stomatitis
A benign lesion on the hard palate caused by smoking tobacco or long-term drinking of very hot beverages
nicotine addiction
an addiction to nicotine
nicotine patch
a small piece of material containing nicotine which you stick on your skin to help you stop smoking
nicotine poisoning
toxic condition caused by the ingestion or inhalation of large amounts of nicotine
nicotine poisoning
poisoning as a result of excessive smoking
electronic nicotine delivery system
An electronic cigarette (e-cig or e-cigarette), personal vaporizer (PV) or electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) (not to be confused with smokeless cigarettes) is a battery-powered device which simulates tobacco smoking patented in 1963 by Herbert A. Gilbert
addicted to nicotine
feeling a compulsive need to use nicotine, habitually using nicotine



    التركية النطق



    /ˈnəkəˌtēn/ /ˈnɪkəˌtiːn/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    () From Jean Nicot, French ambassador to Portugal, who sent tobacco seeds back to France in 1561.