تعريف native في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.
- Sometimes used pejoratively against indigenous peoples by their colonizers
- Characteristic of or existing by virtue of geographic origin
Many native artists studied abroad.
- Of or relating to North American Indians or Aboriginal people
- Occurring naturally in its pure or uncombined form; native aluminium, native salt
- Which occurs of its own accord in a given locality, to be contrasted with a species introduced by man
The naturalized Norway maple often outcompetes the native North American sugar maple.
- Characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from prehistoric times
The native peoples of Australia are called aborigines.
- A North American Indian or Aboriginal person
- Pertaining to the system or architecture in question
The native integer size is sixteen bits.
- A person who is native to a place (literal or metaphoric)
- Belonging to one by birth
I need a volunteer native New Yorker for my next joke….
- {a} natural, real
- {n} one born in any place
- A native ability or quality is one that you possess naturally without having to learn it. We have our native inborn talent, yet we hardly use it. = innate. Native American Native American Church Native American arts Native Dancer native element
- {s} of or pertaining to one's place of birth; existing at birth, inborn, inherent, natural; local, coming from a certain place
- a person who was born in a particular place; an indigenous person belonging to one by birth; "my native land"; "one's native language" being such by origin; "the native North American sugar maple"; "many native artists studied abroad" being or composed of people inhabiting a region from the beginning; "native Americans"; "the aboriginal peoples of Australia" as found in nature in the elemental form; "native copper
- Some European people use native to refer to a person living in a non-Western country who belongs to the race or tribe that the majority of people there belong to. This use could cause offence. They used force to banish the natives from the more fertile land. Native is also an adjective. Native people were allowed to retain some sense of their traditional culture and religion. = indigenous
- Part of original flora and fauna of the area in question
- normally existing at birth; "mankind's connatural sense of the good"
- A software application written specifically for the hardware it runs on In general, native applications run faster and use the hardware's capabilities to a greater extent than non-native applications Natural-language processing A speech-to-text system that digitizes spoken words, translates them into language a computer can understand and then converts that language to text Net PC A type of network computer that acts as a terminal with a hard drive NetPCs execute Windows applications locally and connect to a remote network to execute other applications Network computer (NC) A computer with minimal memory, disk storage and processor power that executes programs and saves data on a shared network New economy The current state of the global, innovative, Internet-influenced economic order The old economy was static, with change occurring relatively slowly Notcom A company with no presence on the Web
- belonging to one by birth; "my native land"; "one's native language"
- Any of the live stock found in a region, as distinguished from such as belong to pure and distinct imported breeds
- Arising by birth; having an origin; born
- A term used to refer generally to Aboriginal peoples The term "Aboriginal person" is preferred to "native"
- Born in the region in which one lives; as, a native inhabitant, race; grown or originating in the region where used or sold; not foreign or imported; as, native oysters, or strawberries
- Characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from the beginning
- A species which developed and evolved in a particular area and was present prior to European settlement [To return to previous page, click your browser's BACK button then scroll through the page to your last location]
- In mining, a mineral that occurs in ore as pure metal; i e , copper, gold, silver or platinum
- a method modifier that indicated that the method is defined elsewhere and in another platform-dependent fashion Native methods should have a semicolon in place of its body
- One who, or that which, is born in a place or country referred to; a denizen by birth; an animal, a fruit, or vegetable, produced in a certain region; as, a native of France
- Indigenous, belonging to a country or locality
- 1 Said of software that's written specifically to run on a particular processor For example, a program optimized for a 68K processor runs in native mode on a Quandra, but it runs in emulation mode (which is slower) on a PowerPC-based Power Mac 2 The file format in which an application normally saves its documents The native format is generally readable only by that application (other programs can sometimes translate it using filters) Compare interchange format
- Your native language or tongue is the first language that you learned to speak when you were a child. She spoke not only her native language, Swedish, but also English and French French is not my native tongue
- When used for a plant or animal, it refers to one which normally inhabits a country, and has not been introduced to that country
- being such by origin; "the native North American sugar maple"; "many native artists studied abroad"
- Naturally related; cognate; connected (with)
- being or composed of people inhabiting a region from the beginning; "native Americans"; "the aboriginal peoples of Australia"
- usually refers to software that is written to take advantage of the newer types of processor chips in the PowerMacs (e g SoundApp PPC is a native application) Also used to refer to a file belonging to a specific application (e g a Signalyze-native file will have a Signalyze icon)
- The subject of a natal chart
- Found in nature; not artificial; as native sodium chloride
- Plants or animals that are native to a particular region live or grow there naturally and were not brought there. a project to create a 50 acre forest of native Caledonian pines Many of the plants are native to Brazil. = indigenous Native is also a noun. The coconut palm is a native of Malaysia
- as found in nature in the elemental form; "native copper
- {i} someone who is indigenous; resident of a certain place from the time of birth
- Of or pertaining to one's birth; natal; belonging to the place or the circumstances in which one is born; opposed to foreign; as, native land, language, color, etc
- Software written specifically to run on a particular processor Also, the file format in which an application normally saves it documents The native format is generally readable only by that application (other programs can sometimes translate it using filters) [San Diego State University]
- A native of a particular country or region is someone who was born in that country or region. Dr Aubin is a native of St Blaise. Native is also an adjective. Joshua Halpern is a native Northern Californian. men and women native to countries such as Japan
- Plants which are native to the North American continent
- Species that grows wild in a particular region
- Refers to software that has been compiled for a specific platform
- Found in nature uncombined with other elements; as, native silver
- a person who was born in a particular place; an indigenous person belonging to one by birth; "my native land"; "one's native language"
- Something (usually a piece of software) that comes with NT in the box Part of NT
- Refers to a plant or animal species whose geographic range during pre-colonial times included the Piedmont of Maryland Information on native plants can be found in Woody Plants of Maryland (Brown and Brown, 1972) and Herbaceous Plants of Maryland (Brown and Brown, 1984), as well as other sources
- a person who was born in a particular place; an indigenous person
- In the context of Java programming, something written in a language other than Java (such as C or C++) for a specific platform
- as found in nature in the elemental form; "native copper"
- Written specifically to run on a particular processor
- Something is a standard component of a computer system, such as a native file system or a native protocol
- A plant native to a specific region It evolved there and it grows there naturally
- native is a modifier that may be applied to method declarations It indicates that the method is implemented (elsewhere) in C, or in some other platform-dependent fashion A native method should have a semicolon instead of a body A native method cannot be abstract, but all other method modifiers may be used with native methods
- Software that's written specifically to run on a particular processor For example, a program optimized for a 68K processor runs in native mode on a Quadra, but it runs in emulation mode (which is slower on a Power PC-based Power Mac) Also, the file format in which an application normally saves it documents The native format is generally readable only by that application (other programs can sometimes translate it using filters)
- originating, growing, or produced in a certain place
- Conferred by birth; derived from origin; born with one; inherent; inborn; not acquired; as, native genius, cheerfulness, simplicity, rights, etc
- Original; constituting the original substance of anything; as, native dust
- Pertaining to the relationship between a transport user and a transport provider that are both based on the same transport protocol
- Your native country or area is the country or area where you were born and brought up. It was his first visit to his native country since 1948 Mother Teresa visited her native Albania
- indigenous
- innative
- Native American
- Of the American Indians
- Native American
- An American Indian, especially in the United States
- Native Americans
- plural form of Native American
- Native Californian
- Of or relating to the Native Californians
It is not clear whether Native Californian women who established joint residences with Native Alaskan, Creole, or Russian men were drafted into mandatory service for the Company.
- Native Californian
- An indigenous person of California; a member of one of the indigenous tribes historically associated with California
The effete finger-twisting techniques of modern survival books and classes are tedious and slow and assume that we are all too citified to learn what every Native Californian knew well: the hand rolling of cordage on the thigh.
- native aluminium
- Aluminium metal, rarely found in nature in oxygen deficient environments such as volcanic mud
- native bear
- A koala
- native cat
- The quoll. (Reference: R. M. W. Dixon, Australian Aboriginal Words'', Oxford University Press, 1990, ISBN 0-19-553099-3, page 79.)
- native companions
- plural form of native companion
- native element
- any chemical element which occurs in nature uncombined with other elements; includes the atmospheric gases, several metals and semimetals, and the nonmetals sulfur and carbon
- native ground
- Alternative name of native soil
- native land
- Alternative name of native soil
- native language
- One's first language, learned in early childhood
Mary Katharine, one of the things in California, kids apparently who speak English as a second language have a year in which they can take classes that are taught in their native language in addition to English, and some people would say that that should help them really get established and after that, you're on your own, go take all the tests in English.
- native language
- The language of a Native or Aboriginal people (often capitalized)
Additional Alaska Native language programs have been offered by the Goldbelt Corporation and Sealaska Corporation. Elementary, intermediate, and advanced Tlingit, as well as elementary Haida, have been taught at the University of Alaska Southeast by Native speakers who are fluent and also understand the worldview expressed by the languages, as reflected in their syntax and grammar and their cultural references.
- native languages
- plural form of native language
- native monkey
- A koala
It forms the genus Phascolarctos, and is called by the colonists “native bear” or “native monkey.”.
- native resolution
- The normal, out-of-the-box preset resolution for a computer monitor or projector
- native soil
- The country or geographical region where one was born or which one considers to be one's true homeland
Nawaz Sharif, two-time Prime Minister of Pakistan, had planned a triumphant return to his native soil nearly seven years after choosing exile.
- native soil
- Source, place of origin, principal location, or natural habitat
An innate passion for all that was thus distinguished and exceptional made her revere Hillbridge as the native soil of those intellectual amenities that were of such difficult growth in the thin air of East Onondaigua.
- native son
- A man born in a specified place
- native speaker
- A person who grew up with a particular language as their mother tongue
a native speaker of English.
- native speakers
- plural form of native speaker
- native species
- Plural of native species
- native species
- a species that normally lives and thrives in a particular ecosystem. This can include any species that developed with the surrounding habitat, and can be assisted by or affected by a new species
- native support
- a feature that works out of the box, without the need to install extensions or rely on external modules
My web-browser has native support for displaying SVG images.
- native support
- a feature that already exists in the environment in which an application is run
My plug-in allows the media player to use the existing native support to play videos.
- native-born
- being a native and inhabitant of the same place
- native country
- country of origin, country where one was born
- native code
- (Bilgisayar) Native code also referred to as native language, programming code that is written to run on a specific processor using that processor's instruction set. In order for that program to run on a different processor than the one intended by the native code, the code must be run through an emulator software program that instructs the computer to mimic the processor the native code is meant for
- native language
- (Bilgisayar) Native code also referred to as native language, programming code that is written to run on a specific processor using that processor's instruction set. In order for that program to run on a different processor than the one intended by the native code, the code must be run through an emulator software program that instructs the computer to mimic the processor the native code is meant for
- native to
- (of animals and plants) existing naturally in a place
- Native American
- Native Americans are people from any of the many groups who were already living in North America before Europeans arrived. The eagle is the animal most sacred to the Native Americans. = American Indian Native American is also an adjective. a gathering of Native American elders. Many Americans have come to prefer Native American over Indian both as a term of respect and as a corrective to the famous misnomer bestowed on the peoples of the Americas by a geographically befuddled Columbus. There are solid arguments for this preference. Native American eliminates any confusion between indigenous American peoples and the inhabitants of India, making it the clear choice in many official contexts. It is also historically accurate, despite the insistence by some that Indians are no more native to America than anyone else since their ancestors are assumed to have migrated here from Asia. But one sense of native is "being a member of the original inhabitants of a particular place," and Native Americans' claim to being the original inhabitants of the Americas is unchallenged.·Accuracy and precision aside, however, the choice between these two terms is often made as a matter of principle. For many, Native American is the only choice for expressing respect toward America's indigenous peoples; Indian is seen as wrong and offensive. For others, the former smacks of bureaucracy and the manipulation of language for political purposes while the latter is the natural English term, its inaptness made irrelevant by long use. Fortunately, this controversy appears to have subsided somewhat in recent years, and it is now common to find the two terms used interchangeably in the same piece of writing. Furthermore, the issue has never been particularly divisive between Indians and non-Indians. While generally welcoming the respectful tone of Native American, most Indian writers have continued to use the older name at least as often as the newer one.·Native American and Indian are not exact equivalents when referring to the aboriginal peoples of Canada and Alaska. Native American, the broader term, is properly used of all such peoples, whereas Indian is customarily used of the northern Athabaskan and Algonquian peoples in contrast to the Eskimos, Inuits, and Aleuts. Alaska Native (or less commonly Native Alaskan) is also properly used of all indigenous peoples residing in Alaska. See Usage Note at Indian. someone who belongs to one of the races that lived in North America before Europeans arrived
- Native American
- {s} pertaining to American Indians, of the indigenous peoples of North and South America
- Native American
- {i} American Indian, member of any of the aboriginal peoples inhabiting North and South America, Amerindian
- Native American Church
- or peyotism Religious movement among North American Indians involving the drug peyote. Peyote was first used to induce supernatural visions in Mexico in pre-Columbian times; its use extended north into the Great Plains in the 19th century, and peyotism is now practiced among more than 50 tribes. Peyotist beliefs, which combine Indian and Christian elements, vary from tribe to tribe. They involve worship of the Great Spirit, a supreme deity who deals with humans through various other spirits. In many tribes peyote is personified as Peyote Spirit and is associated with Jesus. The rite often begins on Saturday evening and continues through the night. The Peyote Road is a way of life calling for brotherly love, family care, self-support through work, and avoidance of alcohol
- Native American arts
- Literary, performing, and visual arts of the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere. Folktales have long been a part of the social and cultural life of diverse groups of American Indian and Inuit peoples. These tales were passed on orally by storytellers whose presentation could shape the power of a story. One technique they frequently employed was the repetition of incidents. Elements of mythology which vary from region to region are also central. Any definition of a Native American musical style is complicated by the variety between tribes and within tribal repertoires. An evident feature of much music is male dominance. Equally evident is its limitation to a single singer, who performs without harmonization and with percussion accompaniment. The singing voice is well supported from the diaphragm and has a pulsating quality caused by the rhythmic expulsion of breath. Melodies are generally sparse, sometimes even monotone; only rarely do songs expand beyond the notes of the pentatonic (five-tone) scale. Among the instruments used are drums, rattles, and sometimes wind instruments such as the panpipe. The dances of Native American peoples represent forms passed down over centuries and modified through interaction with foreign and other Indian cultures. Their origins lie in religious rites; in attempts to invoke magic and thus cure illness or assure success in food production, hunting, and warfare; and in such life-passage rites as birth, puberty, and death. Patterns within the dance reflect complex relations of rank and gender, and the dancers themselves often represent different religious symbols. Characteristic of Indian dancers is a slightly forward-tilted posture, forward raising of the knee, flat-footed stamp or toe-heeled action, and tendencies towards muscular restraint and relaxation in gesture. Native American visual arts also vary widely from tribe to tribe and region to region. The particular utilitarian form that Native American art took on often reflected the social organization of the cultures involved; for example, political and military societies found their major art forms in weaponry, pageantry of costume, and panoply. Working with the materials natural to their respective homelands, the various Indian cultures also produced art that reflected their environment; for example, those living in forested regions became gifted sculptors in wood. Some of the best Native American artwork was applied to those objects intended to please a deity, soothe the angry gods, and placate or frighten evil spirits. Among the many media explored by Native American cultures are weaving, pottery, basketry, wooden sculpture, clayware, quillwork, embroidery, beadwork, totem poles, murals, and masks. Architectural achievements are also varied and include the monumental stone cliff dwellings of the American Southwest and the enormous Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl at Cholula in Mexico. See also kachina; Navajo weaving; oral tradition; Pueblo pottery; trickster tale
- Native Dancer
- (foaled 1950) U.S. Thoroughbred racehorse. He won the Preakness and Belmont stakes in 1953 but finished second in the Kentucky Derby. In 1954 he was named Horse of the Year. He won 21 of 22 total starts, achieving widespread popularity as the first horse whose major victories were seen on national television
- Native Hawaiian
- A member or descendant of the indigenous Polynesian people of the Hawaiian Islands
- native american
- Native American themed original artwork and related decor of sculpture and more
- native american
- A person who is an American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut or Native Hawaiian, and regarded as such by the community of which the person claims to be a part Native Americans must be documented members of a North American tribe, band or otherwise organized group of native people who are indigenous to the continental United States and proof can be provided through a Native American Blood Degree Certificate (i e , tribal registry letter, tribal roll register number)
- native american
- Of, or relating to, a tribe, people, or culture that is indigenous to the United States (25 U S C 3001 9)
- native american
- All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of North or South America Hispanic: All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of Spain or Portugal This category would generally include, for instance: Chicanos, Mexican-Americans, Mexicans, Central and South Americans, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Spaniards, and Portuguese
- native american
- of or pertaining to American Indians or their culture or languages; "Native American religions"; "Indian arrowheads"
- native american
- the first people living in North and South America Many groups of people today are Native Americans and have ancestors who lived in the country for thousands of years before Columbus came They are also called American Indian, First American, Alaska Native and Native People
- native american
- any member of the peoples living in North or South America before the Europeans arrived
- native american
- including Aleut, American Indian, Eskimo, Native Hawaiian
- native american
- A tribe, people, or culture that is indigenous to the United States
- native americans
- The term "Native American" was created in the 1960s to designate American Indians and Alaskan Natives Today, it is the generally accepted "politically correct" term, although not all "Native Americans" like to be designated as such and prefer "American Indian" In Canada, the commonly used term is First Nation or aboriginal
- native americans
- The term "Native Americans" means American Indians, Alaskan Natives, Aleuts, and Native Hawaiians
- native americans
- American Indians whose ancestors were the first inhabitants of this country
- native americans
- Includes American Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts, and Native Hawaiians
- native americans
- Persons having origins in any of the original peoples of North America or the Hawaiian Islands, in particular American Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts and Native Hawaiians
- native beech
- tall Australian timber tree yielding tough hard wood used for staves etc
- native cat
- carnivorous arboreal catlike marsupials of Australia and Tasmania
- native cranberry
- small prostrate or ascending shrub having scarlet flowers and succulent fruit resembling cranberries; sometimes place in genus Styphelia
- native customs
- traditions which are specific to a certain location
- native element
- Any of the 19 chemical elements that occur as minerals and are found in nature uncombined with other elements. They are commonly divided into three groups: metals (platinum, iridium, osmium, iron, zinc, tin, gold, silver, copper, mercury, lead, chromium); semimetals (bismuth, antimony, arsenic, tellurium, selenium); and nonmetals (sulfur, carbon). Members of the group of native elements form under widely varying physicochemical conditions and in very different rock types. Many deposits are sufficiently abundant to be commercially important
- native hawaiian
- a member or descendant of the indigenous Polynesian people who lived in the Hawaiian Islands
- native land
- the country where you were born
- native land
- country one was born and raised in
- native language
- language supported by a particular computer system (the host) in the absence of software to create the support Strictly speaking, native language refers to the central processing unit's (CPU's) machine language, but the term is sometimes applied to a high-level language specifically supported by the operating system
- native language
- (n ) A high-level computer language supported by the operating and other systems, such as toolbox routines Also called host language
- native language
- the language that a person has spoken from earliest childhood
- native language
- Language normally used by the childs parents
- native language
- The primary language used by an individual
- native language
- (1) The instructions that a particular processor can execute directly; machine language (2) The text that an executing program uses to communicate with a user or environment; that is, the natural language of the end user
- native language
- The student's native language (used in the student's home) Mailings and report card comments are generated in this language
- native language
- mother tongue, language one grew up speaking
- native mode
- The operational environment in which native RISC instructions run
- native mode
- all domain controllers run Windows 2000 Server Native mode allows organizations to take advantage of new Active Directory features such as Universal groups, nested group membership, and inter-domain group membership
- native mode
- when all the domain controllers in a given domain are running Windows 2000 Server This mode allows organizations to take advantage of new Active Directory features such as Universal groups, nested group membership, and inter-domain group membership Compare Mixed Mode
- native mode
- The condition in which all domain controllers within a domain are Windows 2000 domain controllers and an administrator has enabled native mode operation (through Active Directory Users and Computers) See also mixed mode
- native orange
- small Australian tree bearing edible dark purple fruit
- native pear
- tree bearing pear-shaped fruit with a thick woody epicarp
- native plant
- A plant that lives or grows naturally in a particular region without direct or indirect human intervention
- native plant
- A plant growing naturally in your climate or in climatic conditions similar to the ones in which it is now planted
- native plant
- So much of our landscape has been altered by human colonization and development Plants (and animals) native to many areas have undergone continuing population pressures resulting from habitat destruction Home owners have opted for lawns, Norway maples, and hybrid tea roses --with their accompanying spectrum of special fertilizers, pesticides, and fungicides-- rather than planting with native grasses, trees, flowers, and shrubs The benefit is at least threefold Landscapes that simulate natural patterns with native plants attract and support native birds, butterflies, and animals They also have very few disease and pest problems, saving the homeowners a great expense And as importantly, they are enjoyable to create and beautiful to look at
- native plant
- a plant that naturally occurs in a given area or region
- native pomegranate
- small Australian tree bearing edible fruit resembling the pomegranate
- native speaker
- a speaker of a particular language who has spoken that language since earliest childhood; "native speakers of French
- native speaker
- A native speaker of a language is someone who speaks that language as their first language rather than having learned it as a foreign language. Our programme ensures daily opportunities to practice your study language with native speakers. someone who has learned a particular language as their first language, rather than as a foreign language non-native speaker
- native speaker
- person who grew up speaking the language
- native species
- – Species that are indigenous to a region: not introduced or exotic
- native species
- a species that occurs naturally in an area or habitat Also called indigenous species
- native species
- species that is within its known historical range, and there is no evidence of humans having artificially introduced it
- native species
- A species that occurs naturally in the region; endemic to the area
- native species
- A species which is a part of the original fauna or flora of the area in question Natural barrier - Any area where lack of flammable material obstructs the spread of wildfires Natural soil - A soil having a pH value between 6 6 and 7 3 Nomex - Fire resistant synthetic material used in the manufacture of flight suits, pants and shirts used by firefighters Non-point source pollution - Pollution of diffuse origin not resulting from any discernible, confined or discrete conveyances or readily identifiable source Nutrients - Mineral elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium that are naturally present or may be added as fertilizer or a fire retardant
- native species
- A species that occurs naturally in an area (i e not introduced)
- native species
- Species that have evolved in, or are indigenous to, a specific area
- native species
- Species native to a particular geographic area Because they are part of an ecosystem where everything is interdependent, these species are adapted to local foods, soil and weather conditions, and pests and diseases Native plants, for example, need less water, fertilizer, and pesticides than species not adapted to that particular location
- native species
- Species which have lived in a particular region or area for an extended
- native species
- plants, animals, fungi, and micro-organisms that occur naturally in a given area or region
- native species
- Any animal and plant species originally in the United States (USFS)
- native species
- Those plant and animal species indigenous to the planning or assessment area
- native species
- a species which is a part of the original fauna or flora of the area in question
- native species
- Species that normally exists and reproduces in a specific region of the Earth Compare with immigrant species, indicator species, and keystone species
- native species
- A species that is a part of an area's original fauna or flora
- native species
- Species that occur naturally in an area
- native species
- Those plants and animal species indigenous to the plan area or assessment area (USFS 1999)
- native species
- - Species that occur naturally in an area, and therefore one that has not been introduced by humans either accidentally or intentionally
- native species
- A species of fish indigenous to Washington State
- native species
- With respect to a particular ecosystem, a species that, other than as a result of an introduction, historically occurred or currently occurs in that ecosystem
- native species
- A species that is a part of an area's original fauna or flora ADVANCE \x 540
- native steel
- A sort of steel which has been found where a burning coal seam had reduced and carbonized adjacent iron ore
- native tongue
- mother tongue, first language learned
- native town
- town where one was born
- native-born
- belonging to a place by birth; "a native-born Scot"; "a native Scot
- native-born
- belonging to a place by birth; "a native-born Scot"; "a native Scot"
- native-born Israeli
- person who was born in Israel, one who is native to Israel
- go native
- To adopt the lifestyle or outlook of local inhabitants, especially when dwelling in a colonial region; to become less refined under the influence of a less cultured, more primitive, or simpler social environment
Yet while Gauguin went native, taking teenage mistresses, wearing local costumes and building his own wooden hut, his ultimate purpose was to impress the art world back home.
- go native
- Of a contractor or consultant, to begin working directly as an employee for a company and cease to work through a contracting firm or agency
- goes native
- Third-person singular simple present indicative form of go native
- going native
- Present participle of go native
- gone native
- Past participle of go native
- non-native
- Not indigenous to a particular area; foreign; invasive
- non-native speaker
- antonym of native speaker: someone who has another native tongue then the language being used
- went native
- Simple past of go native
- native language
- {i} mother tongue
My mother tongue is Spanish.
- My native language is Spanish.
My mother tongue is Hungarian.
- My native language is Hungarian.
- natively
- by birth, in a natural manner; originally
- digital native
- A digital native is a person who has grown up with digital technology such as computers, the Internet, mobile phones and MP3. A digital immigrant is an individual who grew up without digital technology and adopted it later. A digital native might refer to their new "camera"; a digital immigrant might refer to their new "digital camera"
- native language
- mother language
- Alaska Native
- A member of any of the aboriginal peoples of Alaska, including American Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut peoples. Also called Native Alaskan. See Usage Note at Native American
- Native American
- injun
- alaska native
- a member or descendant of any of the aboriginal peoples of Alaska
- being a native-born Israeli
- having been born and raised in Israel
- natively
- In the manner of a native
- natively
- By natural or original condition; naturally; originally
- natives
- plural of native