
listen to the pronunciation of movement
الإنجليزية - التركية

Oğlunuz öğrenci hareketi içinde yer aldı, ben duydum. - Your son took part in the student movement, I hear.

Bu robotun hareketleri hantaldır. - The movements of this robot are awkward.

{i} akım
{i} akım, hareket: the women's liberation movement kadınların özgürlüğü hareketi
{i} manevra
{i} işleme
{i} bağırsakların çalışması
(Askeri) yürüyüş
saatin makinesi
(Askeri) intikal

O, Kadın Kurtuluş Hareketinde bir eylemciydi. - She was an activist in the Women's Liberation Movement.

(Avrupa Birliği) dolaşım, hareket
{i} ask. manevra
bağlrsakların işlemesi
bir müzik parçasının usul veya ölçüsü
{i} saatin
(Askeri) HAREKET, İNTİKAL, YÜRÜYÜŞ, HAREKET VE İNTİKAL: Bir yürüyüş veya denizaşırı bir harekette olduğu gibi, kıtal. arın ve teçhizatın bir yerden başka bir yere nakledilmesi ve intikali suretiyle yapılan hareket
saatin makinası veya bunun kısımları

Tom, anti-nükleer enerji hareketine hayatını adadı. - Tom has devoted his life to the anti-nuclear-energy movement.

Tom nükleer enerjiye karşı hareket için hayatını adadı. - Tom has devoted his life to the movement against nuclear energy.

(Felsefe) devinim
movement capability
(Askeri) ulaştırma kabiliyeti
movement directive
(Askeri) intikal direktifi
movement disorders
(Tıp) hareket bozuklukları
movement education
hareket eğitimi
movement table
(Askeri) intikal çizelgesi
movement therapy
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) hareket terapisi
movement of
movement of provision
provizyon hareket tablosu
movement area
(Havacılık) hareket alanı
movement area
(Havacılık) hareket sahası
movement capability
(Askeri) ULAŞTIRMA KABİLİYETİ: Sevkiyat ve tesellüm makamları ile ulaştırma hizmetlerinin belirli bir süre zarfında, iki veya daha çok nokta veya bölge arasındaki ulaştırma arasındaki ulaştırma imkan ve kabiliyetleri
movement certificates
(Avrupa Birliği) Dolaşım Belgeleri
movement control
(Askeri) HAREKET KONTROLÜ: Ulaştırma hatları üzerindeki personel ve ikmal maddeleri hareketlerinin sıra, yol ve zamanca kontrolü; ayrıca bu işleri yapmaktan sorumlu bir teşkilat
movement control
(Askeri) intikal kontrolü
movement control battalion
(Askeri) intikal kontrol taburu
movement control officer
(Askeri) HAREKET KONTROL SUBAYI: Her çeşit nakliye vasıtasıyla taşınan yük ve askeri personelin hareketinin idari kontrolünden sorumlu bir hareket kontrol teşkilatı subayı
movement control post
(Askeri) HAREKET KONTROL YERİ: Hareket gereklerine bağlı olarak, hareket kontrolünün komutan tarafından yapıldığı yer
movement control team
(Askeri) intikal kontrol timi
movement credit
(Askeri) HAREKET İÇİN TAHSİSAT: Belirli bir zaman için, kontrol altında bulundurulan bir yolun, hareket talimatlarına göre bir veya daha fazla araca tahsis edilmesi
movement credit
(Askeri) hareket için tahsisat
movement directive
(Askeri) İNTİKAL DİREKTİFİ (ABD SAVUNMA KURULU): Bir komutanlığın belirli bir birliği bir mahalden başka bir mahale intikal ettirme yetkisinin, uzman bir makam tarafından verildiği temel belge
movement gradient
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) hareket eğimi
movement illusion
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) hareket yanılsaması
movement instructions
(Askeri) intikal talimatı
movement instructions
(Askeri) ulaştırma talimatı
movement instructions
(Askeri) ULAŞTIRMA TALİMATI, İNTİKAL TALİMATI: Bir hareket ve intikalin yapılması ile ilgili teferruatlı talimat. Bu talimat; hareket ve intikal programlarının bir uygulaması olarak, ulaştırma subayı tarafından yayınlanır ve sevkiyat veya tesellüm görevlileri ile ulaştırma hizmetlerince uygulanması kararlaştırılmış işlemi gösterir. MOVEMENT OF SHIPPING (IN THE EARLY DAYS OF WAR): TİCARET DENİZ NAKLİYATI (HARBİN İLK GÜNLERİNDE): Bak. "shipping movement policy", "port evacuation" ve "area evacuation"
movement joint
hareket derzi
movement message
(Askeri) intikal mesajı
movement message
(Askeri) hareket mesajı
movement monitoring
hareket izleme
movement of labor
(Ticaret) emek hareketi
movement of labor
(Ticaret) emeğin hareketli olması
movement of trees
(Çevre) ağaçların hareketi
movement order
(Askeri) intikal emri
movement order
(Askeri) İNTİKAL EMRİ: Bir komutan tarafından, birliğin hareket ve intikaline ait detayları içermek üzere yayınlanan bir emir. Bak. "march order"
movement plan
(Askeri) ULAŞTIRMA PLANI: Bir veya daha çok birlik veya özel personel gruplarının kara, deniz, demiryolu ve hava ulaştırma araçları ile taşınmalarına ait ulaştırma ihtiyaçlarının, önceliklerin ve sınırlayıcı faktörlerin bir özetini yansıtan en yeni lojistik bilgileri ihtiva eder plan
movement priority
(Askeri) İNTİKAL ÖNCELİĞİ: Her intikal ihtiyacına tanınmış öncelik
movement priority
(Askeri) intikal önceliği
movement priority for forces having the same latest arrival date (LAD); priority
(Askeri) aynı en son varış gününe (LAD) sahip olan kuvvetlerin intikal önceliği; öncelik; progresif haberleşme göstergesi
movement program
(Askeri) HAREKET VE İNTİKAL PROGRAMI: İhtiyaç gösterilen bir intikalin, mevcut ulaştırma tesislerince, tasarlanan bir süre içinde yapılması için bir ulaştırma hareketleri şubesi tarafından hazırlanıp komutan adına yayınlanan bir plan
movement programme
(Askeri) hareket ve intikal programı
movement report
(Askeri) hareket ve intikal raporu
movement report
(Askeri) intikal raporu
movement report control center
(Askeri) DURUM VE HAREKET RAPOR MERKEZİ: Bütün durum ve hareket rapor sistemini kontrol eden makam. Bu makam; Deniz kuvvetlerine mensup bütün gemilerle bu kuvvet komutanlığı kontrolü altındaki diğer gemilere ait bütün bilgileri verebilir
movement report system
(Askeri) DURUM VE HAREKET RAPOR SİSTEMİ: Sancak gemilerinin, filo emrine girmiş birliklerin ve deniz kuvvetleri harekat kontrolü altındaki diğer gemilerin durumu, yeri, hareket hakkında hayati önemdeki bilgileri toplayıp bazı komutanlıklara bildirmek üzere kurulmuş bir sistem
movement requirements
(Askeri) İNTİKAL GRAFİĞİ, YÜRÜYÜŞ GRAFİĞİ, İNTİKAL GEREKLERİ: Belirli bir mahalden, belirlenmiş başka bir mahale birliklerin, personelin ve/veya malzemenin taşınması için hazırlanmış, zamanlarının da açıkça belirtildiği hareket modu
movement requirements generator
(Askeri) intikal ihtiyaçları kaynağı
movement restriction
(Askeri) TRAFİK TAHDİDİ: Tıkanıklığın giderilmesine veya önlenmesine imkan vermek üzere, bölgelere giriş trafiğine veya bölgeler içi trafiğe, geçici olarak konulan tahdit
movement table
(Askeri) YÜRÜYÜŞ CETVELİ, İNTİKAL ÇİZELGESİ: Bir hareket hakkında ayrıntılı talimat ve bilgi veren bir çizelge. Bu çizelge, icabında intikal şeklini belirtmek üzere kara, demir yolu, deniz, and hava vesaire gibi kelimelerle nitelendirilir. Normal olarak bir hareket ve intikal emri veya talimatlarına bir ek olarak yayınlanır
movement techniques
(Askeri) ilerleme teknikleri
movement techniques
(Askeri) intikal teknikleri
movement to contact
(Askeri) DÜŞMANA YAKLAŞMA: Bir harekat alanında, kıtaları, muharebeden önce, düşmana yaklaşmaya elverişli duruma getirmek için yapılan kara hareketi. Düşmana yaklaşma, kaide olarak, şu üç safhada yapılır: a. Contact remote: Temas uzak b. Contact improbable: Temas muhtemel değil. c. Contact imminent: Temas muhakkak, yakın
movement to contact
(Askeri) düşmana yaklaşma
motor movement
(Askeri) MOTORLU YÜRÜYÜŞ, MOTORLU İNTİKAL: Bütün unsurları motorlu araçlara bindirilmiş olan birliklerin harekatı
motor movement by echelon
(Askeri) MOTORLU KADEMELİ NAKLİYAT: Bak. "shuttling"
bodily movement
Bedensel hareket
cultural movement
kültürel hareket
bowel movement
büyük abdest
environmental movement
(Politika, Siyaset) çevre hareketi
freedom of movement
serbest dolaşım
freedom of movement
(Askeri) serbest hareket etme
intention movement
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) niyet hareketi
labour movement
(Politika, Siyaset,Ticaret) işçi hareketi
limitation of movement
hareket kısıtlılığı
linear movement
(Bilgisayar) doğrusal hareket
rapid eye movement
(Tıp) rem
turning movement
(Askeri) çevirme hareketi
women's movement
kadın hareketi
women’s movement
kadın hareketi
antenna azimuth movement
anten azimut hareketi
brownian movement
brown hareketi
cursor movement key
imleç yön tuşu
downward movement
aşağı doğru hareket
earth movement
toprak kaldırma işi
earth movement
dünya kabuğunun hareketi
earth movement
yer kabuğunun hareketi
feminist movement
feminist hareket
intermittent movement
kesintili hareket
political movement
siyasi hareket
reflex movement
refleks hareket
reflex movement
istençdışı hareket
religious movement
dini hareket
sense of movement
hareket anlayışı
Poujadist movement
Fransız popülist politikacı Pierre Poujade'in izinden giden akımdır
art movement
sanat akımı
back to africa movement
africa hareketi geri
civil rights movement
yurttaşlık hakları hareketi
cyclical movement
periyodik hareket
elegant movement; poise or balance
zarif hareketi; duruş veya denge
enclosure movement
çevirme hareketi
grassroots social movement organizations
taşralılar sosyal hareket organizasyonları
had a bowel movement, defecated
bir bağırsak hareketi, defecated vardı
have a bowel movement/have a BM
büyük aptes bozmak
idea movement
fikir akım
lateral movement
yanal hareket
lautaro youth movement
lautaro gençlik hareketi
literary movement
edebiyat akımı
mass movement
kitle hareketi
material movement
malzeme hareketi

O hareketlerinde hantaldır. - He is awkward in his movements.

Kızı hareketlerinde hızlıdır. - His daughter is quick in her movements.

nationalist movement
milliyetçi hareket
non-aligned movement
olmayan hareket hizalanmış
reciprocating movement
alternatif hareket, mütenazır hareket
resistance movement
(Tarih) Milli mücadele döneminde "Müdafaa-i Hukuk Cemiyeti"
sequential movement
ardışık hareket
stretching with movement
hareketi ile germe
tea party movement
(Politika Siyaset) Popülist söylemleri ile 2009 yılında ABD de ortaya çıkan Çay Partisi Hareketi, adını Amerikalıların İngilizlere karşı isyanının başlangıcı olan 1773 Boston Çay Partisi (Boston Tea Party) eyleminden alan Çay Partisi hareketi, sosyal devlet anlayışını, devletin büyümesini ve kamusal harcamaları protesto etmek için kitlesel gösteriler yapıyor
tectonic movement
tektonik hareket
vertical movement
düşey hareket, düşey devinim
women´s liberation movement
Kadınların Özgürlüğü Hareketi
Allied Deployment and Movement System
(Askeri) Müttefik Harekat ve İntikal Sistemi
Joint Mobility Control Group; joint movement control group
(Askeri) Müşterek Seyyar Kontrol Grubu; müşterek intikal kontrol grubu
Ring Rail Movement Data Window
(Tekstil) Bilezik Sehpası Hareketi Verileri ekranı
Transportation Coordinator's Automated Information for Movement System
(Askeri) Ulaştırma Koordinatörü Otomatik İntikal Bilgi Sistemi
Transportation Coordinator's Automated Information for Movement System II
(Askeri) Ulaştırma Koordinatörü Otomatik İntikal Bilgi Sistemi II
United Nations movement control course
(Askeri) BM intikal kontrol kursu
ad hoc movement
(Askeri) geçici intikal
air movement
(Askeri) HAVADAN İNTİKAL: Birliklerin, personelin, ikmal maddelerinin ve teçhizatın havadan taşınması, buna havadan atma ve havadan indirme de dahildir. Ayrıca bakınız: "airdrop; free drop; free fall; high velocity drop; low velocity drop"
air movement designator
(Askeri) HAVADAN İNTİKAL KODU: Havadan intikallerde, bir gönderme makamı (issuing agency) tarafından, tanıtma ve öncelik maksadıyla verilen, harf ve sembollerden oluşan bir kod grubu
air movement section
(Askeri) bkz: "air movement traffic section"
air movement traffic section
(Askeri) HAVA İNTİKAL TRAFİK KISMI: Nakliye uçaklarına hizmet verilen hava alanlarında bulunan bir kısım. Bu kısım uçakların yüklenip boşaltılmasından ve yolcular, posta ve malzemeyle ilgili işlerin görülmesinden sorumludur
air terminal movement control team
(Askeri) hava terminal intikal kontrol takımı
allied movement coordination center; alternate military command center
(Askeri) müttefik intikal koordinasyon merkezi; yedek askeri komuta merkezi
alternative social movement
alternatif sosyal hareket
assault movement
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA HÜCUMU İNTİKALİ: Bak. "amphibious operation"
axis of movement
(Askeri) HAREKET EKSENİ; HAREKET MİHVERİ: Kıtaların cephe istikametinde veya geriye doğru hareket ettikleri hat
capillary movement
kapiler hareket
capillary movement of water
suyun kapiler hareketi
collective movement
kolektif hareket
commercial air movement number
(Askeri) SİVİL HAVA YOLLARIYLA İNTİKAL NUMARASI: A. B. D. Anayurdu sınırları dahilinde, yönetmeliklerin müsaade ettiği hallerde sivil uçaklarla seyahat eden 15 kişi ve daha kalabalık asker topluluklarının tanıtılması, kayıt, gizlilik ve intikal işlemleri için ulaştırma istek belgelerine tahsis edilen numara
covered movement
(Askeri) örtülü intikal
cursor movement
(Bilgisayar) imleç hareketi
cursor movement key
imleç hareket tuşu
deployment and movement system
(Askeri) konuşlanma ve harekat sistemi
dispersed movement pattern
(Askeri) DAĞINIK İNTİKAL ŞEKLİ: Çıkarma araçlarının derinliğine ve genişliğine daha fazla yayılmalarını sağlayan, gemiden kıyıya intikal şekli. Bu şekil nükleer silah faktörü tehdit oluşturduğu zaman kullanılır
dispersed movement pattern
(Askeri) dağınık intikal şekli
ethical culture movement
ahlaki kültür hareketi
european movement
(Ticaret) avrupa akımı
fire and movement
(Askeri) ATEŞ VE HAREKET: Bak. "fire and maneuver"
free movement of capital
(Avrupa Birliği) sermayenin serbest dolaşımı
free movement of persons
serbest dolaşım
freedom of movement
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) özgürlüğü
freedom of movement
(Askeri) Hareket serbestisi
freedom of movement for persons
(Avrupa Birliği) kişilerin serbest dolaşımı
freedom of movement for workers
(Avrupa Birliği) işçilerin dolaşım serbestliği
fully planned movement
(Askeri) tam planlı intikal
human potential movement
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) insan potansiyeli hareketi
joint military command; joint movement center
(Askeri) müşterek askeri komutanlık; müşterek hareket merkezi
joint patient movement requirements center
(Askeri) müşterek hasta intikal ihtiyaçları merkezi
joint patient movement team
(Askeri) müşterek hasta intikal takımı
joint preparation and onward movement
(Askeri) müşterek hazırlık ve ileri intikal
joint reception, staging, onward movement, and integration
(Askeri) müşterek kabul, toplanma, ileri intikal ve bütünleşme
joint theater movement staff; joint training master schedule
(Askeri) müşterek harekat alanı intikal karargahı; müşterek ana eğitim programı
lack of movement
(Tıp) hareket yitimi
mask a movement
(Askeri) Bir hareketi gizlemek, kamufle etmek
maximum calling area; military civic action; mission concept approval; movement
(Askeri) azami çağrı alanı; askeri sivil işlemler; görev konsepti onayı; intikal kontrol dairesi
meteorological radar subsystem; movement report system
(Askeri) meteorolojik radar tali sistemi; intikal rapor sistemi
military air movement number
(Askeri) HAVA YOLU İLE İNTİKAL NUMARASI: ABD Anayurdu sınırları dahilinde askeri tayyarelerle seyahat eden Kara Ordusuna mensup 15 kişi veya daha çok personellik grupların hareket ve intikallerini tanıtma, kayıt, gizlilik işlemleri ve idari işlemler için tahsis edilmiş sembol
military intelligence; movement instructions
(Askeri) askeri istihbarat; intikal talimatları
muscular movement
(Fizyoloji) kas hareketi
nuclear logistic movement
(Askeri) NÜKLEER LOJİSTİK İNTİKAL: Nükleer silahların, ikmal veya bakım faaliyetleri ile ilgili olarak taşınması. Bazı özel durumlarda, bu gibi intikaller için savaş uçaklarından faydalanılabilir
operation order for road movement
(Askeri) HAREKAT YÜRÜYÜŞ EMRİ: Personelin ve belirtilen teçhizatın, belirli bir süre içinde, bir yerden başka bir yere intikali için verilmiş talimat. Bu talimat; emirde bahis konusu personel üzerinde yetki sahibi makam tarafından verilir
parallel track multiunit return; patient movement request; patient movement requ
(Askeri) paralel izleme çoklu birlik dönüşü; hasta sevk talebi; hasta sevk ihtiyacı
parallel track multiunit; passage material; patient movement; preventive medicin
(Askeri) paralel izleme çoklu birliği; yolculuk malzemesi; hasta sevki; koruyucu hekimlik; program yöneticisi (müdürü); askeri inzibat komutanı (ABD)
partially planned movement
(Askeri) kısmen planlanmış intikal
patient movement item
(Askeri) hasta sevk maddesi
patient movement requirements center
(Askeri) hasta intikal ihtiyaçları merkezi
personnel movement
(Ticaret) personel hareketi
phenomenal movement
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) fenomenal hareket
pincer movement
kıskaç harekâtı
port movement control team
(Askeri) liman inmtikal kontrol timi
preparation for oversea movement
(Askeri) DENİZAŞIRI HAREKET VE İNTİKAL HAZIRLIK YÖNETMELİĞİ: Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı tarafından birliklere dağıtılan ve denizaşırı bir üs veya harekat alanına gidecek birlikler için gerekli direktifleri içine alan yönetmelik. Bu yönetmelik; ikmal, ulaştırma, kayıtlar vesaire gibi idari hususları kapsar. Bak. "oversea movement directive" ve "preparation for oversea movement requisition". PREPARATION FOR OVERSEA MOVEMENT OF INDIVIDUAL REPLACEMENT: DEĞİŞTİRME PERSONELİNİN DENİZAŞIRI HAREKET VE İNTİKALLERİNE AİT HAZIRLIK KILAVUZU: Personel değiştirme depoları vasıtasıyla denizaşırı yerlere veya doğrudan doğruya bindirme limanlarına gönderilecek değiştirme personelinin hazırlanmasına ait esasları içine alan kılavuz
preparation for oversea movement requisition
(Askeri) DENİZAŞIRI İNTİKAL HAZIRLIĞI İSTEK BELGESİ: Denizaşırı bölgeye intikali planlanmış bir birlikte mevcut noksanların tamamlanması için sunulan istek belgesi
rearwad movement
(Askeri) Geri hareket
reception and onward movement
(Askeri) kabul ve müteakip hareket
reception, staging, onward movement, and integration
(Askeri) celp ve sevk, genel hazırlık bindirme safhası, ön intikal ve birleştirme
rising movement
yükselme hareketi
road movement graph
(Askeri) YÜRÜYÜŞ GRAFİĞİ: Motorlu veya yaya yürüyüşlerin planlanması ve kontrolu ile yürüyüş planlarının hazırlanması veya kontrolunda kullanılan zaman-mesafe grafiği
scheduling and movement
(Askeri) programlama ve intikal
sediment movement
sediment hareketi
sediment movement
(Askeri) katı madde hareketi
shipping movement policy
(Askeri) TİCARİ DENİZ ULAŞTIRMA SİYASETİ: Bütün ticari gemilerin harbin ilk günlerindeki sevk ve idaresiyle ilgili askeri komite dokümanlarında belirtilen prensip
shore to shore movement
(Askeri) KIYIDAN KIYIYA İNTİKAL: Taarruz hareketi ile ilgili araç ve gemi tipleri arasında daha başka transfer gerektirmeyen personel ve malzemenin kıyı toplanma bölgesinden hedef bölgesine kaydırıldığı taarruz
sliding movement
kayma hareketi
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The deviation of a pitch from ballistic flight

The movement on his cutter was devastating.

The impression of motion in an artwork, painting, novel etc
A large division of a larger composition
A trend in various fields or social categories, a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals

The labor movement has been struggling in America since the passage of the Taft-Hartley act in 1947.

An instance of an aircraft taking off or landing

Albuquerque International Sunport serviced over 200,000 movements last year.

Physical motion between points in space

I saw a movement in that grass on the hill.

An act of emptying the bowels
For a clockwork, a clock, or a watch, a device that cuts time in equal portions
{n} a motion, a manner or act of moving
a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end; "he supported populist campaigns"; "they worked in the cause of world peace"; "the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant"; "the movement to end slavery"; "contributed to the war effort"
Movement involves changing position or going from one place to another. There was movement behind the window in the back door A tall, thin man was waving his arms in an effort to direct the movements of a large removal van
The "Movement" is the motor of every watch The Movement controls all movement aspects of the watch such as the time, date, escape valves, chronograph functions etc
a self-contained section of a larger work
People and vehicles going to and passing through buildings, places and spaces The movement network can be shown on plans, by space syntax analysis, by highway designations, by figure and ground diagrams, through data on origins and destinations or pedestrian flows, by desire lines, by details of public transport services, by walk bands or by details of cycle routes
Sections of a larger musical work A symphony usually has four movements A piano sonata has three movements
Self-contained section of a larger musical composition such as a sonata, quartet, concerto or symphony
The act of moving; change of place or posture; transference, by any means, from one situation to another; natural or appropriate motion; progress; advancement; as, the movement of an army in marching or maneuvering; the movement of a wheel or a machine; the party of movement
One of the several strains or pieces, each complete in itself, with its own time and rhythm, which make up a larger work; as, the several movements of a suite or a symphony
In an artwork where there is no motion, movement refers to an implied motion created by the arrangement of the elements of art Using lines, textures, and shapes, an artist can cause the eye to move over the work in different ways
A group of filmmakers working in a common period and place who share some distinctive presumptions about how films should be made Typically, the films of a movement share formal, stylistic, and thematic features Some movements, such as French Surrealism of the 1920s, can be seen as fairly unified; others, such as the French New Wave of the late 1950s, are comparatively loose
a major self-contained part of a symphony or sonata; "the second movement is slow and melodic"
The inner workings or assembly that make up the main timekeeping mechanism movements are either quartz or mechanical This is the engine of the watch
a natural event that involves a change in the position or location of something
In music, an individual section of a symphony, concerto, or other extended composition
Motion of the mind or feelings; emotion
A movement is a planned change in position that an army makes during a battle or military exercise. There are reports of fresh troop movements across the border
A principle of art and design concerned with creating a distinctive structure that shows a feeling of action or a series of actions and guides a viewer's eye through a work of art
A self-contained segment of a larger work Found in works such as sonatas, symphonies, concertos, etc
adds excitement to work by showing action and directing the viewer’s eye throughout the picture plane
A self-contained section of a larger piece, such as a symphony or concerto grosso
An expression of ideas or thought through gesture or transfer of weight
{i} act of moving, motion; specific type of motion, step (in dance, sports, etc.); organization or group of people with a common goal or ideology; musical piece; repositioning; moving parts of a mechanism; defecation
A series of organized activities working toward an objective These activities are accomplished by a group of people interested in common issues The following link will direct you to the "Living the Legacy" a web page that speaks about the Woman's Rights Movement 1848-1998: http: //www legacy98 org/
a general tendency to change (as of opinion); "not openly liberal but that is the trend of the book"; "a broad movement of the electorate to the right"
The inner mechanism of a watch that keeps time and moves the watch's hands, calendar, etc Movements are either mechanical or quartz
The inner mechanism of a watch that keeps time and moves the watch's hands calendar, etc Movements are either mechanical or quartz
Assembly consisting of the principal elements and mechanisms of a watch or clock: the winding and setting mechanism, the mainspring, the train, the escapement, the regulating elements "Anatomically", the movement consists of the "ébauche", the regulating elements and the other components
The rhythmical progression, pace, and tempo of a piece
the act of changing location from one place to another; "police controlled the motion of the crowd"; "the movement of people from the farms to the cities"; "his move put him directly in my path"
the act of changing the location of something; "the movement of cargo onto the vessel" the driving and regulating parts of a mechanism (as of a watch or clock); "it was an expensive watch with a diamond movement" a major self-contained part of a symphony or sonata; "the second movement is slow and melodic" a natural event that involves a change in the position or location of something a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals; "he was a charter member of the movement"; "politicians have to respect a mass movement"; "he led the national liberation front
A movement of a piece of classical music is one of its main sections. the first movement of Beethoven's 7th symphony. bowel movement American Indian Movement Anti Masonic Movement Arts and Crafts Movement Beat movement Black Aesthetic movement Black Arts movement Caitanya movement Chautauqua movement civil rights movement Conciliar Movement enclosure movement Fenian movement Free Silver Movement gay rights movement homosexual rights movement Granger movement Greenback movement New Negro Movement Holiness movement Homestead Movement I Am movement Liturgical movement lyceum movement Mahdist movement mass movement May Fourth Movement New Age movement new religious movement nonaligned movement Oxford movement Tractarian movement Pan African movement Popular Republican Movement Populist Movement Preparedness Movement Symbolist movement temperance movement women's movement Young America movement Harakat al Tahrir al WaTani al FilasTini Palestine National Liberation Movement Harakat al Muqawimah al Islamiyyah Islamic Resistance Movement Hare Krishna movement International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
The inner mechanisms which control the watch's hands, calendars, sub-dials, alarms, etc Movements are either mechanical or quartz
an optical illusion of motion produced by viewing a rapid succession of still pictures of a moving object; "the cinema relies on apparent motion"; "the succession of flashing lights gave an illusion of movement"
Any single characteristic style of a horse's motion A number of such movements go into a dressage performance
the act of changing the location of something; "the movement of cargo onto the vessel"
A complete section within a sonata, symphony, suite, etc , usually having its own title and/or tempo marking When publiched or performed separately, a movement is considered an excerpt (Thorin)
A trend in various fields or social categories
Movement is a gradual development or change of an attitude, opinion, or policy. the movement towards democracy in Latin America
Your movements are everything which you do or plan to do during a period of time. I want a full account of your movements the night Mr Gower was killed
a euphemism for defecation; "he had a bowel movement"
the primary self-contained division of a large composition - usually having a separate tempo, hence the name
A system of mechanism for transmitting motion of a definite character, or for transforming motion; as, the wheelwork of a watch
the driving and regulating parts of a mechanism (as of a watch or clock); "it was an expensive watch with a diamond movement"
a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals; "he was a charter member of the movement"; "politicians have to respect a mass movement"; "he led the national liberation front"
The act or process of changing the position of an object and or people
a change of position that does not entail a change of location; "the reflex motion of his eyebrows revealed his surprise"; "movement is a sign of life"; "an impatient move of his hand"; "gastrointestinal motility"
Manner or style of moving; as, a slow, or quick, or sudden, movement
A movement is a group of people who share the same beliefs, ideas, or aims. It's part of a broader Hindu nationalist movement that's gaining strength throughout the country
a natural event that involves a change in the position or location of something a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals; "he was a charter member of the movement"; "politicians have to respect a mass movement"; "he led the national liberation front
The complete and independent sections of a larger work
A pinpointed and recorded behavior; an action performed by an organism
Movement 2 June
one of postwar West Germany's militant groups founded by former members of Kommune 1
Movement for Democratic Change
A political party in Zimbabwe, founded in 1999. Abbreviation: MDC
Movement for Biblical Israel
Israeli political party that joined the rightist "Likud" party and received one seat in the eighth Knesset
Movement for Progressive Judaism
movement of Reform Jews
movement order
pass, certificate which gives a soldier permission to leave a military base
Brownian movement
Random motion of particles suspended in a fluid, arising from those particles being struck by individual molecules of the fluid
Charismatic Movement
a Pentecostal movement within mainstream Protestant and Catholic churches
Oxford movement
A group of clerical Oxford dons that tried to link the Anglican Church more closely to its Roman Catholic roots
Tea Party movement
A United States grass-roots protest movement that emerged in 2009 and is opposed to the federal government's stimulus package, officially known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
art movement
Any of many styles of art having an underlying philosophy or goal; many of them have names with an -ism suffix
bowel movement
The faeces thus produced
bowel movement
The act of expelling faeces from the body
camera movement
A shift in view, frame, or perspective caused by the movement of a camera

The lighting director and cinematographer carefully planned the camera movement for this scene.

camera movement
Any undesirable shaking of a camera during recording that distracts the viewer

I can't stand to watch NYPD Blue because of all the camera movement.

ecumenical movement
a movement among Protestant groups since the 1800s aimed at achieving universal Christian unity through international or interdenominational organizations. There are also Ecumenical Councils in the Roman Catholic church; since the Great Schism (1054), the Eastern churches have not been involved
freedom of movement
The right of a citizen to travel within a state, and to leave and return to that state
human movement
The academic study of how human beings move around, perform and exercise, especially in sport
rapid eye movement
Rapid movement of the eyes, characterising REM sleep
cultural movement
a group of people working together to advance certain cultural goals
lateral movement
(Spor) Lateral movements are movements made on a horse that are used for training purposes, that involve the horse moving in a direction other than straight forward. They vary in difficulty, and should be used in a progressive manner, according to the training and physical limitations of the animal
mass movement
(Or mass wasting) Bulk movements of soil and rock debris down slopes, or the sinking of confined areas of the Earth's ground surface. The term mass wasting refers only to gravity-driven processes that move large masses of earthen material from one place to another. The term mass movement includes the sinking of confined areas
material movement
A material movement (also called a goods movement or stock movement) is an event that causes a change in stock
resistance movement
A resistance movement is a group or collection of individual groups, dedicated to fighting an invader in an occupied country or the government of a sovereign nation through either the use of physical force, or nonviolence. The term resistance has political overtones, as people have used it, along with similar terms, to bring support to opposition groups
tea party movement
(Politika Siyaset) The Tea Party movement is a United States movement that emerged in 2009 through a series of locally and nationally coordinated protests. The name "Tea Party" is a reference to the Boston Tea Party of 1773 a protest by American colonists against taxes imposed on them by the British government, and against the colonists' lack of direct representation in the British Parliament
American Indian Movement
organization established to protect the rights and interests of Native Americans in the USA, AIM
Back to Africa movement
political movement favoring the return of American blacks to their African homeland (the most famous of which was founded by Marcus Garvey in 1916)
Black Aesthetic movement
or Black Arts movement Period of artistic and literary development among black Americans in the 1960s and early '70s. Based on the cultural politics of black nationalism, the movement sought to create art forms capable of expressing the varieties of black experience in the U.S. Leading theorists included Amiri Baraka, Houston Baker (b. 1943), and Henry Louis Gates. Don L. Lee (b. 1942), known as Haki R. Madhubuti after 1973, was one of its most popular writers; other notable writers included Toni Morrison, Alice Walker, and Ntozake Shange (b. 1948). The movement also produced such autobiographical works as The Autobiography of Malcolm X (1965; with Alex Haley), Eldridge Cleaver's Soul on Ice (1968), and Angela Davis: An Autobiography (1974)
Black Panther Movement
underground ethnic movement led by Charlie Beaton which developed in the 1970s from a perception of discrimination against people of African origin
Democratic Movement for Change
Israeli central/moderate political party that was established in 1976 as a perpetuation of the protest movements that were born after the Yom Kippur War in the early 1970's
Fenian movement
Irish nationalist society active chiefly in Ireland, the U.S., and Britain, especially in the 1860s. The name derived from the Fianna Éireann, a legendary band of Irish warriors led by Finn MacCumhaill. Plans for a rising against British rule in Ireland miscarried, but in the U.S., Fenians staged abortive raids into British Canada and caused friction between the U.S. and British governments. The Irish wing was sometimes called the Irish Republican Brotherhood, and as such continued after Fenianism died out in the early 1870s. See also Sinn Féin
Free Silver Movement
Late-19th-century U.S. political movement that advocated unlimited coinage of silver. Proponents included owners of western silver mines, farmers who wanted higher crop prices, and debtors who believed an expanded currency would allow them easier payment. A depression in the mid-1870s led to an 1878 law requiring the U.S. Treasury to purchase millions of dollars in silver and coin it. After farm prices rose briefly, farm and land prices collapsed in 1887, reviving the demand of farmers for free silver. In 1890 Congress again increased silver purchases, and free silver was an objective of the Populist Movement in the 1892 election. In 1893 the amount of gold in the treasury dropped sharply, precipitating a panic. Congress repealed the act of 1890, angering farmers. In 1896 the Democrats nominated William Jennings Bryan for president and backed free silver. The Republican William McKinley narrowly won. In 1900 a Republican Congress enacted the Gold Standard Act
Granger movement
Coalition of U.S. farmers, mainly in the Midwest, that fought monopolistic grain-transport practices in the 1870s. Oliver H. Kelley (1826-1913), a U.S. Department of Agriculture employee, organized the Patrons of Husbandry in 1867 to bring farmers together to learn new farming methods. By the mid-1870s almost every state had at least one branch, or Grange, and national membership passed 800,000. The Grangers influenced some states to pass regulatory legislation to counter the price-fixing by railroads and grain-storage facilities. Outgrowths of the Granger movement included the Greenback and Populist movements. The Grangers dropped to about 100,000 members by 1880; they rebounded in the early 20th century, but declined again subsequently
Harakat al-Muqawimah al-Islamiyyah Islamic Resistance Movement
acronym of arakat al-Muqwimah al-Islmiyyah ("Islamic Resistance Movement") (Arabic; "Zeal") Militant Palestinian Islamic movement. The group is dedicated to the destruction of Israel and the creation of a Palestinian Islamic state. It was founded in 1988 by Sheikh Amad Ysn, and its leadership comes from the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. ams's aims are more militant: it takes the position that Palestine cannot be surrendered to non-Muslims. It opposes the 1993 peace agreement between the Palestine Liberation Organization and Israel. Beginning in 2000, the group engaged in violent acts, including numerous suicide bombings, against Israelis in Israel and the occupied territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
Harakat al-Tahrir al-WaTani al-FilasTini Palestine National Liberation Movement
inverted acronym of arakat al-Tarr al-Waan al-Filasn ("Palestine National Liberation Movement") Palestinian guerrilla organization and political party, whose name means "conquest" in Arabic. Founded by Ysir Araft and Khall al-Wazr in the late 1950s, the movement relied on guerrilla warfare and occasional acts of terrorism in an attempt to wrest Palestine from Israeli control. It eventually became the largest faction within the Palestine Liberation Organization and attacked Israeli interests worldwide. Originally based in Damascus, it was forced to relocate several times before a political agreement was reached with Israel in 1993. A number of factions within Fatah were against peace with Israel and split from the main organization. Fatah faced further difficulty in its attempt to transform itself from a liberation movement to a more conventional political organization
Hare Krishna movement
officially International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) 20th-century Hindu religious movement. It was founded in the U.S. by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami (1896-1977) in 1965. The organization claims a lineage of spiritual masters dating back to Caitanya (1485-1534?), whom it regards as an incarnation of Krishna. Hare Krishna became popular in the U.S. and Europe among young people of the 1960s and '70s counterculture, who often appeared in public places dressed in saffron robes, chanting, dancing, and asking for contributions. Members of the group are vegetarians. They renounce alcohol and drugs and chant several hours every day. Peace and joy are to be gained by surrendering to Krishna. Since the founder's death in 1977, the communes in which many members live have been governed by an international commission. The movement has endured several schisms since its founding and was among the first groups to be attacked by anticult organizations
Hellenization movement
{i} movement of Jews who had adopted Greek ways and culture
Herut movement
right-wing political movement (1948-1965) that eventually became the Herut-Liberal Block and finally the Likud party
Holiness movement
Fundamentalist religious movement that arose in the 19th century among Protestant churches in the U.S. It was characterized by the doctrine of sanctification, according to which believers were enabled to live a perfect life after a conversion experience. It originated in the teachings of John Wesley, founder of Methodism, who issued a call for Christian "perfection" (the transformation of a sinner into a saint through God's intercession). In 1843 a group of Holiness ministers founded the Wesleyan Methodist Church of America, which became popular in the rural Midwest and South; another Holiness church of this era was the Free Methodist Church of North America, founded in 1860. Between 1880 and World War I a new set of Holiness groups appeared, including the Church of the Nazarene, established to minister to the urban poor, and the Church of God
Homestead Movement
Mid-19th-century drive for free land in the U.S. Midwest, Great Plains, and West. It began in the 1830s as labourers and reformers joined farmers in calling for public land to be given free to settlers. In 1848 the Free Soil Party advocated the homestead proposal. Opposition from industrial employers and Southern slaveholders blocked legislation until the 1860 election, when the winning Republican Party supported a homestead measure. In 1862 the Homestead Act was passed, providing 160 acres of public land free to any adult citizen or head of family who had lived on the land for five years. By 1900, 600,000 homesteaders had claimed 80 million acres
I Am movement
U.S. religious movement founded in the 1930s by Guy Ballard (1878-1939) and his wife, Edna (1886-1971). They taught that the Mighty I Am is the source of power in everything, a power available to individuals through a number of Ascended Masters, including Jesus. Another important Ascended Master, St. Germain, spoke to Guy Ballard at Mount Shasta in northern California and revealed Ballard's many previous lives. The movement suffered a setback when Guy died in 1939 and another when Edna and her son were indicted for fraud in 1940; though the indictment was set aside in 1946, the movement had by then lost its vitality
Islamic Resistance Movement
Palestinian political organization which provides some social services and opposes the peace process with Israel
Kahana Hai Movement
radical political movement
Mahdist movement
Religious and political movement founded by the Sudanese prophet al-Mahdi. He adopted the name al-Mahdi (meaning "Divinely Inspired One") because of his conviction that he had been divinely chosen to lead a holy war (jihad) against Sudan's Egyptian ruling class, who he believed had deserted the Islamic faith. His uprising began in 1881, and within four years he had conquered almost all the territory formerly occupied by Egypt, his crowning victory being the capture of Khartoum from Gen. Charles George Gordon in 1885. Establishing a new capital at Omdurman, he became head of an armed theocracy. When he died from illness, his disciple Abd Allh succeeded him. Following initial victories, Abd Allh's forces were gradually hunted down by Anglo-Egyptian armies under H.H. Kitchener and almost entirely destroyed in the Battle of Omdurman. The movement sustained a small following through the next century, but its political import had been destroyed
Memad movement
political movement advocating conciliating between religious and secular Jews
Mizrachi Movement
religious Zionist movement that includes the Israeli Party and World Jewish Organization
National Movement for Free Elections
movement advocating free elections
National Religious Movement
official name of the National Religious Party since 1986
New Age movement
Movement that spread through occult communities in the 1970s and '80s. It looked forward to a "New Age" of love and peace and offered a foretaste of the coming era through personal transformation and healing. The movement's strongest supporters were followers of esotericism, a religious perspective based on the acquisition of mystical knowledge. At its height, the movement attracted millions of Americans, who practiced astrology, yoga, and channeling and used crystals as healing tools. Adherents sought to bring about global transformation, and in 1987 many participated in the Harmonic Convergence, an attempt to accomplish that goal
Non Aligned Movement
organization of more than 100 countries established to provide a forum for solving disputes without forming a military alliance (for nations that are not in NATO, the Warsaw Pact, etc.)
Popular Republican Movement
French social reform party. Founded in 1944, the MRP was a strong centre party of the Fourth Republic and the French expression of Christian Democracy. After winning about 25% of the vote, it declined in the 1950s, losing strength to both right and left factions. In 1966 it was merged with other right-centre parties to become the Centre Démocrate, which won only 13% of the vote. By 1968 it had become little more than a political club
Populist Movement
Coalition of U.S. agrarian reformers in the Midwest and South in the 1890s. The movement developed from farmers' alliances formed in the 1880s in reaction to falling crop prices and poor credit facilities. The leaders organized the Populist, or People's, Party (1892), which advocated a variety of measures to help farmers. They also demanded an increase in the circulating currency (to be achieved by the unlimited coinage of silver), a graduated income tax, government ownership of the railroads, a tariff for revenue only, and the direct election of U.S. senators. The party's presidential candidate in 1892, James B. Weaver (1833-1912), received more than one million votes. Many state and local Populist candidates were elected in the Midwest. In 1896 the Populists joined with the Democratic Party to support the Free Silver Movement and the unsuccessful presidential candidacy of William Jennings Bryan. The movement declined thereafter, though some of its causes were later embraced by the Progressive Party
Preparedness Movement
Pre-World War I campaign to increase U.S. military capabilities and convince the public of the need for U.S. involvement in a future European conflict. Leaders such as Theodore Roosevelt and Gen. Leonard Wood sought to persuade Pres. Woodrow Wilson to strengthen U.S. national defenses, and various organizations sponsored preparedness parades to build public awareness and support. The campaign resulted in passage of the National Defense Act (1916); the U.S. entered World War I the following year
Progressive Movement
(U.S. History) political movement that began during the 1890s in response to industrialism and a perceived decline in democratic values (sought government reform and supervision of industry)
Romantic Movement
a group of writers, artists etc. in English and Euorpean literature, art, and music, who followed their feelings and emotions rather than logical thought or reason, and who preferred wild, natural beauty to things made by people. It first became popular in the late 18th century
Romantic movement
18th-19th century movement in literature and the fine arts stressing personal emotion and freedom from rules of form
Shomer Hatzair Movement
liberal Zionist youth movement that is connected to the National Kibbutz movement
Symbolist movement
Literary movement that originated with a group of French poets in the late 19th century, spread to painting and the theatre, and influenced Russian, European, and American arts of the 20th century. Reacting against the rigid conventions of traditional French poetry, as seen in the precise description favoured by the Parnassian poets, Symbolist poets sought to convey individual emotional experience through the subtle, suggestive use of highly metaphorical language. The arcane and indirect meaning of the symbol is evoked as a substitute for the increasingly attenuated sense of collective and universal meanings. Principal Symbolist poets included the Frenchmen Stéphane Mallarmé, Paul Verlaine, and Arthur Rimbaud, and the Belgian poet Émile Verhaeren. Many Symbolists were also identified with the Decadent movement. Just as Symbolist painters avoided concrete representation in favour of fantasy and imagination, Symbolist dramatists relied on myth, mood, and atmosphere to reveal only indirectly the deeper truths of existence
United Kibbutzim Movement
one of the national kibbutz movements
{i} grammatical movement when an interrogative word appears at the beginning of an interrogative sentence
agile movement
{i} nimble movement, graceful motion
anti-war movement
a campaign against entering or continuing a war
artistic movement
{i} art movement, bunch of artists who agree on general rules and principles; style in art seen in the works of a several of artists
artistic movement
a group of artists who agree on general principles
backward movement
motion in the opposite direction; movement back towards a starting place; motion in reverse
bowel movement
a euphemism for defecation; "he had a bowel movement
brownian movement
vibrations of an object seen in a microscope, not true motility
civil rights movement
movement in the United States beginning in the 1960s and led primarily by Blacks in an effort to establish the civil rights of individual Black citizens
civil rights movement
political movement which seeks equal rights for all citizens (often referring to the movement in the 1950's and 1960's in the United States that fought for equal rights for African Americans)
enclosure movement
Division or consolidation of communal lands in Western Europe into the carefully delineated and individually owned farm plots of modern times. Before enclosure, farmland was under the control of individual cultivators only during the growing season; after harvest and before the next growing season, the land was used by the community for the grazing of livestock and other purposes. In England the movement for enclosure began in the 12th century and proceeded rapidly from 1450 to 1640; the process was virtually complete by the end of the 19th century. In the rest of Europe, enclosure made little progress until the 19th century. Common rights over arable land have now been largely eliminated
fetal movement
motion of a fetus within the uterus (usually detected by the 16th week of pregnancy)
free movement of goods
unobstructed transfer of merchandise
gay rights movement
or homosexual rights movement Civil-rights movement that advocates equal rights for gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, and transsexuals. Supporters of gay rights seek to eliminate sodomy laws barring homosexual acts between consenting adults and call for an end to discrimination against gay men and lesbians in employment, credit, lending, housing, marriage, adoption, public accommodations, and other areas of life. The first group to campaign publicly was founded in Berlin in 1897 by Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935) and had 25 local chapters in Europe by 1922; suppressed by the Nazis, it did not survive World War II. The first U.S. support group, the Mattachine Society, was founded in Los Angeles 1950; the Daughters of Bilitis, for lesbians, was founded in San Francisco in 1955. The Dutch Association for the Integration of Homosexuality COC, founded as the COC (Cultuur en Ontspannings Centrum ["Culture and Recreation Center"]) in 1946 and headquartered in Amsterdam, is a prominent European group and the oldest existing gay rights organization. Many date the expansion of the modern gay rights movement to the Stonewall rebellion in New York City in 1969, when a raid by police on a gay bar called the Stonewall Inn provoked a riot by bar patrons. "Stonewall" came to be commemorated annually by the observance of Gay and Lesbian Pride Week in cities around the world. The International Lesbian and Gay Association (founded 1978), headquartered in Brussels, lobbies for human rights and opposes discrimination against homosexuals. Although the movement is strongest in western Europe and North America, gay rights organizations exist in many countries throughout the world. Among the major issues pressed by gay rights advocates in the 1990s and into the 21st century were the passage of hate crime laws and the establishment of legal rights for homosexuals to marry, adopt children, and serve openly in the military
insurrectionary movement
revolutionary movement, organized group rebelling against an authority or established government
labor movement
an organized attempt by workers to improve their status by united action especially via labor unions (especially the leaders of this movement)
labor movement
movement of workers who seek to improve their situation through joint action (often through labor unions)of the land
labour movement
the labour movement the organizations, political parties etc that represent working people
lautaro youth movement
a violent terrorist group organized in the 1980s and advocating the overthrow of the Chilean military government; leaders are mainly criminals or impovrished youths
lyceum movement
Form of adult education popular in the U.S. during the mid-19th century. The lyceums were voluntary local associations that sponsored lectures and debates on topics of current interest. The first was founded in 1826, and by 1834 there were approximately 3,000 in the Northeast and Midwest. They attracted such speakers as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Frederick Douglass, Henry David Thoreau, Daniel Webster, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Susan B. Anthony. The movement began to decline with the outbreak of the Civil War and eventually blended into the postbellum Chautauqua movement. In their heyday the lyceums contributed to the broadening of the school curricula and the development of local museums and libraries
mass movement
or mass wasting Bulk movements of soil and rock debris down slopes, or the sinking of confined areas of the Earth's ground surface. The term mass wasting refers only to gravity-driven processes that move large masses of earthen material from one place to another. The term mass movement includes the sinking of confined areas
mass movement
Dislodgement and downslope transport of soil and rock material as a unit under direct gravitational stress The process includes slow displacements such as creep and solifluction, and rapid movements such as landslides, rock slides, and falls, earthflows, debris flows, and avalanches Agents of fluid transport (water, ice, air) may play an important, if subordinate role in the process
mass movement
A unit movement of a portion of the land surface down a slope as a SLIDE, a FLOW, or SOIL CREEP in which gravity is the main driving force
mass movement
The downslope movement of earth caused by gravity Includes but is not limited to landslides, rock falls, debris avalanches, and creep It does not however, include surface erosion by running water It may be caused by natural erosional processes, or by natural disturbances (e g , earthquakes or fire events) or human disturbances (e g , mining or road construction)
mass movement
the downhill movement of rock and weathered material
mass movement
the downward movement of soil and rock under the influence of gravity
mass movement
The down-slope movement of rock debris or sediment under the influence of gravity
Large format camera movements to help focus, shape, composition or converging angles (swing, shift & tilt )
Used in the context of describing an interchange or junction, a 'movement' is one of the turns or changes in direction that the interchange allows A simple crossroads would allow all movements, but more complex motorway junctions might omit some movements that are served by other junctions or roads
– The sections of a piece of music, similar to chapters in a book
plural of movement
{i} activities of a person
new religious movement
Any religion originating in recent centuries having characteristic traits including eclecticism and syncretism, a leader who claims extraordinary powers, and a "countercultural" aspect. Regarded as outside the mainstream of society, NRMs in the West are extremely diverse but include millennialist movements (e.g., the Jehovah's Witnesses), Westernized Hindu or Buddhist movements (e.g., the Hare Krishna movement), so-called "scientific" groups (e.g., Scientology), and nature religions (see Neo-Paganism). In the East they include China's 19th-century Taiping movement (see Taiping rebellion) and present-day Falun Gong movement, Japan's Tenrikyo and PL Kyodan, and Korea's Ch'ondogyo and Unification Church. Some NRMs fade away or meet tragic ends; others, such as the Mormon church, eventually become accepted as mainstream
nudist movement
movement that supports going nude as a natural act, naturalism
oxford movement
19th-century movement in the Church of England opposing liberal tendencies
pincer movement
operation in which enemy forces are crushed by surrounding forces
pincer movement
A pincer movement is an attack by an army or other group in which they attack their enemies in two places at once with the aim of surrounding them. They are moving in a pincer movement to cut the republic in two. a military attack in which two groups of soldiers come from opposite directions in order to trap the enemy between them
political movement
a group of people working together to achieve a political goal
resistance movement
group of people working against something
suspicious movement
movement that makes one feel suspicious, movement that seems to be related to dangerous or criminal acts
tactical movement
movement of military forces in combat formation in the event that they will meet up with enemy forces
temperance movement
International social movement dedicated to the control of alcohol consumption through the promotion of moderation and abstinence. It began as a church-sponsored movement in the U.S. in the early 19th century. It attracted the efforts of many women, and by 1833 there were 6,000 local temperance societies in the U.S. The first European temperance society was formed in Ireland in 1826. An international temperance movement began in Utica, N.Y., U.S., in 1851 and spread to Australia, Asia, Europe, India, South and West Africa, and South America. See also Carry Nation; Prohibition; Woman's Christian Temperance Movement
tupac amaru revolutionary movement
a Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization in Peru; was formed in 1983 to overthrow the Peruvian government and replace it with a Marxist regime; has connections with the ELN in Bolivia
women's movement
You use the women's movement to refer to groups of people and organizations that believe that women should have the same rights and opportunities in society as men. all the women who are involved in the aim of improving the social, economic, and political position of women and of ending sexual discrimination. Diverse social movement, largely based in the U.S., seeking equal rights and opportunities for women in their economic activities, personal lives, and politics. It is recognized as the "second wave" of the larger feminist movement. While first-wave feminism of the 19th and early 20th centuries focused on women's legal rights, such as the right to vote, the second-wave feminism of the "women's movement" peaked in the 1960s and '70s and touched on every area of women's experience including family, sexuality, and work. A variety of U.S. women's groups, including the National Organization for Women, sought to overturn laws that enforced discrimination in matters such as contract and property rights and employment and pay. The movement also sought to broaden women's self-awareness and challenge traditional stereotypes of women as passive, dependent, or irrational. An effort in the 1970s to pass the Equal Rights Amendment failed, but its aims had been largely achieved by other means by the end of the 20th century
youth movement
political or religious or social reform movement or agitation consisting chiefly of young people
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف movement في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

Bowel Movement
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