mit gewalt bewegend

listen to the pronunciation of mit gewalt bewegend
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف mit gewalt bewegend في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

{i} zorlama
{f} zorla

Hiç kimse bunu yapman için zorlamıyor. - Nobody is forcing you to do this.

Hiç kimse seni zorlamıyor. - Nobody's forcing you.

{i} serada yetiştirme
{i} turfanda yetiştirme
ألمانية - الإنجليزية
An extension in the development time of an underexposed negative in order to bring out detail
The net flux of energy in or out of a system; the net change in an energy balance
The art of raising plants at an earlier season than is normal, especially by using a hotbed
This determines the wave pulses coming in from the sides
The art of raising plants, flowers, and fruits at an earlier season than the natural one, as in a hitbed or by the use of artificial heat
{i} act of obtaining any purpose by force or in a rushed manner or hastily or with unusual speed; (Gardening) act of raising plants and flowers and fruits at an earlier season than the natural period (by the use of artificial heat)
present participle of force
requiring under special understanding that partner not pass
Exerting an effect (on something) Derived from the world of mathematical modeling; a forcing function is a factor that will lead to changes
A technique used to prove the consistency of certain axioms in set theory
Method of managing conflict in which the person attempts to gain compliance by applying some sort of pressure
The accomplishing of any purpose violently, precipitately, prematurely, or with unusual expedition
Causing early growth or blooming of a plant by subjecting it to certain conditions (for example, starting bulbs such as paperwhites, hyacinths or amaryllis, indoors in containers)