
listen to the pronunciation of min
الإنجليزية - التركية

Tüm insanlar sağlıklı ve kültürlü yaşam minimum standartlarını koruma hakkına sahip olacaktır. - All people shall have the right to maintain the minimum standards of wholesome and cultured living.

Çok sayıda şirket personelini minimuma indirdi. - A lot of companies have pared their staff down to a minimum.

en küçük
en az

Kestaneler en azından on beş dakika kaynamalı. - Chestnuts have to be boiled for at least fifteen minutes.

Tom her zaman en az beş dakika önce varmayı kendine vazife edinir. - Tom always makes a point of arriving at least five minutes ahead of time.


On dakikalık bir başka yürüyüş bizi kıyıya getirdi. - Another ten minutes' walk brought us to the shore.

10 dakika içinde döneceğim. - I'll be back in ten minutes.

custom min
(Bilgisayar) özel en küçük
edit min
(Bilgisayar) en düşük değeri düzenle
grand min
(Bilgisayar) genel en küçük
56 min
56 dk
de min
(Askeri) asgari sapma (sürüklenme) hatası (minimum drift error)
التركية - التركية
çin'de ırmak
NıSıR MiT.Erkeklik ve üreme tanrısı
Erkekliği güçlü, çok eski bir Mısır tanrısı
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Arabçada harf-i cerrdir. 1- Mekân ve bir şeye başlamayı ifâde eder.Meselâ: $ "Haftadan haftaya" da olduğu gibi.2- Teb'iz için olur. Meselâ: $"Kim bir kavme benzemeğe özenirse onlardan sayılır" cümlesinde olduğu gibi. Bazılarını, bir kısmını ifâde ediyor. 3- Cinsi beyan için olur. Meselâ: $ "İşlediğiniz hayrı Allah bilir" cümlesinde "min" tebyine (açıklamaya) vesile oluyor.4- Bedel-i ivâz (karşılık) için olur. Meselâ: $ "Ahirete bedel, dünya hayatına râzı mı oldunuz" cümlesinde olduğu gibi.5- Tâlil (sebeb b
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Çok in'am ve ihsan eden
(Osmanlı Dönemi) den... ye kadar
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Daha yok mu? Daha olmayacak mı? mânâlarında kullanılır
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Korkulardan emniyet veren (Allah C.C.) (Bak: İman, Kâfir
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Allah'a ve emirlerine, kanunlarına iman eden. İnanan. Allah'a, âhirete, kitablarına, meleklerine, peygamberlerine ve kadere iman edip itaat eden kimse
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Emniyete kavuşan
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Kur'an-ı Kerim'in 40. Suresidir. Gafir, Tavl Suresi de denir
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Allah tarafından te'yid edilen ve yardım görmüş olan
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Tar: Osmanlı ülkesinde oturmalarına müsaade olunan yabancı devlet tebaası. Osmanlı devleti ile sulh halinde bulunan ecnebiler. Ecnebi memleketlerde seyahat ve ikamet eden müslümanlar da bu sıfatla anılırlardı
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Eman dileyen. Emane, emniyete erişen, nâil olan. (Gerek müslim, gerek zimmî veya harbî olsun.) İstiman eden. Emin edilmiş
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Kendisine aman verilmiş olan
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Canının bağışlanması şartiyle teslim olan
(Hukuk) Aman dileyen kimse; canını kurtarmal için sığınan ve korunan kimse, yabancı uyruklu kişiler; gayrımüslümler
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Sağlamak. Kat'i vaadde bulunmak. Emn ve emân vermek
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Güvenlik, emniyet hissi vermek
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Elde etme
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Sağlamlaştırma, şüphe bırakmama
abdi mü'min
(Osmanlı Dönemi) inanan kul
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Allah'a ve emirlerine, kânunlarına iman eden, inanan
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Minute or Minimum
Metropolitan Information Network (a Free-Net serving a large city)
Mobile Identification Number: Uniquely identifies a mobile unit within a wireless carrier's network The MIN often can be dialed from other wireless or wireline networks The MIN is meant to be changeable, since the phone could change hands or a customer to another city The number differs from the ESN which is the unit number assigned by a phone manufacturer See also ESN, IMSI, TMSI (Back to top )
= The smallest hourly rate reported for this occupation
A solution of silver phosphate in an aqueous solution of ethylene diamine, used as an antiseptic astringent and as a disinfectant
or M Minutes
Mobile Identification Number
and Max, Minimum/Maximum Range of Historgram, Anchor Point -- lowest and highest values in histogram
an Egyptian god of procreation
The MIN represents the telephone number of the mobile handset It is the number that must be dialed in order to reach the mobile subscriber
Returns the smaller of the two integers
Uniquely identifies a mobile unit within a wireless carrier's network The MIN often can be dialed from other wireless or wireline networks The number differs from the electronic serial number, which is the unit number assigned by a phone manufacturer MINs and ESNs can be electronically checked to help prevent fraud

Is it true they're planning to raise the minimum wage? - Is it true they're planning on raising the minimum wage?

Is it true they're planning on raising the minimum wage? - Is it true they're planning to raise the minimum wage?

It refers to Mobile Identification Number It is the identification number of a mobile unit within a carrier's network It differs from the ESN number, which is assigned by the manufacturer, not the carrier
a unit of time equal to 60 seconds or 1/60th of an hour; "he ran a 4 minute mile"
The cellular phone's Mobile Identification Number 2
CRS Minimum room (qv)

I'm afraid your watch is two minutes slow. - I am afraid your watch is two minutes slow.

Please wait five minutes. - Please wait for five minutes.

Mobile Identification Number - The telephone number of a mobile unit Uniquely identifies a mobile unit within a wireless carrier's network The MIN can be dialled from other wireless or wireline networks
minute(s) Back to Original Location
Minimum (best-case) timing model Corresponds to minimum temperature, best-case process (+3 sigma model), and maximum voltage (TI*)
any of the forms of Chinese spoken in Fukien province an Egyptian god of procreation
Min. is a written abbreviation for minimum, or for minutes or minute
God of fertility, and depicted with two feathers and a huge erect penis
minute (60 s)
any of the forms of Chinese spoken in Fukien province
A built in mathematical function in SQL and Access that determines the minimum value of an attribute in a query or table
(Mobile Identification Number) A 34-bit binary number that is a digital representation of the 10-digit directory number assigned to a cellular subscriber station
Fertility god
Min Nan
A group of local languages/dialects which can trace their origins to southern Fujian province, China. The most prominent dialects are Amoy (referred to as Taiwanese in Taiwan, and Hokkien in Southeast Asia), Teochew, and Qiongwen. It belongs to the Min dialect group of the Sinitic branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family
min min lights
Unexplained lights reportedly appearing in the sky near Boulia, western Queensland, Australia for over 100 years. Possibly caused by reflections of distant light in the dry air conditions
Min River
River, central Fujian province, southeastern China. Rising in the mountains near the Fujian-Jiangxi border, it flows southeast to empty into the China Sea after a course of 358 mi (577 km). The arrival of a railway system in 1957 increased its use for navigation, and there are transshipment points along it. River, Sichuan province, south-central China. Rising in the Min Mountains of northern Sichuan, it flows southward along the western side of the Sichuan Basin and empties into the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang) at Yibin. It is navigable for most of its 350-mi (560-km) course
min-max ordering
(Ticaret) A replenishment and inventory management system that sets a minimum inventory level, used to trigger a reorder when the available plus incoming receipt total is less than the min. The amount of the order is the difference between the calculated (less than min) inventory and a predefined max. Min-max systems are typically not time-phased
{s} lesser in size, small; secondary; subordinate; junior; under legal age; insignificant, unimportant; minor scale (Music); not serious (of an illness)
{i} unit of time equal to 60 seconds, 1/60 of an hour
{i} least possible amount, smallest possible size, lowest degree
Abd al-Mu'min ibn Ali
born 1094, Tgr, kingdom of the ammdids died 1163, Rabat, Almohad empire Berber caliph (1130-63) of the Almohad dynasty. Around 1117 he fell under the sway of Ibn Tmart, founder of the Almohad religious movement, and joined him in opposing to the ruling Almoravid dynasty. He succeeded Ibn Tmart on the latter's death in 1130 and for the next 17 years carried on the struggle against the Almoravids. After defeating them at Marrakech in 1147, he massacred many of the city's inhabitants, made Marrakech his home base, and conquered all of North Africa west of Egypt

    التركية النطق



    /ˈmən/ /ˈmɪn/


    ... Min Koh wants you to give up the secret. ...
    ... people actually taking satisfaction questionnaires if they have a 20 min ...