تعريف meydana في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.
- detect
- to discover or find by careful search, examination, or probing
- {v} to discover, find out, lay open, reveal
- To detect something means to find it or discover that it is present somewhere by using equipment or making an investigation. a sensitive piece of equipment used to detect radiation a device which can detect who is more at risk of a heart attack
- To sense or obtain a measurable indication from an anomaly in a pipeline
- To determine the presence of a compound
- Discover, perceive, or locate an object, person, creature type, situation, or aura through primarily visual means Detection can be accomplished through either physical or magical means, depending on what is being sought
- Flip a coin If heads, during your opponent's next turn, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Himontop Pokémon with this attack: Hitmontop L31
- To uncover; to discover; to find out; to bring to light; as, to detect a crime or a criminal; to detect a mistake in an account
- {f} discern, discover
- discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of; "She detected high levels of lead in her drinking water"; "We found traces of lead in the paint"
- If you detect something, you notice it or sense it, even though it is not very obvious. Arnold could detect a certain sadness in the old man's face. = sense. to notice or discover something, especially something that is not easy to see, hear etc (detectus, past participle of detegere )
- Detected
- To discover something which is hidden or unknown E ELLIPTICAL Shaped like an egg that has ends which are equal
- To inform against; to accuse
- meydana gelmek
- occur
- meydana getirmek
- create
- meydana gelmek
- take place
- meydana getirmek
- generate
- meydana gelmek
- happen
That didn't have to happen.
- O, meydana gelmek zorunda değildi.
- meydana getirmek
- turn out
- meydana gelmek
- consist
- meydana gelmek
- originate
- meydana gelmek
- transpire
- meydana gelmek
- arise from
- meydana gelmek
- begin
- meydana gelmek
- set in
- meydana getirmek
- bring about
- meydana gelmek
- consist of
- meydana dökmek
- reveal
- meydana gelmek
- occupy
- meydana gelmek
- come to pass
- meydana gelmek
- become a reality
- meydana gelmek
- ingenerate
- meydana gelmek
- come in existence
- meydana gelmek
- emanate
- meydana gelmek
- occurring
- meydana gelmek
- pass off
- meydana gelmek
- see the light of day
- meydana gelmek
- grow up
- meydana gelmek
- come into existence
- meydana gelmek
- (Politika, Siyaset) bring about
- meydana getirmek
- give rise to
- meydana getirmek
- set off
- meydana getirmek
- regenerate
- meydana getirmek
- brought into being
- meydana getirmek
- ingender
- meydana getirmek
- engender
- meydana getirmek
- be the cause of something
- meydana getirmek
- frame
- meydana getirmek
- give birth to
- meydana getirmek
- (deyim) bring into existence
- meydana getirmek
- produce
- meydana getirmek
- bring into being
- meydana çıkarmak
- elicit
- meydana gelmek
- come about
- meydana gelmek
- to occur, to happen, to take place
- meydana gelmek
- to come into existence
- meydana gelmek
- come into being
- meydana atmak
- to put forward, to suggest
- meydana atmak
- to suggest, bring up, broach
- meydana atılmak
- to come forward, to offer oneself
- meydana atılmak
- 1. to be brought up, be suggested, be broached. 2. to leap into action
- meydana dökmek
- to make (something) public, reveal
- meydana düşmek
- 1. to mix with the crowd, go out in public. 2. to volunteer one's services. 3. to become a prostitute
- meydana gelen
- resultant
- meydana geliş
- nascency
- meydana gelme
- origination
- meydana gelmek
- come off
- meydana gelmek
- hap
That didn't have to happen.
- O, meydana gelmek zorunda değildi.
- meydana gelmek
- to come into existence, become a reality; to happen, occur
- meydana gelmek
- eventuate
- meydana gelmek
- a) to occur, to happen, to take place b) to come into existence
- meydana gelmek üzere olan
- upcoming
- meydana getiren
- constituent
- meydana getirme
- doing
- meydana getirme
- constitution
- meydana getirme
- progeniture
- meydana getirme
- procreation
- meydana getirmek
- bring forth
- meydana getirmek
- effect
- meydana getirmek
- to create, to produce, to constitute, to compose
- meydana getirmek
- bring to pass
- meydana getirmek
- do
- meydana getirmek
- spawn
- meydana getirmek
- achieve
- meydana getirmek
- effectuate
- meydana getirmek
- compose
- meydana getirmek
- 1. to bring forth, produce, do. 2. to be the cause of (something)
- meydana koymak
- 1. to produce, create. 2. to set forth, present. 3. to reveal
- meydana vurmak
- to reveal (something) clearly
- meydana çıkarma
- elicitation
- meydana çıkarmak
- show
- meydana çıkarmak
- a) to bring out, to bring to light, to expose, to detect b) to reveal, to disclose
- meydana çıkarmak
- catch out
- meydana çıkarmak
- reveal
This very interesting test reveals your professional personality.
- Bu çok ilginç deney senin mesleki kişiliğini meydana çıkarmaktadır.
- meydana çıkarmak
- 1. to bring (something) to light; to expose (something) to view. 2. to present (something) to the public; to make (something) public, reveal. 3. to bring (a child) to the point where he can look after his simplest needs
- meydana çıkarmak
- nail
- meydana çıkarmak
- dig up
- meydana çıkarmak
- bring to light
- meydana çıkmak
- surface
- meydana çıkmak
- 1. to be revealed, come to light; to become evident. 2. (for someone) to be seen (in public); to get around and about. 3. (for a child) to reach an age at which he can look after his simplest needs
- meydana çıkmak
- a) to be revealed, to come to light b) to appear, to come into view
- meydan
- {i} square
Something horrible happened in the busy square.
- Kalabalık meydanda korkunç bir şey oldu.
Victor Hugo's house is in Vosges Square in Paris.
- Victor Hugo'nun evi Paris'teki Vosges meydanındadır.
- meydana gelen
- occurrence
- birdenbire meydana gelme
- outburst
- birdenbire meydana gelmek
- spring up
- felaket meydana getiren
- (Askeri) catastrophic
- meydan
- (Havacılık) aerodrome
- meydan
- opportunity
- meydan
- occasion
- meydan
- yard
- meydan
- open
- meydan
- (Kimya) area
- meydan
- concourse
- meydan
- place
This is the place where the incident took place.
- Burası olayın meydana geldiği yer.
What horrible events took place? Where are you parents? What happened to your husband?
- Ne kadar korkunç olaylar meydana geldi? Anne baban nerede? Kocana ne oldu?
- meydana gelen
- resultant
- meydana gelen
- taken place
- meydana gelen
- (Kanun) ex post
- meydan
- piazza
Saint Peter's square, or the Piazza San Pietro, is located in front of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.
- Aziz Petrus meydanı, ya da Piazza San Pietro, Vatikan'daki Aziz Petrus Bazilikasının önünde yer almaktadır.
- meydan
- clearing
- meydan
- room
Everyone in the room was stunned by what happened.
- Odadaki herkes ne meydana geldiğiyle ilgili sersemledi.
- meydan
- circus
- meydan
- range
- meydan
- plaza
The well is in the middle of this plaza.
- Kuyu, bu meydanın ortasındadır.
- meydana gelmek
- result
- meydana getirmek
- bring sth on
- meydana getirmek
- make
- meydana getirmek
- bring sth about
- doğmak, meydana gelmek
- rise, occurs to
- istihrac etmek, meydana çıkarmak
- to deduce, to reveal
- meydan
- aerodromes
- meydan
- defied
They defied the laws of the king.
- Onlar kralın yasalarına meydan okudular.
- bitkisel melez meydana getirme
- crossfertilize
- foyası meydana çıkmak
- to give oneself away, to be shown up
- foyası meydana/ortaya çıkmak
- to be shown up
- foyasını meydana çıkarmak
- to debunk, to unmask
- kaza meydana gelmek
- (accident) to take place
- kaza meydana gelmek
- (accident) to happen
- kaza meydana gelmek
- (accident) to occur
- meydan
- Sufism the universe
- meydan
- arena
- meydan
- esplanade
- meydan
- square, circus; arena, ring, ground; field; opportunity, occasion, possibility
- meydan
- open space
- meydan
- section of a Bektashi or Mevlevi lodge in which the dervishes perform the religious ceremonies
- meydan
- agora
- meydan
- maidan
- meydan
- arena; ring
- meydan
- common
- meydan
- (a) wide, flat, open, outside area; open space; (public) square
- meydan
- opportunity, occasion; possibility
- meydan
- theater
- meydana gelme
- {i} occurrence
- meydana gelmek
- proceed
- meydana getirmek
- forth
- topraktan meydana gelen
- terrigenous