mexican bean

listen to the pronunciation of mexican bean
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
{i} frijole
Mexican bean beetle
A spotted ladybug (Epilachna varivestis) of the southern United States and Mexico that feeds on the leaves of the bean plant
mexican bean beetle
introduced into the United States from Mexico; feeds on the foliage of the bean plant
Mexican jumping bean
A type of seed of a shrub of the genus Sebastiania in which a larva has hatched from an egg laid there by a moth, the movement of the larva causing the seed to move around
mexican jumping bean
jumping bean: seed of Mexican shrubs of the genus Sebastiana containing the larva of a moth whose movements cause the bean to jerk or tumble
mexican bean


    Mex·i·can bean

    التركية النطق

    meksıkın bin


    /ˈmeksəkən ˈbēn/ /ˈmɛksəkən ˈbiːn/