
listen to the pronunciation of mayalar
التركية - الإنجليزية
An often humid, yellowish froth produced by fermenting malt worts, and used to brew beer, leaven bread, and also used in certain medicines
{n} the flower of malt-liquor when working, barm, the foam of the troubled sea
The magical ingredient of beer A microscopic fungi that is able to convert sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide in a process know as fermentation
Yeast is a living microorganism that causes fermentation when it comes into contact with liquid sugar (sugar and water), and heat Yeast dies when there is too much alcohol in its environment (±16% alc /vol )
A compressed cake or dried granules of this substance used for mixing with flour to make bread dough rise
Yeast is a kind of fungus which is used to make bread rise, and in making alcoholic drinks such as beer. a type of fungus used for producing alcohol in beer and wine, and for making bread rise. Any of certain economically important and usually single-celled fungi (see fungus), most of which are classified as ascomycetes. Found worldwide in soils and on plant surfaces, yeasts are especially abundant in sugary mediums such as flower nectar and fruits. The types commonly used in the production of bread, beer, and wine are selected strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae; the small cakes and packets used contain billions of individual yeast cells, each of which can ferment approximately its own weight of glucose per hour. Dried yeast is 50% protein and is rich in B vitamins; brewer's yeast is sometimes taken as a vitamin supplement. Some yeasts are mild to dangerous pathogens of humans and other animals. Candida albicans, for example, irritates oral and vaginal linings, and Histoplasma and Blastomyces cause persistent lung infections
Any of various single-cell fungi capable of fermenting carbohydrates
A unicellular fungus that belongs to the phylum Ascomycetes, has a single nucleus ,and reproduces either asexually by budding or fission, or sexually through spore formation
A living organism used in the production of bread and beer Yeast, in the environment of sugar, produces carbon dioxide and alcohol This process is called fermentation Bread yeast comes in dry granulated and fresh cakes A new form of yeast, called instant yeast, has been developed which allows the user to mix the yeast directly into the flour without dissolving it first in water
A group of unicellular cellular fungi of the class Hemiascomycetae and phylum Ascomycota They occur as single cells or as groups or chains of cells They reproduce both sexually and asexually Yeasts of the genus Saccharomyces ferment sugars and are hence used in baking and brewing Mans ability to and long history of culturing yeasts has made them useful tools in genetic engineering
The enzyme-producing one-celled fungi of the genus Saccharomyces that is added to wort before the fermenting process for the purpose of turning fermentable sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide
Spume, or foam, of water
A fungi that produces enzymes converting sugar to alcohol and carbon dioxide Used in skin conditioners No known toxicity
A group of enzymes which promote fermentation of grape juice A natural bloom or fungus found on grapes whose metabolism of grape sugars causes sugars to break down into alcohol and Carbon dioxide The 'dust' on a grape, known as the 'bloom' is wild yeast Most wine makers prefer to use their own yeast strains
A single-celled organism that breaks its food down into alcohol and carbon dioxide in a process known as "fermentation " Brewers capitalize on the alcohol Carbon dioxide gives beer and champagne effervescence and causes bread to rise
The one-celled micro-organism that turnes sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide
Micro-organisms that produce the enzymes which convert sugar to alcohol Necessary for the fermentation of grape juice into wine
(yeest) - Yeast is alive! It is a microscopic, single-cell organism that, as it grows and ferments, produces alcohol and carbon dioxide The carbon dioxide bubbles get trapped in the gluten strands of bread, causing it to rise The most commonly available form is active dry yeast; the tiny organisms are dehydrated, and therefore dormant due to the lack of moisture Yeast should be "proofed" (or "activated") in water heated to approximately 110 degrees F
A frothy foam on sea waves
Any of various unicellular fungi reproducing by budding and from ascospores and capable of fermenting carbohydrates

The dough is made from water, flour, salt and instant yeast. - Hamur, su, un, tuz ve anlık mayadan yapılır.

Yeast is used in making beer. - Maya bira yapmada kullanılır.


The smell of fermented soybeans sickens him. - Mayalanmış soya fasulyesi kokusu onu hasta eder.

What's the difference between fermentation and putrescence? - Mayalanma ve çürüme arasındaki fark nedir?

{i} leaven
{i} maya
female animal
female camel
cheeky person
shameless person
{i} brewing
(Tıp) fermentum

What kind of bread would you like for your toast? White, wheat, sourdough, or rye? - Tostun için ne tür ekmek istersin? Beyaz, buğday, maya ya da çavdar.

yeast, ferment " ferment; make-up, nature, disposition" " yaradılış; female animal; female camel; shameless person, cheeky person
a type of Turkish folk song
yeast powder
(Tabiat Doğa) (hayvan) she-camel, brood mare
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تعريف mayalar في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

Any of the Mayan languages, such as Quiché and Yucatec
A female given name of modern usage

When her little friends asked her what her name was, her father replied that it was Conchita - his diminutive for Maria de la Concepción. Con-what? they would ask again, aware, apparently, that con in French is a fool, an idiot. So her parents started calling her Maria, which from the little girl's lips soon began to sound like Maya. Maya! exclaimed her father. It's perfect. It means the greatest illusion on earth. So Maya it was from then on - Maya Walter.

In Sanskrit, illusion; God’s physical and metaphysical creation (literally, "not this")
A female given name used in India

'Why ever not, Ma?' said Meenakshi.'It's a very Bengali name, a very nice name.'.

recently taken into general use, also associated with Maia
A member of a Mesoamerican civilization that existed in and around Mexico in the 4th to 10th centuries
Group of Mesoamerican Indians who between AD 250 and 900 developed one of the Western Hemisphere's greatest civilizations. By AD 200 they had developed cities containing palaces, temples, plazas, and ball courts. They used stone tools to quarry the immense quantities of stone needed for those structures; their sculpture and relief carving were also highly developed. Mayan hieroglyphic writing survives in books and inscriptions. Mayan mathematics featured positional notation and the use of the zero; Mayan astronomy used an accurately determined solar year and precise tables of the positions of Venus and the Moon. Calendrical accuracy was important for the elaborate rituals and ceremonies of the Mayan religion, which was based on a pantheon of gods. Ritual bloodletting, torture, and human sacrifice were employed in an attempt to propitiate the gods, ensure fertility, and stave off cosmic chaos. At the height of its Classic period, Mayan civilization included more than 40 cities of 5,000-50,000 people. After 900 the civilization declined rapidly for unknown reasons. Descendants of the Maya are now subsistence farmers in southern Mexico and Guatemala. See also Chichén Itzá; Copán; Lacandón; Maya codices; Maya language; Quiché; Tikal; Tzeltal; Tzotzil; Uxmal. In Hinduism, a powerful force that creates the cosmic illusion that the phenomenal world is real. The word maya originally referred to the wizardry with which a god can make human beings believe in what turns out to be an illusion, and its philosophical sense is an extension of this meaning. The concept is especially important in the Advaita school of the orthodox system of Vedanta, which sees maya as the cosmic force that presents the infinite Brahman as the finite phenomenal world. Angelou Maya Lin Maya Maya Codices Maya languages Plisetskaya Maya Mikhaylovna
{i} member of an advanced pre-Columbian civilization in southern Mexico and Guatemala; modern-day descendant of the Mayan people; any of the languages spoken by the Mayas; female first name
In Sanskrit, illusion; God's physical and metaphysical creation (literally, "not this")
A descendant of these people
The Sanskrit word for illusion - maya is used to describe physical life
an ethnic minority speaking Mayan languages and living in Yucatan and adjacent areas
signified originally in the Veda the comprehensive and creative knowledge, wisdom that is from of old, afterwards taken in its second and derivative sense, cunning, magic, illusion; phenomenal consciousness, the power of self-illusion in brahman
The dillusion of being wrapped up in the material world and attached to it
Maya sakti is the veiling power of God, which veils the truth from our eyes and creates individual ignorance or avidya See advaita vedanta, page 2
"Illusion"; "Illusion"
Illusion Anything besides the Absolute Parabrahman (the ultimate Being, hidden in the depths on non-being ) is an illussion The first manifestation of this illussion is that primordial plane of which the hindu god Brahma is the personification
  The illusion of the reality of sensory expressions and the feeling of being wrapped up in the material world and being attached to it
a family of American Indian languages spoken by Mayan peoples an ethnic minority speaking Mayan languages and living in Yucatan and adjacent areas
In Hinduism, maya (a Sanskrit word meaning "deception, illusion, appearance") is the power to produce, or the power that produces, the illusion that our separative self ("I am me, and you aren't"), its life, and its world are real Maya is sometimes perceived as a veil that deludes the Divine Mahamaya is the goddess who personifies this power See also samsara
illusion; the energy of the Supreme Lord that deludes living entities into forgetting their spiritual nature and forgetting God
force that shows the unreal as real and presents that which is temporary and short-lived as permanent and everlasting
A term of Vedanta philosophy denoting ignorance obscuring the vision of Reality; the cosmic illusion on account of which the One appears as many, the Absolute as the relative world
illusion, particularly the illusion of the transient, impermanent, phenomenal world
Cosmic illusion on account of which the one appears as many
The glamour and illusion on the physical plane to which an integrated personality responds as the result of uncontrolled vital energies pouring through the etheric vehicle
1)Unreality, illusion, prakriti 2)The Hindu principle that all is an illusion and that ultimately the physical world, contacted through the conscious mind and the five senses, does not represent reality This philosophy is also taught by A Course in Miracles
a family of American Indian languages spoken by Mayan peoples
{i} Hindu concept of an illusory world of the senses; god-like power to produce illusions in Hinduism
The illusion of being wrapped up in the material world and attached to it
The pre-Columbian people who planted and cultivated the first cacao plantations in the Yucatan region of Mexico about 600 A D These plantations made them wealthy and established them as significant traders
The name for the doctrine of the unreality of matter, called, in English, idealism; hence, nothingness; vanity; illusion
a member of an American Indian people of Yucatan and Belize and Guatemala who had a culture (which reached its peak between AD 300 and 900) characterized by outstanding architecture and pottery and astronomy; "Mayans had a system of writing and an accurate calendar"
Ignorance obscuring the vision of God, the inherent creative power in Godhead or Brahman through which the visible universe is manifested We are in spiritual blindness because of the maya
Multifarious Beings & Entities
the illusion that characterizes all transitory existence in Hindu philosophy, with only the spirit being permanent
loosely translated as "illusion," in Hinduism, it refers to the deceptive nature of the temporal world We are victims of maya when we regard the objects and impressions of our perception as absolutes in themselves when they are, along with our respective selves, one holistic reality, i e , Brahman
illusion; in Hindu philosophy Maya is the divine power which has created the cosmso
(Sanskrit) Illusion, popularly used in this sense Philosophically, the phenomenal universe, being subject to differentiation and impermanence is Maya
Hindu term coined by Advaita Vedanta to refer to the illusory or deceptive nature of the world which prompts us to make distinctions
The Great Illusion
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Bir halk türküsü
Yaradılış, öz nitelik(mcz)
Bir tür halk türküsü
Belize'de bir dağ
Bir halk oyunumuz
İçerdikleri enzimlerin katalizör niteliği etkisiyle şekerleri karbondioksit ve alkole dönüştüren bir hücreli bitki organizmaları
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Yaradılış, öz nitelik: "Belki biri soyutlanmaya daha az yatkın, öteki daha fazla tetikti, ama mayaları galiba birdi."- A. İlhan. İçerdikleri enzimlerin katalizör niteliği etkisiyle şekerleri karbondioksit ve alkole dönüştüren bir hücreli bitki organizmaları
Uzun havalardan bir tür halk türküsü
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Damızlık dişi hayvan
Kurutulmuş incir
Bazı besinlerin yapımında mayalanmayı sağlamak için kullanılan madde, ferment
Arsız, utanmaz kimse
Yaradılış, öz nitelik
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الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف mayalar في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

{i} maya
maya dili
{i} büyü (hint)
Hinduizm büyü