(Reklam) A company's share of total sales of a given category of product on a given market. Can be expressed either in terms of volume (how many units sold) or value (the worth of units sold)
That part of the market potential that an HMO or a fee-for-service/prepaid medical group has captured; usually market share is expressed as a percentage of the market potential
A company's market share in a product is the proportion of the total sales of that product that is produced by that company. Ford has been gaining market share this year at the expense of GM. The proportion of industry sales of a good or service that is controlled by a company. the percentage of sales in a market that a company or product has
The percent of a given market sold to or owned by a company out of the whole as a result of its success in marketing effectiveness, product characteristics, pricing, cost, delivery time, quality and many other factors Market share is affected by the type of industry and number of competitors, and can indicate the stage of a product's life cycle (introduction, growth, maturity, decline)
The volume of sales, expressed as a percentage, achieved by one company in a specific geographic area, compared to all sales of similar products or of similar companies
Market share refers to a brand's share of the total sales of all products within the product category in which the brand competes Market share is determined by dividing a brand's sales volume by the total category sales volume