
listen to the pronunciation of managers
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف managers في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.


Bir inşaat şirketinde on beş yıldan sonra, Bill Pearson'a sorumlu bölge müdürü pozisyonu verildi. - After fifteen years at a building firm, Bill Pearson was given the responsible position of area manager.

Tom müdürlüğe terfi etti. - Tom was promoted to manager.


Ben yönetici ile konuşmak istiyorum. - I should like to speak to the manager.

O, banka yöneticisinde olumlu bir izlenim bıraktı. - He made a favorable impression on his bank manager.

managers assistant
yönetici asistanı

Tom'un menejeri olmaktan nasıl vazgeçtin? - How did you end up being Tom's manager?


Ben kişisel bir menajerim. - I'm a personal manager.

Henüz bir menajere ihtiyacım yok. - I don't need a manager yet.

(Ticaret) amir
permitted managers
(Bilgisayar) izin verilen yöneticiler
board of managers
idare heyeti
board of managers
yönetim kurulu
{i} idareci
line managers
hat yöneticileri
computer security for acquisition managers
(Askeri) hedef tespit yöneticileri için bilgisayar güvenliği
inventory managers
(Askeri) STOK MAL YÖNETİCİLERİ: Bak. "inventory control point"
{i} işletmeci
(Askeri) İDARECİ, İŞLETMECİ, YÖNETİCİ: Bir tesise ait işlerin planlanmasına, düzenlenmesine, koordine ve kontrol edilmesine nezaret eden kimse
{i} yönetmen, müdür, direktör
yönetim kurulu
{i} menajer, bir sanatçı veya spor takımının işlerini yöneten kimse
{i} yönetmen
middle managers
orta yöneticiler
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Controls various aspects of Progistics environments and communicates between other software components
The individuals who are responsible for the maintenance, administration and management of the affairs of a limited liability company (LLC) In most states, the managers serve a particular term and report to and serve at the discretion of the members Specific duties of the managers may be detailed in the articles of organization or the operating agreement of the LLC In some states, the members of an LLC may also serve as the managers
Has the right to perform management tasks (such as managing e-mail posting to the calendar), can customize the calendar, and can perform all tasks that Participants can do
Play of Lottery games by Managers is low compared to avid players Managers appear to like having more control over their destiny than playing the Lottery would allow On one hand, they feel that their chances of winning the Lottery are as good as anyone else's and their lives would be better if they won a big jackpot; but "deep down," they do not believe that they could win the Lottery They believe that those who are active Lottery players are throwing their money away and they often berate themselves after playing and losing They prefer playing games of skill where money is not involved
Individuals within ICS organizational units that are assigned specific managerial responsibilities (e g , Staging Area Manager or Camp Manager)
plural of manager
account managers
plural form of account manager
floor managers
plural form of floor manager
general managers
plural form of general manager
line managers
plural form of line manager
The head coach
A person whose job is to manage something, such as a business, a restaurant, or a sports team
An administrator, for a singer or group
micro managers
plural form of micro manager
seagull managers
plural form of seagull manager
window managers
plural form of window manager
{n} a conductor, leader, frugal person
{n} conduct, government, dealing, frugality, prudence, care
A person who conducts business or household affairs with economy and frugality; a good economist
A manager is synonymous with an OSS The manager or OSS is the system that sends requests to and receives responses from an agent
The person or persons responsible for the overall investment decisions of a mutual fund
One of a group of widgets that can have children and can manage their geometry Managers provide colors and input dispatching for gadget children
The specific individual assigned by the Customer or their designated Management Company (Bentall) (See Property Manager)
The manager of a sports team is the person responsible for training the players and organizing the way they play. In American English, manager is only used for baseball; in other sports, coach is used instead
An individual charged with the responsibility for managing resources and processes
The head coach of the baseball team, who is responsible for the on-the-field performance of his or her team In professional baseball, the duties of some managers extend into the business side of the team
The manager of a pop star or other entertainer is the person who looks after their business interests
A desktop-based organiser, provided as part of the Octimal suite and designed specifically as a message management tool for system users
A contriver; an intriguer
One who manages; a conductor or director; as, the manager of a theater
May refer to the DU Services Manager, a MOO Manager, or a character of the "manager" class in a MOO
A person who is in charge of an organization or group of staff; a person who administers and regulates the activities, and training of a group Topic areas: Governance, Staff Development and Organizational Capacity, Volunteer Management, Operations Management and Leadership
A common title for the head of an agency that is operated as a branch office, as opposed to being operated as a agency The manager is a salaried employee, usually with an incentive bonus based on the agency's volume (G)
Printer listings are managed The person with permission to modify the configuration of a printer is the Printer Manager Multiple managers for a single printer will be possible
A role that encompasses providing technical and administrative direction and control to individuals performing tasks or activities within the manager’s area of responsibility The traditional functions of a manager include planning, resourcing, organizing, directing, and controlling work within an area of responsibility
A manager is a person who is responsible for running part of or the whole of a business organization. The chef, staff and managers are all Chinese. a retired bank manager
A person with the responsibility for directing and controlling an organizational unit or program
The Manager Security role is a standard role in Zope A user with the Manager role has ALL permissions except the Take Ownership permission
An individual appointed by an associate director to manage a facility, program, or other organization Examples include facility managers, office managers, department heads, division leaders, program managers, and project leaders
{i} one who manages, director, administrator; supervisor, overseer
(sports) someone in charge of training an athlete or a team
A manager is usually the software interface to a device Sometimes, they are interfaces to 'virtual' devices, software systems that perform some function like archiving sampler data or coordinating other managers They are either synchronous and asynchronous managers depending upon whether their actions need to be coordinated with other managers The way one interacts with a manager is through parameters, samplers, and manager methods See the YGOR Fundamentals documentation for further details
An employee whose major duties involve providing technical and administrative direction for other employees and whose responsibilities include directing the work of an organizational unit and accountability for the success of specific functions
The Firm that provides the fund with investment research and portfolio management services
someone who controls resources and expenditures
1} One who is in charge of the daily operations of a restaurant 2} One who performs such tasks as: scheduling, inventory, budgeting, and supervising 3} One who eats free food in the restaurant
In addition to standard user functionality, a manager also has access to viewing timesheets, expense reports and purchase orders A manager is also responsible for the approval, or disapproval, of the aforementioned
A person whose job is to manage something, such as a business, a restaurant or a sports team
a person who is in charge of an organization or group of staff; a person who administers and regulates the activities, and training of a group
The person to whom an employee is responsible and who is authorised by the Secretary of the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations to exercise the powers and responsibilities of manager in relation to that employee
or Batch System Manager is a person authorized to use all restricted capabilities of the batch system The manager may act upon the batch system, queues, or jobs Also called the administrator
An LLC may be operated by a group of managers who act much like a board of directors If an LLC is to controlled by mangers this fact must be stated in the articles of organization

    التركية النطق



    /ˈmanəʤərz/ /ˈmænəʤɜrz/


    ... Managers decide things. ...
    ... I'm one of the engineering managers in our Switzerland ...