
listen to the pronunciation of logistic
الإنجليزية - التركية
hesap sanatı
{s} biçimsel
{s} lojistik

Lojistik bazen karmaşıktır. - Logistics are sometimes complicated.

O askeri operasyonun lojistik sorumlusudur. - He is in charge of the logistics of the military operation.

logistic assessment
lojistik meblağ
logistic assistance
lojistik yardım
logistic support
lojistik destek
logistic agency (dla) reserve
lojistik ajansı (dla) rezerv
logistic assessment
lojistik meblâğ
logistic regression
lojistik regresyon
logistic regression analysis
lojistik regresyon analizi
logistic and administrative support
(Askeri) LOJİSTİK VE İDARİ DESTEK: Harekatın aşağıdaki hususlarla meşgul olan yönlerini içine alır: (a) Araştırma, geliştirme, deneme ve değerlendirme, (b) Malzemenin iktisap, depolama, nakil, dağıtım, bakım, tahliye ve kayıt silme işleri, (c) Personel nakil ve tahliyesi, (d) Havadan tıbbi tahliye dahil, tıbbi hizmetler, (e) Muhabere hizmetleri, (f) Tesislerin iktisap veya inşaası, bakımı, işletilmesi ve elden çıkarılması, (g) Diğer lojistik ve idari hizmetler. Planlama, menajman ve sorumlulukların icrası şümulü dahilindedir
logistic and movement control center
(Askeri) lojistik ve intikal kontrol merkezi
logistic assessment
(Askeri) lojistik değerlendirme
logistic assessment
(Askeri) LOJİSTİK DEĞERLENDİRME: Bu terim; (a) Bir harekat sahası, ülke veya bir bölgedeki belirli askeri harekatları desteklemek için gerekli olan lojistik destek; (b) Bir harekat sahası, ülke veya bir bölgedeki, ya da diğer bir yerdeki askeri harekatların yapılabilmesi için mevcut ve muhtemel lojistik destek değerlendirilmesini ifade eder
logistic assistance
(Askeri) LOJİSTİK YARDIM: Gerek savaş gerekse barış zamanında askeri komutanlıklar arasındaki ve içindeki yardım tiplerini göstermek için kullanılan genel bir terim. Bak. "integrated logistic support", "mutual aid", "reallocation of resources"
logistic command
(Askeri) LOJİSTİK KOMUTANLIK: Bir karargah ile karargah bölüğünden ibaret bir kara ordusu teşkili. Bu teşkil; bir menzil sahası bölgesi, böyle bir bölgenin coğrafi tali bölümü veya, ihtiyaca uygun kadro artırması ile, küçük bir menzil sahası görevinin yürütülmesi maksadıyla kurulmuştur. Üç tip lojistik komutanlık vardır: TYPE A MISSION: A TİPİ GÖREV Mevcudu 9000-15.000 kişi arasında değişen, muhtelif kuvvetlerden bir bütün halinde birleştirilmiş bir teşkile komuta eder; lüzumlu sınıflardan kuvvetlerle teçhiz edildiği takdirde, ortalama 30.000 kişilik bir muharip kuvvete Kara ordusu ve menzil sahası desteği sağlayabilir. TYPE B MISSION: B TİPİ GÖREV Mevcudu 35.000-60.000 kişi arasında değişen, muhtelif kuvvetlerden bir bütün halinde birleştirilmiş bir teşkile komuta eder; lüzumlu sınıflardan kuvvetlerle teçhiz edildiği takdirde, ortalama 100.000 kişilik bir muharip kuvvete menzil sahası desteği sağlayabilir. TYPE C MISSION: C TİPİ GÖREV Mevcudu 75.000-150.000 kişi arasında değişen, muhtelif kuvvetlerden bir bütün halinde birleştirilmiş bir teşkile komuta eder; lüzumlu sınıflardan kuvvetlerle teçhiz edildiği takdirde, ortalama 400.000 kişilik bir muharip kuvvete menzil sahası desteği sağlayabilir
logistic estimate of the situation
(Askeri) LOJİSTİK DURUM TAHMİNİ/MUHAKEMESİ: Tasarlanmış faaliyetleri etkileyen lojistik faktörlerin düzgün bir şekilde incelenmesiyle elde edilen ve bu etkinin derece ve şekliyle ilgili tahmin. Bak. "estimate of the situation"
logistic functions
(Ticaret) lojistik fonksiyonlar
logistic implications test
(Askeri) LOJİSTİK NETİCELER TESTİ: Müşterek bir stratejik savaş planının önemli lojistik yönlerinin tahlili ve buradan elde edilen, planın kabulünü sınırlayabilecek nitelikte lojistik neticelerin gözden geçirilmesi. Bu lojistik tahlil ve gözden geçirme işlemi stratejik planın geliştirilmesiyle birlikte yürütülür. Amaç planın ortaya çıkardığı lojistik ihtiyaçların mevcut imkanlarla karşılanıp karşılanamayacağını belirlemek ve müşterek Kurmay Başkanlarının yapacakları değerlendirmede ağırlık verecekleri lojistik neticeleri ortaya koymaktır. Bak. "feasibility test"
logistic implications test
(Askeri) lojistik neticeler testi
logistic plays
(Askeri) lojistik faaliyetler
logistic routes
(Askeri) lojistik ikmal yolları
logistic routes
(Askeri) LOJİSTİK İKMAL YOLLARI: Bak. "lines of communication"
logistic supply vehicle
(Askeri) lojistik ikmal aracı
logistic support
(Askeri) (MEDICAL) LOJİSTİK DESTEK (TIBBİ): Tıbbi bakım, tedavi, hastaneye sevk, tahliye, tıbbi hizmetlerin, ikmal maddelerinin ve malzemenin sağlanması ve diğer ilgili faaliyetler
logistic support analysis
(Askeri) lojistik destek analizi
logistic support element
(Askeri) lojistik destek unsuru
logistic support ship
(Askeri) lojistik destek gemisi
logistic supporting points
(Askeri) ikmal noktası serisi
logistic sustainment analysis and feasibility estimator
(Askeri) lojistik süreklilik analizi ve fizibilite tahmincisi
(Mukavele) lojistik, organize bir sistem içinde belirli amaçlar için insanların ve/veya ekipmanın ve destek faaliyetlerin yer değiştirmelerinin ve yerleştirilmelerinin planlanması, uygulanması ve kontrolu
lojistik sanatı
inbound logistic
inbound lojistik
procurement logistic
tedarik lojistik
Allied Logistic Publication
(Askeri) Müttefik Lojistik Yayınları
Coast Guard logistic support and mobilization plan
(Askeri) Sahil Güvenlik Lojistik Destek ve Seferberlik Planı
United Nations logistic course
(Askeri) BM lojistik kursu
advanced logistic support site
(Askeri) geliştirilmiş lojistik destek bölgesi
air logistic support
(Askeri) HAVA LOJİSTİK DESTEĞİ: Havadan ikmali, personel intikalini, yaralıların ve savaş esirlerinin tahliyesini ve teçhizat ve araçların kurtarılmasını içine alan havadan indirme veya havadan atma yoluyla yapılan destek
air logistic support operation
(Askeri) HAVA LOJİSTİK DESTEK HAREKATI: Hava indirme harekatı dışında belirli bir saha içinde personel, teçhizat ve ikmal maddelerinin dağıtımı ve kurtarılması için yapılan harekat
allied logistic publication
(Askeri) müttefik lojistik yayını
base logistic command
(Askeri) MENZİL ART BÖLGESİ LOJİSTİK KOMUTANLIĞI: Bir harekat alanı menzil sahası art bölgesinde bulunan ve bir harekat alanı menzil sahasının bir veya daha çok ön bölge lojistik komutanlığına direkt destek sağlamaktan sorumlu bulunan komutanlık. Bu komutanlık, ayrıca, Kara Kuvvetleri lojistik komutanlığından emir verildikçe, menzil art bölgesinde bulunan birlikleri destekler ve direkt olarak muharebe sahasına malzeme ve hizmet sağlar
combat logistic support squadron
(Askeri) muhaebe lojistik destek taburu
combined logistic support
(Askeri) birleşik lojistik destek
contracted logistic support
(Askeri) sözleşmeli lojistik destek
director of logistic
(Askeri) LOJİSTİK BAŞKANI: A. B. D. Kara Kuvvetleri Karargah heyetine bağlı ve lojistik işleriyle görevli subay. DIRECTOR OF MEDICAL SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE: M. S. B. TIP TEŞKİLATI BAŞKANI: Bknz. "Army Medical Services"
force logistic support group
(Askeri) kuvvet lojistik destek grubu
forward logistic site
(Askeri) ileri lojistik alan
health service logistic support
(Askeri) sağlık hizmet lojistik desteği
instrument landing system; integrated logistic support
(Askeri) alete iniş sistemi; birleştirilmiş lojistik destek
integrated logistic support
(Askeri) ENTEGRE LOJİSTİK DESTEK: Bir sistemin kullanım süresi boyunca, etkin ve ekonomik desteğini temin maksadıyla gerekli tüm destek mütalaalarının bir terkibi. Sistem iktisap ve çalıştırılmasının tüm diğer veçhelerinin dahili bir bütünüdür
international logistic support
(Askeri) ULUSLARARASI LOJİSTİK DESTEK: Harekata katılmış bir veya daha çok millete, aynı harekata katılmış bir millet tarafından ödemeli veya ödemesiz olarak, askeri lojistik desteğin sağlanması. Bak. "interdepartmental/agency support", "interservice support", "support"
landing signal enlisted; logistic support element
(Askeri) çıkarma sinyali-er; lojistik destek unsuru
lojistik yönden
lojistik olarak
{i} lojistik

O askeri operasyonun lojistik sorumlusudur. - He is in charge of the logistics of the military operation.

Lojistik bazen karmaşıktır. - Logistics are sometimes complicated.

(isim) lojistik
(Askeri) LOJİSTİK: 1. Kuvvetlerin idame ve intikallerini planlama ve uygulama bilimi. 2. En geniş anlamıyla, askeri harekatın aşağıdaki konularla ilgili yönleri. a. Malzemenin tasarımı ve geliştirilmesi, tedariki, depolanması, intikali, dağıtılması, bakımı, tahliyesi ve atılması. b. Personelin intikali, tahliyesi ve hastaneye sevki; c. İmkan ve tesislerin imal veya inşası, bakımı, işletmesi ve elden çıkarılması. d. Hizmetlerin tedarik ve temini. (Not: NATO ve Amerikan Savunma Kurulu tanımlar 1 ve 2. bölümlere ayrılmamıştır. )
orduları yığma ve hareket ettirme ile besleme sanatı
multinational integrated logistic support unit
(Askeri) çok uluslu birleştirilmiş lojistik destek birliği
multinational joint logistic center
(Askeri) çok uluslu müşterek lojistik merkezi
multinational logistic center
(Askeri) çok uluslu lojistik merkezi
naval advanced logistic support site
(Askeri) deniz gelişmiş lojistik destek yeri
naval ammunition logistic code
(Askeri) deniz kuvvetleri mühimmatı lojistik kodu
naval forward logistic site
(Askeri) deniz ileri lojistik noktası
naval forward logistic site
(Askeri) deniz ileri lojistik sahası
nuclear logistic movement
(Askeri) NÜKLEER LOJİSTİK İNTİKAL: Nükleer silahların, ikmal veya bakım faaliyetleri ile ilgili olarak taşınması. Bazı özel durumlarda, bu gibi intikaller için savaş uçaklarından faydalanılabilir
palletized load system; personal locator system; pillars of logistic support; pr
(Askeri) paletlendirilmiş yük sistemi / paletli yükleme sistemi; kişisel konumlandırma sistemi; lojistik desteğin temelleri; hassas konumlandırma sistemi
single integrated theater logistic manager
(Askeri) tek entegreli muharebe sahası lojistik yöneticisi
unified logistic support
(Askeri) BİRLEŞTİRİLMİŞ LOJİSTİK DESTEK: İki veya daha çok kuvvet komutanlığına veya unsurlarına, tek bir makam veya kuvvet komutanlığı tarafından, müşterek, adi veya karşılıklı hizmet şeklinde münasip bir usulle, lojistik destek sağlanması
water terminal logistic office
(Askeri) su terminal lojistik subayı
weapon system logistic officer
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Relating to symbolic logic
Relating to the logistic function
A logistic function or graph of a logistic curve
Relating to logistics
{a} relating to sexagesimals or algebra
Bilişim Logistic or logistical means relating to the organization of something complicated. Logistical problems may be causing the delay She described the distribution of food and medical supplies as a logistical nightmare. + logistically lo·gis·ti·cal·ly Organised junior football was either restricted or logistically impossible to operate It is about time that the UN considers logistically deploying additional military resources Logistically it is very difficult to value unit-linked policies. relating to the logistics of doing something
{s} of or pertaining to logistics; of planning and execution, of management; pertaining to the branch of the military which oversees and maintains material and personnel
of or relating to logistics; "logistic requirements
of or relating to logistics; "logistic requirements"
{i} symbolic logic, mathematical logic
Sexagesimal, or made on the scale of 60; as, logistic, or sexagesimal, arithmetic
logistic curve
an S-shaped curve that models the growth of many ecosystems
logistic function
A function, the result of the division of two exponential functions, that gives rise to the logistic curve
logistic functions
plural form of logistic function
logistic assessment
a judgment of the logistic support required for some particular military operation
logistic department
department that is in charge of planning and execution in a company
logistic regression
a variation on OLS regression that predicts a binary outcome such as agreement (yes vs no) or purchase (buy vs not buy) Discriminant analysis can also be used to predict dichotomous group membership, but "logit" is generally preferred due to its broader applicability Logit output indicates whether each predictor variable increases or decreases the probability of the outcome
logistic regression
A statistical method for calculating odds ratios for individual risk factors where a variety of risk factors may be contributing to the occurrence of disease
logistic regression
Regression using a binary (yes/no) variable as the outcome measure, e g Downs syndrome, cot death, refusal
logistic regression
Often used to analyze the relationship between probabilities of variables The report then analyzes models created by a linear logistic regression function
logistic regression
A generalization of linear regression It is used for predicting a binary variable (with values such as yes/no or 0/1) An example of its use is modeling the odds that a borrower will default on a loan based on the borrower's income, debt and age
logistic regression
A linear regression that predicts the proportions of a categorical target variable, such as type of customer, in a population
logistic regression
A variant of standard regression used when the dependent variable is a dichotomy, such as success/failure
logistic support
assistance between and within military commands
plural form of logistic
The procurement, supply, maintenance, and transportation of equipment, facilities, and personnel
The process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services and related information from their point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of satisfying customer requirements
integrated logistic support
the pooling of specific resources by subscribing nations for the support of some joint operation
{s} of or pertaining to logistics; of planning and execution, of management; pertaining to the branch of the military which oversees and maintains material and personnel
Sexagesimal, or made on the scale of 60; as, logistic, or sexagesimal, arithmetic
Relating to logistics
of or relating to logistics; "logistic requirements"
Regarding or using logistics
in a logistical manner
Regarding or using symbolic logic
plural of logistic
If you refer to the logistics of doing something complicated that involves a lot of people or equipment, you are referring to the skilful organization of it so that it can be done successfully and efficiently. The skills and logistics of getting such a big show on the road pose enormous practical problems. the practical arrangements that are needed in order to make a plan that involves a lot of people and equipment successful (logistique, from logistike , from logos; LOGIC). In military science, all the activities of armed-force units in support of combat units, including transport, supply, communications, and medical aid. The term, first used by Henri Jomini, Alfred Thayer Mahan, and others, was adopted by the U.S. military in World War I and gained currency in other nations in World War II. Its importance grew in the 20th century with the increasing complexity of modern warfare. The ability to mobilize large populations has escalated military demands for supplies and provisions, and sophisticated technology has added to the cost and intricacy of weapons, communications systems, and medical care, creating the need for a vast network of support systems. In World War II, for instance, only about three in 10 U.S. soldiers served in a combat role
The discipline dealing with the support related activities of the procurement, maintenance, and transportation of equipment, supplies, facilities, and personnel
the handling of the details of an operation
handling an operation that involves providing labor and materials be supplied as needed
That part of the supply chain process that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers’ requirements
-The function of sourcing and distributing material and product in the proper place and in proper quantities
The planning and carrying out of the movement and the maintenance of forces In its most comprehensive sense, those aspects of military operations which deal with (1) design and development, acquisition, storage, movement distribution, maintenance, evacuation, and disposition of material; (2) movement, evacuation, and hospitalization of personnel; (3) acquisition or construction, maintenance, operation, and disposition of facilities; and (4) acquisition or furnishing of services
The science of stockholding, delivery and customer service
The management of freight and information throughout the total supply chain from the original raw material source to the ultimate consumer of finished product, encompassing factories, assembly and packing plants, warehouses, distribution centers and retail outlets
In an industrial context, logistics means the art and science of obtaining, producing, and distributing material and product in the proper place and in proper quantities In a military sense, its meaning can also include the movement of personnel
The placement of goods, as specified by the user of those goods
The science of planning and carrying out the movement and maintenance of operations Deals with the design and development, acquisition, storage, movement, distribution, maintenance, and disposition of material
That branch of the military art which embraces the details of moving and supplying armies
The process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services and related information from their point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements
The processes involved in transferring goods through manufacture, storage and transportation to business customers and end consumers
The planning, execution and control -of the movement and placement of people and/or goods -and of the supporting activities related to such movement and placement within a system organized to achieve specific objectives
A system of arithmetic, in which numbers are expressed in a scale of 60; logistic arithmetic
activities Broadly encompassing all the activities aimed at providing and sustaining access to space These include building and maintaining a space operations infrastructure and training the human resources that sustain space logistics, monitoring and reporting from space, and counterforce operations In the SPACECAST 2020 report logistics activities include space research and development, space system design and procurement, space launch operations, on-orbit maintenance and resupply, tracking, telemetry and spacecraft systems commanding (TT&C), de-orbit-operations, and education and training for military space operations
The KreW facilitates the flow of matter, energy and information through the DesignShop or the Management Center Logistics focuses on the flow of matter and energy This includes providing the physical environment, tools, equipment, materials, food It also calls for the continual refreshing and maintenance of these elements [Of course, these all comprise messages bearing information darn that interconnected, fractal, feedback driven, recursive nature of the universe!]
According to the Council of Logistics Management (CLM), logistics is the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements
The process of planning, implementing, and controlling procedures for the efficient and effective storage of goods, services, and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements This definition includes inbound, outbound, internal, and external movements
The process of strategically managing the acquisition, movement and storage of materials, parts and finished inventory (and the related information flows) through the organization and its marketing channel in such a way that current and future profitability is maximized through the cost-effective fulfillment of orders
All activities associated with transporting and storing goods and services
{i} planning and execution, management of a business or other operation; branch of the military which oversees and maintains material and personnel
The process of designing and managing the supply chain in the wider sense The chain can extend from the delivery of supplies for manufacturing, through the management of materials at the plant, delivery to warehouses and distribution centers, sorting, handling, packaging and final distribution to point of consumption Derived from Greek logistikos (to reason logically), the word is polysemic Nineteen century military referred to it as the art of combining all means of transport, revictualling and sheltering of troops A more fitted meaning consists in the set of all operations required for goods (material or nonmaterial) to be made available on markets or to specific destinations With increasing multimodal and containerized freight transport that complexify the coordination itineraries, logistics rely heavily on highly performing computerized information management implements The term also applies to passenger transportation
The meaning of the word is by some writers extended to include strategy
The KreW facilitates the flow of matter, energy and information through the DesignShop event or the Management Center environment Logistics focuses on the flow of matter and energy This includes providing the physical environment, tools, equipment, materials, food It also calls for the continual refreshing and maintenance of these elements [Of course, these all comprise messages bearing information darn that interconnected, fractal, feedback driven, recursive nature of the universe!]
The management of the movement, sorting, and storage of goods in the marketing channel
the movement of materials and information within a facility and the incoming and outgoing shipments of goods and materials
are the shipping and distribution functions used by an organisation and are sometimes used to define a role that manages all the company's resources
The transport of goods and its associated activities, such as warehousing
the technical activities necessary to make humanitarian work possible



    التركية النطق



    /ləˈʤəstək/ /ləˈʤɪstɪk/