liste halinde

listen to the pronunciation of liste halinde
التركية - الإنجليزية
{a} formed in tables, square or plates
Having the form of, or pertaining to, a table (in any of the uses of the word)
Set in squares
{s} arranged in rows and columns, arranged in the form of a chart; computed by means of a table; flat and broad
Of or pertaining to a table Tabular cost is the cost of mortality, morbidity, or other claims, according to the valuation tables and assumptions used by the insurer (G)
having a flat, plane surface
calculated by means of a table
Said of a feature having two dimensions that are much larger or longer than the third
Arranged in a schedule; as, tabular statistics
Of or pertaining to a table Tabular cost, the cost of mortality, morbidity, or other claims according to the valuation tables and assumptions used by the insurance company Tabular mortality, mortality as shown on a mortality table Tabular morbidity, morbidity as shown on a morbidity table
arranged in rows across and down a page, in the form of a table (tabularis, from tabula; TABLE)
Formed into a succession of flakes; laminated
In geology, a mineral having a large flat surface
organized as a table or list
tending to split into thin flat pieces, such as slate
flat; like a table in form arranged or displayed systematically in table form
arranged or displayed systematically in table form
liste halinde