term of address for a disrespectful and annoying male; "look here, junior, it's none of your business"
A polite term for a kiddie coaster, that is, a coaster designed mostly for small children There are, however, a number of junior coasters that provide more thrills that their size would suggest Knobels Hi Speed Thrill Coaster is a fine example of this
In the United States, a student in the third year of a high school or university course is called a junior. used after the name of a man or boy who has the same name as his father
An athlete who will not reach their 20th birthday during the sports year Within the Junior age category, it is further divided into Junior 1 (age 14-16); and Junior 2 (age 17-19) At Junior World Cup races, athletes competed in the Junior 1 or 2 category At Junior World Championships, all Junior aged athletes compete in the same category
the younger of two men a third-year undergraduate a son who has the same first name as his father term of address for a disrespectful and annoying male; "look here, junior, it's none of your business"
A golfer who attributes poor play to the fact that he or she lacks the experience of a mature player See SENIOR
A student who has acquired at least 60 semester hours of credit, but less than 90
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