lehre vom weltende und anbruch einer neuen welt

listen to the pronunciation of lehre vom weltende und anbruch einer neuen welt
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف lehre vom weltende und anbruch einer neuen welt في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

Eskatoloji (Yunanca έσχατος yani "son" sözcüğünden) teoloji (dinbilim) ve felsefenin bir bölümüdür. İnsanlığın nihai kaderi veya dünya tarihinin sonuçlandıran olaylar, daha kaba bir tabirle dünyanın sonu ile ilgilenir
{i} dünyanın sonu ve öbür dünyayı anlatan bilim dalı
{i} eskatologya
ألمانية - الإنجليزية
System of doctrines concerning final matters, such as death
The study of the end times — the end of the world, notably in Christian theology the second coming of Christ, the Apocalypse or the Last Judgment
(adj eschatological; from Greek eschaton, "last" or "the end-time") Refers in general to what is expected to take place in the "last times" (from the inquirer's perspective); thus the study of the ultimate destiny or purpose of humankind and the world, how and when the end will occur, what the end or last period of history or existence will be like See also Apocalypse and Apocalyptic literature See Part 3
The study of the end times - the end of the world, the Second Coming, or the Last Judgment
belief about or in the end of the world or the last things
The study of end time events in prophecy
The study of end times and how it relates to Biblical Prophecy It is pronounced [es ka TOL’ ogy] and is my never quenched passion!
The study of "last things," or the end of human history Although specific interpretations vary widely, most Christian eschatologies center on the belief that the just will be rewarded when God triumphs over Satan in the last days
–– the doctrine of the "last things" pertaining to the individual (death, afterlife) or to redemption (the coming, course, and consummation of Christ's kingdom, the millennium) or to the world (Christ's return, the resurrection, final judgment, the eternal state)
The section of Christian theology dealing with the "last things," especially the ideas of resurrection, hell, and eternal life
Study of prophecy of the end times
Is the doctrine of last things It relates to our individual future of the world and mankind It has also been called ‘the crown or capstone of theology ’ With regard to ‘individual eschatology,’ it has reference to death and immortality and the soul and body’s existence after death (Psalm 90) Either heaven or hell is man’s eternal destiny based upon his relationship with Jesus Christ (Psalm73: 12-19) Purgatory is not a Scriptural term but is an invention of the Roman Church The immediate state is the existence of the soul between the first and Second Coming of Christ Coming of Christ Only those in Christ have received from Him derived immortality They are destined for everlasting blessedness with respect to both soul and body
From the Greek, meaning a "study of last things," eschatology is a doctrine or theological concept about the ultimate destiny of humanity and the universe Having both a personal and a general application, it can refer to (1) beliefs about the individual soul following death, including divine judgment, heaven, hell, and resurrection; or (2) larger concerns about the fate of the cosmos, such as events leading to the Day of Yahweh, the final battle between supernatural Good and Evil, judgment of the nations, and the establishment of the Deity's universal sovereignty In Christian terms, it involves the Parousia (return of Christ), the chaining of Satan, introduction of the millennium, and so on Apocalyptic works like Daniel, Revelation, 2 Esdras, and the books of Enoch typically stress eschatological matters
The term comes from two Greek words, eschatosand logos,meaning the 'doctrine of last things ' Customarily it has been understood as referring to events which are still to happen, both in relation to the individual and the world In modern evangelicalism, eschatology is almost exclusively concerned with questions about the millennium and the relation of the return of Christ to that period popularly known as the "great tribulation "
The branch of theology that is concerned with the ultimate or last things, such as the end of times, judgment, death, heaven, hell (from the Greek for furthest, uttermost, extreme, end, + logos = word)
(Gr "the last things to happen) The theological field concerned with life after death, especially the 'last things," i e , the state of the dead, the Second Coming of Christ, and the Final Judgment See also the Article on The Dogmatic Tradition of the Orthodox Church
The study of future or final times
The theological study of the end of things, especially the end of the world
From the Greek "eschatos" which means last and "logos" which means "word" It is the study of last things: the tribulation, the rapture, the return of Jesus, the final judgment, etc
The doctrine of the last or final things, as death, judgment, and the events therewith connected