
listen to the pronunciation of lai
التركية - التركية
Ortaçağda lirik bir parça, beste türü
iki Ortaçağ şiir türünün adı
Orta çağdaki Breton saz şairlerinin aracılığıyla ortaya çıkan,biri anlatımsal,diğeri de lirik iki şiir türünün adı
Ortaçağın Batı şiir türlerinden ikisine verilen ad
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
LAI identifies a location area
Leaf Area Index Single-side leaf area per unit ground area: a unit-less measure See Chapter 17
(aka lay) A form of poetry set to music, born in 13th-century France
an HIV-1 isolate used in HIV vaccine development LAI is also referred to as IIIB or LAV LAI belongs to clade B, the clade to which most HIV-1 found in America and Europe belongs (See also clade )
A medieval narrative or lyric poem which flourished in 12th century France, consisting of couplets of five-syllabled lines separated by single lines of two syllables The number of lines and stanzas was not fixed and each stanza had only two rhymes, one rhyme for the couplets and the other for the two-syllabled lines Succeeding stanzas formed their own rhymes (See also Lay, Virelay)
Poetic narrative in verses of 4-8 syllables and rhymed stanzas of 6-16 lines The genre is supposed to have Breton/Celtic origins and was used by northern French poets, the trouvères, and storytellers, such as Marie de France, around the 12th century
A poetic form consisting of two or more three line units in each stanza, in the form aabaab... and continuing on in that pattern. The third line in each unit consists of two syllables only
Leaf Area Index Ratio of green leaf area per unit soil area
A lai was a song form composed in northern Europe, mainly France and Germany, from the 13th to the late 14th century
A group of closely related HIV isolates that includes the LAV, IIIB and BRU strains of HIV Used in HIV vaccine development See also Isolate
Location Area Identifier
Laboratory Audit Inspection Source: US EPA
My Lai
group of villages in southern Vietnam a number of whose residents were killed by US army troops during the Vietnam war
My Lai massacre
Vietnam War incident in 1968 in which American troops killed over 500 inhabitants of a Vietnamese village with no apparent provocation
My Lai massacre
a village in Vietnam where, in 1968, a group of US soldiers killed several hundred people, mostly old people, women, and children, during the Vietnam War. This event influenced many Americans to oppose the war. (March 16, 1968) Mass killing of as many as 500 unarmed villagers by U.S. soldiers in the hamlet of My Lai during the Vietnam War. A company of U.S. soldiers on a search-and-destroy mission against the hamlet found no armed Viet Cong there but nonetheless killed all the elderly men, women, and children they could find; few villagers survived. The incident was initially covered up by high-ranking army officers, but it was later made public by former soldiers. In the ensuing courts-martial, platoon leader Lt. William Calley was accused of directing the killings and was convicted of premeditated murder and sentenced to life in prison; but Pres. Richard Nixon intervened on his behalf, and he was paroled after three years. The massacre and other atrocities revealed during the trial divided the U.S. public and contributed to growing disillusionment with the war
zhou en-lai
Chinese revolutionary and communist leader (1898-1976)