kutsal kitapta geçen

listen to the pronunciation of kutsal kitapta geçen
التركية - الإنجليزية
Stated or used in the most basic and straightforwardly applicable manner

This definition would be more useful if it were canonical.

The formal robes of a priest
In conformity with canon law
In canonical form
conforming to orthodox or recognized rules; "the drinking of cocktails was as canonical a rite as the mixing"- Sinclair Lewis
The property of acting in accordance with a well-defined set of rules or according to a predefined model MPN
a canonical book is considered inspired and authoritative and is a part of the rule or standard of faith See 66 Books
According to recognised or orthodox rules
of or relating to or required by canon law
appearing in a Biblical canon; "a canonical book of the Christian New Testament"
Present in a canon of Scripture
(adj ) Characteristic of adhering to standard, accepted, or authoritative procedures or principles
This term implies that something has been reduced to its simplest form (note that it also has a religious meaning)
If something has canonical status, it is accepted as having all the qualities that a thing of its kind should have. Ballard's status as a canonical writer
Of or pertaining to an ecclesiastical chapter
Please see C Name
Belonging to some established official group, especially a book that is part of the accepted canon of the Bible The "canonical" Gospels are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John The "Gospel of Thomas" is a non-canonical gnostic text that was not included in the Bible
kutsal kitapta geçen