تعريف kutlamalar في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.
- congratulations
- plural form of congratulation
- Expressing praise and approval, expressing approbation
- n ucapan selamat (selamat)
- No Ne
- > gongxi
- Expressing approbation
- plural of congratulation
- an expression of approval and commendation; "he always appreciated praise for his work"
- formulae You say `Congratulations' to someone in order to congratulate them on something nice that has happened to them or something good that they have done. Congratulations, you have a healthy baby boy Congratulations to everybody who sent in their ideas
- If you offer someone your congratulations, you congratulate them on something nice that has happened to them or on something good that they have done. The club also offers its congratulations to D. Brown on his appointment as president
- {i} exclamation of praise; expression of approval and praise, kudos
- kutlama
- congratulation
- kutlama
- {i} celebration
Let's have a good birthday celebration!
- İyi bir doğum günü kutlaması yapalım!
We should have a celebration, Tom.
- Kutlama yapmalıyız, Tom.
- kutlama
- greeting
- kutlama
- {s} congratulatory
They held a congratulatory banquet.
- Onlar bir kutlama ziyafeti düzenledi.
- kutlama
- festivity
- kutlama
- toast
- kutlama
- kudos
- kutlama
- commemorate
Jews don't celebrate the holocaust, they commemorate it.
- Yahudiler soykırımı kutlamazlar, onu anarlar.
- kutla
- felicitate
- kutla
- memorialize
- kutla
- congratulate
Let me congratulate you on your victory in the tournament.
- Turnuvadaki zaferini kutlamama izin ver.
My friends congratulated me on my success.
- Arkadaşlarım benim başarımı kutladılar.
- kutla
- celebrate
The contract is in the bag, so let's go out and celebrate.
- Sözleşme çantada, öyleyse kutlamak için dışarı çıkalım.
We celebrate Christmas every year.
- Biz her yıl Noel'i kutlarız.
- kutla
- congratulate on
- kutla
- {f} celebrated
Sea Day is one of the Japanese national holidays celebrated on the third Monday in July.
- Deniz Günü, temmuz ayının üçüncü pazartesi günü kutlanan, Japonya'nın ulusal bayramlarından biridir.
Tom and Mary celebrated their success.
- Tom ve Mary onların başarısı kutladı.
- kutlama
- memorialization
- kutlama
- felicitation
- kutlama
- jubilate
- kutlama
- celebration, celebratory ceremony
- kutlama
- celebration; congratulation
- kutlama
- commemoration
- kutlama
- gala
- kutlama
- jamboree
- kutlama
- congratulating, congratulation
- kutlama
- emblazon