A special disadvantage or weakness possessed by a wrestler, not represented by his Attributes or Traits
A defect or error in a contract or other document which may make the document invalid
A special kind of Trait Flaws are Traits that are almost always negative in effect, and thus a detriment to the Character A Flaw is something that the Character would like to be rid of
An imperfection in an item or material which may or may not be harmful If it is harmful, it is a defect
A flaw in something such as a theory or argument is a mistake in it, which causes it to be less effective or valid. Almost all of these studies have serious flaws
A blemish or imperfection, either on the surface of a diamond or in the interior This may be in the form of a scratch, feathering, carbon spots, etc Neither bad color, proportion, nor cut is technically considered a flaw