or Yasar Kemal orig. Kemal Sadik Gogçeli born 1922, Hemite, Tur. Turkish novelist of Kurdish descent. At age five Kemal saw his father murdered in a mosque and was himself blinded in one eye. He was arrested several times for his political activism. He is best known for his stories of village life and for his outspoken advocacy on behalf of the dispossessed. His novel Memed, My Hawk was translated into 20 languages and was filmed in 1984. Other works include The Wind from the Plain (1960), The Undying Grass (1968), and To Crush the Serpent (1976)
orig. Mustafa Kemal born 1881, Salonika, Greece, Ottoman Empire died Nov. 10, 1938, Istanbul, Tur. Founder of modern Turkey. Dedicated by his father to military service, he graduated near the top of his class in military school. As a young officer, he was critical of the government of the Ottoman Empire and became involved with the Turkish nationalist Committee of Union and Progress. He nevertheless fought for the government during World War I (1914-18), achieving great success against Allied forces during the Dardanelles Campaign. The eventual Allied victory brought British, French, and Italian troops to Anatolia; appointed to restore order there, he used the opportunity to incite the people against the Allied occupation. Greece and Armenia, territorial beneficiaries of the Ottoman defeat, opposed the Turkish nationalists, but Mustafa Kemal overcame all opposition, and the Republic of Turkey was established in 1923. He was given the name Atatürk ("Father of the Turks") in 1934. He pursued a policy of Westernization and secularization, in which Western styles of dress and appellation were made mandatory, seclusion of women was abolished, and the legal and educational system was overhauled. See also Enver Pasha; Young Turks
(Osmanlı Dönemi) (Mi: 1840 - 1888) Tekirdağ'lı olup İslâm mücahidlerindendir. Yeni Osmanlılık hareketine vatan mefhumunu sokmuş, "Firâki, hapsi, nefyi kadr-i nâmusumla gördüm hep" diye haklı olduğunu dâima müdâfaa etmiştir. Ehl-i kemâl bir zat olduğu, davasının istikameti ve samimiyetinden anlaşılır.Hayatının sonlarına doğru Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun ve İslâm dünyasının kurtuluşunu "ittihad-ı İslâm" da görmüş ve bu uğurda gayret göstermiştir. Bu emelini, yazdığı " Celâleddin-i Harzemşah, Salahaddin-i Eyyubi, Yavuz Sultan Se
ittihat ve Terakki Partisi'nin ileri gelenlerinden olup 1926'da izmir'de Atatürk'e karşı hazırlanan suikast girişiminde suçlu görülerek idama mahkûm edilen ve bir arkadaşının evinde kıstırılınca tavuk kümesinde intihar eden politikacı