
listen to the pronunciation of karbonhidratlar
التركية - الإنجليزية
A major class of foods that includes sugars and starches
Carbohydrates are the main energy supplier to the body During digestion they are broken down into glucose, thereby providing necessary energy Overconsumption leads to storage of fat, which if needed, can again be converted into glucose As a matter of fact, some carbohydrates have even more adverse on the blood glucose level than refined sugar itself, e g maltose, as in beer
These simple sugars and complex starches are the primary source of fuel and energy for active, healthy animals
Components of food that give us energy They are made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen Sugars and starches are examples
The American Heart Association recommends obtaining 50% to 55% of daily calories in the form of carbohydrates, with a an emphasis on increasing sources of complex carbohydrates Populations with high intakes of carbohydrates--60% to 75% of daily calories--enjoy a very low incidence of coronary heart disease Most Americans would benefit by reducing their intake of simple carbohydrates (sugar) and increasing their intake of complex carbohydrates (pasta, whole-grain cereals, breads, legumes, vegetables, and fruit)
Biochemical name for sugar containing molecules including single sugar (monosaccharides) like glucose and galactose, but also polysaccharides (complex carbohydrates) like starch (poly-glucose), cellulose (plant fiber material, also poly-glucose with a different chemical bond structure linking glucose units than those found in starch/glycogen and enzymatically indigestible by humans), chitin (hard shells of insects), and more complex carbohydrate components part of lipids and proteins such as blood serum glycoproteins (antibodies and blood group determinants A, O, B, rhesus positive or negative) All microorganisms (bacteria, viruses) contain carbohydrate surfaces (glycolipids) being the major determinants of immunogenic reactions during infections
A source of energy for the body Complex carbohydrates (carbs that break up into two or more sugars during digestion) are found in nearly all foods of plant origin The best source of carbohydrates is whole grains Simple carbohydrates can be found in fruits and vegetables But you should avoid the simple carbohydrates that come from processed and refined sugars They are not very nutrient-dense A gram of carbohydrate is 4 calories
A group of compounds that includes simple sugars and all larger molecules constucted of sugar molecules One of the six classes of nutrients One gram of carbohydrate provides 4 calories of energy on oxidation
one of three main types of foods, along with proteins and fats Found in breads, cereals, grains, fruits, and vegetables Changed into a simple sugar called glucose during digestion Provides the body with a source of energy
starches and sugars manufactured by a plant and used to provide energy for metabolism, and structural compounds for growth (Trlica 1977)
the type of foodstuff that gives energy eg Sugar & Starch
A type of food, usually from plants versus animals Carbohydrates include simple carbohydrates (sugar, fruit) and complex carbohydrates (vegetables, starches) One of three nutrients that supply calories to the body (See fat and protein )
a type of food, usually derived from plants; one of three nutrients that supply calories to the body; includes simple carbohydrates (sugar, fruit) and complex carbohydrates (vegetables, starches)
Essential nutrients that provide energy to the body such as vegetables, fruit, rice, bread, pasta, and whole grains
Complex organic compounds that form the majority of the barley malt Carbohydrates include insoluble cellulose, soluble hemicellulose, starch and sugars
A chemical compound composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen Starch, sugar and cellulose are the most common carbohydrates that supply energy
organic compounds composed of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen; includes the simple sugars, double sugars, and complex sugars (starches)
organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen with the hydrogen and oxygen present 2: 1 ratio; 4Kcal/gram
A primary energy producing food for humans and animals Stored as glycogen in the blood, carbohydrates provide glucose: the body's primary source of energy Sources of carbohydrates are found in foods containing high amounts of starches (bread, potatoes), sugars (fruits), and fibers (vegetables, brans, etc ) Complex carbohydrates (such as are found in plants and grains) are preferable to simple sugars

Galactose is a carbohydrate. - Galaktoz bir karbonhidrattır.

Spaghetti is high in carbohydrates. - Spagetti karbonhidrat yönünden zengindir.

chem. carbohydrate
التركية - التركية

تعريف karbonhidratlar في التركية التركية القاموس.

Karbonhidrat, hem canlının yapısına katılan hem de enerji sağlayan karbon, hidrojen ve oksijen elementlerinden oluşan organik bileşiklerin genel adıdır
Hem canlının yapısına katılan hem de enerji sağlayan karbon, hidrojen ve oksijen elementlerinden oluşan organik bileşiklerin genel adı