
listen to the pronunciation of jurisdiction
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} yargı

Bu sizin yargı alanınızın dışındadır. - It's outside your jurisdiction.

Bizim burada yargılamamız var. - We have jurisdiction here.

{i} yetki alanı

Bu durum benim yetki alanımın dışında. - This case is outside my jurisdiction.

(Politika, Siyaset) yargı alanı

Bu sizin yargı alanınızın dışındadır. - It's outside your jurisdiction.

(Ticaret) yargı yetkisinin alanı
(Ticaret) yargılama hakkı
yetki sınırları
(Ticaret) mahkemenin görevi
yargılama gücü
yetki sınırı
yargılama yetkisi
(Askeri) YARGI HAKKI, YARGI YETKİSİ, KAZA BÖLGESİ, YETKİ: Kaza kuvvetini kullanma iktidarı
işçi sendikalarının yetki alanınajurisdictional dispute sendikalar arasın
(Avrupa Birliği) yargı yetkisi
{i} yetki

Bu durum benim yetki alanımın dışında. - This case is outside my jurisdiction.

hükümetin nüfuz dairesi
hâkimin yargılama dairesi
jurisdictionalhükümet nüfuzuna veya nüfuz dairesine ait
{i} huk. yargı hakkı, yargılama hakkı
(Askeri) kaza bölgesi
(Ticaret) kaza mercii
(Kanun) kaza çevresi
jurisdiction clause
(Kanun) yetki şartı
jurisdiction court
(Kanun) bölge mahkemesi
jurisdiction defect
(Kanun) yetki noksanı
jurisdiction plea
(Kanun) yetki itirazı
assignment jurisdiction
(Askeri) nakil yetkisi
compulsory jurisdiction
(Politika, Siyaset) bağlayıcı yargı
criminal jurisdiction
(Kanun) yargılama yetkisi
resort to the jurisdiction
yargıya başvurmak
resort to the jurisdiction of
yargısına başvurmak
submission to jurisdiction
(Ticaret) yargıya müracaat
financial jurisdiction
mali kaza
fiscal jurisdiction
mali yargı
kaza dairesine ait
yargı hakkına ait
administrative jurisdiction procedures law
(Kanun) İdarî yargılama usulü kanunu
civil law jurisdiction
sivil yasanın yargı yetkisi
(Kanun) Görevsizlik
original jurisdiction
ilk yargı yetkisi
residence tax jurisdiction
(Ekonomi) İkâmete göre vergilendirme
source tax jurisdiction
(Ekonomi) Kaynağa göre vergilendirme
voluntary jurisdiction
ihtilafsiz yargı
administrative jurisdiction
(Kanun) idari yargılama hukuku
advisory jurisdiction
tavsiye kararı (genel anlamda uluslararası bir mahkemenin ya da bm güvenlik konseyi gibi yasal kurumların verdiği bağlayıcı olmayan ama ilgili sorun konusunda yol gösterici hükümler içeren karar)
assignment jurisdiction
(Askeri) ATAMA YETKİSİ, NAKİL YETKİSİ: Bir komutanın, emrinde bulunan şahıs veya birlikleri atamak veya yeniden tayin etmek hususunda sahip olduğu yetki. Bu yetki, bununla ilgili Ordu Yönetmeliği ile sınırlandırılmıştır
authority and jurisdiction
(Askeri) Otorite ve yetki
concurrent jurisdiction
(Askeri) MÜTEDAHİL KAZA HAKKI; MÜTEDAHİL YARGILAMA HAKKI: Bir devletin, A. B. D. 'ye, bir bölge üzerinde yetki tanırken, aynı, yetkiyi A. B. D. ile birlikte kendisinin de kullanma hakkını muhafaza etmesi halleri. Aksi halde tanınan yetki münhasır yargılama yetkisi (exclusive jurisdiction) mahiyetinde olacaktır
conflict of jurisdiction
(Politika, Siyaset) yargı yetkisi ihtilafı
conflict of jurisdiction
(Kanun) vazife uyuşmazlığı
exclusive jurisdiction
(Askeri) MÜNHASIR YARGI HAKKI VE YETKİSİ: Milli konuda; Federal Hükümetin, Federal kontrol altında bulunan bazı gayri menkuller üzerindeki tam yetkisi. Bu keyfiyet; böyle bir yetkiyi federal hükümetin (1940 tarihli Federal Kanun'la) kabulü ve Eyalet Hükümetinin buna kanuni muvafakatı ile ortaya çıkmış olup, Eyalet hükümetinin bu sahadaki yetkisi sadece hukuki ve ceza işleminde bulunma hakkı mahfuz kılmak şartıyla-ortadan kalkmıştır. Milletlerarası kanunda; tekmil veya belirli kategoriden davalarda, misafir silahlı kuvvetin bazı mensupları veya bu kuvvete refakat eden şahıslar üzerinde, hem ev sahibi devlet sivil makamları hem misafir devlet askeri makamlarının değil de, bunlardan yalnız birinin hukuki veya cezai yargılama yetkisinin bulunduğu durum
(Kanun) temsil yetkisine ait
(Kanun) kaza hakkına ait
(Ticaret) kaza yetkisiyle ilgili
limited jurisdiction
(Kanun) sınırlı kaza hakkı
limited jurisdiction
(Kanun) özel kaza hakkı
limited jurisdiction
(Kanun) özel kaza yetkisi
limited jurisdiction
(Kanun) kısıtlı yargılama hakkı
military jurisdiction
(Askeri) ASKERİ KAZA, ASKERİ YARGILAMA YETKİSİ: Askeri kanunları uygulama güç ve yetkisi. Askeri kanunların tatbikatı, genel olarak, askeri mahkemelerce yerine getirilir
military jurisdiction
(Askeri) Askeri yargılama yetkisi
partial jurisdiction
(Askeri) KISMİ KAZA HAKKI: ABD. de; bir devlet, sınırları içindeki bir bölge üzerinde, Federal hükümete, o devlete ait bir yetkinin tamamını kullanma hakkının verildiği; fakat, ilgili devletin, bu bölge dahilinde, daha çok sadece hukuki ve cezai tebligatı yerine getirme hakkını teşkil eden diğer yetkiyi, bizzat veya birleşik devletler ile birlikte kullanma yetkisini kendinde alıkoyduğu davalarda uygulanan kaza hakkı
partial jurisdiction
(Askeri) kısmi kaza hakkı
reciprocal jurisdiction
(Askeri) KARŞILIKLI YARGILAMA YETKİSİ: Cumhurbaşkanı veya Milli Savunma Bakanının özel müsaadesine uyarak Silahlı Kuvvetler tarafından başka bir silahlı kuvvetlere mensup personelin yargılanması
territorial jurisdiction
bölgesel yargı yetkisi
to have jurisdiction in disputes
(Avrupa Birliği) uyuşmazlıklara bakma yetkisi
to have jurisdiction to give preliminary rulings
(Avrupa Birliği) ön yargılama yoluyla karar vermeye yetkili olmak
voluntary jurisdiction
(Kanun) ihtilafsız yargılama
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
the power, right, or authority to interpret and apply the law
the limits or territory within which authority may be exercised
the power or right to exercise authority
the authority of a sovereign power to govern or legislate
lawful power or right to exercise official authority
{n} legal authority, power, a district
The authority of a court to hear and decide cases Jurisdiction is determined by the geographic location of the court and the subject matter of the case
The legal authority a court or administrative agency has over a particular case, usually defined by geographical area
(From Latin jurisdictio: "administration of the law ") The authority or power of a court or tribunal to hear a particular case or dispute
In relation to the Congress, the term jurisdiction refers to a committee, subcommittee, or agency´s authority over a piece of legislation or law Jurisdiction is a boundary line defining where one entitie´s authority or control ends and another´s begins For instance, Title 1 of H R 1858 deals with telecommunications issues and so the Committee on Commerce and the Subcommittee on Telecommunications, Trade and Consumer Protection have authority Title 2 of H R 1858 deals with securities market information and so the Committee on Commerce and the Subcommittee on Finance and Hazardous Materials have authority Occasionally multiple Committees and Subcommittees will have authority over the many different parts of proposed legislation
A jurisdiction is a state or other area in which a particular court and system of laws has authority. the right to use an official power to make legal decisions, or the area where this right exists jurisdiction over somebody/something (jurisdictio, from jus ( JUST) + dictio ). Authority of a court to hear and determine cases. This authority is constitutionally based. Examples of judicial jurisdiction are: appellate jurisdiction, in which a superior court has power to correct legal errors made in a lower court; concurrent jurisdiction, in which a suit might be brought to any of two or more courts; and federal jurisdiction. A court may also have authority to operate within a certain territory. Summary jurisdiction, in which a magistrate or judge has power to conduct proceedings resulting in a conviction without jury trial, is limited in the U.S. to petty offenses
The legal authority of a court to hear a case or conduct other proceedings; power of the court over persons involved in a case and the subject matter of the case
(1) The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a case Concurrent jurisdiction exists when two courts have simultaneous responsibility for the same case (2) The geographic area over which the court has authority to decide cases
The right and power to apply the law; the territorial range of legal authority or control
The statutory authority a court exercises; also a word used to describe the geographic or subject matter area over which a court has power
Jurisdiction is the power that a court of law or an official has to carry out legal judgments or to enforce laws. The British police have no jurisdiction over foreign bank accounts. = authority
The legal power, right, or authority of a particular court to hear and determine causes, to try criminals, or to execute justice; judicial authority over a cause or class of causes; as, certain suits or actions, or the cognizance of certain crimes, are within the jurisdiction of a particular court, that is, within the limits of its authority or commission
in law; the territory within which power can be exercised
The authority designating the limits and bounds of the legal right by which a judge exercises his authority to make lawful decisions The power or right to act Jurisdiction refers both to authority over the subject matter, or type of case; and over the person or thing
The authority, capacity, power or right of a court to hear and decide a legal matter
Refers to a court's authority to judge over a situation usually acquired in one of three ways: over acts committed in a defined territory (eg the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Australia is limited to acts committed or originating in Australia), over certain types of cases (the jurisdiction of a bankruptcy court is limited to bankruptcy cases), or over certain persons (a military court has jurisdiction limited to actions of enlisted personnel)
authority vested in a court to hear and decide certain types of cases; term literally means "to say the law"
Authority of a court to exercise judicial power
The power given to a court by a constitution or a legislative body to make legally binding decisions over certain persons or property Another use of the word "jurisdiction" is for the geographical area in which a court’s decisions or legislative enactments are binding
here it means the areas and churches under the authority of a bishop (or archbishop)
The authority of a sovereign power to govern or legislate; the right of making or enforcing laws; the power or right of exercising authority
The range of powers and/or territory over which a body may act In court, jurisdiction concerns the type of case and the physical area over which the court has legal authority Jurisdiction must be proved in every case
The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a case Concurrent jurisdiction exists when two courts have simultaneous responsibility for the same case The term may also be used to refer to the geographic area over which the court has authority to decide cases See also venue
(noun) (1) The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a case Concurrent jurisdiction exists when two courts have simultaneous responsibility for the same case (2) The geographic area over which the court has authority to decide cases
The legal authority that a court or administrative agency has over particular persons and over certain types of cases, usually in a defined geographical area
{i} legal authority, right to make legal decisions; authority; range of authority, territory over which authority is exercised
The extent of authority: 1) of a court over a certain matter or person; 2) of a government organization over a territory
A term referring to the nature and extent of the legal authority bestowed upon a legislature to enact laws (legislative jurisdiction) or of courts to hear and determine actions and other legal proceedings (judicial jurisdiction), as determined by international conventions or national laws A court exercises its "jurisdiction" (i e decision-making authority, or "competence") over proceedings of certain types ("subject-matter jurisdiction", or "jurisdiction ratione materiae") and over a defined territory ("territorial jurisdiction", or "jurisdiction ratione loci") Its authority to adjudicate may also be limited to certain persons or to certain maximum amounts of money in dispute
(law) the right and power to interpret and apply the law; "courts having jurisdiction in this district"
The right and power to interpret and apply the law, or, the territorial range over which a court or governing body has authority
(Gr Dikaiodosia) The right and the authority of a bishop to rule over his diocese as a spiritual overseer It includes legislative, judicial and executive authority, which can be exercised only by individuals who have been canonically ordained and appointed to rule aver the jurisdiction in question
Sphere of authority; the limits within which any particular power may be exercised, or within which a government or a court has authority
the authority of the court to hear a case
The authority of a sovereign power to govern or legislate The power or right to exercise authority The limits or territory within which authority may be exercised
jurisdiction authority
legal authority (court, body with legal authority, etc.)
appellate jurisdiction
The power of a court to review and potentially modify the decisions made by another court or tribunal
federal jurisdiction
the jurisdiction of federal law
federal question jurisdiction
: the authority that a United States federal court has to hear a cause of action brought under the United States Constitution or federal statutes
personal jurisdiction
: in the law of civil procedure, the ability of a court to hear a case brought against a party stemming from that party's presence, activities, or contacts within a specified set of geographical boundaries, usually the borders of a county, state, or nation
subject matter jurisdiction
: In the law of civil procedure, the ability of a court to hear a case based on the authority granted to the court to hear that particular type of case

The divorce court was overturned when it rendered a criminal conviction against a party, because it lacked the subject matter jurisdiction to hear a criminal case.

{a} pertaining to jurisdiciton
appellate jurisdiction
jurisdiction for which an appellate court is authorized to hear appeals
area of jurisdiction
region in which a judge is authorized to work
disciplinary jurisdiction
disciplinary hearing, trial held to judge someone's behavior
exclusive jurisdiction
complete authority to judge, singular judging authorization (Law)
foreign jurisdiction
range of judicial authority that belongs to another country
general jurisdiction
Refers to courts that have no limit on the types of criminal and civil cases over which they may preside
general jurisdiction
Refers to courts that have no limit on the types of criminal and civil cases they may hear
general jurisdiction
Jurisdiction which extends to all controversies brought before a court In contrast, special or limited jurisdiction covers only a particular class of cases
incidental jurisdiction
authority of a court to rule on issues that arise as a result of a previous trial
inherent jurisdiction
natural legal authority, natural authority to judge (Legal)
{s} dealing with the administration of justice; of power and authority; pertaining to the range of authority, pertaining to the territory over which authority is exercised
restricted to the geographic area under a particular jurisdiction; "the jurisdictional limits of a state
Of or pertaining to jurisdiction; as, jurisdictional rights
of or pertaining to jurisdiction
restricted to the geographic area under a particular jurisdiction; "the jurisdictional limits of a state"
plural of jurisdiction
local jurisdiction
authority of a court to rule on a pretext created in a certain place
material jurisdiction
authority of a court to rule on a particular subject
military jurisdiction
trials directed by military law for soldiers during military service
original jurisdiction
first court which ruled on a claim
rabbinical jurisdiction
trials conducted by the rabbis according to the principles Jewish religious law
rejection of jurisdiction
negation of authority, removal of power from someone
within its jurisdiction
within the frame of the legal authority, through the municipal area
within the jurisdiction
within the region that can be judged by