Committees including membership from both houses of Congress Joint committees are usually established with narrow jurisdictions and normally lack authority to report legislation Chairmanship usually alternates between the House and Senate members from Congress to Congress
A committee composed of an equal number of members of both the House and the Senate A joint committee may be investigative or research oriented but does not have authority to report legislation Standing joint committees are permanent joint committees established by law
A permanent committee made up of members of the Senate and House that conducts studies or addresses management issues in Congress rather than considering legislative items The chairmanship of the committee usually alternates between the two chambers
A committee with members from both the House and Senate Such committees are generally advisory or oversight committees, not legislative (law-making) committees
Prior to the Legal Aid Society of Alberta administering Legal Aid, the Alberta Law Society and the Attorney General of Alberta administered Legal Aid through a committee composed of both parties This committee was known as the Joint Committee
A joint committee is composed of members of both branches of the legislature; once a bill is recommended for passage by a joint committee and passes the House where it originated, it may immediately be placed on the Calendar in the House
—Members of both chambers are appointed to consider matters of common interest Such committees can speed up the legislative process by consolidating the time for hearings
A legislative committee composed of members of both houses NOTE: Committees may also meet jointly: that is, two committees may meet simultaneously, for example, to hear testimony on matters of interest to both committees Such a meeting does not constitute a joint committee